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Incineration (Heart of Stone)

Page 17

by Sidebottom, D H

  “You tell me Ava?” Masons voice had taken on a higher level but my ears had started pounding and my head was spinning “I…I…” I tried to speak but my mouth had gone dry and I squinted against the brightness of the kitchen lights. Were they always this intense?

  “You what Ava?” he had started to shout “You can’t tell me a truthful answer can you?” He was starting to blur and I scrutinized him as his face swan before me “Oh don’t fucking look at me like that. There’s something you are hiding, you can’t even defend your fucking self can you?” he demanded and I tried to stand, holding onto the worktop “Mason I…I” I tried to suck in a breath but I was struggling, my lungs were screaming at me and my legs had gone tingly and numb “Just tell me this Ava” he roared “Is this baby mine or Tony’s?” My mouth dropped open and I started to pant, sweat dripping off my forehead as an intense pain ripped through my stomach and I doubled up as my legs gave way and darkness surrounded me.


  I opened my eyes and felt sick, my head was pounding and I could feel something stabbing me in the arm. Groaning I tried to sit up “Ava?” Mason breathed “Baby, lie still and I’ll fetch a nurse” he said, his voice full of concern “Mason?” I blinked at the lights and he flicked them off as he leaned over the bed and pressed a red button “Where am I?”

  “You’re in hospital Baby” he said softly and smoothed my hair back “What? Why?” I asked, highly confused “Shush” he whispered and I retched “Mason, I’m gonna be sick” I cried and he lifted me up and held out a grey paper kidney bowl as the nurse rushed in.

  “Ava, how are you feeling?” she asked as I vomited, stunned that it seemed black in colour. Was she stupid, how did she think I felt? I was throwing up. I glared at her and she laughed “I know Sweetie but I meant have you got any pain?” I did a quick inspection and nodded “My stomach hurts, like cramps” I told her and puked again. She smiled sympathetically “Oh my God, the baby?” I cried to Mason but he smiled “It’s fine Ava. It’s okay” he smiled and stroked my cheek “What happened?”

  I asked, I couldn’t remember a thing apart from Mason shouting at me. I reared back from him as I remembered his last words. He frowned at me “Baby?” he asked and I shook my head in confusion “You…you said…you don’t think it’s your baby” I breathed, my heart clenching as I recalled his words. He sighed and nodded “I do! I’m sorry baby, I was just mad” he whispered and the nurse glanced at us “I’ll just go and get you some water Ava” she said and slid from the room.

  “How could you even question it Mason?” he had hurt me really bad this time, his lack of trust had me seriously thinking about our relationship. He brushed my cheek with his knuckles “I’m sorry Ava, it’s just that you hid the fact that you worked with Tony so my imagination went overboard” I stared at him “Your imagination went overboard?” I scoffed, gobsmacked “And what do you think now?” I asked, cocking my head. He hesitated “Get out” I growled and he stepped back, stunned “Baby?”

  “I SAID GET OUT” I yelled and the nurse came back in with a doctor “Ava please. I believe you” he tried again and I turned my back to him “Just go Mason” I bit my lip harshly to halt the tears that wanted to flow and I heard him stomp out and slam the door.

  “You okay Love?” the nurse asked as the tears finally won and flowed down my face “Yeah” I sobbed and she rubbed my arm “Why am I here anyway?” I asked, looking at the doctor for the first time “Did your partner not tell you?” I shook my head “I didn’t really give him a chance” I snorted but the doctor sat on the edge of my bed “Miss Stone, we have ran some tests and we have found traces of toxins in your blood stream” I frowned “What?” I asked “I don’t understand what toxins?” he sighed heavily “Miss Stone, we think you have been poisoned”. WHAT THE FUCK?

  “Wh…what?” I stammered and my stomach heaved again and he paused while I vomited again “There was only a trace luckily; any increase on the amount you ingested could have been fatal” “Jesus!!” I breathed “We have given you a charcoal rinse and you’ll feel ill for a couple of days but I’m pleased to say your baby is fine and shouldn’t suffer any adverse effects to the poison” he smiled but I glared at him “Shouldn’t suffer? Is that a guess or a guarantee?” I asked harshly “Miss Stone, there are no guarantees I can give you but I’d say it should be okay” I rolled my eyes “Aren’t there any tests you can do just to make sure?”

