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Being Graves

Page 8

by Drew Sera

  “Your usual, boring coffee?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll get it. Be right back.”

  Colin disappeared and quickly returned with our coffee. He seemed to be in a really good mood today.

  “Fucking Cal Bears lost last night,” I bitched and then tossed the paper down.

  I sipped on the coffee and watched him smile and then laugh.

  “You’ll manage,” he said.

  “Everyone will be really excited about the Harrah’s deal, Col. I understand why you’re all smiles this morning.”

  He had a weird gleam in his eye as he stared at me over the coffee cup. I was going to tease him and ask if he had some platinum pussy last night, but Colin has gotten like me; he just seems to have sex with women when we co-top. And since we started doing that in December, we’ve been teaming up on subs nearly every weekend. So, I knew it probably wasn’t sex that he was smiling about.

  We got upstairs, and Colin went straight to his office to prep for the staff meeting this morning. I went to my little corner and began organizing my day while I waited for the meeting. About ten minutes before the meeting was to start, I headed to the large room where Colin holds group functions and large meetings like this.

  Noticing that breakfast pastries and fruit had been catered, I helped myself to a banana and a giant chocolate chip muffin. Even after eating pancakes and fruit early this morning after my jog, I was still hungry. I seem to constantly be hungry anymore.

  I took a seat and shoveled the food in my mouth as more people arrived. Colin was standing at the front of the room talking to some people and looking every bit of the corporate CEO that he was. He’s got his shit together.

  The meeting started, and everyone clapped and cheered as he announced the 2,500 game deal with Harrah’s. Colin’s been trying to get into some of the larger casinos, and I have no doubt he’ll continue to grow. He has his eyes set on an international contract too, which he knows is extremely hard to land. He’ll get there. He wants it and is determined.

  “Before you guy’s head back to your day, I have one more announcement.” The chatter died back down, and everyone gave Colin their attention. “Everett Gaming is growing, and we need to be prepared for the growth. As you all know, I’m picky.” There was a clamor of light laughs to play along with Colin. Everyone in the company spoke highly of Colin and respected him. He wasn’t like a lot of bosses. “I’ve decided that while I want to have my hand in everything, I simply can’t. Last month, the talks with Harrah’s wouldn’t have gone as well as they had if it weren’t for one employee. The day before my meeting with Harrah’s, I asked Anthony Graves to go with me. I thought it’d be a great learning experience for him to attend a meeting with me. Many people would have nodded and just shown up. But Anthony researched the hell out of Harrah’s and on our way to the meeting, he rattled off some info that ended up giving Everett Gaming an advantage over our competition.”

  My heart was pounding as Colin spoke of me and strolled down the center aisle toward me.

  “We landed that contract because of Anthony’s research. I hadn’t asked him to do it, he just did it. I need someone who I know and trust will always have my back and best interest in mind.” Colin stopped in front of me, smiling. “Please help me congratulate the new Chief Financial Officer of Everett Gaming, Anthony Graves.”


  The room erupted in cheers and applause as I sat stunned. Colin laughed and held his hand out for me to shake. Fuck me. CFO! Me!

  I stood and shook his hand, and the applause grew. The loudest applause came from the guys in the finance department. I was stunned but managed to thank everyone and smile. Eventually, the room cleared out before Colin and I left.

  “Are you sure you want me in that position? I mean, there are a lot of good guys in the finance department,” I said as we walked toward his office.

  “I know they’re all fantastic guys. And since that Harrah’s meeting, I’ve spoken to each of the guys in finance about their thoughts on you being named CFO. None of them hesitated, and all of them had complimentary things to say about you.”

  I was lost in my own thoughts and thought we were heading to Colin’s office, but he pulled me toward another door. He leaned on it and pointed to the nameplate. It had my name on it, and I couldn’t help but smile broadly. Colin laughed and clasped his hand down on my shoulder before opening the door.

  “You can decorate however you want. In fact, Hannah will be chatting with you this afternoon regarding furniture. And yes, Hannah is your secretary,” Colin said.

