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True Alpha

Page 16

by Ranae Rose

  Turning toward him, she found his fly and quickly undid the button and zipper.

  As usual, he wore no underwear; the habit was a matter of convenience for a werewolf, but it had other benefits besides reducing the amount of clothing one had to worry about ruining while changing forms. His cock jutted freely from between the parted fly, hard and smooth against her palm when she wrapped her fingers around it. He groaned, and his hot flesh throbbed against her hand. His heat and hardness combined with the sound of his obvious pleasure to make her mouth water.

  While keeping a firm grip on the base of his erection, she pressed her mouth against the blunt tip, parting her lips as if seeking an open-mouthed kiss. Slowly, she closed them around the head of his cock, her tongue exploring the blunt roundness of it, gently tracing the slit.

  He sucked in a breath and squeezed her breasts, his hold on them firmer than ever. When she began to slide her lips down his shaft, a gravely moan rose from the pit of his chest.

  Her breasts throbbed in his hands as she took him deep and the ache in her core reached a desperate level, transitioning into pure need. It felt good to want him so badly and to know that he craved her just as strongly. The hard-as-steel press of his cock against her tongue and the back of her throat evidenced his desire and filled her mind with a host of pussy-tightening thoughts, like what it would feel like when he finally entered her, claiming her with that first, delicious thrust. She could almost feel the length and girth of his cock stretching her channel as he kneaded her breasts and she ran her tongue down the underside of his shaft.

  “Mandy, baby…” He pulled his hips back, withdrawing from her mouth with a last sigh of regret. “I can’t take any more of that.” He dropped to his knees on the floor in front of the bed, removing his hands from her breasts and gripping the fallen shoulder straps of her gown instead, pulling down until the top half of her dress pooled around her hips. “Swing your legs over the side of the bed and put one on either side of me,” he said, his voice gravely.

  She did so, and the motion hiked her skirts up to her knees.

  Jack pushed them up the rest of the way, gathering the material around her hips, exposing her legs from the tips of her white flats to the tops of her thighs and the dampened scrap of white lace between them. Her flats were removed and tossed aside, leaving her feet as bare as her legs. Then he placed his hands on the insides of her thighs and pushed gently, widening them and settling between her knees so that he leaned against the side of the bed, his intent gaze fixed on her pussy.

  Her cheeks heated and her core tightened as he stared, the tip of his tongue peeking out to trace the swell of his lower lip as his brilliantly hazel eyes remained steadfast, glued to the scrap of lace that clung to her sex, thoroughly damp. Though the material was feather-light, she could feel the pressure of it on her swollen clit; combined with the weight of his gaze, it made her moan. When he placed a hand on her knee and began to slide it upward, his fingers blazing a sensual trail up her inner thigh, her legs trembled and heat churned in her core.

  Instead of removing her panties, he slipped his thumb beneath one edge, inserting it between her slick skin and the wet lace. Her pussy tightened as his thumb grazed the seam of her sex and settled on her clit, slowly rubbing up and down.

  She arched against the mattress, bearing down against his hand and gasping as the pressure on her clit intensified. For a moment she was speeding toward a quick climax, and then his hand was gone, the lace snapping back softly against her skin. Before she could so much as open her mouth to protest, his hands were on her hips, and his fingers tucked beneath the sides of her panties. In one smooth motion, he pulled them down, all the way over her legs and the tips of her toes, and tossed them aside. In the next instant, he inserted himself firmly between her thighs again and lowered his head, pressing his mouth flush against her pussy.

  He dragged his tongue over her slit, dipped the tip briefly inside, and then found her clit. All the air rushed out of her lungs as he licked the tender bud, teasing it with the tip of his tongue and then laving it with such intensity that she could feel it swell, tingling as a tell-tale spasm wracked her core. As he continued, his teeth scraped lightly against her inflamed flesh, making her toes curl, and he skillfully soothed her skin with his tongue.