  I was starting to panic, I needed Mason but at the same time I couldn’t bear to look at him. I needed to make sure my baby was safe “Please?” I practically begged him and he shook his head “Any invasive tests we do now, while the foetus is in its early stages would be counter-productive” he said and I frowned “What?” he was beginning to piss me off with all his cloak and dagger answers “What I’m saying is, the tests we can do have more chance of harming your baby than the poison in your system. The placenta is a wonderful filter Miss Stone” he smiled and patted my hand

  “We need to ascertain how the toxins got in your system. Can you tell me all you have had to eat or drink all day?” he asked and flipped a page on my patient chart “Erm, I didn’t eat this morning but had a homemade tuna sandwich what I took into work myself” he nodded and looked at me to encourage me to carry on “Erm that’s it really, I had a couple of coffees and a vodka and cranberry at the pub, oh and then a cranberry and soda” I pursed my lips and grabbed his arm when he was writing the information down “Would this…this toxin taste bitter?” I asked, a sudden thought occurred and he scowled “Possibly, like I said you only had a trace so you may not have tasted anything peculiar” I gasped “Oh my God, the barman in the pub bought me a drink but I only had a sip of it because my friend said I shouldn’t be drinking while pregnant” I explained and then another thought crashed its way into my brain “COURTNEY” I panicked “Oh my God, my friend had a drink from him as well” I tried to climb out of bed but the doctor held me back “Miss Stone, I don’t recommend you leave. We need to keep you in for observation and to do another flush of your system in four hours” I shook my head rapidly “NO! NO! NO! I NEED TO GET TO MY FRIEND” I screamed at him and he held me firm “Miss Stone please calm down” he soothed “YOU STUPID MAN, LET ME GO!” I was crying now, the thought of how much Courtney had drunk was filling me with terror.

  Mason appeared in the doorway from the corridor and I quickly thought how pleased I was that he hadn’t left me “Ava, what’s wrong?” he rushed over to me and glared at the doctor who was holding me down. He held up his hands to placate Mason and moved back “Mason” I exhaled “You have got to check on Courtney” I begged and he frowned “Why?” I tried to get up again, nobody was bloody listening to me but Mason held me tight “Ava?” he urged harshly to get my attention “Mason, the drinks in the pub were spiked and Courtney drank more than me. I only had a sip but she had a full glass” I sobbed and he shot up “I’m going” he kissed me briefly and charged out of the room.

  “Now please lie still Miss Stone. I’m sure your partner will check on your friend shortly” he said sternly and I curled my lip at him. Dickhead! “I need to know if you would like me to call the police for you?” he asked and I hesitated “Erm, I’ll have to talk to my boyfriend first” I told him and he looked at me curiously but nodded and left the room.

  I was tapping my fingers impatiently waiting for Mason to get back. The time seemed to stop and I was constantly checking the wall clock in the room and huffing when I realized it was only 10 minutes since I last checked. I couldn’t settle and was terrified that Courtney was lying dead somewhere or doubled up in agony.

  My sickness had died away and the stomach cramps were getting easier to cope with but my head pounded and I turned down the overhead lights again. I was getting anxious about all the things that were happening to me, why and who was doing this to me? Why would the barman try and poison me but then the other man’s face swam before me and I had a fleeting thought that he might have bought the drinks and spiked them.

  I checked the clock again as Sam walked in to my room “Sam! Have you heard from Mason” I interrogated him as soon as he entered. He walked over to me and sat on the bed, grasping my hand “Ava, Courtney is fine. Mason rang me and asked me to get over here to let you know” I exhaled deeply “Oh thank god” I sobbed and the tears flowed freely, the pent up fear rushing out in one gush.

  Sam wrapped me in his arms and pulled me tight “Shush Ava, it’s okay” he soothed as I let it out and wept into his shoulder, I felt him stiffen as I heard someone enter the room but he shook his head slightly and still held on to me.

