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Born to Be Wild

Page 13

by Elle Kennedy

  Even the nightmares had ebbed. After Bree had accused him of using his last op as an excuse to avoid the responsibility of holding a real job, he’d realized he’d been doing exactly that. Losing Daniels had been a crushing blow, and although a part of him would always wonder if the rookie’s death could have been avoided if he’d just acted differently, he was determined to put it behind him. There was no point in dwelling on what-ifs, or letting the tragedy destroy his chances of success.

  Because for the first time in his life, Jake was confident that success was truly within his grasp. He’d only been working at the base for a week, but he already loved the job, and he saw some real promise in the trainees he was working with. Didn’t hurt that they all had a serious case of hero-worship. His ego was liable to inflate if they kept up with all that reverent yes sir-ing.

  Jake slowed the pickup in front of the rambling Victorian a few blocks from the heart of town. The house had been converted into four apartments, and Austin was staying in the flat Maddie had once occupied before she and Owen got married.

  As he climbed the front stoop, he took a deep breath, hoping Austin would at least be civil when he found him on the doorstep. He was tired of his little brother’s behavior, but like he’d told Owen, he didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. Jake wasn’t sure when he’d be back in Paradise, so this might very well be his last chance to see Austin. Now that Nate was back to run the pub, Austin would probably take off again.

  When his brother didn’t answer the door, he got the sinking suspicion that Austin was already gone.

  He briefly closed his eyes, then reached for the doorknob. Unlocked. Smothering a curse, he stepped inside and took a quick look around the apartment. Five minutes later, his suspicions were confirmed. No sign of Austin, and an examination of the bedroom showed a perfectly made bed and an empty closet.

  “Damn it, Austin,” he mumbled to the empty room.

  Shaking his head, Jake strode into the kitchen, where he found a note tacked onto the fridge with a pink, heart-shaped magnet.

  Short and not so sweet.

  I need more time. Gonna do some traveling and take some pics. I’ll be in touch. –A


  Disappointment coursed through him, along with a rush of sorrow. His mom wasn’t gonna like this. He didn’t like this. But at the moment, there was nothing he could do about it. Austin was an adult—if he chose to run away from his troubles rather than face them, so be it.

  Jake, on the other hand, was done running.

  As he headed for the door, he pulled out his cell phone and shot a quick text to his brothers, informing them of Austin’s latest disappearing act.

  Ten minutes later, he was on the highway, making his way to Denver.

  “Ms. Lockhart? There’s a man in the lobby demanding to see you.”

  Sighing, Bree glanced up from the stack of files on her desk. Her assistant, Hailey, lingered in the office doorway, fidgeting up a storm. The young woman had only been working at the firm for a month, constantly jumped at her own shadow, and no matter how many times Bree told her to call her by her first name, Hailey refused to cut the formalities.

  “Who is it?” Bree asked absently.

  “He said his name is Jake Bishop.”

  Shock slammed into her.

  Jake was here? In Denver? In the lobby of her law firm?

  “Should I tell the front desk to send him up?”

  Bree faltered. Her heart lurched at the thought of seeing Jake again, especially now, with dark circles under eyes from all the sleepless nights she’d endured this past month. She knew her insomnia was more than just the stress from her current court battle. She’d spent far too much time tossing and turning and wondering if she’d made a mistake by ending things with Jake.

  She’d been so tempted to call him the day after that awful dinner. Her parents hadn’t shown the slightest bit of remorse over the way they’d acted, and Bree had ended up getting into a very loud, very frustrating argument with them. She’d left town angry, which only added to her stress levels. She hated fighting with her family, but she refused to be the one to cave first. Although she’d spoken to her parents since, neither had apologized for their behavior, and Bree was determined to treat them with chilly politeness until they did. No matter how Jake had reacted, her parents didn’t have the right to treat him the way they had.

  “Ms. Lockhart?”

  She lifted her head.

  “Should I send him up?”

  Letting out a breath, she nodded. “Yes, send him up.”

  After Hailey hurried off, Bree quickly rolled her chair back and stumbled to her feet. She smoothed out her hair, then looked at the clutter on her desk, wondering if she ought to straighten up.

  She quickly berated herself for the thought. Jake was the one who’d screwed up, and she’d be damned if she cleaned up for him. She didn’t owe him a thing, least of all a tidy desk.

  Despite her determination to be cool, her heart did a little flip when she heard footsteps.

  A moment later, Jake appeared in the doorway, with Hailey hot on his heels.

  When his familiar gray eyes locked with hers, Bree’s pulse kicked up a notch.

  In a strained voice, she thanked Hailey and dismissed her, then said, “Come in.”

  Jake stepped into the office. He closed the door behind him, but didn’t say a word as he approached her. His gaze took in the wood paneled walls, her big disorderly desk, the burgundy carpet beneath their feet. When he studied the framed diplomas lining her walls, she saw a flicker of pride in his eyes.

  “You didn’t refuse to see me,” he finally said.

  She moistened her dry lips. “You thought I would?”

  “Figured there was a chance. A big chance.”

