Harnessed Passions
Page 46
Daniel rolled Julia to her back again, his lips locking with hers, his strong thighs urging her legs to part for him. Julia gasped and struggled as he pressed her down, pushing at his chest. He leaned up on his elbows suddenly, staring into her misty emerald eyes. This couldn't be happening; she wasn't going to fight him after everything she'd just done to him was she? He looked down at her and frowned. He wasn't willing to play any games with her this time. She was going to make love to him and she was going to allow him to the same, and she was damned well going to like it!
"Daniel, there's something in the bed," she argued, as he tried forcing her to hold still. Daniel understood her sudden change in moods and felt like a heel, realizing she wasn't denying him, she was merely in pain from whatever it was grinding in her back. He rolled off of her and pulled the covers back, searching for the intruder and pulling it out. Julia frowned, looking at their golden intruder twinkling up at her in the soft light. An earring! A woman's earring! And what's worse, she knew exactly who it belonged to. She'd seen it worn before.
"What's this?" Daniel asked, looking at the object as though it were a serpent with two heads. Julia growled angrily, pushing away from him. She crawled off the bed, turning her anger and hurt on him, glaring at him through emerald flames. Daniel hadn't been prepared for her assault and stumbled from the bed, bumping into the small night table and tipping the vase of roses to the floor before he quickly joined them.
"How much did you say you missed me?" she accused, pulling her gown back up across her bare breasts. Daniel cursed openly as she struggled to stand, brushing the thorns from the roses off his bare backside.
"What the hell's gotten into you?"
"You missed me so much Daniel you just had to take another woman to bed while I was gone, was that it? And here I thought you'd be happy I cut my trip short to come home to you. I must really look like a fool. Tell me darling, did I interrupt you with my telegram?"
"Now wait just one damn minute," Daniel growled, grabbing her by the arm, keeping her from turning away from him. "I don't know where the hell that thing came from and as for missing you, I nearly came after that train and brought you home before you were ten miles out of town."
"Why do I find that so damn hard to believe?"
"I don't give a bloody damn in hell what you believe. I did not take another woman to bed and if I had, do you really think I'd be stupid enough to leave something like that lying around for you to find?" Daniel grabbed his pants from where he had tossed them on the floor and began tugging them up across his hips.
"If you don't want to believe me than ask Thompson, he'll tell you exactly who's been sleeping in this bed. Better yet, why don't you ask Bridget? She knows everything that goes on in the blasted house. She'll tell you every sorted detail of what's happened since you left." Daniel turned, grabbed up his discarded boots and shirt and headed for the door.
"If it makes any difference to you, I ordered Bridget to make the bed up before I left for the train station. Perhaps she dropped the damned thing when she was changing the sheets." He opened the door and turned back, anger raging in his eyes, his jaw firm and set and his knuckles white where his hand gripped the door knob in a tight fist.
"By the way," he added softly, trying desperately to keep his tone even. "Welcome home, Princess." Daniel left the room and Julia, in a sea of dim emotions, confusion and frustration. She sat at the vanity and laid her head in her hands, she felt as though he'd just kicked her in the gut. How did these things always seem to happen to them? One minute they were embraced, eager to express their love and the next they were yelling and fighting at each other. It was a wonder she'd even gotten pregnant in the first place. Julia sighed. She hadn't had the chance to tell him about the baby either. She was so angry about finding Sharon's earring, she'd forgotten all about her good news.
Julia felt hurt and angry and eager to find the dark haired witch who kept coming between them and rip every treacherous hair from her conniving little head. She hurried and dressed again, pulling on a clean cotton gown before leaving the room with its memories of the past few minutes, behind. She was going to find Sharon Farnsworth and stuff that damned earring down her delicate little throat!
She hurried down the stairs, but was cut short when Louise called to her from the library. Julia drew a deep breath and turned and stepped into the room; her eyes filled with anger, her fists clenched with hatred.
