Incineration (Heart of Stone)

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Incineration (Heart of Stone) Page 3

by Sidebottom, D H

  He tipped his head “Well it’s good to know that you’re a loyal friend, and if ever I need a shoulder to cry on all I need is a bottle of vodka…and you” he winked, turned and left the room leaving me froze in place. What the hell was that all about? I shook myself and switched on the coffee machine, still pondering his words.

  I knocked on his office door armed with coffee and a slice of frosted carrot cake “Yep” I smiled at his summoning and opened the door. Smiling at him, I placed the tray on his desk and handed him the messages I had taken all morning “Some messages Mr Fox and Kerrie rang and asked if you could return her call” he nodded and peered at the cake “Do you bake all these cakes you keep bringing me?” he asked and I felt a blush creeping up my neck as I nodded. He frowned at me “Don’t be embarrassed Ava, your cooking is delicious. As I told you last night…orgasmic” he said huskily and the throb was back, causing me to swallow harshly as a slow grin lit his face “they really are delicious and I’m glad you make them for me. I love sweet things” there was that sexy tone again and I quickly changed the subject. “Is there anything specific you need me to do today Mr Fox?” I asked around my little finger.

  He tipped his head, his gaze on my mouth “Do you always bite your finger when you’re nervous Ava?” he asked, his eyes hooded and my hand shot to my side as I shrugged “I’m sorry, I don’t realise I’m doing it” I said “Don’t apologise for who you are Ava” he said sternly, Mr unpredictable was back and I flushed at his statement as he glowered at me. I fidgeted nervously “If that’s all Mr Fox I’ll get back to work?” his eyes cleared and he nodded “I’m expecting someone later, if you can show him up when he gets here please” he stated “Yes that’s fine” I said and turned, reaching for the door handle “Oh and Ava” he said as I opened it “Please call me Mason, please” he practically begged, his mood now shifted again. I smiled widely “Okay, Mason” I said as he nodded, a smile on his lips as I said his name.

  An hour later there was a knock on the front door, a small thin man stood on the doorstep “Hi” he said and I could feel his nervousness and fear, making me frown “I’m here to see Mr Fox, Robert Nolan” he said and then gulped and I nodded, letting him pass and into the entranceway.

  I took his coat “Would you like to follow me Sir” he just nodded grimly causing me to frown at him but he followed me up the stairs, a slight drag to his feet. I knocked on Masons’ door “Yep” I opened the door and entered “Mr Robert Nolan’s here” I said and I saw a flicker behind Mason’s eyes, something resembling anger. He nodded and I opened the door wider, gesturing the man in. He looked a little pale and I wondered if he was sporting a hangover too.

  I smiled and turned to leave “Ava, make sure we’re not disturbed please” he said sternly and I nodded and left, noticing the man was pressed up against the back wall, his paleness now looking a little green.

  Deciding to sort Masons’ laundry I walked across the huge landing, opening many doors before I found his room. When I entered, the sight of his bed took my breath away. It was a huge, antique wooden four poster outfitted with pale blue bedding. The rest of the room coordinated the blue, giving it softness but with a masculine feel.

  Two large French windows opened up onto a balcony overlooking the garden and I walked over to the doors, opening them and stepping out. The view was stunning, a vista of peace and tranquillity and as I looked around I noticed a hot tub in the corner of the veranda, my mind wandered as I imagined Mason sat in it, a naked woman writhing about on top of him. God damn it Ava! I admonished my thoughts and quickly walked back in the room.

  Noticing a door in the corner I entered the bathroom, a pristine aqua décor gave it again a soothing but masculine feel. What did surprise me though was the number of candles in the room, not a very manly style but it made me smile. Mason obviously enjoyed the relaxation of a soak like the rest of us but then my thoughts turned ugly as I thought about the women that they might be for and I quickly shook myself and pulled his laundry from the basket and left his room.

  As I walked back across the landing I heard Mason shouting, the rage in his voice freezing me in place. The other man was trying to say something but Mason wouldn’t let him get a word in.

