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His New Roommate : Stepbrother Standalone Romance

Page 27

by Vanessa Kinney

  Max moves his hand between my legs, his fingers pressing down on my clit. Fire shoots up from my pussy and spreads through me in a rush. I close my eyes and let the moans escape my lips.

  Max’s fingers push inside of me, curling and hitting my spot. Blake takes hold of my clit and presses down on it. Both men work together to get me off. It doesn’t take long to bring me to the end.

  I grip hard onto their shafts as my orgasm crashes into me. I fall to my knees. I open my eyes to see both of them looking down at me with worry.

  “I’m okay. Just a little light-headed.” That’s when I see both of them. Their cocks bobbing out in front of me. Calling for me, precum on their tips. I bring myself up to their cock level, stroking them.

  “Do you want to take a break?” Max asks, his hand reaching behind through my wet hair. He holds his fingers there, waiting for my answer.

  “No.” I shake my head. How can we stop, when we’ve barely begun?

  I open my mouth and make my way toward Max, his hands pushing on the back of my head. Saltiness hits my taste buds, his cock pressing on the inside of my mouth.

  “Fuck,” he says, his fingers pressing at the backside of my head. Forcing me to gag down on his shaft.

  “Don’t forget about me.” Blake speaks up and pulls me away from Max. Max’s cock pops out of my mouth as I’m shoved onto Blake’s shaft. Blake forces his cock into my mouth harder than Max, holding me in place as my fingers dig into my thighs. I run my tongue along the underside of his shaft and he gets up on the tip of his toes. “You’re doing amazing, sweet cheeks.”

  The minutes start to fly. I spend most of my time alternating between them both. Trying my best to please them. Showing them how much they mean to me.

  Max is the first to call it quits. His cock is at the back of my throat when his voice breaks a little. “I can’t keep it up anymore. I’m going to finish in that sweet little mouth of yours, Rose Collins.” I nod to his words, locking eyes with him. His fingers hold on the back of my head as his tip burns. Beside me, Blake starts to jerk himself faster.

  Max shoots his load into my mouth and I suck on his cock, swallowing every bit of his cum. His body shakes and his eyes roll back into his head a little. His bottom lip quivers and my name leaves his lips.

  When he’s done, I don’t stop. I can’t stop. He tastes too good. I don’t want this moment to end.

  “Are you ready for me?” Blake asks and I’m quick to switch. I don’t know where this expertise is coming from, but I go with it. My finger fondles his balls, calling for him to finish in my mouth. I bring out my tongue and open my mouth.

  “Give it to me,” I moan out. “I want you, Blake.”

  Blake grunts. He strokes faster and leans forward. I open wide as he finishes on my face. He holds my head in place as his cum covers my face.

  “God damn, this is so fucking hot,” Max murmurs behind me.

  When we’re done, they help me clean up. Their hands lather soap up and down my body with extra care. They tell me that they’re taking care of me, but I think they’re enjoying themselves spreading the soap. It’s just another reason for them to feel me up, but I can’t complain.

  We get out of the shower and towel off. The towels that Max and Blake use are too small for their enormous bodies, making me break out in laughter. They join in when they see how funny they look.

  “So, what did you think of our idea?” Max asks when he sits down next to me on the couch.

  “I think it worked out pretty well.” Blake speaks up and sits down on the other side. Both of them press their bodies into me and their warmth surrounds me. Each of them grab hold of a thigh, their fingers dangerously close to my pussy.

  “I enjoyed it,” I answer. “But I’m exhausted.” I close my eyes as Max spreads a blanket down on the three of us. I cuddle up between both of them. The last thought that crosses my mind is of how perfect this all is.

  Chapter 18


  There have been few weird and bizarre moments in my life. The time I woke up to my cat Ginger giving birth to her kittens at the end of my bed. Or waking up covered in chicken pox, almost scratching my eyes out from the constant pain.

