Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)

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Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10) Page 2

by Jennifer Foor

  He takes hold of my arms to prevent me from hitting him. “Tam, please. It’s not what you think. It was an accident. We were drunk. I thought she was you, and everything afterwards just kind of happened. I couldn’t stop. It was just sex. She meant nothing to me.”

  If this is supposed to soften the blow, it’s not working on me. “Bullshit!” I back up. “That’s bullshit.”

  “She blackmailed me. She wants me for herself. She said if I didn’t break up with you, she’d tell you the baby was mine.”

  “Is it? Are you the father of her child? Did you stick your dick inside of my roommate?” I know I’m being irrational in a public place, and it’s inappropriate and unlike me, but I’m not about to be made a mockery of and not defend myself. “You’re disgusting!” I jerk away from him and point. “You stay away from me.”

  He puts his hands on his head and peers around the room at all the spectators. I’ve kicked him in the balls without having to actually do it.

  “Tamsyn,” he’s pleading while chasing after me. I need to get out of there. The love of my life impregnated another woman. I feel wretched. I’m crumbling and need a safe place to come to grips with it. I need to find Chrissy and give her a piece of my mind.

  Shaun catches up to me as we exit the building. He grabs me by the arm and forces me to stop. “Please listen to me. I broke up with you because I made a dick move and screwed up. I knew once you found out there would be no room for reconciliation. Baby, I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t love you. I fucked up.”

  “Yeah, you really did.” For the second time I pull my arm from his hold. “You succeeded screwing up everything. Congratulations. You’re the bastard my father always told me you were. Tell your new girlfriend she can have you. You both make me sick. I hope she traps you into a loveless relationship you’ll never be able to escape from.”

  I leave him to sulk while rushing back to the dealer car I used to drive to the college. Upon climbing inside, I let it all out. My makeup burns as it seeps into my eyes, and I do my best to wipe it away without making more of a mess for me to have to clean up before I make it back to the dealership.

  It hits me like a rushing hurricane, the memories, the petty fights, and the makeup sex. Every beautiful moment we shared, the good and the bad. It’s all gone. One poor decision has ruined an opportunity for a future. Like I blinked and woke up in another person’s horror, my life is ruined.

  I manage to calm down enough to make it back to the dealership. It’s easy to avoid my father since he’s working with a customer. As quickly as possible, I hurry into the bathroom to reapply my makeup. Doing the best job I’m able to manage, I take a few deep breaths and head out to finish my shift. I’ve yet to make my first sale, and don’t really feel like trying, but know I have to prove my father wrong even when everything else in my life feels like it’s falling apart.

  A lovely elderly couple come in a few hours later. The gentlemen has retired and they’re looking to purchase a corvette for the two of them to cruise the country roads in. I swallow back my pain and focus on them, how cute they still are, holding hands as we walk through the rows of shiny new vehicles. They choose the cherry red convertible, and after a long test drive they decide to make the purchase. Not only have I sealed my first sale, but it’s one of the most expensive cars we offer. After the congratulatory wave goodbye, I’m met by my father. He pulls me into his arms and lightly pushes me away to give me a special proud smile. “That’s my girl.”

  “I told you I could do it. I’ve been watching for years.”

  “Yeah, it’s tough though. One sale doesn’t make you an expert. It’s a good start though.”

  He’s proud, but hell-bent on making me earn every single sale without his assistance. Before I can counter with a snarky comment, I see him move to the side with a snicker. “Looks like someone else has come to celebrate your first sale.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I see him. My heart begins to patter, but not because I’m excited. I feel revolted seeing him put on an act for my father and everyone around us. He’s waving with a smile on his face as if nothing has happened between us. I amble toward him, pressing on his chest until he spins and walks in front of me. Waiting until we’re outside, I start giving him shit. “What are you doing here? I told you to stay the hell away from me. You can’t show up like this. Not here.”

  He tries his best to change my mind. “We need to talk. Now that you know the truth we can try to fix this. I don’t want Chrissy.”

  “I don’t care what you want, Shaun. You betrayed me. You slept with my roommate. You told me you hated her.”

  “Because she was blackmailing me,” he defends.

  “There isn’t an excuse in this world that would make me forgive you. I can’t look at you right now, much less deal with the repercussions of your actions. I need you to go.”

  He begins to speak, but is distracted by a raised Ford truck pulling into the parking lot with loud country music blaring from the speakers. The vehicle makes a fast turn and stops right in front of where we’re standing. The passenger window rolls down and that’s when I see him.

  “Hi. It’s seven,” he says with an uncertain grimace. “You got somewhere else to be?”

  I glance at Shaun and then back to Josh, and I don’t know what makes me do it, but I push my cheating ex to the side and put my foot on the side step in order to open the door and climb inside of the four-by-four. I don’t look at Shaun when I make the order for Josh. “Get me out of here.”

  Chapter 3


  There was some time during my afternoon where I considered not showing up to see this female again. The chances of me getting laid are pretty slim, especially knowing she’s friends with Liv. I can’t expect for it to come easily, and I’m not sure the work will be worthwhile. How good can she be? Comparable to Liv, no one has ever gotten close. Nonetheless, I prefer not to miss an opportunity to get my dick wet, no matter how selfish I may be.