  The maliciousness in Masons’ voice grounded me, reality slamming into me just how merciless and vicious this man was and even though I had heard plenty whilst being in Georges care, I realised that Georges fury had been nowhere near the extent of this mans.

  I heard a thud and scurried back down the stairs quietly, recognising the noise for what it was.

  I heard the man leave through the front door and was grateful for the fact that I didn’t have to face him as he left.

  My phone rang from the confines of my bag and as I checked the display I was the one now full of fury “Tracey” I greeted harshly as I turned to look out of the window, closing my eyes to try and rein in my temper “Ava please” she said quietly “Please listen for a moment” I ground my teeth and kept quiet, secretly enjoying her discomfort but feeling the growth of the fury that was always buried in me; the result of my childhood always simmering within me “Ava, I need to talk to Courtney but she won’t answer my calls” that’s it, my fury surged “What the fuck do you expect Tracey?” I asked savagely “Your screwing her boyfriend” she coughed slightly “Well I know but…” she started and I sensed her fear but I interrupted her, trying to focus on a large willow in the garden “Tracey, let me just get one thing straight” I grated through my teeth “you so much as look at Courtney, then believe me, I will rip your fucking throat out and ram it up your arse. Now fuck off and don’t call me again” I abruptly ended the call and sucked in a breath, slamming my phone on the counter

  “Bitch!” I seethed my protective instincts to Courtney building my wrath and I tried to calm myself down.

  I kicked the wall of the island, the need to release my anger swirling inside me. I think I kicked it too hard and a pain ripped through my ankle “Fuck” I hissed “Wow, remind me to never cross you” Mason laughed behind me and I spun round, shocked at his presence and my ankle gave way; my hand shooting out to hold on to the island to steady myself “Whoa, careful Ava” Mason said as he shot out to grab me.

  Placing both hands around my waist he lifted me with ease onto the island and proceeded to unzip my boot; his fingers slowly pulling the zip down as his other hand settled on my thigh.

  I froze, unsure what to do; I wanted him to move back and take his hands off me but I also wanted his hands further up my thigh, stroking the throb away.

  He pulled my boot off slowly and peeled off my sock, his lips twitching when he took in the Garfield picture printed on it. He held my foot up and his fingers softly traced my ankle checking for signs of swelling and my breath hitched at his touch. He looked up at me through his long eyelashes as I gasped and a slow smile crossed his lips as his fingers whispered up my shin, delicately caressing the back of my knee.

  I swallowed heavily as a slow throb filled my core and my breathing sped up. Oh God! What was this man doing to me? “You have beautiful soft skin Ava” he whispered “and you smell delicious. I would love to taste you” he groaned softly as his fingers ventured a little higher. Oh God, I was struggling to breathe, the softness of his fingertips against my skin was making my stomach flutter.

  I needed to stop him but my body was refusing, the feel of him against my skin was so erotic that I just watched him get higher and higher until my brain cells kicked in and I gasped at what was happening “Mr Fox!” I gulped and slid away from him; dropping my feet to the floor “Erm…my foot’s okay now thank you” I forced a smile as I tried to steady my breathing and he stood up as I replaced my sock and boot; his eyes never leaving my actions, as studied me “Quite a surprise there. A quiet little thing like you” he stalked towards me, his eyes glazed “There’s a lot of passion deep down in you isn’t there? Quite the little fire-cracker” he cocked his head as he tucked a stray curl behind my ear, rubbing it between his finge

  His eyes bore into me and my breath caught in my throat as I felt my blood heat. His fingers gently stroked down my cheek and across my bottom lip. I swallowed and shifted nervously, averting my eyes “Mr Fox” I stammered, he cleared his throat and stepped backwards “Everything okay? With the phone call I mean” he was back to his usual grim self and I nodded once “Just a bit of trouble with my friend but I’ll handle it” I told him, surprised at my honesty with him.

  He cocked his head “Yes, I believe you can handle it” he glared at me again “We seem to have quite a bit in common Ava” he smiled and left the room, bounding back up the stairs as I was once again stunned by his behaviour.