Louise stared at her daughter with disbelieving eyes. This wasn't the same woman who had been eagerly waiting her reunion with her husband. Her hair hung down her back and her face was flushed as she tightened her jaw.
"What on earth's the matter with you?" she asked, hurrying to her daughter's side. "Daniel just stormed out of here as though his tail was on fire and now you. What's going on? Did you tell him about the baby?"
"No mother I didn't tell him about the baby," Julia growled sarcastically. "As far as I'm concerned, he can just wait and learn on his own. I don't care if he never finds out."
"What the hell has gotten into you?"
"This has," she said, opening her hand and showing the golden object to her mother. Louise frowned taking the earring and inspecting it closely.
“You’re upset over an earring?" she asked with stunned amusement.
"It's not my earring mother. I found it in my bed. It belongs to Sharon Farnsworth."
"You what? How the devil did it get in your bed?"
"How the hell do you think it got there? She left it there, no doubt after she and Daniel had..." Julia's throat tightened up, unwilling to allow her to say the words that ripped her heart in pieces.
"Oh Julia, you don't believe Daniel could have taken her up there, do you? He loves you; he would never cheat on you."
"Then how the hell did it get there? It didn't exactly climb the stairs all by itself."
"Now you listen to me, young lady," Louise scolded, holding her daughter by the shoulders. "Daniel is your husband. He doesn't care two cents about that little tramp. If you want to know how it got there, then start thinking rationally. You know what a lying little tramp Sharon Farnsworth is, she'd sleep with her own father if it meant she could cause some trouble. Why, she's probably green with envy. Daniel's the only man in town who hasn't visited her bed and it's no doubt driving her crazy. Not that she wants him exactly, it's just the fact she can't have him, that's irritating her."
"I don't know, mother," Julia sighed, reality beginning to seep through her hurt and anger. "I want to believe Daniel, but I just can't, and I can't very well hand it to Sharon and say, 'here I found this, I hope you didn't miss it too badly. Oh and by the way, would you please tell me how it got in my bed'."
"Did it ever occur to you to ask around? Perhaps somebody saw her do it or knows something about it."
"I'm afraid to ask,” Julia said with a deep sigh. “I'm scared of what I'll find out." Louise hugged her daughter knowing exactly how she felt.
"I know Daniel loves you," she told her. "He'd never hurt you."
"Like father did you?" Louise lowered her lashes, knowing at last Julia had indeed been aware of her father's indiscretions all those years ago.
"Your father was different than Daniel, sweetheart. We had problems for a long time. I didn't love Victor when I married him; our fathers arranged for our union, but you and Daniel have found each other and there's no way on earth he'd ever hurt you the way your father did me. It took a long time before I could trust Victor again; don't wait as long as I did to tell your husband how much you love him." Julia sighed again; why were things always so confusing when it came to her relationship? At first she couldn’t wait to get back to him and now she didn’t care if she ever set eyes on him again, and yet she felt guilty for not believing him.
The sound of footsteps in the hall brought the two women back to the present, making them aware they had company. They turned and saw Thompson standing at the door, a silver tray with Louise’s afternoon tea in his hand, a smile on his aging face.
"Welcome back, Miss Julia," he said cheerfully, stepping into the room and setting the tray down on the table.
"Thank you," Julia answered, looking at her mother who nudged her arm.
"Ask Thompson," she whispered. "He would know what’s been going on around here while we’ve been gone."
"Mother," she scolded softly, staring at the man who straightened up from his task to stand tall and proud in front of her.
"I do know," he said, assuring both women he had heard more than they had thought. Julia lowered her lashes. She didn't feel very comfortable asking this man if he'd spied on her husband while she was gone.
"That Farnsworth woman was here after Mr. Brownin' left ta pick ya up," he said, not waiting for the questions to start. "She was powerful put out when he left and didn't notice her standin' there wavin' at him. He was too excited about ya'all comin' home early."
"How long did she stay?" Louise asked, allowing Julia time to collect her thoughts.