  Nothing has prepared me for this. Waking up to two half-clothed hunky men sandwiched between me is something that tops the list. Getting up from their clutches without waking either of them is harder than trying to sneak out of the house on a school night.

  “Where do you think you’re going, sweet cheeks?” Blake yawns and wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me against him. My hands shoot up to brace my fall, landing on his chest. Even after last night, I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks. I turn my face away to hide it. “Don’t hide that beautiful face of yours.” Blake’s hand tugs at my chin and pulls me toward his brown eyes. Our lips touch gingerly and a tingle runs up from my pussy.

  “Can you two be any louder?” Max stretches his arms wide, grabbing for me. Blake pulls me away from his reach and sits up, huddled next to me at the opposite end. “You’re not going to be able to keep her away from me for long,” Max says, his hand running up the inside of my legs.

  I pull away from their grasp and stand in front of them. The couch is way too small for both of them. I’m surprised that I slept as good as I did last night.

  “Nobody can see the two of you getting out of my apartment.” I bite down on the inside of my cheek. Lucky for me, it’s still early and they can still sneak out before anyone else can see them. The thought of a reporter snapping a photo of two men coming out of my apartment, half dressed and with tussled hair, is too much for me to think about.

  Max and Blake look at each other and nod. “I think we’re fine right here. Both of us are off for the next couple days so we have nowhere to be.” Max leans over and tries to grab at my waist, but I jump from his reach. His blue eyes take me in and I stick out my tongue in his direction. “This is a good opportunity for us to do something,” he mutters in annoyance that I won’t get down next to him.

  “I want a round two,” Blake shouts and throws his hand up into the air like he wants to be the first one picked. His eyes look me up and down and I can feel him undressing me with his eyes. I rub my thighs tighter. I’m down for another round right here and now, but that would only complicate things.

  “I have an idea.” Max gets up off the couch and walks toward my kitchen, opens the door to the fridge, and grabs a bottle of water. He downs it in one gulp before turning his attention to me. “We can get out of town. Go somewhere where you can’t be recognized as the Mayor’s daughter and have a little fun between the three of us.”

  “Oh, I like that idea.” Blake jumps off the couch and in my direction, ready to take me into his arms. This time I let him. He presses his body against mine and I feel the member between his legs twitching against me. “How about another go before we go?” His eyes light up as he says the words, clearly impressed with himself.

  “We don’t have time,” Max answers before batting him away from me. Max hooks his arm around my waist and pulls me against him, giving me room to move, but also letting me feel him against me. He looks down at me, his blue eyes shimmering from the rising sun. “Any idea of what you want to do?”

  “We can hole up in here for our days off. Have a sexcapade. Just the three of us,” Blake says and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge.

  I like his idea, but I feel like this is an opportunity that I won’t have again. I think for a second. This is a rare occasion for me. It’s not often that someone wants to do what I want. Alex never liked any of my ideas. Daddy was always too busy to spend time with me for anything but a few hours. Nobody usually wants to do what I want.

  My eyes light up. It’s perfect. Something that I’ve wanted to do for the longest time.

  It didn’t take much to convince either of them. I think they might have been more excited about it than me. It took less than a couple hours for us to pack up their beat up Jeep and head out.

  “I neve
r saw you as an outdoorsy kind of girl,” Blake says, poking his head from the back seat. “Also, I’m still not happy with being cooped up back here by myself.” He looks up at Max and throws him a spiteful look.

  “Well, you lost, so suck it up.” By lost, Max is talking about an intense rock-paper-scissors battle right before we left. I’ve never seen two grown men sweat that much from playing a simple game. The look on Blake’s face when he lost was too good, and had me cracking up for the first ten minutes of the ride. Almost like he got a sock full of coal on Christmas.

  My finger clings under Blake’s chin and turns him toward me. Our lips meet in the middle of the seat and he grins when I peel away. He sticks out his tongue to Max, who rolls his eyes in response. They can be such boys when they have their little fights.

