Book Read Free

Drama Queen

Page 17

by La Jill Hunt

  “This is for Day,” he said, giving Kayla a large box.

  “Thanks, G. But where’s mine?” she asked him jokingly.

  “When you become a mother, you lose all gift privileges.” He grinned.

  “I’m learning that the hard way,” she told him. She opened the box, which contained several DVDs. “Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast.” Kayla announced the titles as she opened the gift.

  “She is a princess after all,” he told her. Day began whining in the swing and Kayla lifted her out.

  “She needs to be changed,” Kayla said, nuzzling her beautiful daughter.

  “I’ll do it,” her mother offered.

  “No, you stay. I’ll take care of her.” Kayla took her into the nursery and began to change her.

  “Long day for her?” Geno walked up behind her.

  “Long day for me.” Kayla rubbed her whining baby’s head. Once again, the doorbell rang and Kayla shook her head. “Now who in the world could that be? Everybody’s been here to visit already.”

  “Her father hasn’t,” Geno whispered.

  “He’s not coming. He said he had to work.”

  “Maybe he got off early,” Geno suggested. Kayla felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck when she realized the voice that was coming from the front of the house.

  “God is punishing me. I know He is.” She folded her arms and began to shake her head. Geno stood frozen, not wanting to move.

  “Kayla, come out here. And bring Day!” her father called.

  “She fell back to sleep,” she told him.

  “Just bring her for a few minutes, Kayla. She has a guest.”

  “I’ll stay here,” Geno said quietly.

  “No! I don’t want to take her out there,” Kayla hissed.

  “Kayla, did you hear what we said?” her mother said as she came into the room and reached for the baby.

  “Mama, no. She just went to sleep. Leave her alone!” Kayla startled herself at the tone of her voice.

  “Now, you listen here. I will not have you yelling at me like I am a child. It’s Christmas and this is a time for family. Now, pick Day up and bring her out right now.” Kayla knew her mother was not joking. She had never blatantly disobeyed her before and she wasn’t about to start. She carefully picked Day up and held her in her arms, making sure not to wake her. She could hear laughter as she made her way down the hallway.

  “Kayla! Merry Christmas.” Anjelica held a fake smile on her face. Kayla just looked at her. “Geno! I didn’t expect to see you here. Merry Christmas.”

  “Anjelica,” he said and quickly excused himself, politely.

  “Is this my new niece? Can I hold her?”

  “She’s asleep,” Kayla said as she cradled Day’s head and held her close.

  “Well, I can see she looks just like her daddy. I can imagine your baby pictures looking just like her, huh, Geno? Oh, what was I thinking? You’re not her father, are you?”

  “Anjelica, that is enough,” her father said.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that seeing Kayla and Geno together with the baby, they look so natural. I haven’t the slightest idea why they ever split up. They make such a nice couple,” she said maliciously. Geno couldn’t stay a minute longer. He quickly got up and got his coat.

  “You’re leaving so soon, Geno?”

  “Yes, I think that’s best,” he said, making sure not to look at the hateful woman.

  “I’m quite sure you have a lot to celebrate today. I hear congratulations are in order. Have you set a date?”

  “What are you talking about, Anjelica?” Roni asked. She had been watching Anjelica since she arrived and she knew she was up to no good.

  “He’s engaged to my friend’s sister. Janice, Janice Miles.” She smiled knowingly. The entire room got quiet and waited for Geno’s response.

  “What is she talking about, Geno?” Kayla rolled her eyes at Geno. “What the hell was that all about, G?”

  “She was just tripping, Kay. That’s all. You know how Anjelica is.” He shrugged.

  “You’re engaged to Janice, Geno? And you didn’t even tell me?”

  “I’m not engaged, Kayla.”

  “Is she wearing a ring?”


  “Then you’re engaged, Geno.” Kayla was so hurt that she wanted everyone to clear out of her house so she could be by herself.

  “Kayla, let me explain. It’s not what you think,” Geno began.

  “There’s nothing to explain.” Kayla smiled. “Congratulations. Well, I know you must be going and I don’t want to keep you from your fiancée. Thank you so much for your gifts and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.”

  “I guess I should leave now, huh?” Geno frowned.

  “I think that would be best.”

  “Kay, I’ll call you later.”

