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Blood and Light

Page 23

by Rue Volley

  I had successfully not looked at him once…but I knew he was looking at me… I hoped my jumping off the cliff verbally would have just blind sided him, but I couldn't be so lucky.

  Johnathan sat up and looked at me.

  “So…you get a motel room… Sleep in the same bed… You have some dream and you crawl on top of him and that's it?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “What was your dream about Rue?”

  “It was a…in a field…pretty really… You know I love the smell of grass, there was a lot of it…smelled good.”

  He grinned… “And...what were you doing in the field.?”

  “Ummm…stuff and things.”

  “Stuff and things?” he asked.

  “Yea…things with”

  He took my hand.

  “Were they good things or were we mowing the grass together?”

  “You could say they were good things…not mowing, no not that… We a, we were playing chess.”

  He smiled and lifted my hand to his mouth kissing the inside of my palm.

  “Chess…? And chess would compel you to crawl on top of Josh?”

  He pushed my hair away from the side of my neck and kissed it.

  I drew in my breath…remembering pieces of my dream.

  “Chess is a very passionate sport to the Europeans ya know… I was winning,” I said.

  “I bet you were.”

  He turned my head and kissed me softly on the mouth.

  We both turned our heads, when we heard someone clear their throat. We looked towards the door and saw Sam standing there.

  “Hey Johnathan listen, we can fix your little problem there.”

  We both looked at her, not knowing what the hell she meant.

  She smiled at him, “Stand up…give me a chance to teach you both something.”

  We both stood up…I don't know why… Maybe it's just Sam's ability to let you know she is doing it, whatever “it” is, with or without your participation.


  “Okay Rue, I want you to close your eyes and I want you concentrate on the core.”

  I looked at her, surprised… “Umm, I blew out the car windows the last time I did this Sam!”

  “Well…maybe I should do this then,” she laughed .

  Johnathan looked her… “Do what.?”

  “We…all of us have the power to heal Johnathan.”

  Sam looked at his…you know.

  Johnathan backed up, “NO…no I'm good, really Sam, thanks but…”

  “Oh please…Josh is fine… You"re telling me that you just want to whimper around in pain for days?”

  He looked at her, “Well no, but…”

  Sam reached down and cupped him…he yelped.

  I had to laugh.

  “Oh shut up…trust me your not my type,” Sam said.

  Light was glowing from her hand and I saw Johnathan relax.

  “Oh my god…it's gone…! That was amazing Sam in a not weird way… I mean.”

  “You"re welcome,” Sam said as she left me room.


  Grace looked around the mirrored room, there were 11 mirrors left after the destruction of two. Knowing she had no one on the other end to allow her to pass, she started to weigh her options. Knowing her only hope was to create a bubble of energy, to contact William, she started to scribble symbols around herself, on the floor. There was no promise it would work…but an energy bubble aimed at your mate was much more accurate than just sending one out into the world. Grace finished her last one and laid the chalk down. She raised her hands and started to chant, she must be fast…she didn't know how long it would be until Caine re-appeared in one of the mirrors to torment her. Grace dropped to her knees and placed her hands in front of her, closed her eyes and started to form a bubble of energy in between her hands. It glowed white, with swirling red inside of it…she had to make it with all of her love for William. She visualized his face, his lips, trapping all memories of their time together… With one exhaustive push she sent it out, keeping focused on him. She dropped forward on her hands, exhausted from the effort and whispered… “Please William…hear me, my love.”


  William was sitting in a chair, at the table, drinking some concoction that Theodore had handed him. He started to feel a vibration and all of a sudden his chair jerked forward and he dropped the glass on the floor and it shattered at his feet. William stood up and looked at Theodore…

  “Tell me you have a mirror here,” he said.

  Theodore looked at William, confusion on his face.


  “You cannot be planning an escape from Valon.”

  “No escape Theodore…I need chalk now!”

  Theodore jumped up and started for his cabinet, in the room. He turned to William… ”You are already in enough trouble here don't you think?”

  William shot him a desperate look… “No questions…give me the chalk… Where is the mirror Theodore?”

  Theodore walked to the wall, next to the fireplace and pushed back curtains exposing a wall. He waved his hand over it and it started to transform into a large mirror. He looked back at William.

  “Not something we are supposed to have here… I had a very strong glamor on it, for any uninvited guests who decided to drop in.”

  William came running up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and grinned,

  “Good man.”

  He scribbled symbols all over the mirror.

  Theodore crossed his arms…

  “Company William…? I would appreciate it more, if you would ask.”

  William looked at him.

  “Please Theodore…it's Grace… Please help me, she needs help. I'm begging you.”

  Theodore uncrossed his arms.

  “Grace…? Here…? Oh no, no, no…! William, I am under enough scrutiny now, for housing you my boy!”

  William dropped the chalk on the floor.

  “Listen to me Theodore…I am begging you… I will take responsibility for her coming here, she needs help… I need you to help me pull her here…please!”

