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True Alpha

Page 12

by Ranae Rose

  “It’s weird to think that even full-blooded shifters have to go years without changing even once.” As Jack had once explained to her, shifters didn’t actually gain the ability to shift back and forth between their two forms until about the time they began puberty. Mandy silently thanked God that she, a half-blood, hadn’t discovered her ability until much later – that particular phase of life had been awkward enough without having to worry about sprouting a tail and paws.

  “Weird, yeah, but it makes sense when you think about it; children are what keep packs in touch with their human sides. Without young ones to care for, shifters might live as wolves all the time – like animals – and lose touch with what sets us apart from truly wild creatures.”

  “Huh.” Mandy leaned back against a stack of pillows as Clarissa measured her belly with a special tape. “I never thought of it that way before.”

  “There have been shifters – lone wolves, usually – who’ve given up on their human sides entirely and taken to the wilderness to live as animals.”

  A pang of sadness assailed Mandy’s heart as she imagined Jack living alone on the mountain, as he had before they’d met. What if he’d taken off into the wild and never looked back? She never would’ve met him. It was a good thing he hadn’t – she could scarcely even imagine what her life would be like without him; thinking of living out her existence in the city, eternally unfulfilled, was almost more than her mind could bear.

  At least he’d had Ronnie to keep him company. Even now, as Clarissa wrapped up the routine examination, Jack was with Ronnie, working on the nursery. They’d made a lot of progress over the past few days, with Daniel and Noah’s help; the walls had been built, and now they were working on wiring for electricity.

  “Okay.” Clarissa tucked the measuring tape back into her bag and grinned. “I now pronounce you fit to walk down the aisle.”

  “Were you going to hold me hostage on bed rest if something was amiss?”

  “You bet.” Clarissa extended a hand to help Mandy out of bed. “You’re my only patient, after all. If I let anything happen to you, my reputation will be shot.”

  “Right. So are you considering taking on more patients, then?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” The teasing light went out of Clarissa’s eyes and she frowned as Mandy rose to her feet. “I was never officially released from my apprenticeship.”

  “Maybe you could call the midwife you were apprenticed to in Alaska and see if she’ll give you her blessing?”

  Clarissa chewed her lower lip. “Maybe. But… I guess I’m afraid of what she’ll say. Everything happened so fast with me and Daniel, we were in the car and on our way to Tennessee before I knew it. I didn’t get a chance to tell her goodbye, or even that I was leaving. And I haven’t been in contact with anyone from the Cold Snow Pack since we left.”

  “Cold Snow? Is that what your brother’s pack is called?”

  Clarissa nodded.

  “Well, I think you’re a great midwife. And I don’t know about Alaska, but out here, shifter midwives are few and far between. I bet you could find some more patients if you were willing to do some traveling.”

  “Thanks.” Clarissa hoisted her bag full of medical equipment onto her shoulder and pushed open the bedroom door, stepping out into the cabin’s main room.

  It seemed as if the entire pack – with the exception of Noah and Daniel, who were on patrol – had gathered in the cabin. Ronnie stood by the fridge, sipping a glass of iced tea as he leaned against the semi-finished nursery’s doorframe. It was no surprise that Violet was nearby, her cheeks glowing with a blush that seemed to be half natural and half dusted-on, but April was at her side, speaking just as eagerly to Ronnie.

  “Well, the schooling took a while and the training wasn’t easy,” he said, lowering his glass, “but it was worth it.”

  April practically bounced on her toes, grinning. “Hey Mandy, Clarissa,” she said, turning. “Guess what?”

  “What?” Mandy asked, almost in unison with Clarissa.

  “I’ve been picking Ronnie’s brain about becoming a park ranger. I think I’m gonna go for it – go to school and get a degree, and maybe do some volunteer work for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park while I’m at it.” Her grin spread even wider. “Ronnie says he could put in a good word for me.”

