The Dragon Lover

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The Dragon Lover Page 6

by Maialen Alonso

  not only in a professional but in a personal manner.

  Always grateful,


  The note had an air of farewell to anyone who paid attention. It worked, more than Mira could have hoped. There were no more calls on knocks on her door. Kwon had disappeared completely and didn’t even go to his apartment.

  She suddenly felt his absence and she wondered if she had done the right thing. She missed him so much, needed him, like air.

  Soon, the days became weeks, and the weeks months.

  When the book was ready and coming out for sale. Mira’s sense of despair increased and she wondered if people would like the book, but Amanda assured her that they would.

  “Saturday we’re going to have a party, everything is ready,” Amanda told her.

  “A party?”

  “Yes, to celebrate the release of the book. It’s going to be incredible.”

  “But…it’s published under a pseudonym…”

  “Don’t worry only our partners and sponsors will be attending. There will be a news reporter, but he has sworn to keep your identity secret,” Amanda added, calming Mira. “It’s part of advertising, don’t worry about it, you’ll still be an anonymous millionaire.”

  Although, she didn’t trust the news reporter he had signed a confidentiality agreement, and this helped calm Mira. She was passionate about what she did for work, but she didn’t want to be recognized publicly. At least the party would distract her for a few hours since everyday it was harder not to think about Kwon.

  11. The Party

  A more daring dress than what Mira had asked for rested on top of her large bed. She looked at it with certain disgust as she had never worn a dress with such a low neckline and she suspected that if she wasn’t careful she would show more of her chest than she wanted to.

  However, since Amanda had chosen it she had to wear it, there was no compromising with her. Mira picked up her heavy curls and used a pretty bow with a ribbon full of crystals to tie them up in an updo and put on her makeup, determined to enjoy this night to the fullest after three months of being a hermit.

  The car picked her up at the prearranged time and the headlights illuminated the darkened street, where people enjoyed taking a walk after a long day at work.

  The party would be held at one of the most important hotels in the city. A room with a private entrance had been rented out. It was secure, luxurious, and elegant. Mira looked around the room and felt out of place. She recognized some powerful men among the guests who had arrived at the party with their lovers, who were half their age, some were even powerful politicians.

  “Mira!” She heard her named shouted and someone grabbed her back. “You look amazing, sometimes I wonder if I didn’t mistake your profession, you could have been a model.”

  “No, Amanda, you aren’t mistaken. If you weren’t an editor I wouldn’t be here,” Mira joked.

  “Come here! Let me introduce you to the news reporter. Dan,” Amanda called out to a young man and motioned with her hand for him to come over. “Here is our golden girl. Let me introduce you to, Mira.”

  “It’s a pleasure miss.” He smiled, almost blinding her. He didn’t appear to be older than twenty-two years old.

  “You can call me, Mira,” she said.

  “OK.” He finally released the hand that he held after shaking it. “If it’s alright with you we can go to the reserved space after the presentation.”

  “Oh!” Mira saw that it was time for her to get up on stage and do the presentation. “I had almost forgotten, excuse me.”

  Up on stage, with the lights shining on her, Mira started to give a presentation on the novel and even read some erotic passages directly from the book. Some of the partygoers were shocked and others were aroused by her words.

  “A very interesting novel,” whispered a woman suddenly, next to Mira.

  When she turned her head to look at the woman Mira’s eyes widened. She would recognize that woman anywhere. It was the woman that had accompanied Kwon at the restaurant. Mira was automatically on alert and her eyes began to search the room.

  “He’s not here,” said the woman, surprising Mira, when she noticed Mira’s eyes searching the room. “He doesn’t like these types of parties.”

  “Who are you?” asked a confused, Mira. This woman knew her… perhaps more than she should.

  “I’m Mei.” The woman held out a hand and Mira couldn’t refuse shaking it. “I’ve wanted to talk to you for some time, Mira, about Kwon.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t tend to get in the middle when he gets the urge to play with a naïve young girl. However, I think you are trying to capture his heart, more than his body. I don’t like that.” Her smile transformed into a grimace that would have stopped a demon.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mira said.

  “I think you know perfectly well,” She cut her off. “Don’t act all innocent with me.”

  She took her eyes off Mira and concentrated on looking for something in her purse. Finally, she withdrew a photograph and held it in front of Mira. It showed Mei dressed as a bride, but what really caught Mira’s attention was that Kwon stood next to her smiling while wearing a gorgeous tuxedo.

  “You’re married?” Mira stuttered without paying attention to her.

  “Kwon is a free soul. I don’t interfere in his affairs, but I sense that you are trying to cross a line.” Mei placed the photograph back in her purse and smiled mockingly. “I don’t blame you for having feelings for him. Only an idiot would deny it, but he’s mine.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” Mira replied, after a few seconds. She began to feel an immense fury. “It’s been almost three months since I’ve seen him. He’s all yours.”

  “That is wonderful information that I will celebrate with him,” she said, before turning around and leaving the room, surrounded by a halo of victory.

