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Damned and Cursed | Book 10 | Fallen Skye

Page 35

by Bullion, Glenn

  “What were you going to do?” Skye asked. “Fuck me? Use me for sorcery?”

  “Just the magic,” Harry said. “I swear. I was going to treat you like a queen! Look, I have a wife!”

  Jack noticed her speech improving right before his eyes. He wondered what other secrets Skye held.

  “A wife. Is that who you were with? The other night? While they strapped me to chair?”

  “What? No, that wasn’t … look, just what do you want from me?”

  She knelt and leaned forward, invading his personal space. She held the knife between them.


  Jack beamed. He was so proud.

  “What? Sure. I’m sorry, okay? I’ll say I’m sorry every day of my life. I’m sorry. I apologize.”

  “I don’t accept your apology.”

  She stabbed him in his bad leg, where he was already bleeding from Marie’s bite. Harry howled and slammed his fist on the ground, trying to shove her away.

  But Skye already had what she wanted.

  She held the knife over the vial, letting blood drip into the potion. Covering it with her thumb, she shook it until it turned a deep shade of red.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Harry shouted.

  “No,” Skye said. “You will hurt no one. Ever again.”

  She poured the potion on his head.

  “What? What is that?” he said, trying to wipe it away. “What are you—?”

  Harry’s flesh turned gray, like a vampire exposed to the sun. The color change started at the top of his head and worked its way down. He opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out as Skye’s magic claimed him.

  Following the gray was nothing. He slowly disappeared. There weren’t even ashes left behind. No clothing, no shoes. It was as if Harry Tillman never existed.

  “Holy fuck,” Marie whispered.

  Jack shook his head.

  “Holy has nothing to do with it.”

  Skye threw the potion behind her. It struck a wall and blew up like a firecracker, leaving behind a cloud of red dust.

  A smile spread across her face, resembling the witch Jack knew. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He patted her back lightly, trying to shed the embrace.

  “Yeah. Good to see you, too. You can let go now.”

  Skye leaned away, and Jack breathed a sigh of relief, until she leaned in again. She kissed Jack deeply, holding his head close, while he tried to escape. He could hear Marie giggling next to them.

  “Okay,” Jack said, prying himself loose. “That’s enough.”

  “Sorry. I’m excited.”

  “I can see.”

  “I don’t kiss too long. I know you belong to Marie.”

  “Whoa! I don’t belong to—”

  “You’re right, Skye,” Marie said. “Thanks for noticing.”

  “Can we go?” Skye asked, walking away.

  “Yeah. I just have to tell my guys we’re done. That there’s a mess to clean up.”

  Marie tried to follow Skye, but Jack reached for her hand. She turned to face him.

  “Thank you,” he said, staring into her eyes. “For helping me.”


  She kissed him, but it didn’t last as long as Jack would have liked. Pulling away, she wiped her mouth and frowned.

  “Sorry,” she said. “It’s just … I taste her.” She pointed at Skye. “And she tastes like she smells. Terrible.”

  “Damn. I guess the three-way is out.”

  “Come on!” Skye called. “I want to see Tiffany. And I want a hot dog. And don’t forget donuts!”


  VICTORIA COULDN’T HEAR what they said, not with where they stood. But she didn’t need her ears to enjoy the heartwarming moment. She watched Alan climb out of the cab near the end of the block. His sister Alyson didn’t wait. She emerged from the house, running down the front steps. The siblings hugged in the middle of the sidewalk. Alyson wiped tears from her eyes and hugged her brother again.

  “That’s really nice,” Kevin said. “I didn’t think he’d get a happy ending.”

  She hugged Kevin’s shoulders and squeezed him.

  “We did good here. Not everything we do will end like this.”

  Zeke scoffed as he leaned against his car. His arms were crossed, his eyes hard and uncaring, his posture distant, but Victoria knew better.

  She had to give him credit. Zeke was building something unique in his town.

  “Good,” he said. “My club will be shut down for weeks. Humans and vampires both are hiding in corners, talking about monsters. None of this is good.”

