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Damned and Cursed | Book 10 | Fallen Skye

Page 21

by Bullion, Glenn

  Victoria wasn’t sure if she was offended or amused.

  “Wow. Do I really sound like that?”

  “Glinda is doing what has to be done. You can’t always do what has to be done, and not draw attention.”

  “You’re on his side? I thought I’d never see the day.”

  “Whoa, now. Watch that tongue. I’m not on anyone’s side here except my own.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.”

  “All I’m saying is sometimes, you need to pull that stick out of your ass.”

  “Such helpful advice.”

  “You’ve got some backup. Use it, and stop complaining.”

  “I know you’re right. But Kevin and Zoey, they’re just young, and—”

  “You brought the Stray along? Oh, man, forget everything I just said. You’re fucked.”

  “I’m glad you have such confidence in us.”

  “Yeah, anytime.”

  She smiled.

  “Well, enough about me. How are things there? How is Skye?”

  He shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her in twenty minutes.”

  Victoria leaned forward.


  “She’s digging holes with Tiff in the backyard. Working on the garden. She’s fine.”

  Clenching her eyes shut, she tried to bury the frustration.

  “Jack, would you please, you know, just watch her? She’s an emotionally damaged witch. Do I really need to say—?”

  “There’s that control thing again.”

  She nearly growled.


  “Alright, alright. Hold on.”

  He disappeared from his tablet. She could hear him yelling.

  “Hey, ladies! Are you both alive out there? Aunt Victoria is afraid you’ll destroy something.”

  There was Tiffany’s faint voice, confirming all was okay. Jack reappeared at his breakfast bar.

  “They’re getting dangerously close to my tomatoes, but they’re alive. Happy now?”

  “Thrilled. What else is going on? Is everything okay?”

  “Well, let’s see. She tried to screw me the other night. She’s taken over a room in my house. She speaks like a toddler.”

  “Speaks? She talks?”

  “Yeah, but believe me, you’re not missing much. I liked it better when she was quiet. But she did cook me a cheese steak. So, not all bad.”

  “Sounds like quite a party.”

  “Oh, you wouldn’t believe it. Just wolf and witch sex every night.”


  “Marie’s in town. I didn’t invite her, but hell, why not? The more the merrier, right?”

  “And I miss her again. I’m starting to think you’re hiding—”

  A voice interrupted their conversation.

  “Hey. We need help.”

  Victoria glanced at her stone necklace, still sitting where she’d left it on the dresser. She rose to her feet quickly, waiting to hear more, but nothing came. The hotel room went silent, as Jack had heard Kevin as well. Crossing the room, Victoria retrieved the necklace and raised it to her mouth to speak, but hesitated. Kevin offered nothing, and there had to be a reason for that.

  “I have to go,” she said.

  Jack was quiet, merely offering a nod.

  She ended the call and left the room. The sun had set on Sumerset. The walkway overlooked the parking lot below, which was nearly empty. There was a slight chill to the air. Victoria didn’t bother changing her clothes or putting on shoes. She marched quickly in plain shorts and a tee shirt to Kevin and Zoey’s room. She stopped short of entering or knocking, choosing instead to place her ear to the door. She closed her eyes, letting her other, more powerful senses go to work.

  There were several voices. Heightened emotions. Quickened heartbeats. She thought she heard Zoey speaking, but then nothing. Another raised voice, threatening.

  Dropping to one knee, she tried to peer through the window. The curtain was drawn shut, but there was a gap in the corner she could see past.

  Kevin and Zoey weren’t alone.

  She tried to move from side to side, adjust her angle. There were multiple people. A pair of jeans. A ripped shirt. Kevin stood near the rear of the room.

  There was a flash of a familiar pair of legs on the bed. They strained and tried to swing over the side, but someone held her down.

  Victoria nearly bared her teeth.

  Standing upright, she approached the door and kicked it open. Her eyes darted around the room, confirming some of the glimpses she’d seen. Kevin stood in a defensive stance, next to what was certainly one of his magical traps. Several men approached him, while a man and woman pinned Zoey to the bed.