  Theodore put his hands on his hips.

  “What is it about pretty boys…? Swear to God, you will be the death of me!”

  Theodore picked up the chalk and started to scribble symbols on the mirror, then dropped to the floor chanting, his eyes rolled back in his head... He continued to scratch symbols into the floor at the base of the mirror. He stood up and looked at William… They both leaned forward and placed their hands on the mirror…all the symbols started to glow white.

  Grace stood in the middle of the room, looking at every mirror.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  Suddenly the mirror to her right started to vibrate…she ran up to it and placed a hand on it.

  “William…” she whispered.

  She put her chalk to the mirror and started to scribble symbols all over it…

  the word “liquid” over and over. She started to chant and stepped back. All the symbols started to glow. She waved her hand over it and it started to wave…

  She sucked in her breath and jumped through with all hope, that it wasn't another trick by Caine. She came tumbling forward and fell on a stone floor. She looked upward quickly to see where she had ended up and saw William's face.

  “Oh William...!” She stood up quickly, “Help me...we have to destroy the mirror now!”


  They all concentrated their energy on the mirror and a bright light flashed in the room…the mirror began to crack, they all shielded themselves, as it shattered to the floor.

  Grace turned to William… “My love.”

  “Gracie.” William grabbed her and held her tightly… He cupped her face and kissed her passionately.

  Theodore cleared his throat…

  “Well…hello Grace.”

  William and Grace looked at him.

  “Hello Theodore...sorry for the rude entrance,” Grace said with a smile.

  Theodore grinned at her.

  “Seems you and your mate have it to a fine art.”

  Theodore walked forward reaching his hand out towards her head. She stepped behind William.

  “Sorry Theodore…you'll have to talk to me.”

  “Ohhhh…sorry I thought we'd just skip the formality.”

  “No… ” Grace said, “I would much rather talk to you.”

  Theodore tilted his head, “Curious creature you are Grace… Well you must be starving.”

  She smiled, “Yes…I am... Food would be wonderful.”

  Theodore grabbed a basket, “I will return...”

  William and Grace watched him walk to the door.

  Theodore turned around. “Behave,” he pointed a finger at both of them.

  They both nodded at him and turned back to each other.

  Grace looked into William"s eyes.

  “I did not know if you would hear me my love,” tears welling up in her eyes.

  “I would be able to feel you through the fabric of time Gracie.”

  They embraced in silence.

  William held her shoulders and pulled her back from him.

  “Did that beast harm you Gracie?”

  She smiled at him and held his face in her hand.

  “I am fine Will… Hungry…but fine... I almost killed him.”

  Williams eyes went wide… “Grace you could have died yourself.”

  She hugged him.

  “I would kill him a thousand times over and gladly sacrifice myself to protect you and our children.”

  “Gracie…Rue is receiving her power… I don't know why.”

  Grace pulled back from him.

  “I do… ” she whispered.

  “Why Gracie?”

  “She is special William… We know that… She is going to be more than any of us who have come before her... We knew that when she was born.”

  They moved towards the table and sat down.

  “Gracie…Caine has a son...and Rue…”

  “I know William... How we did not know that…well, I think we have been deceived by Noble.”


  William stood up, “That traitor… We should have never allowed him to help us Grace…never should have trusted him!”

  “We could not create that glamor on our own William… We needed his help and he begged for us to forgive him, remember Will?” She reached her hand out to him.

  William kneeled down and took her hand, kissing her palm.

  “I know Grace,” he whispered. “We had no other option at the time…but still I will kill him myself for this treachery.”

  “First, I have to go to the council and let them know what Caine is planning Will.”

  William shot back up. “No…no Gracie, Sophia will see to it that you are killed!”

  Grace grinned.. “William…listen to me, I am Grace Valon…I am one of the first, they would not dare to destroy me.”

  “Gracie...Sophia has hate in her heart for us both… I don't trust that she won't find a way to twist this… It is bad enough that I ended up here…now you are also here. We left long ago, things have changed, the council may be in her favor now.”

  “I have to put my trust in my lineage William… I will sway them.”

  She stood up and held her hand to him…he came to her and kissed her.

  He pulled back from her.

  “Always the optimist cannot put faith in…”

  The door opened and Theodore walked in with two guards.

  Both William and Grace looked up, with their eyes wide.

  Theodore looked at them both… “Listen…they know you are here Grace… I did not summon them, please it would be best if we all go to the council now.”

  William kept his arm around Grace and they started walking towards the door.

  Grace stopped and put a hand to her head. “William...”

  William lowered his head. Grace leaned toward him and whispered in his ear.

  “We cannot enter the council…Sophia will not allow us to leave. I've seen it.”

  William stepped in front of her and grinned. They looked into each other"s eyes. William took her hands into his and raised them to his mouth kissing them gently. He lowered them and her hands started to glow. He spun out of her way and she pushed her hands forward. Theodore's eyes went wide and he threw himself out of the way. A flash of light filled the room and the two guards fell where they stood.