  Several times, he paused to taste below, tracing the seam of her sex with his tongue and slipping inside, causing it to tighten and making every inch of her body ache with the desire to be penetrated deeper and stretched wider. When he returned his attention to her clit after one of those breathtaking deviations, she couldn’t hold out any longer. With a wrenching spasm that stole every bit of her breath, along with her self-control, her pussy clenched, sending her over the edge.

  Her hips bucked against the mattress, against his face, but he gripped her thighs tightly and refused to let go, pinning her against the soft surface as he lavished attention on her clit with his tongue, licking and biting lightly, sending bolts of fiery pleasure through her channel and up into her belly. She drew deep, gasping breaths – the only way she could manage to breathe – as her climax swept over her in waves, each one more intense than the last until they finally reached a peak and began to lessen, leaving her limp and panting against the bed, her legs finally still beneath Jack’s hands.

  She could still feel the imprint of his fingers on her flesh after he let go and rose, his gaze sharp and focused as he pulled off his tuxedo jacket and tossed it aside, quickly proceeding to unbutton his shirt, shoving the buttons roughly through their holes. All the while, his cock stretched toward her, harder than ever and protruding from a nest of dark curls and the parted zipper of his pants, which had begun to slip down over his hips. He pulled his shirt off in a hasty motion, revealing perfect shoulders, perfect abs – perfect everything.

  He yanked his pants down last, letting them slide down over his lean legs to pool on the floor. The mattress sank beneath his weight as he joined her on the bed, gripping her gown in his fists and pulling the whole thing down, tossing it aside a little more carefully than he had his own clothing.

  His eyes gleamed, and he let out an appreciative moan as he stared down at her; she still lay where he’d left her, her body tingling with an exhausted sort of pleasure that made her muscles weak. His gaze swept over her body from her head to her toes, lingering first on her breasts and swollen nipples, then on her pussy; it was damper than ever, and she could feel the trails of moisture that had crept down her thighs. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, extending a hand and helping her into the center of the bed, where he promptly leaned over her, an arm on either side of her body as he lowered his head, his lips brushing her chest.

  She exhaled slowly when he pressed his mouth to her nipple, enveloping it in wet heat. Meanwhile, he cradled the lower curve of her breast in one cupped hand, squeezing and causing her soft flesh to swell against his jaw. After a few moments he stopped and pressed a trail of slow kisses across her chest, stopping when he reached her other nipple and tasting it just as he had the last one.

  By the time several minutes had passed, Mandy’s body was coming back to life, a slow tingle spreading beneath her skin, at odds with the exhaustion her climax had left her with. When Jack lifted his head and pressed his mouth against hers, she parted her lips, letting his tongue slip inside. He tasted like chocolate cake, sweet white icing and her pussy – a combination that stirred something inside her, causing her core to tighten at the memory of his mouth pressed firmly between her thighs. She reached below and grasped his cock, shoving her hand from the tip to the base in a long stroke.

  A moan rumbled in his chest as he kissed her more deeply, his tongue sliding against hers as he delved into the farthest recess of her mouth. When he finally pulled away, he did it suddenly and with a hot rush of breath.

  Mandy continued to stroke him, placing her other hand below his collarbone. Her fingers glided over the dark hair that was dusted across his muscular chest, then met something hard and vaguely stick
y. “You’re frosted,” she said, trying to brush away a smear of white icing that had apparently tumbled down his shirt along with a chocolate cake crumb.

  “Mmm-hmm. Thanks to you,” he breathed, his voice rough though his lips quirked in a half-smile. He brushed a hand across his chest, but the icing remained stubbornly put, matting his chest hair.

  It was a shame the frosting had dried. If it had been fresh, she would’ve enjoyed licking it from his chest, coating her tongue with the sugary substance and the sweet taste of his skin.

  “I’m gonna go wash up,” he said.

  “What?” Mandy propped herself up onto her elbows, her eyes going wide as her gaze settled on his enduring erection. “Right now?”

  He nodded and slipped over the bed to stand. “Yeah.” He placed a hand on the inside of one of her thighs and his lips curled in a devious smile as his fingers slid down the slope of her leg, skimming over increasingly tender skin.

