Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)

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Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10) Page 4

by Jennifer Foor

  I’m amused by this, because I know exactly what will happen after a few guzzles. “You sure you’re up for this? Before you know it we’ll be waking up naked.”

  She smirks, as if to doubt it’s capability of making her do things she normally wouldn’t. “Yeah right.”

  “Okay.” I toss up my hands. “Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. I’ve had my fair share of next day regrets from tearing into a bottle like this one.”

  “You can’t scare me. I know when to stop.”

  “Then have at it.”

  She takes one sip and I watch her face curl. Tamsyn gags, but manages to keep the burning liquor down. “Oh my god, that’s terrible.”

  “Nah, it takes a while to get used to.” I grab the bottle and take the level of the alcohol down a few inches before handing it back to her. “We still going?”

  She jerks it away and takes a bigger drink of it, having less affect as she swallows. I do another extra large shot, knowing I’m good as long as we stop soon. I don’t want to get to where I can’t stop myself. I’d never want to get out of control.

  Tamsyn carries the bottle over to the couch across from me. She crosses her legs and sips at the whiskey again. “What do you look for in a woman?”

  Her question is out of nowhere, but I oblige with an answer. “I like strong women. I prefer ones that aren’t easy, because I enjoy the challenge.”

  “Blondes or brunettes?”


  “What about boobs? Big or small?”

  “I enjoy a hand full, but it doesn’t matter either way.”

  She adjusts the way she’s sitting, and actually looks down at her own chest like she’s measuring her cup size. I chuckle to myself and decide to start asking my own questions. “What about you? What do you look for in a man?”

  “I haven’t been looking in a long time. I don’t know. I want him to have a job, or at least know what he wants to do and be working toward it. I like to be pampered, but not spoiled. I don’t want my man to feel like I depend on him. He has to be tall. I’d prefer him to be handsome, but if he has a great personality I could possibly date someone just average looking.”

  “Hair color?” I ask.

  “Dark, I guess.”


  Tamsyn giggles. She’s starting to get a buzz already. This is going to be fun. “Green,” she teases.

  “I see where this is going.”

  “Oh really,” she expresses. “Where?”

  “Someplace you’ve said we weren’t going to go.”

  “Don’t be so sure, cowboy. I’m a hard one to crack.”

  “Maybe you should slow down on the booze,” I say as I reach for it. She moves it away and takes a bigger shot. I watch air bubbles take the place of where the bourbon once was. “When you start stripping, don’t blame me.”

  Tamsyn stands and approaches me. She brings her hand up to touch my jawline and I fasten my hand over her wrist to halt her. “The moment I saw you in those heels I imagined bending you over and having my way. Don’t test me. I’m struggling to keep my hands to myself. I haven’t seen someone as sexy as you in a long damn time, but I can’t fuck you tonight, not when you’re intoxicated.”

  She’s almost sad. “Really?”

  I lift her chin with my free hand. “Woman, don’t think for a second it’s not going to happen. You have my attention.” I point to my hard cock, trying to burst from beneath my jeans. “It’s just, I’m used to being selfish, and sometimes an asshole, but you deserve better. I won’t take advantage of your vulnerability.”

  “For someone who says he doesn’t want a girlfriend, you sure are working hard to impress me.”

  “I’m being realistic.”

  She frees her hand and runs it over my mouth, causing my lips to part. Upon sitting, she kisses me with her eyes staring into mine. “What if I change my mind? What if I want to use you?”

  I grab her hands and put them in her lap. “It’s getting late.”

  “So now you want to take me home? Is this how you work? You get me going and then give me the cold shoulder?”

  “The only thing cold I want, is a fucking shower. You don’t know how hard it is to deny myself the delight of taking what I want from you.”

  She begins unbuttoning her blouse, and the second I see the lace fabric of her bra I start rethinking my decision. She knows she has my attention now. “I changed my mind, Josh. I think a one-night stand is exactly what I need to feel better. If Shaun can screw around on me, then I deserve to have a little fun too, right?”