  It was the blood on her chest that nudged Victoria over the edge.

  Victoria attacked. She knew she only had a moment before the element of surprise was lost, and she made great use of that moment. She went for the human female first, raking a claw across her arm, then another swipe across the knee. Grabbing Zoey, she pulled the teen toward her, only to feel resistance. The vampire holding her arm engaged in a tug of war.

  Zoey could fight her own battles.

  Pushing away from Victoria, Zoey leapt at the vampire holding her. They collapsed in a heap next to the bed. Victoria jumped over the mattress, intending to help, but was met in mid-air with a violent tackle around her waist. She let out a gasp as she fell with her attacker in the corner. Her head slammed into the wall, bending at an awkward angle. Her vision cleared enough to see the man with ripped jeans straddling her, a twisted smile on his face.

  “Oooh,” he hissed. “You’re pretty—”

  She reacted before he could let out whatever ridiculous taunt he had in mind. The man’s eyes shot open as she dug a claw into his throat. He tried to grip her wrist with one hand, while attacking with the other. She stopped him easily. To injure the newborn further, she bit into his forearm, ripping away muscle and flesh.

  One of his companions tried to help, leaning over to reach for Victoria. But a beam of light struck him from across the room. He fell to his knees and covered his face as smoke poured between his fingers.

  Two of them decided it wasn’t a battle worth fighting, and nearly fell over themselves trying to escape. They ran through the open door.

  Victoria nimbly brought her legs to her chest and kicked her attacker back. He slammed into the wall, sliding halfway down. The look on his face told her the fight had left him, too. He didn’t know what wound to cover first, the hole in his neck or arm. He followed his companions out the door.

  Victoria rose to her feet. The only one left fighting was Zoey, who raked and clawed the vampire under her. He raised his arms to protect himself, and managed to slip in a strike here and there.

  But she’d never seen Zoey so angry.

  She was covered in blood, with streaks running through her hair and clothes. Her fangs were exposed, her eyes red. She attacked as if her life depended on it.

  Victoria moved closer, to stop her, but Kevin was closer. He grabbed her arm as she reared back for another strike. Zoey nearly pulled him with her strength, but she restrained.

  “Hey,” he said gently. “It’s okay. They’re done.”

  Zoey listened, stopping to check her surroundings. The room was a mess. The human female still lay next to the bed, writhing in pain in her own blood. Kevin’s ice pillar remained standing, with its victim inside. The vampire Zoey had decimated lay perfectly still, terror in his eyes. The others had left.

  Victoria carefully approached and touched her shoulder. She wasn’t sure what bothered her most. Seeing her threatened by others, or the rage etched in her face.

  “Are you okay?”

  Zoey slowly calmed down, her breathing returning to normal. Her eyes changed to their natural color, and Victoria saw the girl she had grown to care about. Familiar emotions played across her features. Confidence, anger, surprise, fear. These were all good things. A vampire’s power was a di
fficult line to walk. Sometimes claws and fangs were necessary. But bloodlust was never a good thing.

  “I … don’t know,” she said honestly. “That was … ” Her eyes narrowed as she looked over Victoria’s shoulder. “One second.”

  The human female had risen to her feet. Zoey stepped over the bed and was on her without hesitation. She buried her fangs in the woman’s neck, holding her up with ease. There was a cry of pain before it turned to something more sexual. Kevin quickly rushed to close the door, although the jamb was broken. A look of embarrassment crossed his face as the woman let out a whimper.

  Victoria nearly intervened, but kept her place. Despite everything happening, a swell of pride formed in her chest. Zoey was in control, her feeding slow and steady. The woman was in no danger, even though Victoria was certain there was a part of Zoey that wanted to drain her dry.

  Zoey eased the woman on the floor gently. Turning in place, she wiped blood away from her lips. Kevin continued to avert his gaze, uncomfortable.

  “Are you okay?” Zoey asked him.

