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His New Roommate : Stepbrother Standalone Romance

Page 31

by Vanessa Kinney

  I look left. Then right. And see nothing.

  The beam of light barely breaks through the thick, dark smoke in front of us, but it’s something. “One step at a time.”

  Blake takes position to my left. This is something that both of us have done dozens of times. We need to take this slow and coordinated. Make sure that she hasn’t moved from the basement. Breach and clear every room along the way.

  We make our way to the back of the school excruciatingly slowly, screaming her name along the way. The further to the back of the school we move, the hotter it gets. Both Blake and I know that time is of the essence. It’s only a matter of time before the roofs cave in, but that isn’t the biggest problem. Rose might suffocate before she burns.

  Every step that we take is hotter than the last, but neither of us talk. We march on and hope for the best.

  What if she’s not down here, I think. What if we missed her in one of the rooms behind us?

  I shake my head and concentrate. She needs to be down here. She will be down here.

  “Rose! Rose, are you here?” Blake breaks formation and takes a step forward. Both of us get low to the ground and look.

  It’s a complete and utter mess down here. Broken, burning pieces of wood. Tables and chairs scattered around on the floor. It’s going to take a miracle to find her in all this. Blake and I hold onto each other’s shoulder, take a step, and then look around.

  The further that we get into the basement, the more I can feel myself starting to lose hope. I want to retrace our steps and go back to check the other rooms. Maybe we missed her.

  “There,” Blake shouts and points off to the far corner of the room. I squint my eyes and see something there. I can barely make out the object, but Blake rushes toward it. I run after him, barely able to see Blake through the black smoke. When I catch up to him, Blake is hunched over and trying to lift a piece of burning wood.

  I nearly tear up when I see her. She’s in rough shape and I get down to her. There are several large pieces of wood laying on top of her. I have no idea how Blake saw her, but I’m thankful that he did.

  “Rose, can you hear me?” I get low to the ground and check her vitals. She’s knocked out, but she’s alive. Just barely.

  “Help me get this shit off her,” Blake yells. I jump next to Blake and we start throwing the hot wood across the room. Blake is the first to grab hold of her and hoist her against his chest. I do a final look over and nod.

  “Put your hand on my shoulder. I’ll guide us out,” I say. Around us, pieces of burning wood are falling from the ceiling. The smoke is thicker and darker than before. I can’t even see six inches in front of me. The light above my helmet starts flickering, but I push forward.

  One step a time. One step at a time. Every time I feel myself get down, I look over at Rose in his arms and it gives me the drive to take another step. I feel my way through the dark basement and retrace my steps. When I hit a wall, I hold out my hand and follow it. At some point, we’re going to reach the stairs.

  “Here,” I shout and we start to climb the stairs. It takes us less than two minutes to get back outside. Blake rushes over to the EMT on site and places her down on their gurney. He rips off the helmet and grabs hold of Rose’s hands.

  “Rose, can you hear me? Rose?” He’s on the verge of breaking down when I pull him away. The paramedics rush to her side and get to work. They check her pupils and pulse.

  “Is she going to be fine?” I ask.

  Parts of her clothes are burnt. She has a couple burns on her face, but nothing too severe.

  “Rose, can you hear me?” Blake pulls off his glove and touches the side of her face.

  Rose coughs several times, her chest rising and falling. I rush to the other side of her and take her hand. She opens her eyes and looks at us. She smiles and touches my cheek and runs her tired hand along it.

  “You’re going to be fine,” I say, more reassuring myself than anything.

  Rose nods her head and closes her eyes. She falls back down on the stretcher. Blake and I take a step away, letting the paramedics take her to the hospital.

  Chapter 27


  “She’s waking up,” a voice yells next to my ear.

  I bring a hand up and push her away weakly. “Can you not be so loud, Alex?” I cough a little and open my eyes just as I’m rushed into a hug. Alex’s hands wrap around my back and pull me into her chest. She’s always been such a worry- wart.

  “You had me worried for a little bit,” Alex cries out. “Don’t you ever do that to me.” She pulls back and look me over, running her hand along my cheek.

  “Ouch, that hurts.”

  Alex holds her hands up and shrugs. “Sorry,” she mutters.

  I bring a hand to my cheek and feel the burn. The welt is the size of a quarter, at least. I bring my hand out in front of me. There are small burns running up and down the side of my arm. I grab hold of my hair, only to reach for air.

  “We had to cut it.” Alex leans over and grabs a mirror off the desk. “I did it myself. I hope you like it.”

  I hold my breath and turn my head from side to side. It’s a pixie cut. It’s something that I always wanted to try, but never had the balls to do. Glad that something good came out of this.

  I shake my head. I should have more careful. I should have known a in-school fire demonstration was not a smart idea.

  I hold my breath and can feel the tears biting at the corners of my eyes. “Are all the kids okay?” I ask and look at Alex.

  “Everyone is fine. They all made it out.” She opens her mouth to say something, but stops herself.

  “We were so worried about you, Ro.” Daddy pops up from behind her and brings his hands around me. He hugs me tight and runs his hand through my hair. “I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you,” he whispers into my ear. He holds me tight for a little longer.