  He moved closer, then stopped, hesitation creasing his handsome features. She suddenly noticed that his face was clean-shaven. Not a hint of stubble, not even a five o’clock shadow. And for once, he wasn’t wearing jeans. Black trousers encased his long legs, and his sky-blue button-down didn’t boast a single wrinkle. Was it a new shirt?

  Does it really matter?

  Bree dragged her brain out of the gutter. Right. Who cared if he’d bought a new shirt? There were more pressing concerns at the moment—like what on earth he was doing here.

  “How’s the case going?” Jake asked, glancing at the mountain of files on her desk.

  “Good. The defense is still presenting its evidence, but they should wrap up tomorrow and then I’ll get a chance to state my case. I’m hoping that—” She stopped abruptly, growing frustrated. “Did you really come all the way to Denver to ask me about my job?”

  He slowly shook his head.

  “Then why are you here, Jake? We haven’t seen or spoken to each other in almost a month.”

  Regret flashed in his eyes. “I know. I would have come sooner, but I figured actions speak louder than words. I wanted to get my shit together before I came begging for a second chance.”

  Bree ignored the rush of warmth that flooded her belly. Feigning indifference, she cocked her head and said, “Is that why you’re here? For a second chance?”

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  He closed the distance between them, and the scent of his aftershave tickled her nostrils. She found herself backing away, until her ass bumped against the desk, but Jake just moved closer.

  “I’m sorry about the way I acted at your parents’ house. I’m sorry I embarrassed you, and even more than that, I’m sorry I disappointed you.” His voice became gruff. “You were right.”

  “About what?” she murmured.

  “Everything.” Shame flickered across his face. “People in town expect me to be an asshole, so I act like it instead of trying to prove them wrong. I avoid responsibility, I’m scared of commitment, I don’t open up to anyone. Really, I’m just a big fucking child.”

  Her lips twitched.

  “But not anymore,” he said, sounding confident. “I’ve
decided to grow up, Bree, and I think I’ve made some real headway. I accepted the job on the base, I’ve got a house in Colorado Springs, I even bought furniture.” Amusement danced in his gorgeous eyes. “And get this—you’ll totally be proud of me—I’m taking cooking classes.”

  The smile reached her mouth. “Wow. I have to say, I’m shocked.”

  “But there’s just one thing missing,” he said softly. “One thing that every grown man should have in his adult life.”

  Her throat tightened. “Yeah, and what’s that?”

  “A woman who loves him.”

  His quiet answer hung in the air and brought another flood of heat to her belly. The sincerity in his eyes made her want to throw her arms around him, but she resisted the urge. Jake might be radiating this new sense of maturity, but he’d still acted like a total jerk and she wasn’t ready to hand over her forgiveness until she knew without a doubt that he wasn’t screwing her around.

  As if reading her mind, Jake chuckled and said, “I know it’ll take a lot more than heartfelt words to show you that I’ve changed. Don’t worry, I’ve got a whole plan of action ready to go.”

  She had to laugh. “You do?”

  He nodded. “First, I’m going to say some more heartfelt things. And after you’ve agreed to give me another chance, I’m going to prove to you that I can be the kind of man you deserve. Dates, dinners, flowers, whatever it takes, Bree.” The arrogance that both thrilled and aggravated her made an appearance. “Sweetheart, I’m going to prove that I’m boyfriend material, and once I convince you of that, I’ll prove that I’m husband material, and then, you know, daddy material.”

  This time her laughter lasted for several long moments. “I see. So this action plan of yours consists of us not only dating, but getting married and having babies.”

  He grinned. “And your father said I had no ambition, huh?”

  Her humor dissolved into uncertainty. “Where is this coming from? Why are you so determined for us to give it another shot?”

  “Because I love you.”

  All the air left her lungs. “You love me,” she echoed.

  “I love you,” he confirmed. “You keep me real, Bree. You…soothe me. I know, it sounds weird, but I swear, when we’re together, I feel…at peace. Like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

  She knew the feeling. In the twelve years since she’d graduated high school, she hadn’t met anyone who made her feel the way Jake did. He was the only man she’d ever felt truly comfortable with, in and out of bed.

  “We’re good together,” he said thickly. “You’ve got the whole good girl lawyer thing going on, I’m a bit of a badass, yet somehow we complement each other.”

  She shivered when he cupped her chin with his big, warm hands and rubbed his thumbs over her lower lip.

  “I’m so sorry for the way I acted at your parents’ house,” he murmured, gazing at her with regret. His fingertips grazed the side of her mouth. “And I promise you, I will make a real effort with your family. It took a lot of courage for you to bring me home, even knowing how they would react, and I was too much of an ass to appreciate just how hard it was for you.”

  Bree drew in a shaky breath. “What happened last month won’t be the last time, Jake. They’ll continue to be jerks to you, and to be honest, I don’t know if they’ll ever accept you.”

  “I don’t care.” Determination hardened his jaw. “All that matters to me is whether you accept me. I won’t bend over backward to gain their approval, but I promise you, I’ll always treat them with the utmost of respect, even if I don’t get the same in return. And if they cross the line the way they did last month, I will find a way to call them on it without dropping F-bombs and bringing up dirty little secrets.”