  She has a point.

  I stop her again, but indulge in the smoothness of the skin between her supple breasts as I speak. “You’re talking out of your ass and you know it. It’s the liquor.”

  She shakes her head. “No. You’re right. I want you. I’d be a fool to pass up this opportunity. You’re the sexiest piece of Carolina ass I’ve ever set eyes on. We’re both adults, right? Would it be so wrong to let it happen? Two people with a strong attraction? This could be your only chance with me.”

  “Don’t do that. I wouldn’t have regrets, because I know I’d have another chance.”

  “Do the right thing, Joshua Healy. Show me how to forget.” She stands up and finishes removing her shirt. She’s borderline drunk. It’s so obvious I can see it without searching. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t keep it in my pants much longer. She’s making me crazy. I asked her out for this exact purpose.

  “Old habits die hard, darlin’.” I pick her up into my arms and walk us both over to nearby wall. She’s pressed against me and the plywood, her legs clamping around my ass, shoving my pants down as they move. Tamsyn kisses me like she’s desperate, only fueling me to continue. This is a bad idea, and it’s all my fault for what comes next.

  Chapter 6


  It’s like my body is starved for attention. I’ve managed to yank his pants down with my feet, only making it difficult to focus on our kissing when something hard is pressing right where it’s not allowed. I’m really doing this. It’s exciting, distracting, but mostly something I’ve never experienced before.

  Joshua Healy isn’t a college boy working to become a man. He already is one. He’s strong and burly, hardheaded, but determined. It doesn’t hurt that he’s gorgeous to look at, like a fine piece of grade A meat. I want a taste of him, just a little smidge of what he has to offer. If anyone can take the edge off of my pain it’s this man, and with the help of some nasty bourbon, I’m about to let it happen.

  He stops when I nudge my lower regions against his. “Slow down, woman. I’ve done some pretty stupid things before, but this won’t be one of em’.”

  I take him by the hair and force another hot kiss over his lips. He allows me to slip down, but only so he can crouch and tug on my pants. He takes his time at my panties, kissing the outside fabric before getting his first glimpse of my pussy. I put one palm behind my back on the wall to steady myself. Seeing this man I hardly know taking in such a private part of me sets me on fire.

  Next thing I know he’s standing again, unfastening his pants to free his hard cock from seclusion, then lifting me up where I was before. My legs cling to his body, and in a matter of seconds I can feel him positioning himself to enter me. “Is this what you want? Say it, beautiful. Tell me what you want from me tonight.”

  “Just fucking do it before I change my mind.”

  I’m having palpitations. The room is spinning. I’m about to sleep with someone I just met and I can’t stop myself. Then I feel it. A hard shove, added with a large amount of pressure. He’s bigger than Shaun, so much that it almost hurts. I’m overwhelmed. There’s no turning back after penetration. Even if I pushed him off of me we’ve technically had sex, so why stop it now? It’s done. I’ve gone and allowed the unthinkable to happen. Knowing I’ll hate myself in the morning, I decide to give my best performance. What do I have to lose? My dignity? That went out the door the moment I put my lips on a whiskey bo
ttle and let that fiery concoction coast down my throat.

  Josh’s kisses are ravenous. He has a sturdy hold as he drills into me again and again. With one hand free, and the other keeping me on his level, pressed against an unfinished wall in the barn, he yanks my bra down to reveal my bare breasts. The fabric sits right at my nipples, so he breaks away from our kisses to rectify the situation, bi ting the lace until it’s ripped away completely. I can hear it continuing to tear until he’s manage to free both. Then he proceeds to suck one into his mouth, only to bite down and pull. My head rears back until it’s slamming into the wooden wall. I squeeze my thighs and tighten my hold while he continues to pound at a vigorous pace. This isn’t like being with Shaun. I’m being fucked, and I like it. I’m hot all over, sweat covering every inch of my exposed skin. My breathing is strained, and when I try to comprehend what I’m doing, I’m finding it impossible to fear the repercussions.