  “We saved quite a few mortals, Zeke, and stopped something nasty from spreading. That’s a good thing.”

  He sighed.

  “Yeah, it is.” He gestured to Alan and Alyson. “I’ll keep an eye on them. On all of them. Make sure they settle back in, get the help they need. I just can’t believe his cancer is gone.” He stared at Kevin. “Did you have something to do with that?”

  “No,” Kevin lied, rather impressively. “When Alan turned back human, he was just better.”

  Zeke nodded and approached Victoria.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way. But I hope I never see either of you ever again.”

  Victoria laughed and shook his hand.

  “We’re agreeing with each other more and more.”

  “Do you need a ride somewhere?” Zeke asked. “Hopefully to the airport?”

  “No, thanks. We’ve got our travel plans covered.”

  Zeke shook Kevin’s hand and slid behind the wheel. With one last wave, he drove away.

  “Okay, let’s find us a wall,” Kevin said.

  “Beat you to it. There’s an abandoned house, a block over.”

  The vampire and witch enjoyed their evening walk, their last minutes in the town of Sumerset. Kevin led the way inside the rotting house, making sure they were away from prying eyes, and drew a portal on the living room wall.

  Kevin stepped into the former witch’s prison first. He closed the portal behind Victoria. There were still magical books everywhere. Dust and cobwebs. The place needed a thorough cleaning.

  Victoria peered through the open hidden doorway, into the living space. Zoey and Tiffany sat on the couch, playing a video game on the criminally large television. Tiffany had a large glass of soda. She could hear a shower running in the bathroom.

  “Hey,” Victoria said. “I asked you to keep this door closed.”

  “Sorry,” Tiffany said. “We forgot.”

  “What’s it matter?” Zoey said. “It’s not like anyone is going to come up here.”

  “You don’t know that. Just keep the door closed. Okay?”

  “Okay. Jeez.”

  After just scolding them on the value of keeping secret things a secret, Kevin removed his coat and let it float. Victoria rolled her eyes.

  She realized there were several people missing she expected to see.

  “Where’s Marie?”

  “She’s gone,” Zoey said.

  “What? Are you kidding?”

  “No. Jack called her an Uber. She said she needed to get back home.”

  Victoria shook her head in frustration. With everything going on, traveling via portal with Kevin, tying up loose ends, business with Jack, she had yet to meet the woman in her brother’s life.

  “Damn it,” she said. “When the hell am I going to meet her?”

  “Jack really likes her,” Tiffany said. “I do, too.”

  “Jack. Where is Jack?”

  Zoey stopped their game long enough to point down.

  “Fifth floor.”

  Kevin frowned.

  “What’s Jack doing on the fifth floor?”

  “Everyone stay here,” Victoria said, sighing. She pointed to the bathroom. “Tell Skye not to come out naked.”

  Victoria straightened her clothes, irritated, as she rode the elevator to the fifth floor. She told Jack to wait for her before touring the buil
ding. She told Jack she wanted to meet Marie. There were times it seemed he did the opposite simply to make her angry.

  The doors opened. Jack stood there, waiting, with Michael Tavers’ former personal assistant, Jamie. The young woman clutched a tablet to her chest, a mix of emotions on her face. Fear, awe, excitement.

  Jack had one emotion. Impatience.

  “Victoria!” Jamie said. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  “Surprise. It’s almost ten o’clock. What are you still doing here?”

  “I was working late, anyway. And Jack stopped in. I thought I’d show him around.”

  “He was nice? I hope?”

  Neither one answered. Jamie’s cheeks turned red. Victoria didn’t want to make her lie.

  “Okay,” Victoria said. “I’m going to steal him. And you should head on home.”

  “I will. Don’t worry. I’m out of here in five minutes. I’ll lock up.” She gave Jack her best smile. “It was so nice meeting you.”

  He stepped into the elevator.

  “I’m sure it was. You have a good night.”

  He waited until the doors closed to speak.