  I cried for a long time, my body refusing to stop as the fact that someone was trying to kill me and that Courtney was okay sank in.

  I felt the bed dip and Masons arms envelope me as Sam passed me over to him “Shush Baby” he whispered as he stroked my hair “I love you Ava, I love you so much” he breathed in my ear and I nodded and squeezed him tighter, unable to make my mouth move to repeat the words to him. He pulled me onto his lap so I could snuggle into him and I felt myself drift off as the tears exhausted me and Mason stroked my back comfortingly.

  I woke sometime later when someone was changing the saline drip in my arm. I was still snuggled on Masons lap as he leant against the headboard and Sam was sat in the corner chair. The nurse smiled at me when she saw my eyes open “Hi Ava, how are you feeling?” she asked gently and I nodded and stretched “Okay, I think” I said to her and Mason rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

  “Hey baby” he said softly and I smiled up at him. He leaned into my ear “Baby, I’m so sorry” he whispered and I nodded but didn’t say anything else.

  The nurse left the room and Sam came over and sat on the bed again “Ava, I need to know what happened Sweetheart” he said gently and I nodded “I need a drink first” my throat and mouth were still dry and I thought I may have trouble explaining. Sam nodded and poured me a drink from the scratched plastic hospital jug and handed it to me as Mason continued to stroke my hair as I took small sips “How is Courtney?” I asked Mason as I passed the cup back to Sam “She’s fine, no symptoms at all Ava, I promise” he turned me round on his knee to face me and stroked my cheek with his thumb and leant in for a kiss but I kissed him briefly and moved back. He narrowed his eyes on me but didn’t say anything.

  “Ava, what happened at the pub?” Sam urged. I rubbed my eyes “The barman was coming onto Courtney so she baited him” I told him the half-truth because I knew Mason would get grouchy if he found out we had both baited the barman “and he brought us another round of drinks. I took a sip from mine and thought it tasted funny and just put it down to my pregnancy hormones” I said and Sam’s eyes widened and I cringed at my slip up “You’re pregnant Ava?” he exhaled and his eyes shot from mine to Masons but Masons lips lifted into a huge grin and he nodded. Sam broke out into a huge smile and hugged his friend “Well done mate” he laughed and I realized how important it was to Mason that he was starting a family.

  The obvious pleasure that his friend was showing, just proved how much Mason wanted a child. I grinned back at the pair of them and they chuckled and shrugged.

  Sam sat back down “Congratulations Ava” he smiled and leant forward and kissed me on the cheek “Thank you Sam but could I ask you to keep it to yourself for the moment. We wanna wait a bit, you know” I explained and he smiled “Of course” Mason turned to me “Carry on Baby” he motivated and I nodded “Anyway the drink tasted funny and Courtney told me I shouldn’t be drinking while I was pregnant” I shifted my glance to Mason to see his reaction to me telling Courtney but he smiled and nodded to encourage me to go on “so I didn’t drink anymore luckily, that girl saved my life” I shuddered and Mason huddled me tighter and sighed “However…” I paused not looking forward to Masons’ reaction to the next part of my story and he frowned and turned me further so he could see my face “when we were leaving I noticed the bloke that approached me in the NSC car park, sat in the corner of the pub” I felt Mason stiffen and he looked at Sam “He shifted his eyes from me when I glanced at him but I left with Courtney and he didn’t get up” I looked at Sam “Did you manage to get a visual on him from the surveillance?” I asked hopeful but he shook his head “We could see him but when we closed in the frame it got too grainy that we couldn’t make him out” he sighed and I bit my lip “There is something familiar about him but I can’t think where I know him from” I sighed frustrated and angry with myself that I couldn’t recall him. “Don’t worry Ava, we’ll find him” Sam reassured and I smiled but couldn’t seem to find his confidence within myself “In the meantime I don’t want you to go anywhere on your own Ava” he cringed as the disappointment showed on my face “Ava” Mason warned and I nodded “I know, I know”

  I sighed and rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms above my head and Sam took the hint. He rose from the bed and kissed my forehead “Get some sleep Ava, Marcy will be pissed if you don’t make the party Saturday night” he winked and I smiled “I’ll be there” I promised “I’m gonna go have a word with the barman, yellow lion was it?” he asked and I nodded “Yeah, I don’t know his name though” he nodded “No worries, I’ll find him” he smiled at me then left.