  “That sounds fantastic,” Mandy said as Clarissa echoed with a similar sentiment. April’s interest in becoming a ranger wasn’t really that surprising considering her work experience in outdoor activities and hunting. This seemed like a sign that she’d embraced the idea of settling down in the Smokies.

  “Yeah, I guess the first step is to look into my educational options.” She nodded as if imagining what they might be, her dark bob swinging around her jawline. She seemed happier than she had at any point since she’d arrived in Tennessee.

  “What about you, Violet?” Mandy asked. “Do you have any idea what you want to do for work?”

  Violet shrugged, but the perma-smile she’d been wearing didn’t fade. “I’m not sure yet. I’ve been browsing some job sites online, looking for something interesting. There are plenty of restaurant jobs here, and God knows I’ve got the experience, but I think I might like to try something different.”


  The screen door swung open, squeaking slightly on its hinges and cutting Mandy’s reply short.

  “Gotta oil that,” Jack, murmured, emerging from the nursery with a screw-driver in hand as Noah and Daniel walked through the front door. “Any new developments?”

  Daniel scowled.

  “No,” Noah said, shaking his head. “Not so much as a whiff or a paw print. Maybe Daniel’s attacker took off after their confrontation.”

  “Or maybe he’s lurking on the fringe of Half Moon territory,” Daniel said. “We should go looking for him and find out what he’s doing around here. He could be dangerous.”

  Surprisingly, Jack didn’t disagree or remind Daniel that he was the one calling the shots. “I reckon we should make more of an effort to find out what he wants. I’ve been waitin’ these past few days for him to make another appearance, but he hasn’t. Noah, Daniel – you two will come with me tonight, and we’ll go to the overhang where Daniel says the outsider was camping out. If he’s still around, he’ll probably show up there sometime tonight to get some rest.”

  “You mean like a stake-out?” Daniel demanded. “All night?”

  “Somethin’ like that,” Jack said.

  Mandy shifted uncomfortably, willing her heart not to speed as she imagined Jack braving the woods in the dead of night, on the hunt for a stranger who’d already seriously injured one of their pack. Sure, it’d be three against one, but the outsider had already proven that he had no qualms about inflicting serious damage if cornered. If only she’d been in any condition to go along, she’d have felt so much better about the venture. When Jack faced danger without her, she felt as if her chest had been laid open and her heart exposed – tender and beating quickly, all too easy to destroy.


  “Promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t want you getting banged-up and scarred like Daniel just two nights before our wedding.” Mandy forced herself to smile at Jack. In reality, she feared much worse than scars, which could never serve to detract from Jack’s appeal, no matter how severe. Maybe it was silly that she was so worried; Jack was a competent leader, and the odds would be stacked in his favor. But if their past experience with danger had taught her anything, it was that disaster could strike without warning, and death was never more than a heartbeat away.

  “You know I will.” Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close in the privacy of their bedroom. The sun had set, shading the wilderness and causing the temperature to drop by at least ten degrees. It was downright chilly, but inside Jack’s arms, she was warm. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “Ha.” She tipped her head, letting her forehead rest against his collarbone. “Y
ou wouldn’t be saying that if it was the other way around.”

  “The other way around, huh? Hmm…” He took a step backwards and placed his hands on his completely flat stomach. “You think I could make it into the third trimester without losing my six pack?” His fingertips skimmed his ridiculously ripped abs.

  “Oh, shut up Jack.” Mandy pushed him playfully, and he fell backward onto the bed in an exaggerated motion. “You’re so smug. Sometimes I wish you were the one who had to stay cooped up in the cabin while I led dangerous searches, even if it would mean sacrificing your six pack.”

  “You sure about that?” He arched a dark brow and smirked, waving a hand over his torso. “You might miss this more than you realize.”

  She stifled a giggle and tossed a pillow at him, which muffled his speech as he caught it. She knew he meant well, but his attempt at humor hadn’t dissolved her worries. “I wouldn’t miss worrying about you all the time.”

