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Claiming Racheal

Page 17

by Michelle Woods

  When the service was over Molly came over hugging her tightly, she whispered desperately.

  “I know that it wasn’t really our fault that she didn’t make it, but I feel like I failed. Maybe we should have just pulled her up onto the roof without tying her, and she’d be alive today instead of dead.”

  “I was thinking that same thing last night. That’s what we should have done. Then whatever hit her wouldn’t have knocked her out, and we could have saved her.” Molly pulled back and shared a guilty look with Racheal.

  They would always want that day to be different, but they both knew that they would need to move past the mistakes they’d made. Neither of them had thought of pulling her onto the roof with them and then tying her off that day. They’d been too panicked to think.

  “Baby, we’re heading over to the main cabin to start the bon-fire.” Bone tugged gently at Molly’s arm and she followed him to his bike without complaint. Racheal felt Tiny’s arm slip around her waist and looked up at him.

  “It’s still not your fault darlin’.” Tiny murmured, surprising Racheal a bit because he hadn’t been close enough to hear Molly or her from where he’d been standing next to Bone.

  He knew though she could see it in his eyes and maybe that wasn’t his freaky talent to read people’s thoughts, but what common sense would dictate. She wanted to ask him if Tick blamed them for not doing the smart thing and pulling Vivi up and then tying her, but her mother walked up with Bear close behind.

  “You okay, Doll?” Pearl asked

  “Yeah, just sad and feeling a bit guilty.”

  “Now, none of that! You girls did your best and that’s what matters. Everyone’s grateful that you’re still here and not dead like Vivi.” Pearl growled, her finger pointing at her.

  “I know, Pearl.”

  Racheal allowed Tiny to steer her over to the bike after she got a hug from her mother and one from Bear which shocked her, as well as Tiny. The man had just scooped her up into a bear hug without a word. She knew that his attitude was why they called the man Bear, but after receiving that show of affection and what he’d said to her the day after the flood she wasn’t sure that was the only reason the name fit him.

  They lit the bon fire, and although it was a solemn event at the funeral, the bon fire was as rowdy as it always was. Tiny told her it was better to celebrate the life that a person had rather than mourn a death you couldn’t change. Vivi had always been the life of the party always ready with a joke or story that had everyone in stitches.

  Stories of Vivi where told and retold as they all hung around the fire with beers and music laughing and comforting each other even as they mourned Vivi’s death. It was just the way the club honored the ones they lost. Racheal thought it was beautiful and sad all at the same time. This community supported each other and when they lost someone they all suffered together.

  Tiny took her home that night at midnight making love to her in a tender display of the love he felt for her, although he never told her that was what he was feeling that night she felt it in his every touch.


  Six months after the flood, things were getting back to normal for Racheal and Molly. She wasn’t completely over the horror of that night, but Tick’s visit a month after Vivi’s funeral had helped. He’d showed up at the shop one afternoon with a softly spoken speech about his not blaming them for Vivi’s death. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure that Bone or Tiny hadn’t been the ones to put him up to this speech, but it had still help even if it had been forced.

  Racheal ran a hand through her hair, thinking of her mother who’d moved in with Bear last week. She thought it was funny that her mother was happy with a man who seemed to be antisocial when she was a social butterfly. Although, she understood how strong the appeal a man who really knew you inside and out, could be. Tiny was like Bear in that way, he just knew what people where up to. Her mother was also helping Brandy straighten Stick out which was funny. Brandy was currently living with Bear and Pearl until Stick who was not happy that she’d left him was fixed as Pearl put it.

  She hoped that her mother could straighten the man out for Brandy. If anyone was able fix the man it was Pearl, she thought with an internal snort. Standing up, Racheal laid the ratchet she’d been using on the tool chest and walked to the back room were Molly was to see if she wanted to go get a bite to eat at the diner.

