Frosted (Frosted Series Book 1)

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Frosted (Frosted Series Book 1) Page 8

by Taylor Rose

  Once that was settled, I strode over to the table Figgy was on, and pulled her body into my arms and cradled her to my chest. Looking down, I noticed her chest rising and falling with every breath she took. Her eyelids fluttered slightly and a little whistling sound came from her nose. A couple of freckles were peppered on her nose and cheek bones adding to the perfection that was her.

  I inhaled a breath, trying to get my thumping heart under control. Sunshine and peaches assaulted me, fucking consumed me.

  Her scent playing with my head.

  Fucking shit.

  She smelled delectable.

  Leaning closer to her, I took another breath. I pulled her scent into my lungs, branding them with the memory of her smell. Allowing myself this one moment of weakness. Allowing myself to imagine every possibility. Allowing myself to imagine my life; my life with her.

  Giggling snagged my attention, reminding me to get on with it. Without further thought, I walked out of the examination room, through the locker room, and straight to my car. Cooper and Squirt were walking ahead of me the whole time, her small body clinging to his back and neck. She laughed, teased, and annoyed him with her charm. She was slowly chipping away at his heart. The more she talked, the more relaxed his posture became, letting me know that she had wiggled her way deep into his soul.

  Once we reached my car, Cooper helped me position the two girls in the back seat so that they were both comfortable and relaxed. Once my seat belt was fastened, I turned the key in the ignition. The engine purred to life, vibrating the seats with its power.

  Putting the car in reverse, I turned around to look out the back window. My eyes landed on the most precious sight. Squirt had draped herself over Figgy’s body, her arms wrapped around her tummy, her head laying down in her lap, already sleeping soundly.

  What a crazy ass day.

  Pulling out of the stadium parking structure, I headed home. I was praying to anyone who would listen, to make my life boring again. Not really meaning it. Because really, who would want to go back to yesterday?

  Home sweet home, here we come.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  My pulse was pounding in my skull to the tune of my heartbeat. I wince with every pump of blood circulating through my body. My head feels as if it had been constantly hit with a jackhammer. My migraine was only getting worse by the second with sharp jabs stabbing into my brain. This is the kind of pain that could bring you to your knees, which said something considering how Buzz liked to “handle” me.

  I slowly peeled my eyes open little by little, letting more and more light swim into my vision. Before I even opened them all the way, a wave of dizziness overtakes me, making me even more disoriented than I was in the first place.

  The dizziness finally subsided and I was able to fully open my eyes without any more consequences. Blinking rapidly, my eyes adjusted to the light in the room until I can see normally once again.

  Sitting up, my breath stopped in my chest, my lungs seized up from the lack of oxygen.

  Nothing in this room was familiar.

  Where am I?

  Panic clawed its way through my soul scaring me shitless.

  Oh my god, Aqua!

  My eyes scanned the room frantically, desperate to find any kind of clue. The last thing I remembered was Aqua in my arms while I was crying my eyes out from what I had witnessed.

  I whimpered, letting a little bit of my fear show. I couldn’t stop myself.

  Movement to my right startled me. My hands flew to my chest, relief rushing through my veins.

  Curled up in a small ball, her left arm stretched out, was Aqua. She was sound asleep beside me. Safe. Peaceful.

  Taking a deep breath, I let the oxygen once again flow through my body. My heart beat slowed down to a normal rate and I relaxed once I knew she was safe and sound with me.

  Now the only worry I had was where in the hell we were.

  Deciding to figure out what was going on, I slowly pulled myself out of the bed we were sleeping in. I was moving at a snail’s pace so that I didn’t wake up my sleeping sister. Once standing, I stretched my back which made my leg muscles twitch. My whole body ached.

  What. The. Hell. Happened?

  Wanting information, I tiptoed around the room. I needed to find any kind of clue as to what happened or why we were here.