  I didn’t force myself on him. He came to me with the offer. I have nothing to feel bad about.

  I have a hold on his hair as he continues to work. He’s really going at it, my body slamming into the wall with each thrust. It hurts so good I’m in ecstasy, moans and air-filled squeaks escaping me. Low growls coming out as he continues kissing me. His skilled tongue distracting me further. I drag my nails down his shoulders, clinging to him for dear life when I feel his body tightening. Then it happens. Hot lava fills my channel and I lose my grip on all reality and come with him.

  We collapse onto the barn floor still tangled together. Gentle kisses are being placed on the side of my face, and I’m so relaxed I let my eyes close. I know it’s the alcohol. It has to be, because I’ve never connected with Shaun like this when we’ve had intercourse. I feel alive, excited, and overwhelmed all at the same time.

  A few minutes later, after he’s given me his shirt to clean up with, Josh stands and leads me over to the couch. He sits down and guides me to straddle him. Once I’m overtop of him, he pulls a blanket from the back of the sofa overtop of both of us and holds me close. I lean my head on his shoulder and feel the tears coming. His large hands cover my back and start rubbing. “It’s expected. Just let it out. It’ll get easier.”

  And I do. I lose it while this stranger holds me, comforting me exactly the way I need it, and I know there’s no place else I’d rather be.

  I wake up to the sound of a rooster crowing. I’m wrapped in a blanket, completely naked, but most importantly alone in a barn. It takes me a few seconds to realize how I got here, and what I’ve done. Before I can begin to evaluate my next move, or how I’m going to have to make the walk of shame to ask for a ride, I hear voices from behind me.

  “No way she’s with Josh.” One announces.

  “He’s a fucking liar,” the other agrees.

  They’re identical and I’m pretty certain they’re the twins, Jake and Jax, though it’s been a few years since I’ve seen them on television playing college football. I cover my body more with the blanket and face them. “Where’s Josh?” It will settle their assumption at the least.

  “Holy shit. He was telling truth.” The first one says.

  “What the hell? Get out of here and let the woman be.” Josh climbs the stairs with a thermos in his hands. He’s still shirtless, his belt missing, but wearing the same jeans as the night before. The top of his hair is messy, and I kind of like it better than the way he’d slicked it back when he came to the dealership. “Don’t mind my cousins. They don’t get out much.”

  He opens the thermos and pours hot coffee into the plastic cup. “Mom wouldn’t let me bring another cup from the kitchen. We always forget to return them. Hope you like cream and sugar. It’s how I drink it, and I didn’t want to have to explain that it wasn’t just for me.”

  “You went to your house? Did you sleep there?”

  He scratches his head as I take a sip of the hot beverage. “You don’t remember?”

  “I remember enough,” I admit.

  “Then you should know I woke up right here next to you. You’re cute when you’re drunk. You whimper when you sleep.”

  I’m embarrassed. He must think I’m gross. “I do not.” I defend.

  “I didn’t think you could get any sexier, but you’re proving me wrong.”

  “Stop.” It hurts to hear him still hitting on me. “I know what this was. It was a pity fuck. You got what you wanted, and I was able to make it through the first night without committing suicide.”

  “You weren’t a pity fuck. I wanted to fuck you way before I pitied you,” he corrects.

  “Thanks. That makes it ten times better.”

  He grabs the cup from my hands and sits it on the table in front of us. Then he starts tugging on the blanket. I immediately check the room for his cousins. “I sent them away. They’ve got work to do.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “I have company. They’ll survive without me for a couple hours.”

  “I don’t expect you to be nice to me.”

  He strokes my hair away from my face, and I’m freaking out about having morning breath, especially when I get a whiff of toothpaste as he speaks. “I don’t know what you’re used to, but I was hoping we could at least have a meal together before you tell me it’s been fun.”

  I cover my mouth as I speak. “What makes you think I had fun?”