  Tiny was off somewhere today and he was currently planning something, she was sure of it. He’d been secretive this morning about where he was going and she was waiting to see what he was up to. Tiny had surprised her several times in the last few months. She had told him last night that she loved him. She wasn’t sure why she’d waited so long to say those words to him, but she had. He wasn’t surprised by her declaration. He’d just whispered, I know and proceeded to make madly passionate love to her.

  As she entered that backroom she heard Molly talking on her cell.

  “No, don’t do that she’ll hate it. I’m telling you that won’t work, after what’s…um yeah I gotta go now.” She said hearing the door click behind Racheal.

  Odd, thought Racheal as Molly hung up her phone. Shrugging, she looked at Molly for a moment wondering who she’d been talking to.

  “You want to go to Tammy’s to get some lunch, Molls?”

  “Yeah, sure lets head over and get something.” Molly walked over to the door looking over her shoulder when Racheal didn’t follow her immediately.


  Racheal studied Molly for several moments wondering what the woman was up to she was acting off.

  “Nothing,” Racheal finally replied. “Let’s go.”

  She followed Molly out the door and the two of them headed to the tow truck getting in they started talking about the rebuild work that Bone had started on the strip club that the Jackal’s had bombed. It was called the Boom Boom Room.

  They were trying to put in some security cameras that would give them access to a live feed. They hadn’t done it in the club before because of the cost, but since the Jackal’s were heavily recruiting and it was an outlying area of the club’s territory they wanted to be sure that the bombing that had happened a few months ago, didn’t happen again. Next time, they may not be so lucky.

  They pulled up at Tammy’s getting out they headed inside. Racheal entered behind Molly spotting Tessa standing with her back to them talking to her friend and smiled. She knew what was about to happen and it always amused the hell out of her.

  Tessa’s friend grabbed her arm and she pointed to Racheal and Molly at which point Tessa turned a pale white and made a beeline for the door as fast as her pink pumps could take her.

  Turning to her Molly asked. “What the hell did you do to that woman Racheal?” Molly grinned gleefully at her.

  “Not me. Pearl.” Racheal replied.

  “Miss Pearl?”

  “Yes, she had a TALK with her a few months back and ever since when she sees me she runs, and I mean literally runs in the other direction.” Racheal took a seat in the booth across form Molly who burst out laughing.

  “I remember Pearl’s talks. She had one with my mother once when I was nine. After that mother was afraid to say anything bad to me for almost a year. It was heaven.”

  “Yep, Pearl always knows what to say to someone. Huh, Tiny’s the same way and yet he can’t seem to figure out that Pearl’s always messing with him. He’s been acting strange the last few days.” Racheal frowned, remembering her thoughts from this morning when Pearl had come over with her usual annoying pokes at Tiny. He had just looked at her before he’d shook his head saying calmly. “I don’t have time for you,” and then he’d left without a goodbye.

  This was very odd behavior for Tiny. He was never rude to her mother and he always kissed her goodbye. It worried her, a little bit. Tammy came over taking their order and they both ordered burgers with fries and a sodas.

  “Well, you know that he’s frighten of offending her and she’s trying to tak
e advantage of that because she thinks it’s funny. What do you mean strange?” Molly asked, watching her face.

  “I don’t know. The way he treats Pearl is actually kind of funny, watching him flounder when she teases him always amuses me. I know that the man must realize that she’s messing with his head. I just don’t get why he lets her do it. The strangeness was the way he reacted this morning when she did it.” Racheal said, getting more worried about his reaction this morning the more she thought about it.

  “He’s scared that if he makes her mad, you’ll choose her over him.”

  “Yeah, but I love Tiny so that will never happen. I mean, I love Pearl, but she isn’t the one giving me three orgasms a night.” Racheal watched the blush spread across Molly’s cheeks.

  “Oh, I do know. Bone makes my head spin sometimes.” She fiddled with the salt shaker as she said this not meeting Racheal’s eyes, but this was still an improvement over what she’d been like a year ago. Molly had been almost timid back then, her mother had been overly critical of everything she did from the day she was born which made Molly excessively sensitive.