  Wes and I had a late lunch, and several bottles of beer before we parted ways, him driving away in his new vehicle. Afterwards, I stopped home and got involved in a long conversation with my good old dad about where I want to be in the next five years. If he’d get off my back for a second, maybe I’d be able to give him some sort of answer. Like other times, I stormed off in my truck, while determined to put some distance between us.

  It’s not that I hate my dad. I get it. I’m in my twenties, didn’t go to college, and haven’t made an ounce of effort when it comes to being independent. I rely on my parents for everything. I don’t know the first thing about cooking, keeping up with a house, or doing my own laundry. It’s not that I’m incapable, I just prefer to let everyone else keep doing it for me. I’m spoiled, and they all know it. As far as I’m concerned, they made me the way I am.

  When I arrive at the dealership, I’m surprised to find Tamsyn outside. I assume she’s waiting for me to pick her up, so I pull to the curb where she’s standing. She proceeds to scream something at a guy I recognize from our family church. His name is Shaun, and he’s from a prominent family on the other side of town from where I reside. I haven’t seen him since high school, not that he’s changed much, all except for a bit more facial hair. We were never friends, so I don’t offer a wave. Tamsyn climbs into the passenger side of the truck like her ass is literally on fire. She slams the door, and lets out something like a wail. I’m unsure what to think.

  She’s in my truck, but disturbed about something that is going down, or was before I showed up.

  She doesn’t have a clue what she’s about to get into. By simply allowing me to pick her up, she’s involved me in whatever this is. We’re pulling out of the lot, she’s turning around watching out the window, staring at the guy who still remains where she left him. “You know him?” I don’t lead on that I’m familiar with the person.

  “He’s my boyfriend,” she exclaims. “My ex.”

  I can sense hostility in her voice, and it
says a lot since I know nothing about the woman. I chuckle at the way it comes out of her pretty little mouth. “Is he going to come after you? Should I watch my back?”

  “If he knows what’s good for him, no. Just keep driving. Please.” She’s starting to cry. There’s nothing more annoying than hearing a woman sob, especially about a man. If I’m not the cause, I don’t want to be involved. “You need me to drop you somewhere?”

  She turns to me with makeup running down her cute cheeks. “No. I can’t go back to the dorm. Take me anywhere you want, just not there.”

  I pull the truck over into the closest parking lot and turn to face her. “Look, lady, I can tell you’re having a hard time. I’m getting the feeling I rolled up on something I’ve got no business being apart of. If you don’t mind, I’d rather not make this any harder for you than it already is.”

  Her pained eyes widen. “No.” She’s wiping her face, her pleads making me strain to be able to comprehend what she’s saying. “I need to keep busy.”

  “Keep busy? I can think of some ways that can happen, but I don’t think you’re up for that.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and glares out the window. “Wow. You’re admitting it only minutes after picking me up? You’ve got nerve.”

  “I thought I made it clear earlier. I have no reason to hold back. I’m almost always looking for a booty call. There’s no harm if it’s cordial, right?”

  “Just stop talking.” She scrunches her face and rubs her frustrations away. “I can’t …”

  “Alrighty then. How about I drop you off and we hook up another time?” I’m still willing to make it happen if she is. I mean, she’s so easy on the eyes it’s hard to give up on the chase. I’d regret not hitting it if I saw her around in the future.

  She’s shaking her head while peering into my eyes. “I just found out that my boyfriend knocked up my roommate.”

  “Say what?” I’m finding it difficult to imagine a guy cheating on her, so I’m wondering what this roommate must look like for it to have happened. I’m shallow, so I’m obviously only assuming it had to do with sex appeal. “Were you friends with the girl?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Damn.” I feel sorry for Tamsyn. I can tell she’s in shock, so I decide to play the sympathy card. “You okay? I can be a good listener if you need one.” Drama can be entertaining, especially when it earns me brownie points.

  She shakes her head again, her eyes squinting as she fights to hold back more tears. “No. I’m not okay at all. I want someone to tell me it’s all a sick joke.”

  “Were y’all together long?” It’s a friendly question, one that might explain why she’s this broken up. “

  “Three years,” she explains with a few sniffles in between. “You must think I’m a crazy bitch for jumping into your truck like I did. To be honest, I wasn’t planning on going with you. I thought you’d be a no-show, but you weren’t, and I needed to get away. I get it if you’d rather drop me off somewhere and be on your merry way. I wouldn’t blame you. I’m not good company, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to sleep with you, not tonight, and maybe not ever. I’m not desperate for revenge.”

  Challenge noted.

  I take a few seconds to think about the situation. I could drop her off and go home, where I’d have a few more beers and kick back in my room, probably falling asleep in the wee hours of the morning after online gaming. My cousins, Jake and Jax, twins, make fun of me as much as possible. Working on the ranch with them makes it difficult. I’m the youngest of the cousins. Ten kids, and I’m the spoiled rotten baby. Most of the time I love it, unless my parents are getting on me to grow up, or my family is ragging on me about being immature.

