Book Read Free

Single White Submissive

Page 6

by Madeleine Oh

Damage control needed urgently.

  He kept hold of her, this time dropping a soft kiss on her forehead. “Don’t look so worried, Ginny. I’ll still love you even if you say ‘no’.” His hopeful smile managed to draw a wary one from her. “Coffee and decadent pudding, my love?”

  At least he had one “yes”.

  He really had screwed up. She leaned back in her chair eating slowly and sipping coffee, but avoiding his eyes. He half-suspected she’d have been out the front door and down the road if her clothes weren’t still on his bedroom floor.

  Ginny licked the whipped cream off her spoon. The pudding was every bit as marvelous as he’d promised. Too bad it was so hard to swallow. Gulping coffee helped but, oh, dammit! Wonderful splendiferous sex—and what did he have to do but kill the moment? At least he wasn’t trying to force conversation. Why did men do things like that? Or, more precisely why did Mac? Marriage proposals weren’t customary post-coital conversation openers in her experience.

  And why did it upset her so? She could have laughed it off as the joke it was. Except something deep inside convinced her he hadn’t been kidding.

  She stared at the now-empty plate. Pity she hadn’t tasted anything while she was scarfing it down. Pity she was going to grab her clothes and run for the wilds of Earl’s Court. Pity it—


  She pushed away the empty plate, picked up her coffee to drain the last mouthful or so, and met Mac’s eyes over the rim of her mug.

  They were the same eyes she’d met when she opened his front door just a couple of hours ago, but now they looked tortured, strained, worried.

  “Meringue all right?” he asked.

  “Very nice.”


  Blow it! She was not sitting there, wearing nothing but his dressing gown and exchanging monosyllables. “No, it’s not!” At least that got a reaction. Eyebrows rose nicely and a bit of light came back into his dark eyes—puzzled and exasperated light, but a distinct improvement over confusion. Having his attention, she might as well dive in. “Something’s wrong. After the best sex I ever had, I end up hurting your feelings. I eat through the most scrumptious dessert imaginable without tasting it, and now feel it’s all my fault—which it really isn’t—and on top of it, I never did get the velvet manacles you promised.”

  Not quite what she’d intended but once she’d started it all poured out.

  And left him speechless for a good thirty seconds.

  But he did smile and the sexy light returned to those gorgeous eyes.

  “I see.” Surely he could do better than that? He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “Thank God, you’re not one of those women who hisses ‘fine’ when it’s anything but.” He paused, his head angled to one side. “I rushed you on the ‘marry me’ bit, I presume?”

  “You bowled me over, as the saying goes, and trampled the breath out of me.”

  “A bit too sudden. Too soon?”


  “But it was the best sex you’ve ever had?”

  “So far.”

  He beamed, his eyes creasing at the corners and his lips all but demanding to be kissed. “So far? You expect more and better? Am I faced with a rapacious submissive? Bit of an oxymoron that.”

  It was going to be all right! She knew it from the wicked twist of his mouth and the twinkle back in his eyes. She opened her fingers to mesh with his. “Going to do anything about it?” They should probably be talking things out, but darn it, just touching him made her horny and he had promised…

  “Definitely.” He tightened his hold on her fingers. She’d have to yank her arm to withdraw from his touch—if she ever wanted to. “Just answer me this, was it just sex for you?”

  Questions, questions. Thinking was needed and her current brain chemistry wasn’t inclined to cognition. But it was a perfectly reasonable question in the circumstances. Better tone down the libido and up the rational part of her brain. Not easy but not a hard question to answer. “No, Mac, it wasn’t ‘just’ sex. It was fantastic, mind-blowing sex. You were incredible but it went deeper. I felt a connection to you and when I came, it was as if I leapt into the heavens with you. I used to think tales of the earth moving and rockets going off were just a bunch of hyperbole but—”

  His big, smacky kiss interrupted her. “Sorry to break you off like that,” he said, “but, Ginny, I feel the same. I’ve had…okay, don’t take me wrong here, but I’ve had scores of nice women as play partners. Most of them were just that—fun people to enjoy kinky sex with. A few I really clicked with and we played repeatedly, but you’re the first one to stun me out of complacency. My French grandmother would have called it a coup de tonnerre—a thunderbolt and she’d have been spot on. It was like a bolt from the heavens. I meant what I said—I’d love to marry you and play with you for the rest of my life, but won’t belabor the point. The offer stands—if you want to consider it a day or two, even a few weeks.