  “I’ve always wanted to go camping, but nobody ever wanted to go. My dad is always too busy and my friends think it’s too beneath them.” I press down on the top of my legs to stop them from shaking with excitement. This is something that I’ve wanted to do since I was a little girl. I can almost hear the sound of crickets, smell the s’mores and burning wood, and see the night sky full of stars.

  This is something that I wanted to do with my father, mother, and me. I can feel the pang of sadness spread through me at the thought of my mother. I wish she was still here.

  Max’s hand rubs the side of my thigh, letting the darkness slip away. He brings out his best smile. “Well, good thing that you have the both of us. We love getting out of the city every once in a while, since we couldn’t do it as kids.” He holds his touch a while longer before taking better control of the wheel.

  “Even if we wanted to go we couldn’t. Neither of our parents had a car or were much around the house.” Blake shrugs his shoulder and I can almost see the same sadness spread through him. “That’s why Max and I always stick together. It makes it more fun that way. Now we have you.” His eyes light up and he places his hand on my shoulder, massaging the back with his thick fingers.

  “Yes, you do.” At least for now. I don’t want to think about what will happen once we get back. I don’t know how long this can last. Someone is bound to find out about the three of us and I am screwed if it gets out.

  I push the thought to the side. I don’t want that to ruin this trip. I’m just going to go and enjoy this. Besides, the chances of us getting caught in the middle of nowhere are slim to none.

  Chapter 19


  “Are you sure you don’t need any help with that?” I lean against my finished tent and take in the sight. Rose in short shorts with a tight white shirt, leaning over her half-assembled tent. The shorts rise giving way to those sweet cheeks of hers and I can’t help but stare. My cock twinges in approval and it takes all my willpower not to go over there and attack her.

  “I’m fine,” she mutters between clenched teeth. “I want to do this on my own.” She grabs the side of the tent and pulls down the string, trying to get the loop onto the stake. She holds it steady in place for a couple seconds, but it comes undone when she reaches for the hammer. The tent snaps back over to the other side and tumbles down to the ground. Rose stares at it for a second, almost on the verge of tears, before she swears under her breath and tries again.

  I laugh under my breath, low enough that she doesn’t hear me and chuck that hammer my way. I love that she doesn’t give up. Always trying to learn from her mistakes. It’s not something I expected from the Mayor’s daughter.

  “Yes!” she shouts as she hammers the last stake into the ground. She jumps up to her feet, her tits bouncing up with her, and does a little dance. “Told you I didn’t need any help,” she sings before sticking out her tongue. She hops from one foot to the other and spins around; her smile is contagious and I can feel myself laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt.

  I start to clap. “Congratulations, you managed to complete something a girl scout can do.” She sticks out her tongue at me again and all I can think about is having her run it up the side of my cock. Something that both of us will like. Nothing like getting a blowjob while being surrounded by nature.

  She crosses her arms together and tilts her head to the side. “There’s no reason to be an asshole.” She picks up the hammer and throws it my way. It bounces ten feet to the right of me. So much for not getting her to chuck the hammer in my direction.

  “We’re going to have to teach you how to throw while we’re out here.” I laugh and run away as she puffs her cheeks out and runs toward me like a charging bull. “We’re going to show you a whole new world. Kind of like Aladdin,” I holler while I run around the campsite from her ever reaching grasp.

  I dart around the trees and she tries to grab hold of me. I poke my head out from either side and catch glimpses of her puffed up, red face. And it’s the most adorable thing that I’ve ever seen. My heart almost swells as big as my cock.

  “Would the two of you stop horsing around? I need some help setting up for dinner,” Max shouts as he sets up at the barbecue pit. Leave it to Max to kill the mood. Being on a trip with him is like taking your parents to a frat party.

  A total buzz kill.

