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Typhoon of Steel

Page 46

by Marshall Miller

  As Sergeant Breshnev in his role as “Squid Lover” escorted the two “captive women” toward some warehouses, a small electric three wheeled scooter came trundling down the access way toward the three. An older man with grey hair was in the passenger seat was waving a hand held as the scooted approached, yelling at the Russian and the two women. A younger man drove the small electric vehicle.

  “How come you’re not answering the goddamned radio?” The older man yelled as the scooter stopped a few yards away. “And where is…”

  Sergeant Breshnev stopped the line of questioning with a 32 Caliber bullet from the 3D printed silenced automatic pistol, courtesy of Pappy Gunn. As the bullet hit the older man in the face, the younger started to scramble out of the driver’s seat and tried to unsling his MP-5 submachine gun. Two smaller caliber rounds to his face, one penetrating his right eye to the brain, stopped any further action. The now dead scooter driver flopped to the dock surface, laid still. The older man, on the ground, seemed to be trying to use his hand held radio thru his damaged mouth. A second shot to the temple stopped him permanently.

  “I think it is time to move quickly,” said Sergeant Breshnev. Everyone began jogging toward the warehouses, all pretext at concealment of their purpose rejected. The handheld radio of the dead man crackled, a voice said, “Stan, comeback. You’re broken,” as the rescue force ran by. Ichiro stooped and picked it up, knowing he may be able to track the Kraken response to the incursion. The sun was beginning to set, and shadows were lengthening. They neared the entrance doors of the nearest warehouse and Sumi entered a front entryway room. As she did, she was confronted by a large man with a full-faced Kraken tattoo.

  “Hey, bitch. What are you doing running free?” The Kraken grabbed at her.

  “Oh please, Sir, don’t hurt me.” Sumi began to wail and cry with such gravitas that it matched the best Academy Awards performances.

  “Where’s your guard?” the Kraken snarled as he made to shake her.

  Sumi brought the sharpened ceramic chopstick up to reprise the lethal stab she had performed on the other deceased Kraken. However, this large man was fast for his size. He grabbed the stabbing hand, and yelled at her.

  “You fucking bit…” Sumi gouged with her free hand at his eyes and he howled. But he did not let go of her. Instead, he lifted the smaller Japanese intelligence officer into the air and slammed her to the ground. The Kraken then ripped the sharp stabbing weapon from the stunned Sumi Sato’s hands and raised it his right hand to plunge it into the woman’s chest.

  Blood suddenly spurted as the Kraken’s right hand was sliced completely at the wrist, the hand and sharpened chopstick flying off into the shadows. It took a moment for the fact that he was now missing a hand, to sink in. Then the Kraken began to scream. He rolled off of the Japanese Captain, holding his stump as it spurt blood.

  Abigail stepped into the room. “Sumi, are you okay?”

  “Hai, yes. Just regaining my wind. Thank you. You…saved me.”

  “Don’t get so far ahead of us. We need to find this Malcolm…”

  A loud shout came from behind a wall at the back of the room. “Hey. Back here.”

  Sergeant Jefferson then stepped into the room. “Need some help?”

  “Keep an eye on the screamer there. I’ll find the door to Malcolm Carter.”

  Abigail did a quick search, then found a small locked door in the shadows. It looked like this warehouse had some small storage sheds that had been turned onto makeshift confinement cells.

  “Stand back,” the Avenging Angel called out, then placed a well-placed sidekick near the door handle. The door jamb area splintered and the door swung open. Inside Malcolm Carter, former Mayor of Atlanta and the Leader of the Cattle Country Revolt stood, clad in dirty fatigues. A dog collar was around his neck, with a small lock securing it and a dog stakeout chain together. The chain ran to a large metal eyelet mounted in the ceiling.

  “You alone?” Abigail asked.

  “I am now. They took the others away to a different warehouse about a half hour ago. All this racket and they will know…”

  The Spetsnaz began a lively firefight outside with someone. More than one someone, based on the level of gunfire.

  “Ah fuck. Hey, lady. I need to find Red, my assistant. Looks like she’s from Bollywood. And the women, kids with her. They’re about to be fed to the Squids.”