  “Sorry I ruined the pud for you, I can always get another, but meanwhile I do have those manacles waiting if you’re interested.”

  She went warm, cold, shivery and sweaty all at the same time. No man could be so reasonable, so utterly decent, so kind and so all-around sexy in one package. But Mac was and offering himself to her. Thinking about being manacled sent goose bumps down her spine and a hot rush to her cunt.

  Amid the wash of hormones and horniness, reason still stirred. “The safe word still applies?”

  “Always, Ginny, always.” He stood. “Remember it?”

  “Virginia Amy Elizabeth Wallace.”

  He gave her hand a little tug. “Come on then.”

  They practically ran down the corridor, Mac pulling her along. Once back in his room, he spun her to face him and he kissed hard then untied the belt, easing the dressing gown off her shoulders. It felt so right to be naked again. His mouth pressed on hers, pushing her lips apart before his tongue invaded with heat and passion. She tried to meet his kiss, pressing her tongue on his, exploring his mouth, but she couldn’t match his power and strength. There was no question who led the kiss and who followed, and her heart fluttered with happiness.

  She whimpered with disappointment when he lifted his mouth to break the kiss. “Hush,” he chided tapping her lips with his finger. “Don’t you dare complain, Ginny. That’s not one of your options. Unless you want to safe word out.”

  Not a chance! “Play” he might call it, but there was nothing frivolous about his purpose. “I don’t want to safe word out.”

  “Good. Prove your sincerity by kneeling and sucking my cock. Take it as deep as you can. Show me how much you want to please me.” His hands on her shoulders pressed gently. She could easily have resisted the pressure, just stepped back and walked away. But she wasn’t loony!

  She knelt.

  The carpet was soft under her knees, the hair on his legs brushing her breasts as she leaned in. She raised a hand to stroke his beautiful cock, but his fingers closed over her wrist.

  “No,” he said, “no hands. I want to see what you can do with your mouth alone. Clasp you hands behind your back.”

  It made balancing up on her knees a little harder but if worse came to worse and she toppled forward, she’d fall smack into his legs and that could hardly be bad. Finding his cock wasn’t going to be difficult—his silk dressing gown tented over his erection.

  Once steady, she leaned in and grasped the colored silk in her teeth pulling it a little aside so his cock sprang out, hard, and aimed right at her. She kissed the tip, caressing the smooth, rounded flesh with her lips and licking gently to savor the sweet bead of moisture, before opening her lips and taking the rounded head into her mouth. She worked her lips up and over the smooth, rounded knob, fluttering her tongue over his ridge and frenulum before moving her head and taking him in deep.

  His cock was the perfect size—strong and lusciously firm, but not so long as to choke her or wide enough to gag her. It could have been made to measure to suit
her needs and wants.

  Was Mac right? Were they made for each other? Had the thunderbolt hit her, too? Now was not the time to worry over that. Not with his wondrous cock in her mouth and her lips working up and down the hard rod of muscle. Her mind blanked out, her reason lost in the vast tide of longing, need and heat. On her knees, worshiping his cock, peace flooded her. This felt so right, to be there, naked for Mac—to show her willingness and prove her worthiness.

  His hands tunneled in her hair, clasping her head as he gently eased her mouth up and down his cock. With Mac controlling, Ginny concentrated on using her tongue. Licking round him, flicking the head of his cock with soft, large movements then whirling around with faster, lighter darts circling his ridge and teasing the sensitive spot underneath. She longed—itched—to stroke his balls, but kept her hands clasped as ordered, confident he’d let her worship his balls in his own good time.

  She looked up and met his eyes. His smile and the dazed but ecstatic look on his face was all she needed to increase her efforts. This was sheer and utter joy and feminine power—she reveled in it.