  He snickers and smiles, displaying those damn dimples I’m finding it difficult to resist. “Really? That’s how it’s going to be? You’re going to make me work for every second we spend together?”

  “I never said I was interested in seeing you again, did I?”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “You’re relentless.”

  “That I am.”

  “Fine.” My stomach growls when I think about food. “I don’t have any clothes to wear, and I’m not going anywhere until I brush my teeth.”

  He stands and reaches for my hand. “If I were you I’d put on the clothes you were wearing last night. I mean, it’s up to you. I wouldn’t want to meet my mother naked. She’s liable to sick the dogs on you for molesting her only son.”

  I’m shocked. “What? Hell no. I’m not meeting your mother with hangover breath and wrinkled clothes.”

  “I’m kidding. The house is empty. Mom is at the salon and my dad is in the field tilling. You can change into something of mine, after you shower and brush those pretty white teeth. My mom keeps extras for unexpected guests.”

  “Wow. How many women do you bring home?”

  He’s laughing again. “There you go again, assuming the worst. If you haven’t heard, I’ve got a large family. They show up without planning all the time. We buy toothbrushes and linens in bulk.”

  I flash him an unsure grimace. “Your cousins must think I’m a whore.”

  “One of them married a stripper. How do you think she felt?”

  “Is that supposed to make it easier for me?”

  He shrugs. “I think you’re afraid to be naked in front of me, which is funny since I’ve seen everything you’ve got last night.”

  I bring the blanket back up to my chin. “Go away and let me change. Turn around.”

  It doesn’t bother me that he’s laughing. I’m not the same person who threw caution to the wind and let him have his way with me the night before. I’m back to being the innocent girl who swore he’d never have a chance.

  He crosses his arms, but refuses to move. “Would it help if I said I liked what I saw? I even had a few peeks this morning when you were spread out beside me.”

  “What?” I’m appalled. “Please say you’re joking.”

  “I’m definitely not. You can’t let someone see you naked and then take it back.”

  I shove the blanket down enough to pull my shirt on both of my arms. I’m buttoning it while pretending he’s not watching me. There was no sense trying to get my bra back on, because he did a good job ripping it with his teeth. He leans forward and picks up my thong, flinging it in my direction. “Don’t forget

  “You’re such a jerk,” I mumble.

  He sits down beside me, his warm body like a beacon to mine. I take in his smell, something fresh resonating from his skin. “Does this mean you don’t want to go out tonight?”

  “Go out? Are you serious?”

  “Is it too soon? I mean, you did break up with your boyfriend yesterday.”

  I correct him. “He broke up with me five days ago to prevent me from finding out he knocked up my roommate. I mentioned it last night.”

  “What was he doing at the dealership?”

  “Trying to convince me to forgive him I suppose.”

  “Wow.” He stands and walks away, only to turn and face me as he continues. “So will you?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “Absolutely not! I can’t look at him. Everything I felt for him is destroyed. I hate liars and cheaters.”

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you.”

  “About last night,” I say while putting on my underwear. “I don’t think…”

  “Stop. It was sex, Tamsyn. We had fun. I’d like to see you again, but it’s probably a good idea that I give you some time to recover first, not from the sex, but the douchebag ex.”

  “Yeah, I knew what you meant.” I feel like he’s suddenly changed his mind about me.

  He saunters in my direction and lifts my chin until we’re peering into each other’s eyes.

  “Hey, don’t do that. Don’t assume I won’t want to see you again. I already said I wanted to take you out. The timing sucks, even if it’s just for fun. You know where to find me.”

  “Actually, I think dinner would be nice. Maybe it’s pathetic, but last night, from what I can remember, you were sweet.”

  “Sweet? I’ve never been called that before.”

  “Well it’s true. I appreciate it. I was in a bad place. Maybe we took it too far, but it happened regardless.”

  “Yeah, it did,” he reminds me with that same determined stare.

  “I’m afraid of you, Josh. I shouldn’t want to see you again. You’re trouble. You’re everything I need to stay away from.”


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