Vidal!: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Vidal!: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 26

by Grayson, Alivia

  I should have realized history would repeat itself if I pushed Maria too hard. Not that she'd try and kill herself, she's stronger than Avery, but I feared, in the end, I'd lose my little sister. I couldn't have lived with myself if I had. God, I hated causing her pain. That's why I allowed her to marry the filthy biker. I let them both marry filthy bikers because they deserved to be happy.

  Bikers were not what I wanted for Maria, but I can't deny the beautiful little girl she and Jett created is a massive part of my heart.

  I'll never regret a damn thing I've done in this life. I live without regret, always have. Everything happens for a reason. There was a reason my father left my mother and married another woman all those years ago, that reasons name is Hammer. There was a reason my father came back to my mother, and her name is Maria.

  There was a reason Avery fell for Ghost; that reason is Daniel and Vinny.

  There's a reason Maria fell for Jett, that reason is Jessica and the new baby, soon to be born.

  There's a reason I met Marnie at Brooke and Hawk's wedding. That reason? To show me what love is all about, to make me a father, and to have my heart healed by the little girls who hold both our hearts.

  As of the early hours of this morning, another reason came along and joined my family. His name is Curtis Marshall. Hammer and Willow were blessed with their third son early this morning. I knew it was going to happen, and I think I cursed myself by mentioning it. However, I went to the hospital this morning to meet him. He looks just like Hammer, just as Noah does. Connor looks like his mother, but all three hold a special place in my heart.

  Hammer told me that he wouldn't be able to attend the wedding because he didn't want to leave Willow. Willow told me to ignore Hammer and that he'd be here. She said she'd hopefully make it to the reception because the birth was easy, and both she and Curtis are just fine. I don't want her to overdo it, but it’s ultimately her decision.

  Hammer arrived ten minutes ago and is waiting for me outside. I couldn't have picked anyone else to be my best man, although Tony would have taken his place had Hammer not been able to attend.

  “You're a good guy, Tony.” I clasp his shoulder, silently thanking him for his loyalty.

  He nods slightly as a tiny knock at the door reminds me that I have but five minutes before showtime. Tony opens the door to the three most beautiful little girls in the world. Lydia, Amber, and Jessica.

  All three little girls are dressed the same. Same lilac, princess bridesmaid dresses, same curls hanging down from their pinup do with the daisies in their hairs. They look fucking adorable. They walk in holding hands.

  “Hi, gorzus boy.”

  I chuckle at Jessica, sweet little angel. “Hi, baby girl.” Her little laugh fills my ears. She reminds me so much of her mother when she was small.

  “Daddy?” I smile at Amber. “Do you like my dress?” She pulls it out slightly to show me how pretty her dress is.

  God, she's cute.

  Yeah, I said that. My daughter's cute, so fuckin' shoot me.

  “It's beautiful, Amber. You look beautiful.” The smile my words draw from that little girl’s face makes it all worthwhile.

  “Daddy?” I turn my attention to Lydia. She's in the middle holding her sister’s hand on the right, and her cousins on the left like a little woman much older than she really is. “Mommy is ready to be your wife. Are you ready to be her husband?”

  “As I'll ever be, baby girl.”

  As I'll ever be.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  It's time, sissy.” Brooke squeezes my hands excitedly. It's my wedding day, and she looks amazing in her long cream dress. Brooke really did get her figure back. Her long blonde hair is styled in a fashionable French twist, her cream-colored, silk, breast-length jacket, and matching pumps, make her whole outfit look like it came from Paris itself.

  “Do I look okay?” I ask as I look down at myself. I know I look fine. More than.

  I've had the best treatment any woman could have asked for today. So many people helping me get ready for the best day of my life. Draven made sure the top stylists and makeup artists were here for my big day. He even made sure every woman in our wedding party got the full spa treatments this morning.