  “Maybe Tiny’s just worried about the Boom Boom rebuild. I bet that’s why he was acting strange.” Molly was too unconcerned about the way Tiny was reacting for her nature which gave Racheal pause. When she thought of the phone call earlier she began to get suspicions that not only was Tiny up to something, but Molly was in on it.

  Six hours later, Racheal walked into the cabin they were still staying in while their cabin was rebuilt. Tiny had wanted to use the rebuild to add another room onto the house as well since they were already remodeling due to the flood. She went into the kitchen to start dinner to find a hand written note that said meet me on the porch out back.

  Curious, what was Tiny up to she thought walking out to meet him. As she exited the house she saw a table with lit candles and a table cloth had been set out with what looked like lasagna in the middle, complete with flowers and soft music playing. The late hour meant that it was dark outside with only the lights from the other cabins and the moon showed across the cliff top, which gave the moment a very romantic feel. Racheal’s heart filled with love even as her eyes filled with tears.

  “Your chair, madam.” Tiny put on a fake accent, indicating the chair he’d pulled out.

  “Oh, Tiny” She breathed as she sat down at the table.

  He kissed her head and then served the meal adding breadsticks, which she loved to her plate as soon as she’d eaten the one on her plate. They chatted about their days and the club while they ate and when they were done with the lasagna, Tiny stood.

  “I’ll be right back with desert.”

  Before she could tell him that she couldn’t possibly eat another bite he was in the house. She waited listening to the soft romantic music thinking that this was the perfect night.

  Tiny walked back out on the porch to find Racheal with her head back against the chair he’d arranged on the porch a few hours ago. He was nervous. Even though he was sure that she loved him, he was sweating like a pig. He was worried that she wouldn’t want the gift he was about to give her. He just hoped she wasn’t upset that it wasn’t a ring. Tiny wasn’t really the marrying kind.

  After what his father had done to his mother, he never wanted to tie a woman so tight she didn’t think she was able to escape. He really hoped she wasn’t offended by the gift. She was everything to him and he couldn’t bear the thought of hurting her, ever. He walked to her chair clearing his throat to get her attention.

  Racheal turned looking up at him and her hair fell away from her beautiful face taking his breath for a moment. He was so in awe of this woman, he thought as he handed her the present watching her smile with true delight.

  “For me?” She asked as she took the package setting it on the table before her, to open it. He waited until she had lifted the lid before saying to her.

  “I love you, Racheal. Will you wear it?”

  She looked at him with tears filling her eyes, holding up her Property patch.

  “Tiny…” Her voice gave out as she jumped from the chair throwing herself at him, he caught her with a chuckle.

  “Wow, babe. Don’t knock me over.”

  “I’ll wear it on one condition.” Racheal angled, with a fierce light that quite frankly, scared him a bit, as it reminded him of her mother.

  “Yeah, what’s that?” He asked

  “You tell me your real name.”

  The light in her eyes let him know that she knew exactly what she was up to, the little minx. With a sigh he realized that he wasn’t getting her to wear his cut unless he told her.

  “Fine! It’s Peter Johnson!” He roared at her gruffly.

  It took a moment, but then she was laughing so hard he could see tears in her eyes.

  “No way! No way, are you Tiny Peter Johnson! Oh my god, wait until I tell Pearl!” She tried to pull away from him as he growled and attempted to spank her.

  “Wait, wait, I was kidding! Your secrets safe with me. I love you too, Tiny.” Racheal laughed, even as she began to pepper him with kisses.

  He laughed as she kissed him over and over on the forehead, the cheeks, and his lips whispering I love you too, over and over. He was glad that she was happy with his gift even if she had made him pay a steep price for her promise to wear it. When she finally stopped kissing him he took her lips with his, kissing her deeply with his hands resting on her ass holding her against his harden member.