  Ichiro stepped into the room at that moment, followed by Sumi. Malcolm looked at him, then at Abigail. A look of recognition came to his face.

  “Well. I’ll be damned. You are real, not some fake creation by the States. That was a nice wedding, I guess. But what I just came from sucked.”

  “Mr. Carter. Madam President told us to rescue you,” said Ichiro. “Now, we will free you and…”

  “I ain’t going anywhere without the others. Especially Red. Period.”

  “Please, Sir. We must…”

  “Hey, slant eye. What did I just say?” A sheathed katana jabbed painfully into the former Mayor’s solar plexus, stopping the conversation.

  “Insult my husband again,” growled Abigail. “And we will carry you out unconscious.”

  Malcolm rubbed his injured chest. “Damn. I guess you are a crazy bitch, like they say.”

  “Malcolm Carter,” began Ichiro. “Insult us all you wish, but you will come with us.”

  “Well, buddy, then get this chain and dog collar off of me.”

  “I will do that.” Sumi stepped up, pulled two very thin slips of metal from her hair and went to work on the lock on the dog collar. Within just moments, she had picked the lock and freed the black leader.

  “Nice lock pick. Thanks.” Sergeant Jefferson stepped into the room.

  “That Kraken asshole is in shock from losing his hand. He just passed out.”

  Malcolm looked at the large black woman. “Well I’ll be damned. A sister with the white wave.”

  “Yes sir,” said Porsche. “A Sister of Steel, a Banshee.”

  The firing outside intensified.

  “Damn it. Will someone go look for my people?”

  “I’ll stay here, Major. Colonel.” Porsche said. “I got this big hand cannon from the Krakens if someone shows up. And I have this MP-5 Captain Sato grabbed.”

  Malcolm Carter started to step forward to take the submachine gun but Sumi grabbed it.

  “Sorry, Carter-san. We protect you. You are now a non-combatant.” With that, the Japanese spy gave him one of her signature and very disarming smile. Malcolm saw this and chuckled.

  “I guess I am in the charge and control of the women. Well, lead on then.”

  Ichiro turned toward Abigail. “Come. We flank around back to the next warehouse, where I think the defensive fire is coming from. I bet you that is where the other prisoners are at.”

  “Alright, my husband.” She looked at Malcolm. “I do not suggest you give these two Banshees any trouble.

  “Banshees, huh. I thought that was propaganda also. Guess not, huh?”

  “No, Sir.” The large African-American Sergeant said. “We’re the real deal. Squid Stickers and all.” She pulled her signature blade from a sheath that had been concealed on her leg, but was now in her belt.

  Malcolm laughed, the first time in a long time. “Okay. Now, can you find the other prisoners?”

  “Hai, we go.” With that, Ichiro and Abigail seemed to glide from the room as one, toward the back exit of the warehouse.

  Malcolm looked at the now disappeared New Samurai, then looked at Sumi and Porsche. He stuck his hand out.

  “We have not been properly introduced. I am Malcolm Carter, ex-leader of the Atlanta Revolt…”

  Ichiro and Abigail made it out the rear of the warehouse in record time, finding no other occupants. As they looked over toward the back of the next warehouse over, they could tell the Spetsnaz were exchanging fire with some Krakens at the front of the building. Judging by the fire, there were at least a half a dozen Krakens concealed in the front room
s. In their black ninja-like attire, Abigail and Ichiro glided over to the back door of the warehouse. Just as they did, a single Kraken with a chrome plated pistol opened the back door. Before the man could react to the two figures, Ichiro put a razor sharp shuriken into his adam’s apple. The Kraken stumbled back, choking, the pistol in his hand dropping to the floor of the exit way. Abigail and Ichiro were through the doorway, Ichi slitting the fallen enemy’s throat as they passed.

  The social tentacle of a Tschaaa male came out of the shadows and grasped the fallen chrome plated pistol. The two had not expected to find Tschaaa on land, especially since Madam President had told Torbin Bender that a stand down order had been broadcast to all Squids. The robocop Torbin knew as Andrew apparently had something to do with it.