  My blonde hair has been curled and pinned up in a chic ponytail. My makeup is so professionally done that I look like a damn model. I might be pregnant, but my dress is amazing. Avery did a wonderful job, and the material came all the way from Italy! It sits just above my knees, poofs at the waist, it's sleeveless, heart-shaped and encrusted with actual diamonds across the bust. The design was altered somewhat from the first sketch, but I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect. It's evident that I'm pregnant, but my belly doesn't look as big in this dress.

  I know Draven will love the way I look. I just hope he doesn't get pissed at other men looking at me, because they will, dressed like this.

  “You look stunning. Draven is going to die when he sees how beautiful you look.” Brooke kisses my cheek, making me smile, but I feel a little sick. I'm having doubts, and I shouldn't be having doubts about marrying Draven.

  “You don't think that this is a bad idea, do you?” Brooke narrows her eyes. “I'm marrying into the mob, Brooke. For all the good things Draven does, the bad will outweigh them tenfold. I would be a fool to think otherwise.”

  “Is that what you really think?” I stare at her, not knowing what to say. “Yes, you are marrying into the mob, you're marrying a Mafia Don, a very dangerous one. The things he does do not bear thinking about. He's controlling, dominant, aggressive, a killer, all the things a woman should avoid like the plague. Draven will have you followed every day of your life, and he'll call you all the time to make sure you're okay. He'll more than likely kill any man who so much as looks at you with lust in their eyes, but has he ever hit you?”

  I shake my head. I can honestly say that Draven has never laid a hand on me. I know in my hear that he never would.

  “Has he ever done anything to hurt you?” Again, I shake my head. “No, because he really loves you, Marnie. I never believed he'd ever love anyone but himself, but he is so in love with you. How many Don's would stand with their arm around the woman they love in such public places for anything other than ownership? That's not it for Draven. Yes, you are his, but he is just as much yours. He's not ashamed to show what he feels for you, and that speaks volumes, Marnie. I won't even mention the lengths he's already gone to, to make you happy.”

  I feel a fluttering in my stomach, and I smile. My unborn baby is trying to tell me that his or her daddy is worth it all. Marry a Mafia Don is not what I ever imagined for myself, I don't think anyone in their right mind would, but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't love Draven more than life itself. I set out with the only intention of having him in our baby's life. I never dreamed we'd fall in love, let alone be getting married.

  I know once I say my vows today, once we're pronounced husband and wife, there will be no way out of this life for me or my children. However, I can't right now see any reason why I'd want out. The Famiglia put me through hell, and still, that wasn't enough to make me leave the man I love.

  “This isn't what I wanted for you, Marnie. Not in a million years. I've heard the stories of the things Draven Vidal has done. However, can I really say that I married into a family of saints? Of course, I can't because they can be just as bad. Yet, you have never judged me for the choices I have made, for the family I made with the man I love. I will never judge you for your choices either. This is your chance to be happy, Marnie. So take it, sweetheart.”

  I wrap my arms around my sister, and I hold her to me. “Thank you.” I kiss her cheek. “I was just having a little wobble, but you've made me see that love is everything.”

  “You taught me that.” She laughs in my ear. “Now, let's go. He'll be waiting for you.”

  And so it begins.

  Anyone ever told you that when they get married, when they walk down the beauti
fully decorated aisle to the man who holds their heart, that they see nothing but him? They were right. That's exactly how it is for me as I walk towards Draven.

  I don't take in the beauty of the room, the people here to witness our marriage – and there are a lot of them thanks to Draven's family.

  The only family I have here are Brooke, her husband and kids, and my Lydia and Amber. Draven allowed me to invite some of the Snakes Henchmen MC members and their wives and kids. Those I'm close to.

  Draven has a huge family; most of them are here, filling up the room. It was nice to meet them all, even if they did want to meet me individually. I was polite to all of them because that's the kind of person I am. Plus, I would never do anything to embarrass Draven. He's the Don, the boss, he may well love me, but he's in charge, and I know my place. Just because he loves me does not mean I'm immune to his wrath should I make him look stupid in front of the people he has power over.