  Until he eased her head off him—gently but firmly. “Enough, Ginny. Enough. You’ve convinced me. You are completely sincere in your desire to submit to me. You delight me with what you offer.” He grasped her upper arms and raised her to her feet. Seeing his mouth smiling down at her, she parted her lips, ready for his kiss, but it never came. “Time now, Ginny, for you to prove you meant it about rending yourself helpless. Are you sure you want to go on? Once I have you bound, you cannot escape me. You will be helpless, vulnerable, utterly in my power. I can do anything to you I choose and you can do nothing but accept. Can you take it?”

  She was beginning to doubt herself, but no… “I don’t know if I can, Mac. I know I want to. It’s always been a secret fantasy. Just listening to what you offer has me ready. I don’t know, but I’ll try.”

  “No, sweet Ginny. I’ll try you.” He ran his hand down the side of her face, caressing her chin with his fingers and tilting her face. His touch was soft and gentle, but if she resisted would it be so tender? “Get on the bed, Ginny. Face down. Now.”

  The sharp tone of that last word sent a shiver down to her cunt. She was facedown in seconds, head on the soft down pillow and arms by her sides.

  “Good, very good.” It was almost a whisper but all the more forceful for the quiet confidence in his voice. His fingertips trailed down the bumps of her spine sending goose bumps skittering across her skin. A slow kiss on her shoulder elicited a little moan before she bit it back. Had he told her to be silent this time? Did the order from last time carry over?

  Darn it, she needed to know. “Mac?”

  He stopped stroking her and rested the flat of his hand in the middle of her back. “You want to use your safe word?”

  “No, I want to ask a question.”


  Okay. Deep breath. “Do I have to remain silent?” Part of her recoiled at the thought she even had to ask, and a deeper, wilder part of her mind reveled in needing to ask—having to do whatever he decreed.

  “Do you have to remain silent?” he echoed. “Mmm, let me think. It would be good discipline for you to have to restrain yourself, but on the other hand, you made such a sterling effort earlier, this time—and mind you, Ginny, just this time—you may express pleasure and contentment. If, and only if, you do so quietly. No rambunctious yelling or shouting. We will have sedate, controlled expressions of passion only.” Sedate, controlled and passion in the same sentence was an oxymoron. But she knew enough to keep that to herself. “Thank you, Mac.”

  “My pleasure,” he replied. “Now, if you are through with interruptions, I will continue.”


  She sensed him move away then return and lean over her. Warmth pooled between her shoulder blades then slowly trickled down her back. She had her mouth open to ask what he was doing when she realized the smooth, warm liquid was massage oil. Virgin olive oil from his sister’s father-in-law? Now was not the time to worry about its provenance, but just enjoy the warmth on her skin. Moments later the mattress shifted as Mac climbed on the bed and knelt astride her, his thighs brushing her hips. His hand settled on her shoulders and began to knead her flesh.

  A massage! As he worked her shoulders, she let out a long sigh of pleasure.

  “Like that, Ginny?”

  “Oh, yes!”

  “Good, you’re tense. I want you thoroughly relaxed before I restrain you.”

  And that comment was supposed to help? No, just the opposite, he wanted her on edge. He was going to get it. Perhaps. His hands did work magic. She’d thought herself relaxed after that rather stupendous climax, but he was finding tight muscles she never knew existed. Finishing her shoulders, he moved lower. Now straddling her thighs, he worked her lower back and hips. She gave into his touch, closed her eyes and sank into the mattress. He could do this all day and into the night. To lie there, limp on his bed while his hands worked her flesh was a pleasure she’d never turn down.

  Damn! Mac wasn’t just a marvelous lover. He was a marvel worker. She let out another sigh of pleasure and he eased back up her shoulders and worked her right arm, stroking and kneading the muscles as he lifted her arm and fastened a strip of cloth around her wrist and tightened it with the soft scritch sound of Velcro.

  She looked up and pulled at her wrist as he grabbed her left hand and fastened that down, too.

  She was bound, flat on her belly and… She bit back the protest that rose by instinct. This was what she’d wanted, dreamed of and asked for. She was helpless—

  “Completely,” Mac said, as if reading her mind. “Utterly helpless now, Ginny.” He rested his hand on her bum, pressing a little as if to emphasize exactly where he had her. “At my mercy.”

