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Blood and Light

Page 29

by Rue Volley

  “It makes it so hard for me, when I can see you reacting this way Rue.”

  I couldn't help myself, I started to kiss him, like I had never been kissed before. He groaned inside my mouth as I pushed him on his back and sat on top of him. I squeezed my knees against the sides of his hips and he squirmed underneath me.

  “You need to tell me to stop, Rue,” He whispered.

  “I wish I could do that, Johnathan.”

  I looked down at him and could see the energy swirling on his skin… My mouth became dry, like I hadn't had a drink in weeks. I raised his hand to my mouth and I bit him on the the inside of his wrist. I could feel the warmth fill my mouth. He arched his back, lifting me up off of the ground . “Oh my God…Rue,”

  his voice was shaking. I could feel a need filling me…it started in my chest and radiated out, in my whole body. I lowered his wrist from my mouth and wiped my fingers across my lips. I held them out in front of me and I could see traces of blood.

  He looked at me and sat up, with me still on his lap. He wrapped one arm around my waist and put his free hand behind my head. He pulled at my hair and kissed me hard on the mouth. I felt his teeth bite my lip and I tasted metal in my mouth… Our blood swirled together and I felt a flash of light leave my body. I groaned and so did he...

  “There you are!”

  We stopped and looked at each other. “Oh god,” I whispered. I rolled off of him and tried to focus…the color started to fade, from my skin. I looked at Johnathan and he looked like he had just been hit by a truck. He ran his hands through his hair and cleared his throat.

  “Well…that was interesting,” he said.

  I stood up and saw Sam and Kai coming our way, across the grass.

  I waved… Don't know why, I guess just because.

  Johnathan stood up and kinda staggered. I looked at him and grinned.

  “Yea...okay, I'm good,” he said.

  I looked down and had to laugh…had too.

  Sam stopped a few feet from us.

  “Hey…we are heading back now,” she said to both of us.

  I looked at her. I know I looked guilty, I could feel it on my face.

  She grinned at me and looked back to Johnathan. He still had traces of red on his neck and I saw it, but I turned and started to walk. He reached up and wiped his neck, rubbing his hand on his jeans.

  “Okay…lets go, I'm hungry,” I said.

  Sam started to laugh… “Yea, looks that way Rue.”

  Kai jogged to keep up. “What's so funny, Sam?”


  He looked back at Johnathan.

  “You were not taking advantage of my sister, were you?”

  Johnathan caught up with him. “No…I wouldn't say that.”

  “Better not dude, I will kick your ass.”

  “You don't have to worry about her… Trust me, I think she could kick my ass…I do.”

  I heard him and I smiled looking down, I looked over and Sam was grinning at me.

  “What?” I said.

  She flashed away from us and we all started to flash after her.


  Home, thank god. I ran upstairs and slammed my door shut, I turned the lock and leaned against my door for a moment, rubbing my arm… I could still see faint color swirling on the surface. What the hell just happened? I reached up and rubbed my finger against my lip…it was sore from Johnathan biting it. I blinked a few times and started running the shower, with cold...very cold water. I climbed in, clothes and all, and sat down in the corner of the tub, pulling my knees up to my chest and just let it chill me to the bone. My teeth started to chatter and I reached for the knob to shut it off. I just sat still, letting the water drip from my hair, over my parted lips. I sighed… What am I? A knock pulled me from my stupor.

  I stood up… “Who is it?”

  “It's Sam, Rue...let me in.”

  I stepped out of the tub and almost slipped on my linoleum floor. I walked to my door and flipped the lock. Sam stepped in and laughed at me. I know I looked like a drowned rat.

  “Wow.” She said, “Okay, well…I brought you something.”

  I looked down at her hand and noticed a bundle of white. I met her eyes, with questions in mine.

  “I made it for you… It is your hunters gear Rue…every protector owns it... I'm sure it will fit. I had a lot of time to measure you, while you were sleeping.”

  “Hunters gear?” I asked as she placed it in my hands.

  “Yes…you are a hunter and a warrior by nature Rue… This is your protection gear…helps you heighten your senses and also helps protect against attack.”

  “Thank you Sam…but I don't think I'll be fighting anyone anytime soon.”

  “You need to put it on… We are going to the woods…to train. You need to start to understand who you are.”

  I felt like arguing, but when I looked in her eyes I did not see frustration or anger…just calm.

  “Okay…Sam, I'll put it on, let me dry my hair.”

  “Oh I wouldn't worry about looks like rain, just leave it.”

  She turned and walked out of my room. I looked at the pile of leather in my hands and got nervous at the thought of it looking ridiculous on me. There is no 202

  way that I would ever look as cool as Josh or Sam in way. I shed my clothes and dried off before I started to pull the pants up over my hips.

  They fit like they were meant to be part of my body. I ran my hands over my legs…the leather was smooth and flexible, not what I expected. I stood up and moved in them and it felt like I was wearing nothing at all. I pulled the white leather chest piece over my head and adjusted it down to my waist. It felt like a tank top, just as soft. Then I picked up the last piece, a long sleeve leather shirt, that reminded me of a thermal...only at the end of each arm a piece extended and covered the top of each of my hands. It strapped around my palm with a thin piece of white leather holding it in place.