  Mason was out for the majority of the day but had asked me to take a look at some of the paperwork in his office, filing it and transferring the information to documents on his PC.

  I was thrilled at the new duty, pleased that he trusted me enough with some confidential information. It was only basic things such as employees’ details and work records but I was happy he had enough confidence in me already.

  At 6:00pm I powered down the computer and went downstairs to gather my things. I picked up the kitchen phone and dialled the taxi firm I had used this morning “Hi, can I book a taxi for as soon as possible please…” Silence??? “I’ll take you home Ava” Mason said from behind me and I flinched, spinning round to see his finger on the disconnect button of the base unit to the phone.

  He grinned at me as he took the phone from me, his fingers closing around mine and the electricity in them made me jolt again.

  He smiled softly as he looked at our entwined fingers “I seem to unsettle you a lot Ava” he whispered in my ear as he reached past me to grab his car keys off the island, his hot breath skimming my cheek.

  I gulped and picked up my bag “That’s Erm…Erm very kind of you Mason but I can get a cab” he narrowed his eyes, the glower back in them “Nonsense, it’s no trouble” he turned and walked through the front door, leaving me no choice but to follow him and as I exited the house he was stood beside a sleek, silver Aston Martin holding the door open for me.

  Sliding into the front seat I quickly scanned the interior before he climbed in. He turned and grinned at me as he started the engine “Okay?” he asked softly and I nodded nervously, aware of his scent; a citrus with a hint of spice and a wavering of something that was specifically him...All male and masculine huskiness.

  My stomach pooled with heat as did my thighs and I closed my eyes, turning to face the window praying silently to get me through this journey without embarrassing myself.

  We were both quiet for a while and then Mason made me jump “So Ava, you heard from George?” I smiled, relaxing now I knew the subject matter was a safe one “Yeah, I rang him last night and he’s like a different man already. Happy, relaxed and content. He loves it” I said, smiling to myself at the memory of our phone call last night. George had been slyly asking what my thoughts of Mason were and I suspected some match-making behind his words so I quickly berated him and told him I wasn’t looking for a relationship, much to his disappointment

  “You really care a lot about him don’t you?” he stated and I nodded “George saved me, it’s as simple as that and I love him dearly for all the support and care he’s given me” Mason was quiet as he pondered my words “I can remember the night he found you” he cast me a quick glance as I furrowed my brow “he rang me, in a bit of a panic. My mum’s a doctor and he needed her help” he disclosed and I turned to peer out of the window, the images of that night pushing through to the forefront of my mind with his words.

  I felt his hand rest on top of mine on my lap and I stiffened “Hey Ava, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stir bad memories” he said softly and I nodded still gazing through the window, not having the courage to look at him.

  I didn’t want to remember that night and I definitely didn’t want to talk about it but Mason’s probing had them fighting their way forward again and I was suddenly struggling to push them back.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t remember your mother. I don’t remember a lot about that night” I told him quietly and he squeezed my hand before putting it back on the gear stick “I’m not trying to upset you, I just wanted you to know that George saw something in you as soon as he found you. I must say, we were all surprised by his actions. George is ruthless and has quite the nasty streak, so it just shocked us all by taking you in” I looked at him and he smiled softly but I shook my head “George is never like that with me, he never lets me see that side of him” I shrugged “he thinks that I can’t handle the business part of him but he doesn’t realise that I know more than he lets on. I love George, all of him, every part of him, good or bad. He saved my life and had confidence in me that nobody else did”

  We pulled up outside my house and I wondered how he knew where I lived but remembered I had wrote it down for him yesterday.

  I was staggered how much I was opening up to Mason and I shifted slightly in my seat “Anyway, Erm…thanks for the lift” I reached for the door handle needing to get out of the car and away from this man that stirred too many emotions and reactions in me. The way he spoke softly was torturing me and I f I didn’t get out soon I knew I would be a dithering mess but Masons’ hand grabbed my forearm “Ava…Erm…” he seemed a little nervous and I frowned at him. He shook his head and smiled at me “Nothing, I’ll see you in the morning. I have the guys coming round for a meeting at 9 so we’ll need coffee” he finished, once again back to business “Sure no problem. See you then” I smiled and left the car, noticing he waited while I entered my home and switched on the lights before he drove off.