  Our relationship outside of the famiglia is ours, and it's perfect, I'm his equal in everything we do. However, I cannot and will not interfere with his business. I don't even want to.

  I should feel sad that I have no real family but my daughter's, sister and nephews here, but I'm not, they are the only people I care about being here with me.

  Draven looks so dammed handsome. He's wearing a midnight blue suit, white suit, and blue tie. His dark hair is slicked back as usual, but there's an air about him today that I've never seen before. He looks happier than I've ever known him to be, and his eyes are locked on me, tears welling in his at the sight of me.

  Isn't it just perfect when your man, no matter how strong and powerful he may be, cries a little when he sees you walking towards him on your wedding day? It shows just how much you mean to him at that moment because he's not ashamed to show his emotions in front of hundreds of people.

  All I know is, Draven is mine, and I am his, and that's all there is to it.

  Yes, I have worries over Paul's family and their threats, but right now, they mean nothing. Brooke was right, this is my day, and I deserve this.

  Hammer is right beside Draven as his best man. I'm glad that he could make it after all. I know how important it was for Draven to have his brother here today. Not that either of us would have held it against Hammer if he couldn't have made it, his wife did just give birth. Willow isn't here, and even though she sent a message to say she'd been here for the reception, I don't believe she'll make it. I'll be amazed if she does, but I won't hold it against her if she can't be here.

  I have to admit; Hammer has scrubbed up very well. He's wearing a suit not too dissimilar to the one Draven is wearing, his face is clean shaven, his hair is neat, and if it weren't for the tattoos on his hands, you wouldn't be able to tell he's a biker. Well, if you didn't already know, that is.

  As I force myself to look around at everyone here, I see not one person out of place, everyone belongs here. Draven did this for me, to make me happy. I didn't want the big white wedding, I'd done that and so had he. So having it in our own home, in the huge room that he had built for Maria when she lived with him, I couldn't've asked for more.

  I notice the elders are watching me, they're still angry that Draven killed two of their own because of me. What did they expect him to do when they kidnapped me, going against his orders? I still have a little niggle inside of me that one day, they might come for me again. Maybe it will be after the baby is born, but I've already been through God only knows what to test my loyalty to the Don. I past that test, and if they do come for me, I won't be held responsible for what Draven does to them.

  The elders are also mad because when it came to a vote to overthrow the Don, no one actually had the guts to do so. Now, they fear Draven and the power he holds over the famiglia even more.

  None of that matters right now, I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, and nothing is going to ruin that for us.

  I had no one to walk me down the aisle today. That hurt thinking I'd have to walk by myself. Brooke came to me this morning with BlackJack behind her, her father-in-law and a member of the MC she belongs to with an offer I didn't refuse.

  Finally, I reach him, the man I love. BlackJack takes my hand and places it in Draven's. I kiss his cheek in way of thanks. He smiles and walks away.

  “You look...” Draven looks me up and down shamelessly, making me giggle. “There are no words.”

  “That good?” He nods while biting his lower lip. “You don't look too bad yourself.”

  “Ladies and Gentlemen...” I smile and face the priest.


  My heart pounds as we say our vows and I dos, and in no time at all, the priest is pronouncing us man and wife, and my new husband is kissing me softly. And... I'm married to the man I love, finally!

  Our reception is in the grounds of our house, even though it's December and a little too cold, this is what we wanted. Draven has spent thousands of dollars on this wedding, we're all sheltered from the cold, even out here. It's cozy and warm with all the outdoor heating Draven had fitted for today.

  Everything is perfect. Everyone is enjoying themselves; everyone is laughing. Even at the sit-down meal and throughout the speeches, people are smiling and laughing. My little girls have been so well-behaved. Amber is smitten with Hammer and hasn't left him alone all day. Not that he seems to mind. Lydia has rushed around talking to everybody, but always coming back to Mommy and Daddy to make sure we're still here.