  “Ah, shit,” he said. “What have I let you talk me in to? Everyone on the fifth floor and down. They need to be fired.”

  “That would be everyone.”

  “That’s a good start. Everyone.”

  “Even Jamie?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Okay. Not Jamie, alright? We’ll keep her.”

  “We’re keeping everyone. They all get a fair shot.”

  “Oh, joy. What do they even do here?”

  “Marketing. I think.”

  “Know anything about marketing?”

  “Not at all.”


  She hit the button for the sixth floor.

  “We need a lock on this. The top level just can’t be open for everyone.”

  “They’re coming out Monday to work on it. Anything else to bitch about?”

  “Yes. Why didn’t you tell Marie to stick around?”

  “Vacation’s over. She has a life to get back to. She offered to put up Tiffany and me while our house is getting rebuilt. But plan A is better. Don’t worry. You’ll meet her one day.”

  “Tiffany says you really like her.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m going to see if I can slip her a note during homeroom.”

  The door opened to the top floor. Zoey and Tiffany waved from the couch. Kevin approached, as Victoria knew he would, with a look of confusion.

  “What’s up?” he asked. “Why is Jack hanging out at Tavers’ old business?”

  “Way to ruin the surprise,” Victoria said, punching him in the shoulder. “Jack and me. We bought this place.”

  Zoey and Tiffany stopped their game to join the discussion. Kevin was stunned, drawing a laugh from Victoria.

  “Really?” he asked.

  Jack approached his daughter, talking only to her.

  “You and I are going to stay here, just for a week or so, while they fix our house up. Glinda will help get you to school. After our house is ready … ”

  He looked at the carpet, pain in his eyes. He couldn’t finish.

  “Then this place is yours,” Victoria said, looking at Kevin.

  He blinked.


  “Shit!” Zoey said, shaking Kevin’s shoulder. She surveyed the space, as if seeing it for the first time, and stopped to admire the view of downtown Philadelphia. “Kevin! Can you imagine the parties we’re going to throw here! We have to call Leese!”

  “No,” Jack said, shaking his head. “No one invited you. No strays allowed.”

  As Jack and Zoey argued, Victoria steered Kevin away from the group.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Pick a reason. Payment for this last job. For saving my life. For challenging me.”

  “Victoria, come on,” he said, struggling for words. “Thank you. Really. But … you bought this place? Just for me? You’ve already given me and my sister a house. This is just … too big. I can’t. I mean—”

  “Yes, you can.”

  Victoria guided him near the secret door. She’d guessed his reaction. Kevin had a tough time with the way she showed gratitude. He’d be satisfied with a thank you.

  “But, if you need another reason,” she said. “We didn’t do it just for you. This library. It’s your responsibility now. This isn’t just fun and games. I need you to watch this place, be here. Whatever Alan became, whatever magic was behind all that, we got lucky. We need to understand it. And any other crazy magic that might be out there. Are you up for that?”

  He thought a moment before answering.

  “Yeah. I’ll stay here.”

  She didn’t see the hug coming. Victoria smiled as Kevin squeezed her. She kissed him on the side of the head and hugged him again.

  “I love you, Victoria,” he said. “Thanks for … everything.”

  A tear formed, which she quickly blinked away.

  “I love you, too.”

  Someone else entered the room. Victoria frowned, not looking forward to the moment. She turned to see Skye, standing at the door to the bedroom. Her hair was still wet from the shower. She looked beautiful, radiant. Skye might have hated the feel of clothes, but she looked good in them. She had a backpack on her shoulder while pulling a suitcase behind her. A photograph dangled from her hand. All eyes went to her.

  “Hello,” she said.

  Tiffany approached and took her hand.

  “Do you really have to go?”

  “I do,” Skye said, hugging Tiffany. “I have to go find my life.” She looked at each of them. “Thank you so much.”

  She hugged everyone. Even Zoey, who she barely knew. Victoria thought of the irony as they shared a quick hug. It wasn’t long ago that Victoria would have killed her on sight.

  Jack held up an arm as Skye approached.