  “Oh yeah, fine,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Just, you know. People breaking into our room, blood, orgasms, violence. Just a normal night.”

  “Is that really necessary?” Victoria said, gesturing to his combat gear. Her tone was annoyed, frustrated, and that surprised even her.

  It took a moment for Kevin to understand her meaning. He looked down at his vest, running a hand across a few potions. He still held his magic mirror. Crossing the room, he grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and gave it a gentle shake. It floated in place when he released it, defying gravity. He shoved the mirror into one of the pockets.

  “I think maybe, yeah. I mean, they were trying to kill us.”

  “Kill you? I don’t think so.”

  She shook her head as she moved toward the only other conscious person in the room. The vampire that Zoey had mangled was in worst shape than her. Torn clothes, ripped flesh. Zoey had grabbed one of the piercings in his ears and ripped it away, leaving a twisted hunk of flesh on the side of his head. Victoria snatched him and hoisted him to his feet.

  “I’m sorry!” he shouted. “Look, no one was supposed to get hurt. We don’t want to hurt anyone!”

  Victoria shoved him into the chair. For the first time, she looked him over, taking in more details. She couldn’t guess his age, but he was definitely a newborn. Maybe thirty years old, at least when he was human. He lacked wisdom in his gaze. He had multiple piercings, an undertaking that truly impressed Victoria. A vampire constantly healed, which meant their uninvited quest constantly re-pierced himself.

  “What’s your name?”


  “Hello, Dylan. Did Zeke send you?” Victoria asked.

  His face wrinkled in confusion.

  “No. He doesn’t know we’re here. Why would Zeke send us?”

  “I got the impression he didn’t like us much.”

  “Oh, please. We all look up to Zeke, but, what do you think he is? Like some vampire gang leader or something? We just wanted to come talk to him.”

  He pointed at Kevin, who sunk his shoulders sheepishly.


  “Yeah. Dude, like, what the fuck are you? Last night, and just now. We’ve never seen anyone that can do the shit you’re doing.”

  “Oh, really?” Victoria said, arching an eyebrow at her magical friend. “Imagine that.”

  Kevin scowled.

  “I get it. All my fault. Okay? Now, can we move on?”

  His anger surprised her.

  “That’s not what I—” She sighed, taking a deep breath, before returning her attention to Dylan. “Continue.”

  “Missy,” he said, pointing to the nearly unconscious woman behind them. “She said she heard of witches. We all thought it was bullshit. But, is that what you are?”

  “You didn’t need to start all this,” Victoria said, motioning to the chaos around them. “To ask that.”

  “Yeah, well, you don’t seem like nice people.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Zoey said, stepping forward. “Look at us! At me! Look at what you did—!”

  “Zoey,” Victoria said. The teen growled and backed up.

  “Look, I’m sorry,” Dylan said. “We’re all sorry. But, we wanted to ask—” He looked at Kevin. “Can you cure us?”

  The question was a surprise to them all.

  “W-What?” Kevin said.

  “Whatever it is you do. If you do know magic. Can you cure vampires?”

  Victoria and Kevin locked eyes. He was searching for direction, and Victoria hoped her expression offered some.

  “No,” he said. Victoria took a relaxed breath. “For werewolves, yeah. But vampires—”

  Dylan’s eyes widened.


  “No,” Victoria repeated, more forcefully, before Kevin could say more than necessary. “There isn’t a cure for us. And a cure implies disease, or sickness. We are neither.”

  “Are … you shitting me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with what we are.”

  His laugh was a sarcastic one.

  “I haven’t seen the sun in twenty years. I haven’t tasted a soda, or eaten a hamburger. I watched all my friends and family grow old and die.”

  “You could always kill yourself,” Zoey said.

  Victoria shot her a look.

  “Yeah, I could do that,” Dylan said. “And then the next day, some scientist comes out of the shadows with a cure. I’m not ready to give up hope yet.”

  “Well, it sucks that there’s nothing we can do,” Zoey said, pointing to Kevin. “Not even him.”