  Yet, it seemed that not every Tschaaa had gotten the word.

  Two other young Tschaaa warriors then slide from the shadows, each holding a long traditional harpoon. Ichiro slid to the left, Abigail to the right to give the Tschaaa two separate targets. Time seemed to pause.

  “Abigail-san,” Ichiro began in Japanese. “I will take out these three Tako while you find the prisoners. They are not standing down.”

  The Tschaaa with the pistol in its hand came full from the shadows. The male paused, then began to raise the pistol toward Ichiro. Abigail’s Glock-18 was in her hand in a flash, a long burst of 9mm bullets stitching the Tschaaa up its body into its head and through its large left eye. The pistol fired, the bullets working their way up as the Squid let out a gurgling, hooting and trilling cry, then died.

  Ichiro lunged at the nearest harpoon armed male. As the alien tried to thrust at him, the New Samurai parried with his katana, then became a blur. A series of slashes and both social tentacles were severed, followed by a thrust through the eyeball to the brain. The creature had no chance against someone who had killed so many Tschaaa in this manner.

  Abigail raised her Glock to fire at the remaining Squid when it dropped its harpoon. Looking at the two humans, it flattened itself out and closed its eyes.

  “I think it is surrendering, prostrating itself to us, Ichi.”

  “I believe it is. Come, pick up the pistol and we can go into the warehouse, sneak up on the Krakens in front if possible.”

  “Yes, my love.”

  As they moved, Ichiro said to Abigail in a stern voice, “I said I would take care of the three.”

  “And let that one shoot at you? I think not. You may outrank me, but you are still my husband, my love. That trumps rank when it comes to keeping you in one piece.”

  He glanced over to her. “You will never be subservient to me, as a traditional Japanese wife, will you?”

  “No. Never. Get used to it.”

  They then both went silent and entered the back of the large main area of the warehouse. As they entered the dimly lit interior, they saw a large cage structure in the center of the warehouse, which had been constructed from various types of chain link fencing. In the cage were some two dozen women and children. In one corner of the structure were two battered men of color lying on the warehouse cement floor. When the women and children saw them, squeals and cries emanated from the prisoners until Abigail put her finger against her lips, and motioned for silence. She then pulled off her balaclava head covering so they occupants of the cage could see her face and hair. Someone recognized her, as she began to hear mumbles of “It’s her. The Angel.”

  Ichiro and Abigail moved up to the front of the warehouse where there was a large double door. As they reached it, one on each side, they could hear voices over the firing.

  “Stu. Get back there check to see where Jonah went to. He was supposed to see if we could escape out the back. ”

  “Okay” was heard from the outer long front office area from which the Krakens had been engaging the Spetsnaz in a lively firefight.

  “Hey, Russkies,” a voice yelled from the front. “Keep shooting, and we start killing the dark meat.”

  At that moment, the one named Stu burst through the double doors, on his quest to see what had happened to Jonah. Abigail pulled, threw and impaled the Kraken through his throat with her Squid Sticker blade before the man knew what had happened. He sprawled to the floor, began twitching then laid still. Abigail dashed up to the body, retrieved her blade, and took the twelve gauge pump he was carrying and slid it toward the cage. Eager hands pulled it in and then there was a discussion as to how to blast the lock off the makeshift cage door. There was no time for Ichiro and Abigail to help.

  The two warriors button-hooked into the front office area and saw two Krakens with weapons pointed through what was left of windows. Abigail fired a single shot form the captured chrome plated pistol to the jaw on the man on the right, as Ichiro closed with the Kraken further to the left. When his target began to look around at the sound of the pistol shot, Ichiro skewered the man through the throat with his katana. The Kraken shuddered and died.

  Abigail heard the shotgun blast from the cage area, hoped it meant the prisoners had freed themselves. She put two fingers to her mouth and let out a shrill series of three whistles. The Spetsnaz troops called out in Russian, “Major? Is it secure?”

  “Yes. Hurry, we have women and children to rescue.”