  I turned to the mirror and looked at myself. I looked like my mother did when she fell through the mirror in the library. I rubbed my hand over my arms and felt at the leather straps that criss crossed, in a random pattern, across my chest and around my waist. Straps adorned the pants to. Once I had it on, I couldn't even see where the top stopped and the pants began… It was almost as if they were molded together…now molded to me. I took one last look and walked out of my room…ready for the jokes that may come my way.

  I reached the bottom of the stairs and Theodore looked at me…seemed he was the only one in the house.

  “Ohhh…RUE...! You look just amazing! Let me see!” He flashed up to me and spun me from side to side checking me out. He grinned with excitement.

  “Oh Sam is the only female wizard, I swear.”

  “Oh…yea, are you sure that I don't look ridiculous?”

  He hugged me. “No, you do not… You look exactly as you should.”

  I smiled and shrugged my shoulders up a little.

  “Now, go and play Rue…I promise the food will be amazing this evening.”

  I stepped out onto the porch and closed my eyes… I listened for their heartbeats.

  A colorful trail opened up to me and I flashed toward them.


  Chapter 10

  Damn Rabbit


  I moved through the woods, with the fluidity of water. I felt so at peace with my surroundings that I could have laid down, at any point along the way and just sank into the dirt. The tree branches creaked, as I past them by…not out of protest, but almost as if they wanted to push me along…leading me to my intended destination. I followed the swirling colors in the air, they drifted effortlessly, rising and falling with the pattern of the wind. I focused in on each one…white, red, yellow, and black. I looked at my hands…blue swirling on my skin... What did Josh say…it's never blue? But that's my color…mine alone.

  I looked along the trail lit up at my feet, almost a golden shimmer, not appearing as footsteps, but an
echo of the creatures that had tread in it's wake.

  All of my senses were at a peak, probably due to the exchange of blood with Johnathan. This new awareness made me feel less of a freak and more in my element. I have to admit, it makes me a little weary as to how easily I am settling into my identity…my want for blood and light. My want and need to be more, feel more…give and take more. I am more now…there's no going back, only moving forward.

  I reached a moss covered rock over hang and could hear voices below me. It looked to be about a twenty foot drop. I stood at the top staring down, not knowing if I should jump and somehow knowing that I could, without fear of injuring myself as I would of easily done, no less than two months ago. I looked at what I had on… Geezus, well, it's time to get it over with…this big reveal. I took two steps back...remembering my parents standing at the pool when I was little, giving me my encouragement to jump off the high dive… “We know you can do this Rue…be brave,” my mother said. Now I am, without trying.

  I ran forward and for a moment I felt like the birds flying over in my dream… I landed, instinctively crouching to the ground. Then I stood up straight, surprised that I didn't break an ankle when I hit the ground, but it cushioned falling on pillows, absorbing my weight and stabilizing my landing. I never felt cooler, at any moment in my life, or more protected.

  Everyone was in a loose circle and the conversation came to a dead stop when I landed. I looked up and they all had their eyes on me. Kai stepped towards me.

  “Holy Shit Rue…I didn't even feel you coming.”

  I grinned, I had too…a “Holy Shit” from Kai was a compliment.

  Johnathan smiled too, but it obviously meant something completely different.

  Sam walked a circle around me… “Well, I have to say, from one girl to another, you look unbelievably hot...and kick ass.”

  I looked down at my clothing and back up to her. “Yea…I uh like it...a lot more than I thought I would, honestly.”

  Josh just stared at me. No smile or grin…a new look, I couldn't say what he was thinking. He snapped out of it and looked at Johnathan.

  “So…today the blades?” Josh said.

  Johnathan replied quickly, “Why not…have to sooner or later…best if sooner, like now.”

  I understood, but didn't at the same time.

  Kai gave a woo-hoo and clapped his hands together. “Yea, about freakin time!”


  I looked at Sam… “What are we doing?”

  She kept her stare on the two of them… “We are not doing anything… Josh and Johnathan are going to battle with their blades today… We've been messing around with wood sticks for weeks… Looks like we are doing it for real, finally.”

  “Couldn't they kill each other?” I said, with tinge of nervousness in my voice.

  She nudged me..“Well…I don't think „kill" is going to happen, but „injure"


  I stepped forward… “Maybe you two should just settle down.”

  Josh didn't even look at me, he reached behind him and pulled out two blades from the base of his back. He brought them out to his sides and grinned at Johnathan.

  Kai got excited. “Oh it's on!”

  “Shut up Kai!” I said.

  I walked in between them and looked at Josh, then back to Johnathan.

  “What is this…some kind of male thing?”

  Johnathan grinned, as he pulled his blades.

  “No…this a him and me thing, Rue… Would you mind stepping back, so I can take care of this? Trust me it will be over soon.”

  Josh half snorted in protest. “Oh, I see we've arrived at the „cock" portion of the evening.”

  “I've never really been too upset at being called that…so if you think your going to distract me with bullshit, think again,” Johnathan replied.