"I don't rightly know, ma'am," he answered, keeping his eyes level with hers. "After I told her where Mr. Brownin' had gone, she got right snippy and I left her standin' here. When I came back, she was gone."
"Did anybody see her leave?" Julia asked, thinking of that woman sneaking around her house.
"I don't rightly know, Miss, but ya can ask Bridget. She knows everythin' goin' on 'round here." Julia squared her shoulders and turned quickly, heading in the direction of the kitchen. She was going to get to the bottom of this and she was going straight to the one person who could supply her with the information she required.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Julia found Bridget and Mrs. Lester busy preparing the evening meal. The aroma that filled the heated confines of the kitchen welcomed her home, though she was far from eager to acknowledge it. She was on a mission and was determined to get some answers before her baby was old enough to start school.
She drew a deep breath to steady her nerves then decided to take a slow approach to her task. She took a carrot stick off the plate on the counter and sat down at the table, exchanging polite conversation with Mrs. Lester. She told her all about their trip and the many parties and balls her Aunt Lena had taken them to. She glanced to Bridget on several occasions to make certain she was listening; she wanted her full attention when the time came and didn’t want to have to search for her if she decided to leave.
"How have things been around here?" Julia hoped Bridget would be the one to answer, but instead Mrs. Lester chimed in detailing the days and their events as best as she could recall.
"Oh, by the way Bridget," Julia began several minutes later, taking control of the situation and addressing the woman who would personally decide the fate of her marriage. "I'd like you to change the sheets on my bed if you have the time. I'm certain Daniel didn't think to ask you."
"But I already have ma'am," the young maid reported with a shocked expression and a soft grunt of drudgery. "Mr. Brownin’ asked me to make up yer bed before he left fer the train station. I promise, there are clean sheets on it."
"Oh? Well, I suppose he just forgot to mention it." Julia hoped she wouldn't be called out on her lie; praying Daniel hadn't mentioned anything to the two women before he left the house. Then she remembered how Louise had described his departure, as though his tail was on fire. It was doubtful he said two words to anyone before storming out the door in his fit of anger.
"By the way, I found this upstairs." Julia opened her hand to reveal the earring she had clenched tightly in her palm; so tightly in fact, it had left an imprint on her delicate skin. "I was wondering if it was yours." The redhead took the object and looked at it with envious interest, inspecting it with eyes that shone brightly with greed before handing it back to her employer.
"No ma'am," Bridget answered in a tone filled with regret. "I ain’t got pierced ears."
"Hum. I wonder who owns it then." Julia toyed with the golden bobble, fighting the urge to shout her frustration to the walls. "I was certain you would know who it belonged to."
"It might be Miss Farnsworth's,” Bridget continued. “She's been here of’en ‘nough. Made a real pest a herself, that’s fer sure." Mrs. Lester cleared her throat, warning the girl to keep her mouth shut about the woman and her frequent visits.
"Just exactly how often has Miss Farnsworth been here since I've been away?" Julia's suspicions were mounting and she found holding her mounting anger difficult.
"Now Miss Julia," Mrs. Lester replied sternly, picking up the tray of vegetables and thrusting them at the maid, ordering her to take them in the dining room and set the table. "Ya can't believe ever’thin’ that little chit tells ya. Miss Sharon's been here right ‘nough, I won't lie ta ya, but Mr. Daniel ain’t paid her a lick a notice."
"Tell me the truth Mrs. Lester," Julia insisted, urging the woman to relinquish her own observations. "I have to know what's been going on around here; what's been going on with my husband."
"Well Miss Julia, the truth is that Sharon Farnsworth has made a down right nuisance a herself, there’s no denyin’ that. She's been here practically ever’day since ya went back east, orderin’ ever’one ‘round as though she's the Queen of Sheba. Mr. Daniel's been right polite ‘n all, but he’s had ta practically throw her outta here ever’ night ‘fore supper. He's really missed ya, honey, I'm certain a that. He's been right down depressed; always talkin’ about his Little Princess ‘n how long before ya came home. Did ya know he's been keepin’ track a the days on a piece a paper he carries in his pocket?" Julia smiled shyly recalling her own private calendar she'd kept while she was away.
