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Bad Things Happen: when a child goes missing

Page 9

by K Leitch

  ‘Hi hun, listen can I call you back I’m just about to go and interview someone?’

  ‘Where are you?’ said Tracy without preamble.

  ‘I’m at the gypsy camp if you must know, but I can’t talk love…’ Carla stopped as a beaming Tracy came into view; she went over and gave her a hug.

  ‘Sorry love…yes hello Buster…yes I’m pleased to see you too, yes I am…oh yes I am. What are you doing here, aren’t you working today?’ she asked Tracy once Buster had settled on her feet.

  ‘Yeh, lunch break, I decided to make the most of this gorgeous day and take a walk. Also I can’t keep anything down at the moment so there really is no point in trying to eat.’ Tracy broke off as she noticed the man from earlier watching her from the other side of the gypsy camp. She moved closer to Carla and whispered dramatically.

  ‘You see that man over there…no don’t look, not yet, just glance round casually…well he was having the most tremendous row with some girl earlier. The bastard, she was crying and everything and he was just like, sorry things have changed. Well she went mad started hitting him and everything, I broke it up just in time, I reckon he would have hit her back if…’

  ‘Yeh Tracy love this is all very interesting but I really do have to go. Got to interview a witness, about little Owen so…’

  ‘Oh sorry, I am such a pain, I just wanted to know if you were going to make it tonight, you know cauldron meeting?’

  Carla clapped her hands against her head.

  ‘Oh my god is that tonight; no I don’t think I’m going to be there. Until we get a breakthrough in this case I’ll be working round the clock. Can you make my excuses and give the girls my love…but now I really have to go!’

  ‘No worries honey, of course that has to come first. See you soon.’ Tracy waved goodbye to Carla and gave the lurking man another hard look and then made her way back home.

  Terry watched the girl walk off with her dog until she was out of sight, and then slunk back towards his van. It was hard to know how much she’d heard if anything, but it might be a good idea to warn Mary anyway. He spat on the ground in disgust, fucking women he’d had just about enough of them for one day.

  Tracy took a deep breath as she entered the Dog and Duck pub later that evening. She had decided to tell the girls about the baby and get their advice about how to broach the subject with Simon. The pub was heaving as usual; and it smelt unpleasantly of stale beer and B.O. But until someone took over the running of The Bull in Kenley, it was the most convenient place for them all to meet, lying as it did only a couple of miles outside the village. The owners were clearly trying to take advantage of The Bull’s closure. With a trendy menu written on a chalk board above the bar and a few tables squeezed into a corner at the back of the pub, each with a drooping carnation and a candle on it. But if the hot greasy smells coming from the kitchen were any indication of the standard of the food they were serving, then Tracy was glad they were only here for drinks.

  Helen as usual was already here; squeezed into a booth near the door and nursing a lemonade. She gave Tracy a wave and a smile when she saw her, and indicated that she had already got her a drink, a white wine by the look of it. Tracy grimaced to herself; Helen was going to be the hardest person to tell. Last year after her bastard of a husband had left her, she had tried to kill herself. But what was worse was that she and her husband had been unsuccessfully trying for a baby for years, and Tracy knew how desperate she had been to conceive. Now she must feel that she would never have a child, she was in her forties after all and single again. Tracy gave her a hug before she sat down, oh well at least it felt like Helen was eating again, she observed as she squeezed past her. She had definitely put on a bit of weight.

  ‘How are you honey?’ she began, but just then a commotion in the doorway heralded Maggie’s arrival.

  ‘Yes in your dreams big boy…I’ve had bigger men than you for breakfast sweetheart….Oh hi John how are you darling? How are Patricia and the kids? Oh lovely give them my love won’t you…yes he’s still there, but making progress we think…oh thank you darling, see you soon. I’ve got to go I’ve just spotted my friends…yeh good to see you too…’ Maggie raised her eyebrows as she smiled at the girls and mouthed that she was going to the bar to get a drink.

  ‘Oh my god it gets worse in here every time we come,’ she said a few minutes later when she sat down at last. ‘I can’t wait for The Bull to re-open, I don’t seem to be able to make it to the bar in here without all and sundry getting familiar with my bottom. How are you sweetie?’ she said to Helen, ‘I must say you are looking good tonight, you have a sort of glow about you, doesn’t she Trace?’