  I moved out of the way...I just knew it didn't matter if I was in between them at this point, or not. I suddenly had an idea...

  “So…could someone show me how to use a blade?” I asked.

  Johnathan and Josh looked at me… “What?” Josh asked.

  I walked in between them and smiled… “I would like to learn how to use a blade… Who is good enough to show me?”

  Josh lowered his blades and grinned. “Oh, you know it's me Rue… Why do you have to ask?”

  I crossed my arms. “Well, I don't want any half assed show and tell… I want someone to show me how to fight with them... No „go easy on the girl" crap either.”

  Johnathan relaxed his arms. “I can show you what I've learned.”

  Josh had to interject. “Oh come on Johnathan…! I know what I'm doing... You wouldn't even be able to hold a blade properly, if I didn't show you how too.”

  Johnathan sheathed his blades behind his back and looked at me.

  “Well, it kills me to admit it but...he did show me.”

  I walked up to him and whispered in his ear, “I don't need you to show me how to use a blade Johnathan… We get along just fine without any.” He grinned as I pulled away from his face.

  “True,” he whispered back.

  Sam had been unusually quiet this whole time, but she broke her silence. “Hold on…I'll be right back.”

  She flashed away and back so quickly that none of us had time to ask her what the deal was.


  Sam returned with a bundle in her hands, looked as if it was leather only black…

  She handed it to me.

  “Here Rue…these belong to you now.”

  I knelt down and placed it on the ground and started to unwrap it, to reveal two beautifully etched blades, with white handles…bright like ivory. I gripped them, one in each hand and held them out before me. The blades were elbow to wrist in length and had a slight curve. I held them steady and felt the weight…it was barely noticeable. I looked to Sam, who had a blank expression on her face.

  “These are your Mother"s blades Rue… They now belong to you.”

  “Thank you Sam,” I whispered.

  I know I had a mixed expression of pride and grief on my face because she put her hand on my shoulder, for just a moment. She had that look…the one where you don't really have to say anything, but then she did.

  “For every end there is a beginning,” She said.

  “What?” I asked her.

  Sam smiled. “It is an old teaching with our people, Rue…often used when Blades are passed from one to another.”

  “Ohh…I...I don't know what I am supposed to say,” I said quietly.

  I looked back to the blades in my hands…it felt completely normal, odd enough.

  Josh stepped out in front of me.


  I looked up at him.

  “Remember when I said you should center yourself?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, now is the time to do it… You need to center and draw energy into your blades.”

  “I'm going to do what?”

  “Watch me,” he said.

  Josh spread his feet apart, about a foot wide and held his arms at his side, straightening his posture, positioning himself to become an arrow pointed toward the sky. He closed his eyes and black started to swirl on his skin… I watched as the swirls gathered and started to flow over both of his blades. The symbols etched into them started to glow white, with traces of black mixed in.

  I leaned over to Sam and asked her, “Why is it black?”

  Sam replied, “Josh's color is Black, it is a strong foundation and pride...of course.” I giggled, guess it wasn't the best reaction.

  Josh opened his eyes and looked at me. “Did you watch me?” he asked, kind of irritated…but in a funny way.

  I bit my lip and held my blades out at my sides… “I did…but I don't know if I can do that.”

  “I doubt you will fail… Come towards me.”

  I stepped out, only a couple feet from him and looked down at the blades in my hands.

  “Okay…here goes so
mething, well, maybe nothing… I'm not making any promises… none.”

  Josh smiled, without parting his lips.


  “Just close your eyes…remember the motel?”

  “Nice Josh,” I whispered.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, concentrating on the core…it started to visualize in my mind. Melted metal and rock swirling so fast... I could barely focus on it, I slowed my breathing and with each breath I exhaled I watched as the swirling slowed, shimmers of gold and silver laced the fire. I started to draw it into myself, slowly. At first, it was a vibration in my feet and then it began to travel up my legs, through my torso and out to my hands. I felt it tug at my fingertips, almost begging me to release it to the metal blades. I let it go…very slowly, it left heated trails across my skin, as it slithered onto the metal. I heard someone suck their breath in and I opened my eyes. Josh stood before me wide eyed, fear was not on his face, but instead a look of wonder.

  I looked down at the blades and they were a beautiful color of blue, traced lightly within the blue were other distinct colors white, green, yellow, red, brown, orange, and black. These colors did not mix together but stayed in thin lines, almost as if they were laced within it. I held them up and stared at them closely.

  “Seems that I have a lot of colors here Josh… Did I do something wrong?”

  Josh moved towards me.

  “Damn,” he said.

  I kinda panicked. “What…? Don't tell me I broke them already.”

  Josh rubbed his fingers on his eyes and re focused on the blades.

  “No…no you did not break them Rue.” He circled me still staring at them.

  I shifted my weight to my other foot. “What is it then…? Stop looking at them so weird, you"re making me nervous.” I swung a blade out as I said it and he dodged a slice to his face.

  He smiled… “I'm making you nervous…? Really?”

  “Yes, you are,” I said.

  “Well, don't talk with your hands Rue.” He grinned and looked at Sam, “Do you see this Samantha?”


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