"Mr. Daniel's worked himself ta a frazzle tryin’ ta keep his mind off ya not bein’ here. When yer tel’gram arrived, it was as though life suddenly sprung back inta him. He started whistlin’ ‘n had the whole house in an uproar, insistin’ ever’thin’ be spotless when ya came home." Julia sighed, feeling the earring rubbing against her palm. She had to know more, she had to find out how it had made its way into her bed.
"I found this in my bed this afternoon," Julia announced drawing the older woman's attention to the gold object; feeling the special bond of friendship only years of trust could develop. "I've seen Sharon wearing it."
"What Bridget said were true ‘nough. Mr. Daniel ordered the bed made up as he was leavin’ ta fetch ya. There ain’t no way he could have been up there with her even if he did want ta, which he don’t. He loves ya, honey. I won't believe an’thin different."
Julia smiled and offered Mrs. Lester a loving hug before stepping to the back door and opening it, jumping jumped back in surprise to find a stunned Sharon Farnsworth standing on the opposite side of the barrier. Her hand poised in midair as though she was preparing to knock.
"Why Julia, dear," Sharon cooed softly. "I didn't know you were back. When on earth did you get home?" Julia bit her tongue, trying hard not to call the woman a liar to her face, forcing a smile across her lips as honest as she could invent.
"I just arrived," Julia answered, closing the door on the disapproving snort from the family cook as she stepped outside to talk with the woman. Her hand toyed with the golden bobble as she slipped it in the small pocket of her skirt, wanting nothing more than to throw it at the woman and call her all the horrible names she was thinking.
"I got tired of Boston and decided to cut my visit short. Shopping, parties; there’s only so much a body can handle."
"Oh yes, I do recall Daniel mentioning something about it the other night...I mean evening." The woman's lilting voice was sweet and well-rehearsed, making Julia force the bile down her throat as she smiled. She cautiously removed the earring from her pocket, and tossed it unnoticed to the path in front of them as they continued to walk. A moment later Julia stopped, bent over and picked the earring up again, brushing it off and looking at it as though it was the first time she'd laid eyes on it.
"What's this?" she asked, examining the object with forced interest. "It looks like an earring." Sharon gasped and sputtered wh
en she noticed the object in Julia's slender hand. Her eyes grew round and her hand went directly to her ear, as though to check for the mate.
"I do believe this is yours Sharon, dear," Julia commented, reveling in the shocked expression on the woman's face. "Don't you have a pair like this?"
"Why yes I do," Sharon replied, taking several shallow breaths to collect herself. "I lost it the other evening when I was here, but I couldn't find it in the dark," she lied. Julia forced herself to remain calm. She knew the woman's tricks, knew she was trying to make her jealous over something Julia now knew with all her heart, never happened.
"Well, I'd say it's lucky we found it. This path is used so often I'm surprised it wasn't buried in the dirt, or broken under someone's foot." Julia handed the earring to the woman, relieved to have it out of her grasp at last. The imprint of it still marred her delicate palm and in her mind as she forced her fingers to lay it gently in Sharon's hand.
"I wonder how it got all the way out here." Sharon asked, tossing the tiny bobble in her beaded handbag with a force that surprised even her. "I was certain I had lost it inside."
"Obviously you were mistaken," Julia replied with a soft smile. "Otherwise we wouldn't have found it here, would we?" The two women walked on, talking about other things as they neared the stables. Julia could see Daniel in the near distance, his shirtless chest glistening with sweat in the sunlight. She could almost sense his anger and the regret she felt swelled up inside her, nearly cutting off her air. Out of desperation she turned to the woman next to her and smiled.
"I understand you've spent quite a bit of time here at the stables since I've been away." Julia forced as much friendliness as she could create to her tone.