  Tracy nodded, but in truth she was concentrating so hard on not being sick that she wasn’t paying much attention to what the girls were saying. The greasy cooking smell was doing her in!

  ‘I think it’s because I feel I’m finally getting some order back into my life,’ Helen was saying, ‘and I’ve taken on this amazing cleaner…well she’s more than a cleaner actually, tiny little Polish woman called Maya. She’s fantastic, my house has never looked cleaner and she’s been making me the most amazing meals and she is so interesting to talk to, she has had such a fascinating life …’

  ‘Oh my god please tell me she’s got a sister; my house has just gone to the dogs since I’ve been spending all my time at the hospital,’ interrupted Maggie but at Helen's frown, she laughed and said, ‘Oh don’t worry sweetheart I’m only joking I’ve got Berta remember. Who is a marvel despite the fact that we are all terrified of her and she could give Albert Einstein a run for his money in a moustache competition. Anyway this girl’s certainly put the smile back on your face, so she gets my approval. I wish I could say the same about you Tracy love; what’s up you look positively green…are you ok…oh my god…’

  As she was talking Tracy lost the battle with her stomach. So hand over her mouth, she jumped up and made a dash for the loos, barging a few people out of her way as she did so. She heard Maggie come in after her and wait tactfully outside the cubicle whilst Tracy retched painfully over and over yet again. Maggie just raised her eyebrows questioningly at her as she came out, and went over to splash her face with water.

  ‘So what’s up…stomach bug?’ Tracy shook her head, ‘No I didn’t think so…are you ok now honey, or do you need some more time?’

  ‘No I should be fine now for a couple of hours,’ said Tracy weakly, ‘it was just the smell of that food, I seem to be pretty sensitive to smells at the moment.’

  ‘Hmm I remember that…it will pass don’t worry, what are you three… four months?’ At Tracy’s nod she let out a whoop and gave Tracy a bear hug. ‘Oh my god Tracy I am so happy for you…but why didn’t you tell us earlier?’

  ‘I…well I just felt awkward in front of Helen if you must know…what with her and Wills trying all those years and now it doesn’t look as if she will ever…you know. Anyway I was all set to tell you tonight; I need your advice…because…well the thing is I haven’t told Simon yet and…’

  ‘What! Why ever not, hang on don’t tell me yet, let’s go back through. Helen must have thought we’ve done a runner…and anyway you need to tell her as well don’t you…she’ll be fine you know. Don’t underestimate her strength…she’ll be thrilled for you.’

  Tracy looked doubtful; but she followed Maggie back through to the table. Helen was engrossed in a very animated conversation with a pretty dark haired woman, who looked at them shyly as they sat back down.

  ‘Maggie, Tracy, this is Maya who helps me around the house,’ said Helen with a beaming smile. ‘I was just telling them how wonderful you are Maya, you’ve made my life so much easier.’

  Maya turned bright red, ‘Oh please Helen, you embarrass me.’ She turned to Maggie and Tracy smiling. ‘Helen she makes too much, I am only cleaner…um nice to meet you though…I will see you tomorrow Helen.’ And with that she went off to the other side of the bar to join her own friends.

�She seems nice,’ said Tracy, ‘And so pretty, what gorgeous eyes she’s got. How did you find her Helen?’ Helen didn’t answer she seemed to be miles away, watching Maya as she walked through the bar.

  ‘Sorry…what,’ she said as Tracy got her attention.

  ‘I said where did you find her?’

  ‘Oh I just advertised in the local shop and she was the first one that answered… she’s amazing. Anyway are you ok Tracy love, what happened, something you ate maybe?’

  Maggie gave Tracy a hard look.

  ‘Not exactly no, um the fact is…well it seems…,’ Tracy began.

  ‘Oh for god’s sake,’ interrupted Maggie impatiently, ‘she’s pregnant, that’s what she’s trying to tell you, our girl’s up the duff, how wonderful is that!’

  Helen looked from Maggie to Tracy in amazement, then she jumped up and came round to give Tracy a hug. ‘Oh sweetheart that’s so wonderful, I am so happy for you,’ she said with tears in her eyes. ‘Now tell me all about it, how far gone are you…when did you first find out, what does Simon say I bet he’s over the moon isn’t he?’