  “You hungry?” I can at least buy her a meal.

  “No. I feel sick.”

  “Don’t puke in the truck, please. My sister did it a few months back and it took weeks to get the smell out.” I realize immediately that I sound like a dick, so I keep talking to change her mind. “You sure you’re not into revenge, because I’m fairly certain I can get your mind off of the asshole that hurt you.”

  She’s curious. “How?”

  “I can take you back to my ranch and do things to you that your piece of shit boyfriend has only seen when he’s beating off to porn. Give me one night, and I’ll make you forget all about him, or…” I pause for a second. “We could go somewhere quiet and let you calm down. I’ll pick us up something to drink and we’ll hang for a time.”

  She snarls at me. “You’re relentless.”

  “Sorry, I usually get what I want.” I take my hand and drag it over a new set of tears that have escaped her eyes. “Or maybe I really hate to see a beautiful woman distraught over a douche who couldn’t see what’s right in front of them.”

  Now I’ve gotten her attention. A smile forms in the corner of her mouth. She shyly glances out the window, refusing to look at me. “You can’t say stuff like that. I don’t know you.”

  “Have you considered I’m being honest?”

  “I told you I’m not interested in sleeping with you. You dated Livvy. I’m in a bad place. I’m the last person you should want to spend time with.”

  I start to put my hand on her thigh in a supportive sort of way, but retract it and leave it sit on the cushion next to her instead. “I’ve got nowhere else to be. So, do you want company or not?”

  She nods, her sullen eyes meeting mine.

  I’m driving again, headed for the first liquor store I can find. Maybe I’m asking for punishment. There’s a big chance I’m never going to see this chick after tonight, but for some reason I’m interested in hanging around. I might be a dickhead on most days, but she has nowhere else to go. Like it or not, she needs my company, so I’m going to make the best of it and make her want to let me in between those sexy legs of hers.

  Once we’ve left the liquor store, picking up enough tonic to get the both of us shitfaced, I take her to the one place I know she’ll find solace.

  The family ranch.

  Chapter 4


  I don’t know what I’m doing here with a complete stranger. It feels wrong in every way, but there’s no place else I’d rather be. I’m doing my best to cope with what’s been thrown at me. My heart feels like it’s being ripped to shreds, and then there’s this guy who still wants to spend time with me. He’s innocent in all of this. He doesn’t know the people who betrayed me, which makes him safe. Sure, he may ask questions I’m uncomfortable answering, but I’d rather talk to this man I know nothing about than have to face any of the people who will constantly remind me of everything I’ve recently lost.

  For four days I kept thinking our breakup was temporary, but now I worry if it’s permanent. I can’t imagine falling out of love with Shaun. He once promised me a forever and now it’s all gone. Our commitment is severed, leaving me in despair and completely alone.

  I don’t want to start over. I certainly can’t see myself jumping right into another relationship, but for tonight I need this company. Without Joshua Healy to occupy my time, I’m afraid where I’ll end up.

  He’s in this for the possibility of sex, and as much as I refuse him, a part of me wonders if his offer would actually work. Could he make me forget about everything I’m going through, even for a short period of time, because I’m lower than I’ve ever been, so the possibility of reprieve would be welcomed. I’m pathetic, desperate, but more to the point, I’m crushed.

  Josh parks his truck next to a big red barn. He takes the bag he purchased from the liquor store and climbs from his side of the vehicle. In a matter of seconds he’s at my door, opening it and offering me his free hand to help me out. The little gesture causes me to smile. At least he has the decency to act right before trying to get into my pants. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” he says while starting to walk toward the dark building. The sun has now set, but the moon hasn’t risen enough for it to light up the sky, so I’m r
elying on him to guide me in the right direction.

  “Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?” It’s not a serious question, but going into a vacant building with a stranger isn’t exactly a smart decision.

  “Na. I’m too lazy to clean up a mess like that.” We enter in a normal sized door on the side, and when a light flickers on I notice it’s set up more as an entertaining area than for farm use. He points to a set of wooden framed stairs and proceeds to climb them. I follow behind, coming up into a more suitable area to hang out. Two couches face one another. There’s a TV on a stand against the only window, and a couple fans standing on either side. He turns them on first and then the television before sitting on a sofa and digging into the brown paper bag. I take the seat across from him and watch as he cracks open a beer and pushes it across the coffee table in front of me. “When you said you were taking me to the ranch I imagined your house.”

  “There’s too many people there.”

  “Oh, so you live with your parents?”

  “Yep. Is that a turnoff?”

  “No. I’m not here because I’m interested, remember?”

  “You don’t need to keep reminding me.”

  “So,” I look around while trying to think of something we can talk about. Luckily he takes the lead.

  “You think you’ll get back with Shaun?”

  Suddenly I realize he knows my ex. “Why didn’t you tell me you were friends?”

  He’s already finishing his first beer before responding. “We’re not. Small town. His parents and mine attend the same church, end of story.”

  “I wonder if he recognized you?”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Perhaps.”


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