  I see a huge dresser with two glasses of water resting on coasters, condensation still dripping from the sides. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  Grabbing one of the glasses, I pressed it to my dry, cracked lips, and took a sip. The water ran down my throat, coating it with moisture. Rather than guzzle it, I took small sips and let it sink into my stomach and rehydrate me. Once finished, I licked my lips, gathering every drop of water into my mouth. Placing the glass back onto the coaster, I noticed something in my peripheral vision next to the other glass of water that was still full. Grabbing it, I realized it was a note.


  If you wake up before me, I put glasses of water on the dresser for you guys. Both of you have got to be thirsty. Drink up. Towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom if you wanna shower. And food’s in the kitchen. Help yourselves. I should be up soon, if you need me I’m in the living room. Make yourselves at home. My house is your house.



  Kieran? As in the giant hockey player, Kieran? Oh my god. No fucking way.

  What happened to me?

  What on earth were we doing here?

  Oh shit, Buzz. He was going to kill me. Like actually murder me and bury my body, kill me.

  No, no, no, no, no!

  Breathe, Figgy. In and out. There’s no need to panic... Yet.

  Relax, clear your mind, and think about this rationally.

  This isn’t your fault. It’s not like you didn’t go home on purpose. Maybe Buzz would understand this time.

  Yeah, he’d understand. Once Aqua woke up, we’d go home and explain. He wouldn’t be mad at something that I had no control over.

  Yeah right.

  Looking over at Aqua, I sighed. She was sleeping peacefully for the first time in years, a small snore bellowing from her mouth. Emotion clogged my throat at the sight, but I pushed it away.

  Tiptoeing quietly out of the room, I finally glanced down at myself and was horrified. My nose scrunched up in disgust at how awful I looked. Rumpled and wrinkled clothing was clinging to my body. Sweat and grime stuck to my skin like the chocolate coating of an M&M candy.


  Showering had just become my top priority.

  Turning left, I walked down the hall. Once at the end of the hallway, I entered the living room. Deciding to look around, I quietly walked around the living space, snooping to the best of my ability.

  My eyes flew around the room taking in every single detail. On the left hand side, the entrance to the kitchen was in my line of sight. All of its appliances, sleek and clean, beckoning me to cook, begging me to caress them with my love. I shake my head and snap out of my fantasy, glancing to the right. On the right side of the living room, was a huge La-Z-Boy reclining couch where Kieran was currently sleeping. Snores fell out of his mouth like snow fell from the sky in a blizzard. The only other thing in the living room was a giant flat screen television that almost took up the whole damn wall opposite the couch.

  While there wasn’t much in this house to make it a home, the few things that were here were very nice.

  Even the front door was huge, solid oak with a glistening deadbolt and chain locking us in. Or intruders out. But given his size, I could see why he would need everything he owned to be big. No pun intended.

  For someone who made as much money as he did, I expected something a hell of a lot flashier. Over the top. Ridiculous. With a ton of unneeded items.

  Instead, it was practically bare.

  Lifeless. Boring.

  Turning around, I headed out of the living room and crept dow
n the hallway quietly trying to find the bathroom that was suggested in the note. Passing by the room I slept in, I kept walking, knowing that the bathroom had to be down this way. There wasn’t anywhere else in this house for it to go. A couple of feet after the room I was already acquainted with, there was another doorway on the opposite side of the hallway.

  Opening the door slowly, I found that it wasn’t the bathroom I was expecting. Instead, it was a random, blank looking room. The walls were a cream color, and the left side had boxes stacked floor to ceiling. The back wall housed a huge window that overlooked the pool and spa outside. On the right side, there was a small table and a pair of old beaten up hockey skates. They looked like they’d been through hell and back, yet here they sat, the only item in the room that was on display. It was like a trophy of some sort.

  Getting closer, I could see how old and used they really were. They were worn out, falling apart, trash worthy skates that were small enough to fit my feet. No way in hell would they be able to be used by Kieran now, which made me question them even more than before.