  Mira stood there clenching her fists tightly trying to stop all the negative emotions within her that seemed to infect her. The woman had come to the party with only one purpose. To humiliate her and make the situation clear, but what made her mad was that being married Kwon would act in such a manner. Everything that she had thought of him was vanishing. He was a man, another player that only wanted one thing from women, sex.

  Immersed in her own thought Mira didn’t hear the presentation Amanda had been preparing for the last few days, but it must have been fantastic due to the standing ovation and applause she received. Once again focused on the party Mira decided it was time to deal with the news reporter. The man quickly stood before Mira smiling and without letting her think escorted her to a more private place where he could interview her.

  12. An Iron Dragon

  The private area was far away from the party in a quieter area. Several curtained areas had been erected for privacy. The soft sounds of music could still be heard at this distance. Dan closed the curtain and sat next to Mira on the black velvet couch. He started asking stupid questions. Why did she write? What was her inspiration? Her goals? Then he tried to discuss the book in depth with the intention of finding out what had inspired her to write it. Of course, she never spoke about Kwon, and she started talking in circles. Mira said what he expected to hear. One day she simply had the idea to write the book.

  “I admit that the book was very arousing,” he added, when he finished the long list of questions prepared by his editor.

  “I’m glad you liked it.” Mira smiled, because she had written the book for her female readers and was happy that male readers enjoyed it as well. It was good motivation to keep learning her craft.

  “And I asked myself several times,” he said, softly grabbing Mira’s arm to prevent her from leaving. “If you used your own experiences.”

  “Well.” Mira murmured, suddenly tense. “That is
better left to the imagination.

  “Don’t be shy. I won’t publish it. It will be my secret.”

  “I think I’ve answered all the necessary questions,” Mira warned, frowning, because after trying to pull away from him he didn’t appear willing to let her go and stop the conversation.

  “Don’t be so prudish. Writer’s like you want to arouse us. Don’t say otherwise.”

  “Are you an idiot?” Mira tried to free herself, but only managed to move a few inches before he pulled her back down so hard that she fell.

  “I can very well inspire your next book,” he said, moving over her, and Mira was shocked.

  “Is this a joke?” Looking at his eyes Mira realized that he wasn’t joking. This man who was younger than her by a few years wasn’t the type to take no for an answer. It was clear when his hands inappropriately moved up to the low cut bodice of her dress. Her breasts heaved with the exertion of trying to get him off of her.

  “Stop!” Mira said, several times, but the response that she received was a painful bite on her neck. “No! Stop! Please!” Mira shouted with all her strength, but they were far from the party and the music covered her voice.

  Mira shouted in pain when Dan reached his objective. With his hand he squeezed one of her breasts so hard that her eyes filled with tears. Mira never thought something like this would happen to her. It was horrible and repulsive, Mira couldn’t think and then she remembered Kwon’s gentle hands and caresses. This was completely different.

  Mira closed her eyes nauseous at Dan’s hands on her body. Suddenly, he was lifted up off her and when she opened terrified eyes she saw Kwon’s hand grabbing Dan around his throat so tightly that he was turning blue.

  “Stop!” Mira screamed, grabbing his hand. “You’re going to kill him.”

  “And that would matter?” Kwon looked at her, he was completely enraged.

  “What matters is you killing someone,” Mira said, breathlessly.

  His expression unchanging Kwon removed the black tie he wore and tied Dan’s wrists together. Kwon pulled Dan up and walked towards the curtain door, before leaving he turned around and looked at Mira. “Don’t move. There’s a police Inspector that I know at the party. I’ll be back in two minutes. Stay here, Mira,” he warned, sternly.

  Mira couldn’t move even if she warned to. Her legs trembled so badly she couldn’t take a step. In that moment the fear and terror that she had felt overwhelmed her and she bent over her knees crying.

  “Mira.” Kwon called her after a while and placed a hand on her disheveled hair. “They’ve taken him away. Tomorrow you have to go and make a complaint. I’ll go with you.”

  Mira nodded without lifting up her head. Then she felt Kwon sit beside her. Now it was him that caused her pain, and increased her despair.

  “Look at me.” Using his hands he lifted her face up and looked into her eyes. “Let’s go home.”

  Mira let him escort her out the front door. Her cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing. It was probably Amanda that had found out what happened. She should let her know that she was alright, but she felt weak. Kwon helped her into his car and answered her cell phone so Amanda would know she was okay.

  Without noticing, almost as if she had been transported, Mira was inside Kwon’s dark apartment. When her jacket slipped off her shoulders she felt a chill.

  “Let’s give you a bath, Mira,” Kwon said, while guiding her towards the bathroom.

  The apartment was completely dark and Mira appreciated it. Despite how angry she’d been at Kwon at that moment Mira wouldn’t have let anyone else remove her dress. She felt safe with him.

  “Get in.”

  Once inside the warm water Mira started to feel her aching muscles, body, soul and heart. All the emotions of the last few hours overwhelmed her and she felt like dying.

  “Today,” Mira whispered, while he softly washed her back. “I met your wife.”