  “Yes dad,” I answer and Rose snickers next to me. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in, the touch of her skin against mine sending a weird shock throughout my body. I thought that the shocks would stop after the fun we had last night, but it’s only amplified every time I get close to her. I don’t know what it is about this girl, but I love everything about her. And so does my body, apparently, because it’s been making me do all sorts of weird shit around her.

  Is this what love feels like? I shake my head and toss the thought away. I can’t be thinking like this right now. I don’t even know where any of this will go. It’s risky for the three of us being together in the city. That much is clear.

  “Be right there, dad,” Rose joins in and laughs as she grabs for the bag of coal from the back of the truck. She raises her leg and gets her hands underneath it and hoists it up against her chest. A dark cloud of soot flies out and spreads across her face and I let out a grin. Rose wipes it away with her shoulder and takes a look in the car window before starting to laugh.

  Max stands up and puts his hands to the side and shakes his head. “Are you two done?” He gives us a disapproving stare. The kind my father used to give me when I didn’t pass my test. The coincidence is too much and I break into laughter. I fall on the ground and grip my stomach. The pain is too much. Rose is down on the ground next to me laughing, and Max shakes his head before walking away in frustration.

  Rose grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me in. I rest my head on her thighs and look up at her. Her lips part as she looks in the direction Max left, clearly worried about him. “Maybe we should go apologize. I don’t want him being mad at me,” she says.

  I reach out and turn her to my direction. The sun shines behind her, creating a dark silhouette. Almost like an angel descending from the heavens.

  An angel she is. At least to me.

  I dig my palm into the dirt and bring myself up, pressing my lips against hers. Soft and luscious. Exactly what I imagine an angel’s lips to feel like. Her tongue drives into my mouth and wrestles with mine for a moment. Her hands move down the middle of my chest, squeezing at everything she pleases. I reach over and grab her ass; her head falls back and a soft moan leaves her lips.

  Fuck! I could take her right here and now. I don’t care about the dirt or if anyone sees us. I want her more than I care to breathe. I want my cock between her legs, my name on her lips.

  I push her down into the dirt, opening her legs and putting my body between them. Her eyelids flicker for a moment when my hardness touches her heat. Those short shorts of hers do nothing to block out the sensation and I love it.

  I go in for another taste. I can’t get enough of this girl. I need her. Crave her.

  “Maybe we should…” Her voice breaks when I run my tongue down the side of her neck. She licks her lips and shakes he
r curvy body against me. Her hips push against my hard cock and I shudder at how soft and warm she is. “We should go after him.”

  She tries to move from my body but I grab her wrists and place them above her head. She struggles to pull away but I keep them there. Her tits bounce with every move that she makes and I notice her hard nipples poking through. She bites her bottom lip as I press my weight down on her.

  “Later,” I growl. I keep her wrists above her head with one hand while the other feels down the middle of her chest. She’s not struggling anymore. She’s pretty into it.

  I knead at her soft breasts and watch her mouth open in ecstasy. Hushed murmurs and whispers leave her lips, my name on the tip of her tongue. And that’s not the only thing that I want on her tongue. The thought of her lashing underneath my shaft drives me crazy and I let out a snarl, surprising myself.

  The thin fabric of her shirt breaks and I’m quick to take her breasts into my mouth. Her nipples are hard and aching at my touch. She digs her hips into me, grinding up and down on my length. I press her wrists into the ground as her chin drives into my shoulder, her sweet mutterings filling my ears. Her breath is hot and heavy, letting me know how much she’s enjoying it.

  I let my free hand move down the middle of her stomach and slip underneath her shorts. I strum my finger on the outside of her panties, giving her throbbing clit a little bit of attention. She bites down into my shoulder as I let my fingers press down between her pussy folds and feel how damp she is.

  I take in a deep, strangled breath. I want to rip off every bit of clothing until she’s butt naked on the dirt floor. I want to spread her legs, the sound of leaves crunching under her as I thrust into her over and over. I’m almost at my limit and that’s when I pull away.


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