  “Why?” His cock was still hard, the shaft thick with sustaining veins and the skin flushed. At the tip, a drop of moisture glistened, pearly in the bedroom’s soft lighting. His balls were drawn up tight against his body. He had to be aching.

  He stroked her still-slick pussy, his fingertips bringing the heat that remained deep in her core to the surface. The flush that crept across her body was so strong she could feel it, spreading over her chest and touching her collarbones, heating her face. “I don’t intend to rush through our wedding night.” He leaned lower, bracing himself with a hand splayed against the mattress. “After tasting your sweet pussy and hearing you moan like that… If I was inside you right now, I’d be coming.”

  His words and the vivid imaginings they inspired caused her blush to deepen. She liked when he came inside her; it made her core tighten just to imagine those few last thrusts, the feeling of him pouring himself into her and the final rush of heat. She also liked the feeling of his hands and mouth on her body, stroking, kissing and teasing, driving her desire to a fever-pitch. If he wanted to do more of that, she wasn’t about to refuse. “Don’t take too long,” she said, wishing she could shower with him. She knew where that would lead though, and she didn’t want to take any risks by fooling around in a slippery shower while pregnant.

  “I won’t.” He pressed two fingers inside her, sinking them into her wet pussy.

  She sighed as he stretched her aching channel, giving her a taste of what would come when he returned from the shower, his skin scrubbed free of sugary remnants of their wedding. Trying not to feel bereft when he withdrew his touch and turned for the door, casting a last lingering look in her direction, she rolled over onto her side and closed her eyes for a few moments, willing her senses to stabilize and her rekindled libido to settle down.

  It worked to an extent; she felt a little calmer as she rose, standing and stretching her legs. Heat still burned beneath the surface of her skin, and Jack’s body, touch and promises filled her thoughts. Though she was overly-warm, she pulled on a robe for protection against the autumn night chill that her arousal had temporarily shielded her against.

  Exiting the bedroom, she made a beeline for the kitchen, her inner thigh muscles trembling faintly as her bare feet padded against the cool floorboards. The heat Jack’s touch had incited had left her parched. She took a glass tumbler from one of the cupboards and filled it at the kitchen sink.

  The sweet mountain water that came from a well on the cabin’s property tasted good, far better than any other tap water she’d ever tried. She quickly finished half the glass, then slowed her sipping as the water began to cool her from the inside. That lasted for only a few moments before heat washed over her and seemed to roll off of her in waves – a heat flash. She crossed the main room, taking her glass along as she unlocked the door and stepped out onto the front porch.

  The night air was refreshing, spiced with the scent of evergreen needles and dying leaves. It surrounded her, quickly penetrating the cotton fabric of her robe and acting as a balm to her flushed skin. When at last she’d cooled down, she turned for the door and pulled it open.

  As she began to step over the threshold, something struck the side of her head with a dizzying thwack. Her empty glass slipped from her hand and shattered on the floorboards below as she swayed and fell, the sound of the screen door swinging shut and closing her out the last thing she heard.


  Jack wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock and resisted the urge to drag his hand down the shaft as hot water rained down on his shoulders. He’d hoped that a shower would help him cool down, taking the edge off his nearly overwhelming desire, but it hadn’t. He’d scrubbed the frosting off of his chest, soaped up and even shampooed his hair, but he was still just as desperate to be inside her as when he’d left the bedroom. He’d lose himself as soon as he entered her. Hell, he was close just thinking about it. Removing his hand from his hard cock, he turned the shower knob all the way to the right, dousing himself in cold water.

  His skin pebbled under the icy spray despite the heat that was simmering inside him, causing his balls to ache. As a shiver wracked his body, he stood stalwartly beneath the shower head, his nipples shrinking. After a while, he figured the shower had done what he’d hoped, if only because it had left him mostly numb. He shoved thoughts of Mandy’s full, impossibly round breasts from his mind, refusing to remember the way her nipples had sprung up hard in response to his touch. As he stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel, the memory of her pussy tightening around his fingers assailed him.