  A wonderfully slow shiver rippled down her body and settled deep in her cunt. She wanted so much to sit up and reach for him but her arms were tied securely to the bed head. Even rolling over would be a gymnastic feat.

  All she could do was lie there. Her body thrilled at the reality. This was her fantasy to be helpless while a lover pleasured her and Mac’s massage was pleasure indeed. So was his hand on her bum. She’d always felt it was too big, blamed it on the hours she’d spent riding as a schoolgirl, but apparently he was entranced by hers, stroking, brushing his fingertips over her curves and cupping her bum cheeks from the underside and jiggling.

  She almost left the mattress when he planted a kiss on her right cheek then her left. “You have such a perfect arse, Ginny,” he said. “It’s beautiful.” He ran his hand over her flesh, a gentle caress that teased and promised. She lay still, relishing his touch and waiting for more.

  Chapter Eight

  Needing more—which never came.

  She bit back the demand that rose by instinct. She needed more, ached for more, but she’d agreed. Not a sound unless of pleasure. Damn! This being submissive was harder than she’d imagined. He could tease her the rest of the afternoon and into the night. Arouse her and then pull back. That, no doubt, was exactly what he planned. She took a deep breath and lay still, waiting, and yelped as he bit her bum!

  She pulled herself up by lifting her shoulders, and turned scowling at him, but strong hands forced her back down.

  “No noise, Ginny, no yelling. Didn’t you agree, and what was that?”

  “I yelled because you hurt me!”

  “I know I did. Time for you to experience a different sensation. If you hadn’t made such a noise, I’d have kissed it better. You’d have enjoyed that, you like my kisses don’t you, Ginny?”


  “And for now you’ll have to do without. Shame about that, but, my love, you have to learn to do exactly as you are told. In my bed, you obey. I had hoped you’d obey just by being asked, but seems you are one of those women who need discipline to learn.”

  A shiver that wasn’t pleasure crossed her soul. Discipline! Mac had promised he wouldn’t spank her th
is time, but was that conditional on her obedience? She was trying to word her question, so it wouldn’t sound like more complaining when she felt Mac move off the bed, and from the corner of her eye she saw him move out of her line of vision. A hand grasped her right ankle, pulled it to the side and in seconds it was restrained. It took even less time to tie down her left ankle.

  She was spread-eagled, flat on her belly and unable to move. She tensed, expecting a slap or even a series of spanks, but nothing. Not a word, not a touch. A few moments later he returned to the head of the bed, a small kitchen timer in his hand.

  “Ginny, I’m giving you ten minutes to show me you fully understand what ‘lie still, and be silent’ means. I’ll put the timer here so you know exactly how much longer you have left. It won’t be easy, but I have every confidence in you. I expect you to make every effort, and I expect you to succeed. If you fail, I will be thoroughly disappointed.”

  Darn! He sounded like the headmaster of her old school. Probably Mac’s intention. “I’ll try.”

  “You’d better, my dear. Very hard.” She bit back that response, too. Now was not the time for wisecracks. “Not a sound, Ginny, not a movement, whatever I do to you.”

  Feeling the tension build in her back, she made herself relax. She’d go limp and lie there unmoving…she hoped. More than anything she wanted to obey, to do exactly what Mac wanted, to prove her sincerity.

  His fingertips trailed up her spine. Slowly. She bit back the sigh of pleasure and another as he stroked down from the nape of her neck. She loved his touch, wished for more, but he’d moved away again. She lay there, breathing slowly, waiting. Hoping.

  Seemed ages before he touched her again. This time his hand rested on her bum, and openhanded he circled her arse cheek. Pleasant, but she could hold back the appreciative moan. But it couldn’t all be this easy could it?

  Seconds later, he parted her bum cheeks, cold gel shot inside her arsehole followed almost immediately by the pressure of cold metal. Biting her lip kept sound back. She held her breath, waiting to feel the intrusion of the plug. This time she got what she expected but without any gentle easing. One moment the tip of the plug pressed against her tight muscle and the next it was inside her, filling her narrow passage and she tasted blood where she’d bitten her lip.


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