  Racheal moaned, her arms wrapped around his neck. She rubbed herself against him needing more. He loved her. He loved her, was the only thing running through her mind. She wanted him naked. NOW. With that thought filling her head she began ripping at his shirt trying to pull it off. He moved so that she could, gripping her ass as his tongue thrust into her mouth with vigorous strokes.

  He lifted her against him with her arms and legs wrapped around him like a monkey, as he carried her inside to make love to her.

  “My property patch is all you’re wearing tonight!” He growled when his lips finally left hers.

  “Okay.” Was her breathless reply.

  Behind the two lovers a light glowed from the lit cigarette that Tank took a drag from. He was happy for all his brothers and their new females, but he was also a little bit jealous of them as well. They had what he’d been wanting for more than six years, a woman to love. Tank wasn’t going to admit it to anyone, but himself but he wanted to find someone who fit him like Molly fit Bone, and Terry fit Dog, and Lisa fit Slim, and Racheal fit Tiny. Hell, even Bear had found someone that made him happy.

  Leaning against the tree, he took another drag of the cigarette before he tossed it down stomping on it with his booted toe. He really wanted to find that woman who would fit him, he thought as he heard the laughter that flowed out the back door of the small cabin. With a sigh he headed home hoping that she was out there waiting for him to come find her. He really needed to find her. He was going to get kinda lonely with all his friends happily married now.

  Other works

  Taming Lucca

  Book 1: Molly and Bone’s story

  Out now Coffee Bean Editor

  Catching Trick

  Book 3: Trick and Katie’s story

  Out in 2014

  Preview on next page.

  Thank you for taking time to read Claiming Racheal. If you enjoyed it, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Catching Trick - Chapter 1

  Derick “Trick” Tannon watched the prospect leaning towards Katie Mathews in anger. Damn it, what made that little fuck think he could lean into her like that? Trick wanted to walk out there and rip the little fuckers head off. For Sal of course, not because he burned with an ever present need every time he saw her. He watched as Katie leaned back against the truck she’d driven here to get an oil change, her strawberry blonde hair falling around her in a cloud of sexy disarray. He didn’t like that when she did her fir
m little breast pressed against the tight red top she wore, or that the prospect, who must have a death wish, leaned closer eyeing the firm mounds.

  Trick growled, damn that girl had some nice tits, he really couldn’t blame the asshat for looking. He needed to get a grip on the desire he felt for this girl. Shit, he was almost thirteen years older than her. He could almost be her father and yet every time he saw her all he wanted was to strip her naked and take her hard and fast, over and over. It was becoming a problem. He’d noticed that every woman he took to his bed looked just a little bit like her and that was disturbing as fuck. He shouldn’t want her.

  Trick’s jaw clenched as the prospect reached up to brush her hair away from her face where it had blown into her eyes. That was fucking it, he was going out there to kill that little son of a bitch. He walked around the counter storming out the door moving to were the two of them were standing. Calling out as he neared.

  “Trevor,” his voice curt, his eyes met Katie’s when she looked away from the little fuck at him. She glared darkly at Trick, probably angry that he was interrupting her little flirtation. Too. Fucking. Bad.

  “Yeah?” Trevor turned towards him, smiling.

  “I need you to take a part over to Tick over at the Dixon farm.” Trick grunted, watching Katie who was still leaning against the truck glaring at him. Rock was supposed to come over later to pick the part up, he was headed out to the farm tonight. Trick would have to remember to call him and tell him not to bother, because he’d sent it with this stupid fuck.

  “Sure thing, I’ll head out in a bit.” Trevor agreed then he turned back to Katie.

  Oh, hell no, that little fuck was going now. “Go now!” Trick growled at the man, livid that he hadn’t done what he’d asked immediately.

  “Alright, no need to get testy. Where is it?” Trevor asked, moving away from Katie, finally. Trick felt the squeezing pain in his guts loosen.


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