  “I’m okay, Daddy.” The tears fall into his shoulders, but he doesn’t say anything. He just holds me tight and hard. I hadn’t heard or seen him since the whole debacle started. It felt good having him back here.

  He holds a hand to my cheek and I can see the tears forming in his eyes. I look away. If he cries I know it won’t be long until I break down.

  Meredith opens the door and pops her head inside. “Is she awake?” Her eyes scan the room and fall on me. She walks into the room and puts the phone into her purse. That’s the first time that I’ve ever seen her do anything like that. “How are you feeling? Do you need water or anything?” She takes my hand and caresses it.

  “No, I’m okay.” I look around the room and my eyes fall on the door. Part of me is hoping that the door opens and they pop their heads in. Max with a concerned look on his face and Blake with his signature smile. I hold my breath, but it doesn’t open.

  It might be too much for me to hope for them to be here. I’m sure that they’ve moved on with their life. I’ve been avoiding them for the better half of a month.

  “What’s the matter?” Daddy asks, running his thumb down my cheek.

  “Nothing,” I mutter under my breath. For the second time, Alex opens her mouth and closes it. That’s weird. I’ve never seen Alex ever hold back when she has something to say. “What is it, Alex?”

  All the eyes around the room turn to her. Alex looks at me and then to Meredith. Meredith gives Alex the worst death stare that I’ve ever seen.

  “What’s going on?” I ask. I lift myself up and look at both of them, settling on Meredith.

  “Nothing,” Meredith says before shooting another look at Alex. Meredith reaches out and takes my hand. “Nothing is going on.” Her voice breaks for the first time and she turns away from me.

  I don’t believe her. She’s acting too nice right now. Something isn’t right.

  “Stop lying to me,” I croak out. I reach out and take a sip of water from a glass. “Someone tell me what’s going on?”

  “Blake and Max were here to see you,” Alex blurts out

  I spit the water out of my mouth. “And where are they now?” I ask, sitting up in my bed and trying to look out through the window into the hallway. “Why did they leave?”

  Alex looks over to Meredith.

  “There were a lot of reporters outside the office. I didn’t want them to snap a photo. I’m doing it for your own safety.” She reaches into her pocket and grabs her phone.

  I can feel the anger welling up inside of me. I grab at the sheets at my side.

  “And you sent them away?” I shout.

  “That’s not all she did,” Alex mutters under her breath. Meredith looks at Alex and walks toward her, trying to put her hand on Alex’s mouth to shut her up.

  “What happened?” I get between the two of them and almost fall over. I didn’t expect to be so tired. My father rushes over to my side and holds me up.

  “Nothing h-happened,” Meredith stutters. She tries to get around me and grab hold of Alex.

  “Enough,” a voice roars next to me. I turn to see my father’s face red as a tomato. I’ve never seen him this angry before. He grabs a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the sweat on his brow. “Enough.” He sits down next to me and takes my hand. “Blake and Max were the ones who saved you from that burning building.”

  I hear his words but they don’t register. Max and Blake did all of that for me? Why would they risk their lives for me?

  He squeezes my hand and I look up at him. “They saved the most precious thing that I have left in this world.” He pats my hand and smiles at me. “I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you, Ro.” He wraps his hands around me and holds me still.

  I nestle my head into his chest and let the tears flow.

  “I miss them, Daddy. I want to see them.” I don’t care about anything anymore. The only thing I care about is Blake and Max.

  The last month without them has been hell. I should have never agreed to my stepmother’s plan. I thought that I could live without them, but I couldn’t.

  Chapter 28


  Trumpets blare announcing for everyone that the show is about to begin. I find my seat at the front of the auditorium and Alex sits down next to me, holding my hand. The voices behind me turn to a hush as Daddy takes the stage. He smiles down at me and I wave back at him.

  I look over to my right and my heart almost melts. My cheeks hurt from grinning so hard in their direction. I almost can’t believe that I’m in the same room as them. It’s been so long since I’ve seen either of them.

  Max and Blake are sitting off to the side dressed in their best uniforms and at attention. They break character for a minute and look in my direction. Blake throws a kiss my way and I pretend to catch it. The camera flickers on me and them, but I don’t care anymore. I’m tired of hiding.

  “Thank you to everyone for coming,” Daddy says and ruffles the papers in front of him. “Today, we are gathered here to thank these men for their selfless acts. For if it wasn’t for the two of them, my daughter might not be here today.” His voice breaks a little and he brings a hand up to his mouth. He clears his throat and smiles at me. “Sergeant Max Johnson and Blake Summers, please come forward.”

  Both stand up and march toward my father in a single file line. They stop at his side and do an about face. Both look down at me and Blake is quick to throw me a wink. I can feel my cheeks blush and I turn away in embarrassment.

  I still can’t believe that this is happening. It was all Daddy’s idea when early voting polls came out. It didn’t look like he was going to win his re-election so he thought that it would be a good idea to honor Max and Blake. Kind of like a last hurrah in his long career as mayor. I couldn’t have been happier with his decision.