  I walked over to the window and looked out at the Strip. This office was incredible, even without furniture in it. Since there wasn’t any furniture, we went to his office, which was right beside mine, and we went over my contract. Everything was all set, and I was now making a healthy six-digit salary.

  My dad would be proud of this.

  Chapter Seven

  March 1997

  “Are there any places on your body that Colin and I need to avoid, Kylie?” I asked her as I leaned on the arm of the leather couch.

  “No, Sir,” she replied.

  “What is your safe word, Kylie?” Colin asked.

  “Cotton, Sir.”

  Colin and I nodded and repeated her safe word so she felt secure knowing that we had her safe word down.

  “Bare handed spankings ok with you, Kylie?” Colin asked her.

  “Yes, Sir. I really like those.”

  Colin and I shared a glance and smiled. I already knew he wanted Kylie’s ass.

  “Very well then. On the couch please, hands and knees,” I instructed.

  Kylie quickly moved into position and waited. Colin undressed, rolled a condom on and lubed Kylie’s ass. I moved to the front of the couch, unzipped and pushed my pants down some. Taking a handful of Kylie’s hair in my hand, I tugged it back a bit.

  “I love a firm tongue, Kylie,” I advised.

  With that, Kylie went to work sucking and licking my cock and balls. I held her hair firmly in my hand. As she worked on me, Colin was spanking her ass cheeks as he fucked her ass. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back and enjoyed Kylie’s mouth.

  Kylie’s head began bumping into my abdomen harder now, which told me that Colin was really working her ass over and that he was nearly ready to blow his load.

  “Mmm! Fuck!” Colin moaned out.

  Yep, he was coming. I was seconds away from coming when Kylie lost her balance and reached up for stability. Her hand grazed my side near my scar, and I jumped.

  “Sorry, Master Anthony,” Kylie said.

  I had taken a few steps back and out of her reach as she continued to accept Colin’s load. Though he was still buried in her ass, he was looking at me over her head. I had to focus, but my erection was gone. Kylie reached for my cock, but I shook her off.

  After I pulled my jeans up, I sat on the arm of the couch and smoothed her hair as she began coming down from her orgasm. I could feel my heart pounding, and despite trying so hard to not think about anything but Kylie, I was struggling. Her fingertips left a hot trail where they had been on my side.

  We took Kylie down to the care stations, and Colin rubbed some lotion on her ass cheeks. I was somewhat useless because I kept thinking about my scar and Connor and Bruce. I needed to shake them from my mind.

  * * *

  I had it all planned out and had rehearsed it over and over last night and while I got ready for school. Today was my birthday, and while I knew my mom and Bruce refused to celebrate it, it was still my birthday. I walked cautiously to the kitchen and set my backpack down and out of Bruce’s way. My mom was already drinking, and there was an empty bottle out on the counter, and she had a glass in her hand. I gathered up my courage and asked.

  “Can I have a quarter today, please?”

  She whirled around, stumbled and fell against the refrigerator, then fell to the floor. She started yelling at me and blamed me.

mmit, Anthony! You little fuck! Why are you sneaking up on me?”

  “I’m sorry, mom,” I said as I rushed over to help.

  “Fucking useless little shit.”

  I wasn’t useless. I hated it when she called me names.

  I offered her my hands to help pull her up, and she accepted them. When she got up off the ground, she slapped me on the side of my head for sneaking up on her. I reached for my ear, and she grabbed me by my shirt and yanked it out of my pants.

  “Well aren’t you a handsome little fuck today. Picture day?” she asked.

  I shook my head and backed away from her while I tried to straighten my shirt. She forgot it was my birthday. I had put on my nicest shirt today because it was my birthday.

  “What’s all the fucking noise!” Bruce yelled as he came into the kitchen.

  I backed out of his way and tucked my shirt in.

  “He’s got fucking pictures or something today. Little shit even combed his hair,” my mom slurred to Bruce.

  I frowned because I always combed my hair. Every morning. Didn’t they ever look at me?