  Could I have asked for more than this? No. There is nothing more I could have asked for. Everything is just perfect.

  Or, I thought.

  “You look amazing. Damn...”

  I turn on the spot where I'm standing with my little girl, her hand in mine, to face the man addressing me. I don't know him, never seen him before. I'm assuming he works for Draven. He's tall, handsome, young. He's dressed smartly like the rest of the men who work for my husband.

  God, I love saying that. My husband!

  “Thank you...?”

  “Piero.” Definitely Italian, either one of Draven's men or a member of his family. I feel uncomfortable with him looking me up and down like he wants to eat me. I'm pregnant, how in the hell can he look at me like this? And in my own home? Does he have a deathwish? “The Boss has some fine taste.”

  Either this man is stupid, or he really does have a deathwish. Talking to me like this in my own home, on my wedding day, in front of my daughter. Does he not know that Draven with kill him in the worst way for talking to me like this? This is my wedding day, and I don't want my new husband to blow up and kill this man today. Not here.

  My little girl pulls away from me, and I notice her rush off somewhere. To find her father, I'm guessing. Lydia may only be five, may only have been with us a few short days, but she's already learned that when something doesn't feel right, find Daddy.

  All hell is going to break loose any moment!

  “I don't wish to sound rude, but you shouldn't be talking to me like this, Draven won't like it.”

  “I'm not scared of the Boss.” He laughs, but it might be the last time he does.

  “You should be,” I tell him with more venom in my voice than I've ever known. Where the hell did that come from? “How dare you disrespect my husband like this?!”

  Shit, my voice may be a little too loud, I can sense people turning to look at me. Fuck them. I don't care; this prick needs a lesson in manners!

  “How dare you stand there looking at me like that! You don't know me, but you know as well as everyone else here whom I am married to. How dare you disrespect him or me like this? How dare you do this in front of our daughter's!” I poke my finger at him, I can't help myself, I'm so angry right now, and that's not like me, I don't get angry like this, but this son-of-a-bitch is disrespecting my husband, and I won't stand for it! Especially not in front of our children.

  “Mrs. Vidal, I meant no offense. I apologize.” Piero holds his hands up in the air like he's surrendering.

  “If you ever a
pproach me this way again, I promise it will be the last time you breathe air!” Where the hell did that come from? The fact I'm not the woman I once was. If I am to be the Don's wife, I need to start showing these people I am not to be messed with. I'm strong, and it's time people understood they can't just walk all over me. I won't have anyone disrespecting my husband or me like this. I just won't! “Get the hell away from me before I rip your throat out with my bare hands!”

  Piero rushes away from me just as big hands slip around my waist from behind. “Feisty today, aren't you, wife?” There's humor in his voice, but my veins are throbbing with anger.

  I turn in Draven's arms. “I don't know what you find funny. I didn't appreciate the way he spoke to me, Draven. He disrespected us both at our wedding!”

  Why isn't he angry?

  Why isn't he threatening to kill the kid?

  Why is he looking at me like that?!

  “You are so fuckin' sexy when you're angry.” Draven's whispered voice in my ear sends shivers all through me, and it makes my pussy throb.

  “Why aren't you angry right now? You usually flip your lid when a man so much as looks at me.”

  He chuckles against my cheek, and I just know what he's done. The sneaky ass was testing me. I don't think he was testing how faithful I am, but testing how strong I am in the presence of his men. Stronger than he thought, obviously.

  “Trust me; I wanted to kill him, even if he was pretending. You belong to me, Marnie. For the rest of your life, you are mine.” He hisses down my ear, and fuck, I want him right now!

  I wrap my arms around his neck. “Take me inside. I'm so wet for you right now.” Being the Boss's wife, being angry and yelling at a man who could kill me but won't because of who I am, and having my husband jealous over it has me so horny all of a sudden.


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