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3.X-talks: These watch-like devices are the equivalent of present-day mobile phones. They can answer any question (censored answers, of course) or talk to any one individual. (Xanasa had decided that social media did more harm than good.) They have powerful cameras and can provide instant perfect translation. But they can’t be removed and are used for very intrusive surveillance.
4.Hyperloop: The hyperloop system was first built in 2017. Initially, it was too expensive to be widely adopted. By the time it was resurrected in Costa Rica in 2036, money was no longer an issue. The robotic ‘shark-mole’ invention meant that very long tunnels could be built without humans being required.
5.PET scan: These detect positrons which are an anti-matter equivalent to electrons. In 2019, they are already used to watch brain functioning. By the time Xanasa was fully fledged, they had become much more precise, and Xanasa could interpret the brain function as if she herself was watching what you are remembering or dreaming.
6.etratherapy: Petra had perfected the science of optogenetics, which is in its infancy in 2019. It had been known for a long time that there were thousands of cells within the brain that were not neurons. These are vital for the efficient functioning of the neurons and if they become either over- or underactive, mental health problems arise. Petra found a way for viruses to transport photosensitive DNA into targeted support cells. These could then be switched on or off by an LED light source that was implanted inside the skull of the patient.
You’ll remember that both Glyn and Ewan were treated in this way. When Ewan went through puberty, he often became angry with the smallest provocation. After Petratherapy, he switched on his implanted light source using his X-talk. His X-talk taught itself to recognise when Ewan was becoming angry by monitoring his pulse rate, breathing frequency and sweating. Steadily, his X-talk began to anticipate and prevent the anger before Ewan realised an episode was beginning. Very quickly, his problem resolved. It was easier for Glyn as after he’d nearly drowned, he’d understandably developed panic attacks whenever he was near deep water. He only had to activate his light source and all inappropriate fear of water disappeared.
7.Credits: There are two types:
Holiday credits are awarded for exceptional hard work, achievements, or extra voluntary work outside the normal thirty-hour working week. Each individual can earn up to ten credits a year. If you reach this maximum for ten successive years, you’re given your own architect-designed house, and the town where you live also gets a special reward. Everyone celebrates, preventing jealousy developing.
Shopping credits are given for smaller acts such as kindness towards less able people, or staying at work until a task is completed. These can be used to buy designer clothes, handmade furniture, works of art, jewellery, wall hangings, rugs, high-quality prints taken from your X-talk images, special sport equipment, boats, etc.
Sometimes they are awarded simultaneously. Credits are mainly given by line managers, but they can be awarded by more senior personnel, town Mayors and Commissioners.
I would like to thank my friends Rod, Nick, Lindsay and Dave for their advice and proof reading, and Steve for his photography. In particular I would like to thank my wife, Twink, as I would never have finished this book without her enormous help and support. Finally many thanks to Fern Bushnell and all the team at Troubador Publishing who have been invaluable.