  “You gonna smile big for your first grade picture?” Bruce laughed, and I could feel my anger building. “Don’t pee your pants before your picture. It would be really embarrassing because you have tan pants on. Everyone will see what a baby you are.”

  I hated him.

  “Shit, Bruce can you take him to school? I’ve had a few too many.”

  “Fuck, get your ass in the car little shit.”

  My quarter…I wanted a quarter for today. My mom was my only chance.

  “Now, Anthony!” Bruce yelled and moved toward me, pulling his belt off as he walked.

  I raced around the other side of the table, grabbed my backpack and ran to the car. I jumped in the front seat and pulled my seatbelt on. Bruce came outside and got in the car. My heart began to race because I hated being alone with him. I sat still and quietly for the drive and finally, I could see the school in the distance. I was almost there.

  “Button up the next button on your shirt. The bruises are showing, Anthony,” Bruce said.

  I looked down, and sure enough, the bluish marks were creeping out. I was so angry and said something out loud that I only meant to say in my head.

  “I wouldn’t have to button it up if you didn’t hurt me.”

  “What did you say, you little fuck?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry.”

  Bruce reached over and punched me in the crotch and grabbed everything and squeezed until I cried out and pounded my fist on the door.

  “Oh, Anthony. You’re going get it so bad when you get home today. I’d take your ass home right now, but I’m so mad at you I’d probably kill you.”

  He squeezed me until we pulled up alongside the playground.

  “Have a great day at school today, little fuck. Don’t be surprised if you get called to the principal’s office today. Smile big for your pictures.”

  Bruce gave me one last hard squeeze and shoved me in the arm. I got out of the car as calmly as I could, and as he drove away, I doubled over with my hands on my knees. My stomach and balls hurt a lot. I walked through the gates to the playground and carefully moved along the fence of the playground until I got to a corner and sat down.

  I pulled my knees close to my chest, set my backpack on my shoes and held my hand over my aching crotch. No one could see though since my backpack blocked it. When the bell rang, I scoured the ground for a quarter on my way to the line but didn’t find one. I stood in line with my head down, and a hand over my stomach.

  The doors opened, and the teachers were coming out to greet their students and Connor was with them.

  Please, no!

  My teacher strolled down our line, and when she got to me, she smiled brightly.

  “Happy Birthday, Anthony,” my teacher said and presented me with a birthday sticker.

  She peeled it from the paper backing and pressed it onto my shirt. She put it over one of the spots on my chest that hurt. I was almost sure it was on the spot that was black and blue.

  I tried to smile, but my stomach hurt so bad. She crouched down in front of me and put her hands on my arms.

  “Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong?” she asked. “Is your tummy upset?”

  I shook my head, lying. I think she could tell. She felt my head as Connor stood by. I risked glancing up at him, but I couldn’t read his expression.

  “Anthony, sweetie you’re shaking,” my teacher said.

  “Is he feverish?” Connor asked.

  “He doesn’t feel warm, but his skin is clammy. Maybe we should send him to the nurse.”

  No! I spoke up because I couldn’t land in the nurse’s office. All I could get out was, “No,” and then it happened; I had an accident. My face was on fire, and I looked down at my shoes when I heard my teacher say, “Oh, sweetie.” Connor laughed and said, “Oops, it’s ok, sport.”

  They mumbled to one another, and I quickly pulled my backpack off and held it in front of my pants before any of the other kids saw. Why do I keep doing this? None of the other kids do this.

  “Sweetie, the principal will take you up to the nurse’s office to change and then we’ll see you in class.”

  Connor put his hands on the back of my neck around the collar of my shirt, and we stood off to the side as my class went inside. Once all the kids had gone inside, he guided me to the door, and we headed inside.

  “Did you forget that you had to go to the bathroom, Anthony?” he asked me.

  “I guess so. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t forget that the bathrooms by the lunchroom are opened before the bell.”

  I nodded and trudged awkwardly down the hall with him and followed him into the nurse’s office.

  “We had a little accident this morning,” Connor said to the nurse.