  Tracy had the grace to look shamefaced. ‘Well actually he doesn’t know yet. And before you all start yelling at me, and telling me how selfish I am…I know… ok…I know. I should have told him and I’m not being fair to him but…I’m just so scared, I might lose him and I couldn’t live with that…oh my heads in such a flaming muddle, what should I do?’

  Maggie stood up. ‘Well I know you two can’t drink; but I need a fucking big G&T right now. And then we will sort you out my girl…lemonades you two?’ They both nodded and she went off to the bar.

  Tracy turned to Helen. ‘I hope you’re ok with all this love, I mean after all you went through last year I’ve been so worried about telling you.’ Helen was shaking her head.

  ‘Don’t be so stupid Tracy; honestly I couldn’t be happier darling, you are going to make a brilliant mum. And I hope I can be Auntie Helen and give you a hand whenever you need it. You are so wrong about Simon though…he needs to know Tracy, you shouldn’t be keeping secrets from him. It’s like you don’t trust him, and that will hurt him…’ Helen trailed off as she realised that she could be talking about herself…and her secret!

  Luckily Tracy didn’t notice her confusion. ‘Yes but you should have heard him just the other day. We were talking about the missing boy and thinking about how desperate that poor couple must be to have lost their child. And he was saying that he was so relieved he didn’t have kids…you know, how much of a worry they are and it’s so much easier not having any….’

  ‘Oh but sweetie you mustn’t take any notice of that, he was just reacting to a terrible situation. He will soon think differently once his own little one is in his arms. Simon is a sensitive caring man Tracy, he will be a wonderful dad…tell him! And tell him soon, the longer you leave it the more hurt he is going to be.’

  Maggie came back with three drinks precariously balanced between her hands.

  ‘Ok what have I missed…have we sorted out the problems of the world while I’ve been away?’

  ‘No, but we have sorted out my problems,’ said Tracy taking a sip of her lemonade and pulling a face. ‘I tell you what, this pregnancy lark is seriously not all it’s cracked up to be. I spend my days throwing up; my nights peeing and farting and I can’t even drown my sorrows with a good stiff drink. Roll on the next six months that’s all I can say. You know what though, I will tell Simon as soon as I get home tonight. I do know you’re right; I’m just a bloody cowardy custard. I mean of course he’s not going to leave me is he… look at me I’m amazing!’

  ‘You are indeed my darling, fucking amazing, and he’s lucky to have you,’ said Maggie raising her glass to Tracy.

  ‘Oh my god Maggie,’ said Helen suddenly, ‘I haven’t even asked you about Jed…oh I’m so sorry sweetheart I got completely sidetracked, how is he?’

  Maggie took a deep breath. ‘I think he’s ok, but until he wakes up we’re not going to know and that’s what’s scaring the hell out of me. You know, that he might not be the same… my lovely boy, so full of the joys of life, always joking and driving me mad. I just can’t stand the thought of that.’ She paused and pulled herself together. ‘And on top of that I’ve got fucking Greg hovering round all the time, being all…you know…Greg. With his strong arms and his soothing voice…and if you must know I can’t fucking take much more of it, it is doing my head in. I mean I know I don’t want him, but he still has such a hold over me. I need him at a distance I can cope with him then. I will just have to juggle my visiting times so that I don’t keep bumping into him,’ she paused for a moment and then shook her head as if to shake off any worrying thoughts.

  ‘Anyway enough of that; my troubles are nothing compared to what those poor Marshalls are going through. And Carla must be at her wits end, having all that responsibility on her shoulders. Have they got any closer to finding him do you know?’

  ‘Well I saw Carla earlier today heading towards the caravan site to interview somebody,’ said Tracy dramatically. ‘And she seemed pretty grim, so maybe something’s pointing in that direction. There are some pretty nasty men in that camp I can tell you, I ran into one earlier….’ She went on to tell then her story about the argument in the woods, and how she had been freaked out by the man staring after her.

  ‘You watch yourself Tracy, sometimes you put yourself in the middle of some pretty dangerous situations when you’re out walking Buster. You need to be more careful now,’ said Maggie firmly.