  “Well, that’s why I’m taking the guys on this search tonight,” he said, tossing the pillow aside. “I’m tired of the constant patrols and everyone bein’ on edge. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this, and then we’re gonna enjoy your baby shower and the wedding.”

  “You really think you can solve this in one night?” The baby shower Clarissa had been working so hard to plan was scheduled for the next afternoon, and their wedding would take place the day after.

  “Better now than after the wedding.” His grin returned. “I want some honeymoon time with you, and I don’t want it to be interrupted by any unforeseen trouble or one of Daniel’s outbursts.”

  “A honeymoon?” Now it was Mandy’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “You know tons of people come to the Smokies to stay in mountain cabins like ours for their honeymoons, right?”

  “Yeah. And that’s exactly what I intend to do with you. Hole up in here and tell the others to mind their own business for a day or two while I make you my wife.” He reached out, took her hand and pulled her onto the bed beside him.

  “I’m already your mate,” she replied, though his words made her smile.

  “Yeah, but I’m up for any tradition that involves makin’ love to you.” He rose, pressed his lips to hers and claimed her mouth with a surprisingly deep kiss.

  “So you couldn’t get me to laugh my worries off – now you’re going to try to magic them away with sex?” she asked when their lips parted.

  His lips quirked in a knowing smile. “Oh, come on. Like you don’t want to make love to me before I go out into the big, bad night and face danger.”

  That was exactly what her every instinct was screaming for her to do, and it was obvious he knew it. “I thought you said that I don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “You don’t.” He kissed her again, cradling her head with one hand and burying his fingers in her loose hair. His tongue slid against hers, tasting faintly of the roast they’d had for dinner.

  When their kiss ended, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe I’ll just keep you here all night.”

  A hint of his grin returned. “You’re very welcome to try.” He cupped one of her breasts, finding her nipple through the cover of her shirt and bra and massaging it.

  Her breast ached as her nipple hardened, responding to his indirect touch. Before she knew it, his hands were gliding all over her bare body, her clothes forgotten in a heap on the floor.

  “I could look at you all night,” he said, pulling her into his lap and letting his lips brush the side of her neck as he spoke.

  Judging by the hardness that was pressing into her thigh, he wouldn’t be content with just looking for long. But she let him hold her, savoring each moment with him as she enjoyed the feeling of his fingers combing through her hair and stroking her back and breasts. She couldn’t really keep him there all night, but she could have him all to herself for a little while. “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too.” All traces of teasing were gone from his voice, and he pulled her down onto the mattress, using a fingertip to trace the half moon shape of the scar he’d made on her shoulder.

  Mandy breathed deep, letting his familiar scent fill her lungs as she turned her gaze to his matching mark. Even now, days later, looking at it made her heart swell with happiness and pride. The idea of him carrying her mark with him as he carried out a possibly dangerous mission eased her nervousness just a little. She loved him, more than anything else, and he loved her just as much – he wouldn’t do anything stupid that would jeopardize his safety and their family, their pack.

  His lips blazed a trail of heat over her chest as he lowered his head, his breath streaming over the slope of one of her breasts. By the time his mouth met her nipple, it was already hard, tingling in anticipation of his kiss. He drew it into his mouth as he reached below, slipping a hand between her thighs.

  His touch really did melt away her nervousness, even if the reprieve was only temporary. She widened her legs a little as he stroked her clit, his erection brushing her thigh as he leaned over her. Her channel tightened, though he hadn’t penetrated her yet, not even with his teasing fingertips. Fear of losing him – even if that wasn’t very likely at all – had made her want him even more than usual, sending her libido into overdrive. Along with the volatile mix of pregnancy hormones that were constantly rushing through her veins, it was a sexually and emotionally potent combination. She drew a ragged breath as he let his touch creep lower, slipping a finger past her folds and into her body.