  “What have you done Grace!”

  Theodore pulled himself up from the floor.

  Grace held her hands out in front of her and they started to glow. Theodore looked at her with surprise.

  “I guess my hospitality is not appreciated Grace.”

  “I would suggest that you would allow me to put you down Theodore...for cosmetic purposes only.”

  Theodore tilted his head and his eyes squinted.

  “And how do you two plan on an escape?”

  William stepped towards him… “We will fight our way through this.”

  Theodore laughed. “Really…? No I think we need a better plan.” Theodore ran into his bedroom.


  William looked at Grace. “We?” he asked her.

  Theodore came running into the room, “Here!”

  He threw white leather at them… William caught the scraps in his hands. He stared at them and grinned at Theodore, “What are doing with hunter"s gear?”

  “You can call me many things, but sentimental is the most accurate William.”

  William started to shed his clothing, Theodore crossed his arms and smiled.

  “Theodore…let me put you to sleep, you don't have to fight… You can tell them we over powered you.”

  “Really...? And tarnish my reputation…? I think not.”

  Theodore ran back to his room and reappeared a few minutes later, fully clothed in white leather. He looked at Grace and William who had changed also.

  “I have a plan.” He ran to an old chest sitting against the wall near the same spot that his illegal mirror had stood. He lifted the heavy top and it creaked in protest.

  He drug out three cloaks and tossed two in their direction. “Put these on…we are going to the council door.”

  “We are going to portal at the council"s gate?”

  Theodore rubbed his hands together… “A mirror is it not?”

  William was throwing his cloak over his shoulders.“True…but they will follow…

  we will not have time to destroy it behind us.”

  “Then we will have to kill whoever follows us through.”

  William looked to Grace… “Looks as if we are about to start a war my love.”

  Grace put one hand on his face, “It never ended William… We have no choice.”

  “We will need an exit Samantha.”

  “I will send her a bubble now.”


  Chapter 8

  Mirrors and White Leather


  We had all been in the woods for three hours, watching Sam and Josh try to teach us some tricks. Johnathan already had his speed down, I had tried to do it and almost ran into a tree, so I was focusing on centering. I was off to the side in a clearing sitting by myself, just in case I had any accidents.

  “Kai…I swear to god…you have to be the worst at this, in the history of our race!”

  Kai looked at Sam and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Sorry,” he grinned at Sam

  Kai got a determined look on his face and started to move. He flashed past Johnathan, half bumped into Josh and then headlong into Sam landing on top of her. He laid there smiling down at her.

  “Get off of me,” She said.

  Kai leaned down really quick and kissed her and just as quick flashed off of her barely missing the slap coming his way. He flashed behind Josh.

  Samantha stood up and put her hands on he hips, “Awesome…now you"re a flashing molester, great…just perfect.”
  Sam stared at him for a moment.

  “Okay listen Kai…you need to think about it… You can't just flash around, like some half ass super hero wanna be.” Sam just stood still, in disgust.

  Kai laughed, “I think a cape would help me…I really do. I could put a big „K" on it for „KAI"!” He spread his hand out making his awesome vision of glory even bigger.

  Sam looked at Josh and sighed, “I am going back to the house. I am hungry.

  He…” She pointed a finger at Kai, “Will get one thing down before he is allowed to put one chip in his mouth…understood?”

  Josh laughed and realized Sam was in full swing crappy mode.

  “Okay…got it,” he winked at her.

  Sam called to me, “Rue…come with me…let the boys play for awhile.”

  I stood up and came jogging over.

  “I think I did it without killing any squirrels,” I smiled at Sam.

  She grinned at me, “Of course you did…you"re a girl.” She looked at Kai…

  “You"re not the amazing „KAI".” She put her hands out in front of her like a magician.

  Sam looked back at Josh and Johnathan.

  “Learn then food, got me?” she said.

  They all smiled at her.

  Kai leaned over to Josh, “She digs me.”

  Josh smiled, “Uh huh. You got that locked down.”

  Johnathan came up to me and leaned down, giving me a kiss. Josh crossed his arms.

  “Don't have time…” Josh said.

  Johnathan let his lips leave mine, as he sucked in his breath, “Sorry…d bag here is a drill sergeant.”

  I smiled and looked past Johnathan toward Josh.

  “Oh he has his moments...he'll warm up to you.”

  Johnathan grinned, “Yea, maybe he'll take me to a motel too.”

  I smiled and headed towards the house with Sam.



  As we entered the house Sam took my hand and led me to the couch. We sat down and I looked at her. Oh god, I hope this isn't a “you have to be careful with boys” conversation.

  “Listen Rue...I need to talk to you about something.”

  I looked down at my hands, I could feel the blush coming on.

  “Johnathan is okay for now Rue, but things could change. Josh and I put the strongest binding spell on him that we could…but only Theodore could bind him for good... You set him off.”


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