  Abigail turned and greeted the first of the bedraggled group of now freed women and children. One little African-American girl ran to Abigail and threw her arms around Abigail’s left leg.

  “I knew you’d come. Mommy said you just a fable, a fake movie. I knew different.”

  “Where’s your mommy?” Abigail asked.

  “The Squids took her yesterday,” the little girl answered, then began to cry.

  Just then the Spetsnaz burst in, and the former alien menu items started to crowd about them, crying, yelling thanks.

  “We must move, Abby-san,” said Ichiro. “There must be more Krakens coming due to all the gunfire.”

  Abigail looked at a tough-looking black woman who had the 12 gauge, and assumed she had taken charge. “What’s your name?”


  “Can you get everyone moving follow my Russian friends here?”

  “To where?” The expression on her face was one of distrust. White-faced women had not exactly been helpful the past six years to the people of color.

  “Fishing trawler. I don’t have time to argue. Go or stay, your choice.”

  “She’s the Angel,” the little girl clinging to Abigail cried out. “I go with her.”

  Jayla looked at the little girl, then at Abigail. “Sorry, but people from the outside have not exactly been helpful.”

  “Understood.” Abigail bent over and picked up the little girl.

  “Honey, you need to go with these nice men. They are my good Russian friends. We need to take a boat ride. Okay?”

  “You’re coming too?”

  Abigail smiled. “I’ll be right along. We need to look for someone first. Okay?”

  The little girl looked none too happy to let go of her new found friend, but finally acquiesced. Another black female took her, and the group began to follow the Russians. Abigail looked, saw no one matching a Bollywood East Indian actress that would be Red.

  “Red…?”Abigail began to ask.

  “They took her out about an hour ago,” answered Jayla. “Some Krakens wanted to have some fun with her before we were fed to the Squids.”

  “Damn,” said Abigail, using a very infrequent curse word.

  “Ichiro, we need to look for Red in the nearby warehouses…”

  Abigail’s radio crackled to life. “Major, we have visitors approaching.” SSgt. Wall broadcast. “The six-wheeled kind, as well as some more Krakens and I think a couple of those Soldiers they have been making recently.”

  “Affirmative.” Abigail stepped over and picked up the assault rifle from the Kraken she had shot. She rifled his body and found a couple of spare magazines.

  “Abby-san,” Ichiro began. She cut him off.

  “You go. I will delay the harvest
ers and others, and look for Red.”

  “No. Major, you come with us. With me.”

  She glared into the love of her life’s eyes. “No. The females are making an agreement, the order to stand down was given. No more people die. No more people are eaten! We leave no one behind.”

  Ichiro sighed, then touched her face with a gentle hand. “What am I to do with you, my love?” he said in Japanese. “You are as stubborn as I.”

  “That is because, my husband, we both have the spirit of the samurai. Of modern Bushido. The innocent do not die when we are about.”

  Ichiro Yamamoto realized once more just how much he loved Abigail, how well they fit together and were made for each other. The dream he had all those so many years ago had come true. He knew his parents were watching over them. “Come then, my beautiful wife. I will obtain another assault rifle from a dead Kraken, and we will search together. Though I wished I had brought my bow. I’m much better with traditional Japanese weapons than modern firearms.”

  Abigail smiled. “Said the jet fighter pilot. You will do fine. If not, I will pick up the slack. We are a team.”

  “The best team, Abby-san. The very best.”

  Torbin Bender met Malcolm Carter as the two Banshees brought him to the trawler.

  “Malcolm Carter, I presume. I am Colonel Torbin Bender. Madam President of the Unoccupied States sent us to rescue you.” Torbin put his hand out to shake and Malcolm took it, but did not seem overly enthusiastic.

  “You’re that crazy Marine who tried to fuck the Director and the Squids.” He paused for a moment. “Did you really kill a Squid with a knife? Or was that all bullshit propaganda?”

  Torbin smiled. ‘My Ka-Bar was part of the fight, yes. After we get you to safety, I’ll tell you the whole story.

  “I’m not leaving until we find Red. Period. Dead or alive.” Malcolm’s jaw tightened as he made the statement.


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