  “You can thank me by not touching me.”

  “No. I thank you and hug you, too.”

  Jack winced as she embraced him.

  “Okay,” Kevin said, pointing at her photo. “Did you decide where you’re—?”

  She kissed him. Tiffany oohed and awed, like all young children did. Zoey joined in. He tried to pull away, but Skye wouldn’t let him. Jack didn’t bother holding in his laughter.

  “Thank you, Kevin,” she said. “For saving me.”

  “Well, you’re welcome. It was pretty much a group thing, but yeah. You’re welcome.”

  She handed over the photo. It was a shot taken from between two buildings, maybe an alley or canal. The buildings seemed to be right on the water. A beautiful sight. Venice, perhaps? Victoria wasn’t sure.

  “I want to go here.”

  Kevin walked to his coat and pulled the potion.

  “You got it. Did you leave a copy by the computer?”

  “No,” she said, smirking. “And I used private browsing mode.”

  “Skye, come on. We won’t be able to get to you. At least take a stone.”

  She shook her head and looked at Tiffany, to include her.

  “You can’t know where I am.”

  Victoria understood. She glanced at Jack, who offered a slight nod. He also understood, and also didn’t care.

  She approached Skye.

  “We’ll give you your privacy,” she said, looking at Kevin. “But if you need us, you know where we are.”

  “But try not to need us,” Jack muttered.

  Kevin took a deep breath. He approached the wall and dabbed some potion on his finger. He almost started the portal, but stopped.

  “Tiffany,” he said. “Come here.”

  “Really?” she said, looking at Jack for approval.

  Kevin let her hold the potion. He guided her on using it. She held his wrist as he drew the circle on the wall, and the photo. They held the picture together.

  “You ready?”


  They slapped it in the
center of the circle. She jumped back as the portal opened.

  “Jesus!” Zoey shouted.

  Not much, but enough, morning sunlight came through. The vampire jumped into the corner, out of harm’s way. The smell of water and food filled the room.

  Skye peered through quickly, making sure it was safe. She pulled her suitcase behind her, then turned to face everyone.

  A tear rolled down her cheek.

  “I thought most people were bad. Then I met you. I’ll never forget you.”

  There were voices in the distance. Kevin rushed forward to place his hand near the portal’s edge. Skye waved and turned to walk away. Kevin closed the portal.

  The silence stretched. The only noise came from Tiffany, a few quiet sniffles here and there. Jack went to hug his daughter, who buried her head in his stomach. Zoey rejoined the group, once the threat of sunlight had passed.

  Tiffany was the first to speak.

  “We should go out for cheese steaks. In honor of Skye.”

  “Isn’t it a little late?” Victoria asked.

  Tiffany shook her head.

  “It’s never too late for cheese steaks.”

  Zoey was very careful in selecting her words. Tiffany knew of some magic and the supernatural, but didn’t know what Victoria and Zoey were.

  “Some of us here … don’t even like cheese steak.”

  “Hell,” Kevin said, raising his hand. “I do.”

  “Then it’s settled,” Jack said. “Cheese steaks. Let’s go. Victoria’s buying.”

  It took five minutes of last-minute bathroom breaks and gathering of personal items before the five of them stepped into the elevator. Kevin and Zoey played with Tiffany. He hovered different mothballs in the air, creating a rainbow of color. Tiffany laughed as she pushed them around.

  Victoria was uneasy, but she let out a smile. She knew it was only a matter of time before Tiffany was officially introduced to the supernatural world. The young girl had already seen plenty. Still, Victoria needed to talk with Jack. They needed to make a plan, make sure they agreed.

  But her thoughts went to Skye. She moved closer to Jack, while the younger trio goofed off.

  “I don’t know if I’m comfortable just letting Skye go like that.”

  “Sorry you didn’t kill her?” Jack asked.

  “Stop. You know that’s not what I mean.”

  “Fido has been through more shit in her short, mortal life than the two of us put together. And I’m fucking cursed. She can take care of herself.”


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