  ‘Ok Mum,’ said Tracy smiling as Maggie downed her G&T in one go. ‘I will be more careful in future. I tell you what though, there is one absolute hunk living in that camp site. I’ve seen him a couple of times, an absolute giant of a man with scruffy hair and beard but the most amazing eyes. He reminds me of a taller hairier George Clooney…mmm very tasty. If I wasn’t absolutely madly in love with my gorgeous man I could definitely go for him, gypsy or not.’

  ‘Really,’ said Maggie scathingly, ‘actually I think I may have run into him myself, and he has got to be the rudest, most annoying man I have ever met!’


  Duncan had spent most of the day at the police station, helping to identify the image on some very blurry CCTV footage as the girl he had seen in the woods. It certainly looked like the same dark hoody, and she seemed to be about the same height and build, but other than that he couldn’t be sure. It was only when he saw her walking and carrying a bundle that it triggered a memory. And he was sure the mystery girl and this woman were one and the same. It was the yellow cord on the hood of the jacket; he’d forgotten about that. But there it was on the hood of the jacket on the screen, and he now remembered seeing that same cord on the hood of the girl in the woods. The Detective Inspector was very excited; and even more so when they later picked up some more footage of the same girl walking past the cash machine on the main road. Only this time it seemed she had relinquished her bundle to a man that was walking with her. The cameras had only picked up the lower half of their bodies, but the girls trainers could definitely been identified. And it was easy to tell that it was a man with her by the difference in size and style of his shoes, which were huge and muddy.

  The bottom half of a blanket could be seen near his waist and one little foot, wearing a slipper with a ‘Disney Cars’ logo on it. There was now no doubt in Carla’s mind, that the girl he had seen running through the woods had been carrying Owen Marshall, having just snatched him from his bed. But it was the man that Duncan was interested in. He hadn’t said anything to the detective yet but he was pretty sure whose big muddy feet he’d just seen on the screen. He needed to speak with him and make sure he was right before he decided what to do about it.

  It was dark by the time he got back to the camp. The warm glow of the gas lights came from each of the caravans, all except his of course…his and Terry’s.

  As he was walking over to his van he was startled by the appearance of a tall smartly dre
ssed man, who seemed to suddenly materialize out of the darkness, he appeared to be looking round for someone so Duncan approached him.

  ‘Can I help you?’ he asked him, the man seemed to think about that for a couple of seconds but then he said.

  ‘Well I don’t know…I’m looking for a girl, I think she used to work for some old couple in this camp. Calls herself Mary she does.’

  ‘Oh right, and what would you be wanting with Mary?’ said Duncan pulling himself up to his very impressive height.

  ‘Well not that it’s any of your business, but I was just wanting to visit her. I’m her…brother. She was here then?’

  ‘Yes but she’s not anymore,’ said Duncan, ‘she helped out with my grandparents actually. But as I said she left, nearly two years ago now.’

  The man seemed angered by this piece of news, he spat on the ground before saying, ‘Any idea where she went, I need to see her you see, family business.’

  ‘No sorry, can’t help you I’m afraid. Terry might know, he was quite close to her as I recall, while she was here.’

  ‘So where would I be finding this Terry then?’ Asked the stranger who was clearly becoming irritated.

  Duncan just gave him a bland smile. ‘Sorry can’t help you there either I’m afraid. He doesn’t seem to be in his van…he might have gone into the woods hunting…you know rabbits and squirrels. He does that quite a lot so you might find him there or you’ll have to come back another time.’

  The stranger was clearly not happy and tutted to himself; he stood his ground and looked around the camp again, as if he thought Mary might suddenly appear from somewhere. But then he reluctantly nodded his thanks and went off into the woods. Duncan watched him until he was sure that he had left the area. What the fuck was that all about he thought, and where the bloody hell was Terry? He really needed to find him now; and he didn’t like the look of that fellow. ‘If he’s Mary’s brother I’m Tinkerbelle, so what the bloody hell did he want with her?’ Nothing good that was for sure. He walked over to the dark caravan that Terry shared with Gabe and pounded on the door; no answer, although he could definitely hear someone thumping around inside, so he knocked again. After a couple of moments the door opened a crack and Gabe’s face appeared. He had obviously only just woken up, and from the smell of him he had had a good drink.


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