  What was so special about this pair of skates?

  Realizing the investigating I’d been doing was leaving me with more questions than answers, I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me.

  With only one more door in the whole house, I went back to my search for the bathroom, making my way further down the never ending abyss that was Kieran’s hallway. The last door was on the same side of the hallway Kieran’s room was on. Opening the door, I walked into the plush bathroom. My jaw fell to the floor, mesmerized by the sight before me.

  Not that I should be surprised.

  This was the kind of bathroom you expected to find in a multi-million-dollar a year, hockey players house. Marble counter tops with a sink so big, I could sit inside of it. A huge mirror covering the wall behind the counter, with gold plated sconces hanging from the ceiling, causing light to shine and sparkle from every surface. A walk in shower, with shower heads running down the walls, as well as lining the ceiling to make sure that water would hit every part of your body without trouble. Next to the shower, a floor to ceiling cabinet imbedded in the wall, with a glass door housed clothing and towels. He also had a Jacuzzi tub so big, you could fit five people inside.

  This was any women’s dream bathroom.

  And I was standing in it.

  Realizing that I don’t belong.

  Taking long strides, I reached the shower in no time.

  I stood there looking at the knob, confused as to how to turn this monster on. After a few minutes of pressing buttons and achieving nothing, I gave up and moved a few steps over to the cabinet. Opening the glass door, I grabbed a towel and slung it over my shoulder. Gathering a pair of sweat pants and a huge t-shirt, I closed the cabinet drawer and placed my newly found clothes and towel on the ground next to the shower door.

  Deciding to give it another go, I reached in the shower door and pulled the knob instead of pushing the buttons. Water streamed from the shower heads, drenching the clothes I was currently wearing. I was soaked from head to toe.

  Finally having it running the way I needed it, I pulled the wet clothes off, dropping them onto the tile floor with a splat. The humid air caressed my naked body, beckoning me into the flowing water.

  Hot water fell out of the shower heads, already steaming up the mirror.

  An inch at a time, I walked into the scolding hot shower, letting the hot water hit me, washing the dirt and grime off of my skin. I let the water burn me with its heat and feel it soak into my damaged muscles.

  I relish in its ability to heal my body and soul.

  Deciding it was time to clean up, I looked around searching for something to wash myself with. On the floor, I found a bar of dove soap next to regular shampoo and conditioner.


  Being a man, I assumed he would use something more manly. Something that smelled like pine trees or some shit. Instead, it was just normal people soap. I scrubbed my hair first, knowing my body was going to be the task that took the longest. After rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, I took a heap of conditioner in my hand and rubbed it all over my scalp, massaging it through my hair. I let it sit while I took the bar of dove soap in my hands and created bubbles. Running my hands down my body, I lathered it up and scrubbed my skin so much it was pink and tingling.

  Turning the knob to the right, the water temperature sky rocketed. Scalding water fell onto my skin, rinsing off the soap.

  When I finally felt clean, I stepped out and grabbed the fluffy towel off the ground and wrapped it around me. After drying off every inch of my body, I quickly dressed in the sweats and t-shirt, and even though I rolled the sweats up four times, they were still trailing on the floor. I decided to let my knotted hair fall over my shoulders and down my back.

  Next stop was the sink. I opened a drawer and pulled out some toothpaste. I squirted some on my finger and stuck it in my mouth. My finger glided over my small white chewing machines. I turned on the faucet, and rinsed my mouth out.

  I opened the bathroom door a crack and steam got sucked out of the gap as if there were a vacuum cleaner pulling it out. Deciding to help the steam leave, I pushed the bathroom door open fast and hard.

  A crashing sound caught my attention. Startled, I jumped back.

  Groaning came from the hallway, causing my heart rate to spike.

  Without thinking, I rushed out of the bathroom, smashing the bathroom door into an already hurt Kieran. Another crash sounded, and I realized that I’d hit him with the bathroom door. Twice now.