  “These medals are to recognize your courage and valor in a situation of great peril.” He leans over and pins the first medal to Max and then Blake. Both of them stand tall and proud of themselves. They turn toward the cameras and smile, their eyes on me.

  Everyone around me starts to clap and I join in. I lean against my crutches and take it all in.

  They take a bow and come to the end of the stage. They jump off and run toward me. I nearly fall off my crutches when Blake throws his massive hands around me. He holds me tight in a hug for what seems like an eternity, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Rose.” I nestle my head into his chest and listen to the frantic beat of his heart.

  “We both did,” Max says as he wraps his hands around me. He leans over and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

  All around us, cameras flash and try to break through the moment, but none of us care. We’ve been through so much the last couple months that we’re just glad that it’s all over.

  When they break away from me, I touch their cheeks and kiss them on the lips. That’s when the flashes start at a million miles per hour

  Might as well give them what they want.

  Chapter 29

  Rose (1 year later)

  “I can do this by myself,” I yell as Blake comes up from behind me, trying to take the stake out of my hand. “I’ve got it.” I hold out my tongue and grab the hammer next to me. I hammer the stake into the ground and the tent starts to take form. I take a step back and take in my handiwork.

  It’s perfect.

  “So you do,” Blake says and wraps his hand around my waist. I get up to the tip of my toes and give him a light kiss on the lips and fall back down. “You’re not getting away that easily.” I laugh as Blake dips me over and presses his lips against mine. I can feel the throbbing between his legs on my thigh and I instantly get hot.

  “Would you two knock it off,” Max yells as he jumps out of the back of the Jeep. “We need a hand over here.”

  “This isn’t fair,” Alex cries. “Why can’t I have two men fighting for my attention?” She drops the sack of coal next to the barbecue pit. “Why can’t I be so lucky?” She crosses her arms together and Max gives her a quick hug.

  I peel myself away from Blake and walk over to Alex, giving her a tight hug. “You’ll find your Mr. Perfect someday.”

  “Three of them?” she asks.

  I roll my eyes and run my hands through her hair. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Of course it’s what I want. I can’t have you showing me up,” she laughs and opens the bag of coal. She occupies herself with that while Blake and Max get the rest of the gear out.

  I look at the two of them and I can’t help but smile. I can’t believe how well this has turned out for me. Max, Blake, and I are still together. Our relationship stronger than ever. I don’t know where I’d be if they weren’t here by my side.

  Daddy lost his re-election campaign, but he didn’t seem to mind. He told me that when he almost lost me, he found out what mattered to him. He’s been spending time traveling the world with Meredith, which is good for me because it gets her out of my hair.

  Things are just perfect. And I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes when I think about it.

  “Are you just going to stare or actually help us?” Max teases.

  “I was just going to stare,” I lie. “But since you called me out on it, I guess I can help.” I run over to him and take the sleeping bags out of his hand.

  “I love you, Rose Collins,” he mutters into my ear as he pulls into me.

  “I love you too, Max Johnson.”

  “What about me? Don’t you love me?” Blake whines next to me. “Because I love you.”

  I chuckle at his reaction. “I love you as well.” I grab him by the cheek and bring him in for a kiss.

  They hug me tight and I close my eyes.

  There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right there. I move into their embrace and let it envelop me. Their musky smells fill my nose and I let out a sigh of relief.

  Max is the first to pull away, the left side of my body already missing his touch. Blake is the next one to leave me and I’m forced to open my eyes.

  The sun hits me
hard and it takes a moment for my pupils to dilate. I bring a hand to my mouth and at first I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The tears are pricking at the corners of my eyes as I take it in.

  Both of them are kneeling down in front of me. Each looking up at me with their biggest smiles. They’re both cupping their hand next to each other and in the middle is a small velvet box.

  “Rose Collins, this last year has been nothing but an adventure for the three of us,” Max says. “Each minute that we spend together is better than the last. I don’t ever want to be apart from you.” He reaches out with his free hand and runs his thumb along my palm. That’s when the first tear falls down my cheek and I let out a small chuckle.

  “Neither of us want to ever let you go. We’re too stubborn and in love to do that,” Blake interjects. “We never want any of this to end. Not now. Not ever.” He reaches for the black box and opens it, reveling the biggest diamond ring I’d ever lead my eyes on.

  “Rose Collins, will you marry us?” They both say in unison.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I yell and drop down to the ground. I throw my hands around them and sink my head between their shoulders. Their thick, rough hands meet at the middle of my back. The tears flow freely from my eyes and I struggle with kissing them both.

  Max takes the ring out of the box and places it on my ring finger. I hold it out in front of me, letting the sun hit against it. It nearly blinds me.

  Everything in the last year has been more than perfect. Every moment that I spend with Max and Blake is better than anything I could have every hoped for. And now that we’re engaged in never has to end.

  “I love you both,” I breath out through the happy sobs that leave my throat.

  “And we love you.” They kiss the side of my cheek and hold my tighter than ever before. I know that with the both of them at my side, I’ll never be alone.


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