  “Seriously? Well, I hope you introduce her to me, because I didn’t know I was married,” he replied, jokingly.

  “This woman…Mei. I saw you with her several months ago at a restaurant. This night she..”

  “So, that’s the reason behind your note,” he said, and Mira felt his sigh caress her neck. “You could have asked me, Mira. You shouldn’t have just assumed things that aren’t true. I thought you needed time to think not that you thought I was with someone else.”

  “Today she showed me a photograph of a wedding…” Mira whispered, she needed answers.

  “Of my brother’s wedding,” he clarified. “Not mine. I’ve never been married, Mira. And of course, I wouldn’t marry her.


  “I had a twin,” he said, suddenly and his voice shook with painful memories. “My brother died in an accident three years ago. Mei was crazy about him. She loved him since they were kids. She still can’t deal with his loss and want’s to believe that he is still alive. That I’m him.”

  Lifting her chin higher Mira looked Kwon in the eyes. It would have been impossible for her to come up with that conclusion on her own. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I know Mei would have made you think that every word was true. She was always a master at the art of deception, but that isn’t important. Don’t think badly of her. Losing the person she loved most in the world almost drove her crazy.”

  “It’s terrible but I can’t help but feel relieved,” Mira added getting out of the water.

  “Were you going crazy?” Kwon asked smiling and wrapped a towel around Mira.

  “More than I ever thought possible.”

  “I’ll have to be satisfied with that, but I will get payback for the months that you ignored me. But for the moment I’m only interested in wiping Dan from your mind.”

  “Wait.” Mira panted when Kwon placed a kiss on the bite mark that Dan left on her neck.

  “Trust me?” He asked. “Knowing that bastard put his hands on you kills me, Mira and I know that it bothers you as well. My hands are the only ones that can touch you today, tomorrow and always.

  Although the attack had happened two hours ago Mira was conscious that she shouldn’t want anyone least of all a man to touch her, but her need for him overwhelmed her. Even though she had taken a bath she still felt the repulsive sensation of Dan’s hands on her body. “I don’t want to feel like this…”

  “I’ll make sure that feeling disappears.” Kwon placed on the bed and removed the towel. Although it was dim and hard to see Kwon found each mark, scratch and bruise on her body. Little by little he covered them with kisses and gentle caresses allowing Mira’s mind to relax. Leaving her in a state of complete relaxation and made the nauseous and fear disappear.

  13. Together

  When Mira woke up she felt two lean arms wound around her. Lifting her eyes she saw Kwon sleeping. Mira never would have imagined that he would be so tender.

  Without making noise she put on one of his grey shirts and walked to the kitchen.

  “He’s incredible,” she whispered, seeing that her hands no longer trembled.

  “It’s the power of my sex appeal,” he joked, leaning against the door, once again acting like the man she knew.

  “You’re never going to stop being so conceited?”

  “Not while I’m sure that you like that. Sit down I’ll make something to eat before we go to the police station to make the complaint,” Kwon said.

  “I won’t have to see him, will I?”

  “Yes, but he won’t see you. I’ll be with you Mira. You don’t have to be scared,” Kwon said, “It’s important that he pays for what he’s done to you, because people like him don’t stop unless someone else stops them.”

  “True.” Mira thought watching Kwon prepare breakfast. “I wouldn’t forgive myself if due to my fear he was able to do this to someone else.”

When they arrived at the police station a sense of dread filled her as soon as she crossed the door to enter. The police Inspector that had arrested Dan hours before was there. He was an old friend of Kwon’s and he had attended the party. Mira remembered seeing him there. He was an attractive man with a harsh face and the posture of someone who had been in the military. Suddenly Amanda arrived and hugged Mira while begging Mira to forgive her for having the news reporter at the party. After Mira talked as the victim and Amanda as a witness that had been at the party Dan was held to wait for trial. Jack, the Detective, had them go to a waiting room where they drank some coffee until an elderly woman doctor arrived.

  “We have to take photographs of the attack. Is that alright with your dear?” asked the woman. “I’ll be with you at all times while Inspector Evans takes the photographs.

  “It will only be photographs of the wounds you obtained from the attack. It’s very important evidence.”

  Mira nodded and let the doctor lead her to a small medical room at the end of the hallway. While she removed her clothes Mira felt uncomfortable despite the fact that they were both women. After all, they were strangers, but focusing on the fact that she was a medical professional calmed Mira.

  “Is it okay with you if I begin?” asked Inspector Evans with a tender smile.

  “Oh, yes. I’m sorry I’m nervous.”

  “It’s okay,” she replied, “We’ll put that bastard behind bars I promise you.”

  “Of course, we will put him behind bars,” added the doctor, while examining the scratches. “Your sexy jack doesn’t stand for such things.”

  “He’s not my sexy Jack, Lucy.” The inspector argued while blushing, surprising Mira. “He just takes his job very seriously.”

  “I know. You see dear,” The doctor said, looking at Mira mischievously, trying to get her to smile. “Inspector Emily Evans has been in love with Jack for the past two years. That isn’t surprising. Half of the female police officers in this department long for him.


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