  He was just lying there on the floor, eyes closed. Unmoving.

  I stood there unable to move, too shocked to do a damn thing.

  Because… What. The. Actual. Fuck?

  Aqua rushed into the hallway like a bat outta hell, crashing into the wall, bouncing off and redirecting herself to Kieran on the floor. A scream tore from her lips when she noticed him lying there.

  “Jumbo! Jumbooooo! Jumboo! Wake up!” she wailed, trying to shake his body with her little hands. She pressed her head to his chest and let out a sigh of content.

  Twisting her head, she stared up at me, her bright blue eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “Figgy, help me!”

  I continued to stand there in a state of shock, not knowing what to do.

  In slow motion, Aqua jumped into action pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number. Placing the phone against her ear, she waited for someone to answer. After almost giving up hope, a man’s voice boomed out of the phone speaker.

  “Yello’,” a deep voice murmured into the phone.

  “Jelly?” Aqua questioned urgently.

  “Mhmm, yeah. That’s me,” he groggily answered, sleep coating his voice.

  “Umm, I need your help. Jumbo’s kind of… Well, he’s kind of passed out on the floor in his hallway. His face is bleeding, and I don’t know what to do!” she screamed into the phone, panic swirling around her voice.

  “Peanut?” Cooper rasped, his voice raw and unbelieving.

  “Yes! Help me!” she urged, tears forming in her bright blue eyes.

  “Be there in five, Peanut. Everything will be okay,” he murmured to her, his voice calming her down. A distinct clicking sound echoed from the phone, letting me know he hung up.

  Unable to form words, I just stood there silently watching Aqua lay on this man’s chest. Her hand clutching his shirt for dear life. Never in my life, had I seen my sister this attached to someone who wasn’t family. When our parents passed, she became the ice queen. Freezing herself off from everyone around her. Not making friends. Not having fun. Not even playing outside like a normal young girl. She essentially blocked herself off. So to have her showing so much emotion for someone she just met was mind boggling.

  Hearing the lock clicking on the front door, I steadied myself for who I was about to meet.

  Feeling a presence behind me, I turned my b
ody around to see who had just entered the hallway.

  Shock laced my features.

  Tall. Dark. Fucking handsome. Short black hair topped his head, dark stubble lined his cheeks and jawline, with eyes as dark as the night sky, without the light from the stars. With the body of an NFL linebacker, he was a dark angel cast from the pits of hell. The embodiment of Lucifer himself was standing before me.

  “Cooper!” Aqua screamed, running straight into his arms. He picked her up off of the floor and whispered something into her ear. Her arms snaked around his neck, hanging on with all of her might. Running his hand down her back in a comforting gesture, he kissed the top of her head and set her down on the ground again.

  This dark angel seemed to actually have a heart.

  Without question, he stalked over to Kieran, whose body was laying on the ground facing the ceiling. Leaning down, he pressed his head into Kieran’s chest to listen for his breathing. His heap popped up, and his eyes locked onto mine. Questions lurked in their depths.

  “Can you grab some ice packs from the freezer and meet me in his room?” he asked me, his tone firm but gentle.

  Rather than speak, I nodded my head yes and scurried from the hallway. When I reached the kitchen, I opened the freezer and pulled out two giant ice packs. Holding them in my hands, I walked from the kitchen into Kieran’s room. Standing on the far side of the bed, was Cooper, Aqua attached to his leg.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my already frazzled nerves.

  Once I reached the bed, I placed one ice pack on Kieran’s forehead, the other on his shoulder. Before I had a chance to do anything, Aqua detached herself from Cooper, climbed onto the bed, and draped her small body over Kieran’s. Small sobs tore from her chest making her body shake with despair. Cooper rubbed her back, trying to comfort her while his eyes were trained on me.

  Pointing his head toward the door, he motioned for me to follow him.

  He walked out the door without a backward glance, me following on his heels. Once we hit the living room, he turned to face me.


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