  Bolts of fiery sensation wracked her middle as he dragged his fingertip up and down her inner wall. The pleasure was sudden and stunning, like the heat lightning that sometimes arced over the mountains during the summer. She angled her hips, causing him to penetrate her a little more deeply.

  He raised his head from her chest and fixed her with his hazel gaze as he added a second finger and pushed both deep into her pussy, his knuckles brushing her now-slick folds. “Ready for me?” He withdrew his fingers slowly, leaving behind a throbbing ache.

  “Stop fooling around,” Mandy panted, opening her thighs a little wider as a petulant moan threatened to escape her. She resisted it – Jack already knew just how ready she was. Her clit was throbbing, swollen, and every bit of skin between her thighs had to be glistening with moisture. Then there was the way her body had tightened around his fingers, silently trying to draw him deeper in, begging for more.

  His lips curled in a half-smile. “You seem awfully impatient for someone who’s determined to make this last all night.”

  Tired of words, she placed a hand on his thigh and traced a slow path to the base of his hard cock, wrapping her hand around it and stroking him. The friction created between his smooth, stiff flesh and her palm warmed her hand, and the heat seemed to shoot up her arm and consume her entire body. She could almost feel his hardness inside her, and it made her channel ache as it tightened. He closed his eyes when she cupped his balls and rolled them in her hand, tightening her grip just enough to make him groan.

  When she released him and let her hand rest innocently on the mattress, it was almost as if she’d turned the tables.

  “Well, that’s all right,” he said as he lowered himself onto the mattress, slipping into the side-lying position that made it so easy for them, even with her swollen belly. “I’ll be back by mornin’ and there’ll be plenty more time for this.” He wrapped his fist around his cock in a firm grip; the thick head peeked from above, already glistening with a small bead of wetness at the tip.

  Her belly hid it from view when he leaned in and positioned himself to enter her, guiding his cock so that it pressed against her entrance, a hairsbreadth away from slipping inside. She rocked her hips in a not-so-subtle movement, urging him to take her. Shivers of sensation raced up her spine as the head of his erection glided against the seam of her sex.

  He obliged in one smooth thrust, filling her as she arched against the mattress – which was no mean feat, considering the weight of her belly. His cock stretched her pleasan
tly, causing her nerves to buzz with appreciation. Another stroke and she gasped, her thighs going rigid with anticipation as he touched her clit, beginning a massage that was sure to undo her much sooner than she’d originally anticipated.

  It was impossible to resist the pull of her impending climax as he thrust in and out of her, his cock hitting a place that made her pussy seize up around it, squeezing him so tightly that he gasped. “Almost hurts,” he breathed, stroking her clit more quickly. “Feels so good.”

  She knew what he meant – she was so sensitive inside that the pleasure of his cock striking just the right spot was almost intense enough to justify being called painful. Almost, but not quite. Her lucidity shattered as her pleasure peaked, sending waves of muscle-tightening pleasure through her core. She squeezed her eyes shut and tipped her head back against the pillows. Jack’s cock seemed harder than ever as her channel contracted around it, and the solid presence of it thrusting deeper and deeper into her was all she could focus on as her thighs trembled and her toes curled.

  “Ahh, Mandy,” Jack groaned, joining her in crying out as he gripped one of her hands and squeezed it tightly within his own as he thrust his hips harder, impaling her with deep-reaching strokes.

  She squeezed back, her pussy still rippling as little bursts of silver light danced across the backs of her eyelids. Her orgasm had left her so sensitive, and Jack wasn’t letting up. A moan rose from the depths of her chest as he forced her flesh to yield a little more with each thrust and finally, liquid heat filled her core.

  Jack continued to hold her hand after he withdrew, though he loosened his intense grip a little. Sliding up to rest beside her on the mattress, he sighed and placed his other hand on her hip.

  She rolled over onto her side and faced him. “Not too tired to stay up all night now, are you?”


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