  I slipped off my boots and flipped the switch on the kettle, made a coffee and curling up on the couch and thought about Masons’ words of the night George found me, annoyed that I had managed to push the memories at bay for so long and a simple sentence from Mason had brought it all back into view.

  I would be horrified if Mason knew what had happened that night and hoped that his mother hadn’t divulged any information but I couldn’t see Mason being interested in me anyway, not enough to interrogate his mother. George had been very discreet but now I knew it was Masons’ mother that had nursed me back to health, it unnerved me. I had lied to Mason when I told him I hadn’t remembered much, it was forever embossed on my memory, along with the sickening smell of the burning flesh that had scorched an imprint in my mind. The desperate screams from my friend as she begged for my help engraved in my head.

  Feeling the nausea rise I rushed up the stairs and flung myself at the toilet, retching my stomach to pieces as I covered my ears, trying to erase the screaming that was pounding through my ears, the sweat dripping off my back as I could once again feel the heat, the searing flames as they engulfed her before my eyes and an utter feeling of hopelessness as I felt the memories of the arms holding me back and the sinister laugh in my ears.

  I collapsed sobbing on the floor of the bathroom “I’m so sorry Katie” I whispered, over and over again pulling at my hair in desperation as her agonised face was etched in my eyes.

  Noticing my gaunt appearance the next morning in the mirror, I once again tried to work some magic with a bronzer and eyeliner. My mood and appearance were black this morning after a torturous night of no sleep, lots of tears and an ache for my dead best friend. I hoped Mason didn’t think I was hung over again and with this on my mind I entered the house slowly, praising the heavens that his meeting was already underway.

  I made coffee and placed a plate of cinnamon pastries I had made last night, a much needed distraction, on the tray and knocked on the door. “Yep” came the familiar acknowledgement and I entered without raising my face, walking up to the table and placing the tray on the edge I turned back round to leave. Just as I grabbed the handle a hand gripped my arm and I stopped dead. Shit! A finger nudged under my chin and tipped my head back, my eyes meeting Masons frown “Good morning Mr Fox” I swallowed, forcing a smile o
n my face.

  His eyes narrowed and he opened the door and pulled me through into the hallway, shutting the door behind him. His eyes were dark and questioning and my finger lifted to my mouth “What the hell Ava?” he glowered and I felt the sting in my finger as I bit through the skin “What’s wrong?” he demanded and I shook my head rapidly “Nothing” I gulped.

  He glared at me and pulled me over to a wall, turning me and holding me in front of a mirror. I frowned at his reflection, not understanding what he was doing. He held my arms in a firm grip “Look at yourself” he barked and I flinched “Look!” he ordered and I raised my eyes to my own and gasped.

  The woman looking back at me looked haunted and empty, nothing behind her eyes only horror and grief. I shook my head and turned away, refusing to look but his hands settled on either side of my head, rotating my vision back to the mirror “Talk to me Ava” he spoke, looking at me through the mirror “Tell me what’s wrong” his face was dark and stern, his lips were in a tight line and his eyes pierced mine, searching in my depths. I shrugged out of his grip, now angry.

  I had only known this man three days and he was bringing out feelings that had been buried long ago and I didn’t like the intense attraction between us; it frightened me and I couldn’t deal with these emotions at all. “Nothing! I just had a bad night, that’s all” he continued to glare at me and I nibbled my finger, averting my eyes. His hand lifted, pulled my finger away from my mouth and then he brought it to his lips and kissed it. My knees trembled and my chest pounded as my eyes shot up to his and I gasped. The desire in his eyes was overwhelming and it took my breath, my own arousal threatening to spiral out of control as my breathing deepened to match his.


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