  He stroked her bottom lip again, then outlined the curve of her jaw before lowering both hands to her waist. His touch was warm, gentle, and Bree’s heartbeat sped up from his nearness. “So what do you say, sweetheart? Can we start over?”

  Instead of answering, she looped her arms around his broad shoulders, stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him. When he deepened the kiss, she parted her lips and lost herself in the sweet sensations of his tongue swirling over hers. By the time she broke her mouth free, she was gasping for air and her heartbeat was out of control.

  “Was that a yes?” Jake teased.

  The big goofy smile that filled her face would’ve been embarrassing, but she was too damn happy to care. “That’s a yes,” she answered softly. “I would like nothing more than to start over.” She brushed a kiss over his clean-shaven cheek. “I love you, Jake.”

  He bestowed her with his own version of a goofy smile. “You do?”

  “I do.”

  He searched her eyes. “You realize I’m always gonna be a little bit of a bad boy, right? That’s not gonna change.”

  “I know.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “I’m more than okay with it. In fact…” She shot him a seductive look. “I’m looking forward to being bad together.”

  His sexy gray eyes drifted toward the desk, then back to her. “Ever done it on that desk?”

  “Nope.” Her smile widened. “But I’ve always been dying to.”

  Jake was already marching across the room. “I’ll lock the door.”

  With a laugh, Bree swept her arm over the files cluttering the desktop, sending papers sailing onto the carpet. As her pulse raced in anticipation, she hopped onto the desk and waited for her bad boy to show her that actions did indeed speak louder than words.

  About the Author

  A RITA-award-nominated author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

  Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her web site or send her a note at You can also find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter!

  Look for these titles by Elle Kennedy

  Bad Moon Rising

  Dance of Seduction

  Midnight Encounters

  Going for It

  Red Hot Summer

  Hot Summer Nights

  Hidden Desires

  Out of Uniform

  Heat of the Moment

  Heat of Passion

  Heat of the Storm

  Heat It Up

  Heat of the Night

  The Heat Is On

  Welcome to Paradise

  Welcome to Paradise

  Take Me Home Tonight

  Coming Soon:

  Hot and Bothered

  Feeling Hot

  One unforgettable night…a lifetime of regret?

  Take Me Home Tonight

  © 2011 Elle Kennedy

  Welcome to Paradise, Book 2

  Three years. That’s how long Maddie’s been running the reception desk at Owen Bishop’s construction company—and waiting for her sexy boss to wake up and realize she’s more woman than the airhead bimbos he seems to prefer.

  Even after her friends spring an ambush makeover on her, Owen barely notices. Apparently shedding her one-of-the-guys, tomboy looks isn’t enough. Looks like it’s time to step up her game, even if it means looking for lessons in all the wrong places.

  While Owen can’t help but notice Maddie’s stunning transformation, the truth is, he likes her just the way she is—polished up or dressed down. Like his playboy father, though, he’s always been restless when it comes to women. Maddie’s friendship is too important to risk hurting her.

  When Maddie shows up at his door ready to rock his world, all his resistance crumbles. But in the back of his mind, the question remains…how can she trust him with her vulnerable heart, when he’s not sure he can trust himself?

  Warning: Contains a girl who’ll do anything to please
her man, even if it means signing up for a master class in seduction with the town bad boy. Plus a man who may let the “sins of the father” stop him from accepting the gift of a lifetime.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Take Me Home Tonight:

  Owen could tell Maddie was still angry with him. Even the delicious dinner he’d had delivered—his treat—hadn’t lifted her spirits. Their empty food cartons littered the desk, but neither of them had made a move to get back to work. They were sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floor, and he noticed she was fidgeting an awful lot, a scowl on her face.

  “You can’t still be mad at me,” he finally sighed. “We’re almost at the Rs. It’ll only take another hour or so to finish.” By then it would be ten-thirty, and too late for her to meet up with Wyatt. Mission accomplished.

  To his surprise, she shook her head. “I’m not mad. I’m antsy. The after-dinner cigarette used to be my favorite, and the cravings for it are always the worst.”

  That startled him. He’d known Maddie had quit smoking a couple of years ago, but he hadn’t realized she still got cravings. In fact, there were a lot of things he didn’t know about her. What did she do when she left the office and went home in the evenings? He knew she watched football on Sundays, but he suddenly realized he had no clue what else she did for fun.

  “But you wouldn’t know,” she grumbled. “Mr. Perfect here has never had a drag of a cigarette, has he?”

  “Nope,” Owen admitted proudly. “Jake smokes, though.”

  Looking interested, Maddie met his gaze for the first time in days. “When is he showing up, anyway? I haven’t seen Jake in more than a year, maybe longer.”

  “He’s flying in a few days before the wedding. He’ll miss Nate’s bachelor party tomorrow night, but at least he’s coming home.”

  “It’s so weird, how different you two are.” She cocked her head in curiosity. “Were you ever tempted to join the Army when he enlisted?”

  “Not in the slightest.” He grinned ruefully. “Getting shot at isn’t something I ever wanted to experience.”


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