  “Good morning, Anthony. I think we have a fresh pair of your pants and clean underwear. Do you need help sweetie?” she asked me.

  “I will help him,” Connor told her.

  Oh god.

  The nurse gestured us to the larger bathroom and handed Connor my clean pants, underwear, and some baby wipes. Clearly, I’m a baby. The bathroom door closed and Connor motioned for me to change out of my wet clothes and then he handed me the baby wipes. My hands shook as I cleaned myself up under Connor’s watchful eyes. I was surprised, but he didn’t touch me, he just watched me.

  He put my wet clothes in a few bags and the nurse reminded me to come get my clothes after school today. Then Connor led me to his office and pointed at the chair opposite his desk.

  “Sit. Bruce called me this morning. Seems you two had an altercation in the car.”

  I nodded. I had to remember I was at school and he’s my principal. I can’t get mouthy here.

  “I shouldn’t have said what I said to him in the car.”

  I wiped my eyes.

  “He said your mother was too drunk to bring you to school.”

  I nodded.

  “Go back to class, Anthony. Be mindful of your bladder.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I struggled to concentrate all morning and was relieved when lunch came. I sat with my classmates at lunch and watched most of them eat and talk.

  “Can you pass this down to the trash, Anthony?” Jamie handed me an apple.

  “You don’t want this?” I asked her.


  “Can I have it?” I asked.

  She nodded, and I quickly ate the apple. All of the kids were eager to get outside to the playground. Which, if I had my quarter, I would have been happy too. As our table was dismissed, I was in no hurry to go outside. My balls still ached, and it hurt to walk much.

  Eventually, I went outside and saw the flurry of kids lined up by tons of tables. It was Bake Sale Day. Normally I don’t care for these things because I never have money. But today was my shot to get a cupcake for my birthday. Lots of parents and teachers were behind the tables and handling the exchange of money.<
br />
  From the edge of the grass, I lingered, looking at all the treats that lined the tables. Everything was a quarter, and I spotted the cupcakes. I wanted one so bad. Kids always talked about getting cake or cupcakes for their birthday, and many times their parents bring in cupcakes for the class when it was their kids’ birthday. But I’ve never had cake or a cupcake on my birthday. My mom refuses to remember my birthday. I began looking in the grass for a quarter. Maybe I’d get lucky.

  “Anthony,” an adult called my name.

  I looked around and saw that it was my teacher. She was waving her arm in the air at me, and I hurried over even though it hurt to rush over. She told me to pick out a cupcake. I shook my head.

  “You don’t like cupcakes?”

  “I do. I didn’t bring any money today. I…forgot it in my room,” I lied.

  “It’s your birthday, Anthony. Have a cupcake.”

  I stared at them in awe, but then I began worrying that Connor would find out I had a cupcake that I didn’t pay for. Then I’d get it even worse than what was going to happen to me tonight.

  “I can’t pay. I can’t have anything I don’t pay for.”

  “Anthony, it’s a birthday pass. Since it’s your birthday, you get a cupcake.”

  I smiled and picked the biggest chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting that I could find. It had sprinkles on it too. I thanked my teacher and sat under a tree with it. I hummed the Happy Birthday jingle in my head and ate it in four bites. It was so good.

  I dreaded going home and the second I got home, it started. I don’t even remember how I ended up in my bed, but I woke up close to midnight from stomach pain. My stomach and legs had long, thick red lines going in lots of directions. I didn’t understand what they were. I just knew they hurt and when I touched them, they felt really hot.

  I woke up from the dream, but I wasn’t startled or panicked like many times. This was just a shitty dream. I glanced at my plush football on the nightstand and sighed as I held my hand over my chest.

  Today is my birthday and the first one without my dad. Granted, he wasn’t around for any of them when I was little, but the last few years I had him. Last year we hadn’t spent my actual birthday together because I was out in Vegas at Irons, but the following weekend I flew up to see him, and we went to a Giants baseball game. I still had each of the birthday cards he had given me since 1991. I have a lot of fond memories too.


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