  Damn it. If he didn’t stop fantasizing, he wasn’t going to be able to last long enough to do all the things that kept racing through his mind. He hadn’t always had such a pathetic portion of self-control, had he?

  No, he’d had a hell of a lot more endurance just a few months ago. The way his dick throbbed, keeping him dangerously close to release even though no one was touching it compared only to the crazy lust that had struck him when he’d first met Mandy and every fiber of his being had screamed for him to take her, to claim her as his mate. He’d gotten a bit of a handle on himself after that – a collar on his inner wolf – though things had still simmered between them, in and out of the bedroom. But something had changed…

  Her body. God, at seven months pregnant, her every curve had swollen. Her body was a series of roller coaster-worthy swells that kept his cock standing at a constant state of attention. He’d liked watching her breasts grow over the months, so big that he couldn’t really cradle them in his palms anymore; whenever he tried they swelled over the tops of his fingers, ample and irresistibly creamy, topped by nipples he couldn’t so much as glance at without wanting to taste. And then there was her belly. Her narrow waist had grown round, but he liked that too. Every time he looked at her, it reminded him that she was his, that he’d done that to her, that her body was exuding sex because he’d planted his seed deep inside her, because she was his mate…

  And she’d been especially tempting today, because the style of her wedding dress had prompted her to go braless, and while she’d worn a demure wrap, beneath that her dress hadn’t been hiding anything. His eyes had almost bulged right out of his head when he’d removed the wrap and gotten an eyeful of the complete front of her gown for the first time. Had she realized that the cool fall air would make her nipples pop against the white fabric like ripe cherries? Maybe not; it’d probably been warm when she’d tried on the dress in the store. An involuntary, totally wicked smile stretched across his face as he envisioned an alternate reality that involved her standing at the altar without the wrap, her nipples dark pink pinpricks beneath the pale fabric of her dress.

  Shaking his head, he scrubbed his face and body vigorously with the towel, eager to get back to the bedroom. Though the shower had cooled his skin, his hard-on was as persistent as ever. He tossed down his towel in a fit of disgust. Was he really not going to be able to make their wedding night last?

  Maybe he shouldn’t try to hold out for a small eternity when
he returned to the bedroom. Maybe making love twice was the answer. His cock practically jumped at the thought of coming inside her not once, but twice. Yeah… Tonight, that sounded perfect. Now all he had to do was get back to bed before Mandy started wondering if he’d somehow drowned in the tub, sink or toilet.

  The air in the cabin’s main room contrasted starkly with the steamy fog that had filled the bathroom. In fact, it was downright cold. As he stepped out, a chilly breeze blew between his legs and nearly froze his balls.

  Breeze? He turned toward the door, surprised to find that the main, solid door hung open, allowing the October wind to blow in through the screen door.

  Maybe Mandy had gone out onto the porch; she did that sometimes when she got hot flashes. When he’d left her in the bedroom, her skin had been flushed and hot to the touch. The memory sent a jolt of sensation straight to his cock as he walked to the door and pushed it open.

  She wasn’t there. A seed of suspicion instantly took root in his gut. “Mandy?”

  He waited a few seconds after calling her name, but there was no response. Quick as lightning, he turned on his heel and raced toward the bedroom.

  It was empty. The quilt was rumpled from where she’d lain down on it, the bed clothes disheveled from all her wiggling and bucking. Worry churned in his gut, alternately red-hot and icy-cold as he dashed back to the porch.

  “Goddamn!” he huffed when something pierced the sole of his foot, crackling beneath his weight as a searing pain shot up his leg, instantly killing the erection he’d been trying so hard to tame. Forcing himself to hold still and deal with whatever was crippling him, he raised his foot.

  A long shard of something hard and transparent protruded from his flesh, smeared with red – glass. Below, a hundred smaller pieces littered the floorboards, soaking in a puddle of his blood. Swallowing hard, he reached down and pulled the piece from his foot with a brutal yank.


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