  Dylan hung his head and stared at the bloodied carpet. Victoria approached and put a hand on his shoulder. There was more to be said, but not now. Not with Kevin and Zoey present. Maybe she’d look Dylan up again sometime.

  She approached the window and peered through the curtain.

  “Do you live around here?” she asked, gesturing to the dusk outside. “The sun’s barely down. How did you get here so fast?”

  “The sewers. We’d all go crazy if we had to stay home all day. It’s a bit of a maze, but we use them to get around town. Some of us even live down there.”

  “Really?” Victoria said, her suspicions growing. “Would you mind taking me on a tour?”

  “Seriously?” Dylan waved around them. “Don’t you think we’ve got other problems?”

  Victoria took in their surroundings, almost resembling a murder scene.

  “Kevin, can you … undo, some of this?”

  He sighed as he plucked a vial from his vest.

  “Yeah, give me a minute.” He pointed to the ice prison. “I’ll free him, heal Missy. Do you … ?” He hesitated before asking the question. “Want their memories wiped?”

  “Holy shit—” Dylan said.

  “No. Not necessary.”

  He nodded.

  “The mess, well, I can’t do much about that.”

  “I’ll take care of that,” Victoria said, already thinking of the crew she’d call. She looked at the biggest mess in the room, Zoey, up and down.

  “Zoey, you should probably—”

  “I’m taking a shower,” she announced. “I’ll be out soon.”


  JACK BARELY KNEW where he was as he stumbled down the hall. His motions were more from habit than any cognitive thought. The carpet under his feet, the stairs leading to the living room, the railing. The faint sound of movement in the kitchen muddied his senses. Wakefulness pulled at him, but not fast enough. He was a tired, bumbling mess.

  It was glorious. He wasn’t sure if the sensation would ever get old.

  Skye danced about in the kitchen, rummaging through cabinets. She still wore a bikini, but now covered herself with a bathrobe. Jack wondered how long that would last.

  She smiled as he surveyed his kitchen.


  He grunted, looking at the various bowls s
cattered across the bar.

  “What is this?”

  “I make breakfast. Cereal.”

  “No. Marie is stopping over, and I’m not shoving a bowl of cereal in her face.”

  “Ah,” Skye said, tilting her chin back as if to get a better view of him. “You like her.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “This isn’t grade school. Now, step aside, and watch how a professional handles a kitchen.”

  Jack went to work. Marie, like he imagined all werewolves to be, was a meat-lover. He didn’t skimp there. Plenty of bacon and sausage. Scrambled eggs, with two over-easy set aside for Tiffany. Skye was constantly in the way, almost magically, as Jack moved about. In front of the fridge when he needed eggs, near the cabinet when he needed a bowl. A scowl from him finally sent her to the other side of the bar, out of harm’s way.

  “French toast? Pancakes?” he asked.

  Skye blinked in confusion, and Jack stiffened. It took everything he had not to clench his fist. Marie was probably on her way, and Tiffany would be up any moment.


  “Do you want to eat pancakes for breakfast? Mmm, yum yum,” he mocked, holding up a box of Bisquick. “Or, would you like French toast? Look, we really have to move past this bullshit.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her silence lasted just a moment too long for Jack’s liking.

  “Pancakes it is,” he said. “But don’t touch the honey. That’s mine. You have the syrup. Tiffany’s a fiend with syrup, so there’s more in the cabinet if you want some.”

  “Thank,” Skye said.

  “Yeah, yeah. Thank me after you’ve eaten. Trust me, you’ve never eaten anything like this.”

  Jack poured himself a glass of tea and chocolate milk for Tiffany. He prepared nothing for Skye. She was an adult, who could get her own beverage.

  He was so busy admiring his own work that he didn’t notice Skye move to the counter. The sweet scent caught his attention first. He turned to see her performing her own work. She stirred her finger in some magical concoction, using one of his glasses. The liquid was a subtle green, with a slight fog emanating from the cup to match. Sitting in a row was syrup, sugar, salt, some nutmeg.


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