  Mason studied me in silence for a moment and then lay beside me on the bed and pulled me up against him, spooning me whist being careful not to snag my drip. His arms held me in a vice like grip and he sighed heavily and sweeping my hair aside, planted little kisses on my neck “I owe you a massive apology Baby” he whispered in my ear and I sighed “Mason, you love me right?” I asked and I felt him still “Ava, of course I love you” he said sincerely and I nodded “Do you love me or the sex?” I asked him openly and I could feel his frown “I love you Ava, you!” he confirmed and I turned so I was facing him and cupped his cheek “And I love you so much Mason, so much with all my heart but… you’re drowning me Baby” I professed and his eyes widened and then he sagged and nodded “I know Ava, I can’t stop myself. When I was shouting at you and you couldn’t answer me, my heart froze because I thought you were lying and when…when you” he gulped and I stroked his jaw with my finger and kissed him gently.

  He cupped my face “Oh Baby, I’m so so sorry” his voice broke and I pulled him into me “I thought you was losing the baby Ava, and when they said you’d been poisoned my whole world collapsed cause I thought…I thought you was going to…die” he gulped “and I knew I should of trusted you because deep down I knew…I knew it was mine” he said sadly “I believed you when you told me you hadn’t slept with Tony but I…I dunno Ava, I’m just so frightened of losing you. That you’ll find out everything bad in my life and you won’t want me” he swallowed heavily and looked at me, the pain and fear in his eyes “Mason, I know who you are, what you are but I also know that you have the gentlest and biggest heart and that you would do anything for me. I know you are gonna be a wonderful daddy and I know that I love you so much that it would kill me to hurt you” I declared. Our eyes locked in a final understanding of what we were both frightened of, what we both wanted and how much we loved each other.

  His lips hovered over mine, his hot breath on my mouth and he waited, waited for my permission and I slid my hand around his neck and pulled him to me, my lips meeting his in a kiss to seal our new relationship; a relationship where we would both consider each other’s feelings and both be aware of one another’s needs and hopes.

  I left hospital the next day and was under strict orders to relax and have small meals but often and Mason couldn’t have been a better carer. He even managed to work the oven and reheat some meals that I had prepared for him at the weekend.

  Olivia Carter had been brilliant and told me to get back to normal before attempting to go back to work and by Friday I was back near normal, although the morning sickness refused to relent.

  Mason had gone to the club to sort out some stuff and I was sat at the island, drinking coffee and eating a sandwich while reading t
hat mornings newspaper when I heard the front door open and close. I frowned thinking it was too early for Mason to be back when I saw Dane leant against the kitchen door frame. SHIT!!! I stood up sharply, knocking the stool over “What are you doing here Dane?” I stammered. He grinned and took in my appearance; I was wearing a short mini shirt and strap top as the weather had heated up immensely. He cocked his head “You have fucking great legs Ava” he slurred, obviously very drunk.

  I swallowed and backed up as far as possible, the edge of the counter digging into my hip “I asked why you were here Dane. You shouldn’t just walk in” I said quietly, my eyes scanning the room for my phone and I spotted it against a vase of flowers Mason had bought me at the other end of the island. I slowly started to edge towards it as my eyes never left his and they narrowed on me “I never knock Ava. Mason’s my best friend…or he was until you started fucking him” he said quietly but full of vehemence as he started to slowly walk towards me.

  I shifted further along the worktop, my hands gripping the edge “I think you had better go before Mason gets back” I warned and he laughed snidely “Oh? Masons a little busy with Rebecca at the club. She’s…well…keeping him busy for me” he leered and my heart froze and I gulped savagely “You see Ava, there’s not only me you have pissed off. Rebecca’s quite mad at you too so I thought I’d come and have a word” he licked his lips and continued to creep closer.


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