  “Don’t bother,” she said dryly. She couldn’t even look at him.

  “Merry Christmas, everyone,” he said as he departed.

  “Mama, do you want to open your gifts now?” Anjelica turned and asked her mother.

  “I don’t think so. I would like to see you in Kayla’s room though.” She motioned for Anjelica. Kayla’s sister rose and tossed her hair as she exited down the hallway.

  She could hear her mother’s voice getting louder from the bedroom and she looked over at her father, who was sitting on the sofa. “Did you invite her here?”

  “That’s your sister, Kayla. She don’t need an invitation to your house.” Her Dad looked at her like she was foolish. “It’s Christmas Day and the family is to be together. What is wrong with you?”

  “I don’t care what day of the year it is, Daddy. Anjelica is still a conniving, mean, hateful dog and I don’t want her in my house.”

  “Kayla! Now I know you and her don’t get along, but she is still your sister.” Her Daddy frowned.

  Kayla could not believe her father. Once again Anjelica had come into her house and disrespected her and yet her parents were still defending her. Kayla wouldn’t have cared if they were Siamese twins. She wanted Anjelica out of her house. She walked into the kitchen and leaned against the refrigerator.

  “You a’ight, Dawg?” Terrell asked her after a few moments. Kayla forgot he was still there.

  “Anjelica does this shit all the time and they still act like she’s God’s gift.” She was too mad to cry, even though she wanted to.

  “Stop tripping, Kay. I’m talking about Geno. I know you’re pissed.”

  “Uh, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m happy for Geno. I am glad he has finally found someone to spend the rest of his life with,” Kayla lied. She could not believe he was engaged to someone else. Her heart felt as if it had been ripped out of her chest; it took everything she had to not curl into a ball and cry. But she was determined to be stronger than that.

  The phone rang before she could go on. She snatched it up without checking the caller ID.

  “Hello,” she snapped.

  “Dang, Merry Christmas to you too, Beautiful.” Craig laughed into her ear.

  “Yeah, whatever,” she replied.

  “I guess Santa damn sure wasn’t good to you. How is my gorgeous Day? She enjoying her first Christmas?”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “Well, can I come through and bring Day her gifts? And you too?”

  “You bought me a gift?”

  “Of course. You are the mother of my child. And a good mom too, I might add.”

  “Well, I have company right now, but I’ll call you when they leave.”

  “Bet. I will check you later.”

  “Bye.” Kayla found herself smiling as she hung up the phone. Craig bought her a gift. She had no doubt that he was getting Day gifts. But he had gone so far as to get her a gift, too. She was digging that.

  “Who was that?” Terrell asked.

  “Craig.” She shrugged.

  “Why are you smiling?” He looked at her fun

  “He got me a gift.”

  “So did I, but you ain’t smile like that. Don’t do nothing dumb,” he warned.

  “What are you talking about, Terrell?”

  “I mean, I know you’re pissed at Geno and here this nigga is buying you a gift.”

  “I am the mother of his child. Besides, it is Christmas.”

  “Whatever. Just be mindful of the games niggas play.”

  “Okay, Terrell. Ain’t nobody playing no games. Damn, it’s just a Christmas gift.” She laughed because he was always suspicious. They went back into the living room where her mother and sister had rejoined her dad.

  “Kayla, I want to apologize,” Anjelica began.

  “Save it. Mama, Daddy, we need to get ready to head over to Aunt Ernestine’s. I have to get back here so Day can spend time with her father.” Kayla ignored her sister completely, hoping she’d get the picture.

  “Well, your father and I have decided to head to Aunt Margie’s for dinner. You go ahead to Ernestine’s and tell her we send our best,” her mother said.

  “Well, I’ll talk to you all later.” Kayla kissed her parents as they left behind her sister, who made no comment. She closed the door behind them and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Your life makes the soap operas look boring.” Terrell shook his head. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”


  Kayla made it home by nine o’clock Christmas night. She called Craig as soon as she got in.

  “Dang, you just now getting home?” he whined.


  “Is Day still up?” She could hear a lot of people in the background. “I still haven’t given her the last feeding. If you come now, you can do it. Where are you anyway?”

  “Uh, I’m not that far. I got one stop to make and then I’ll be there. Just keep her up until I get there.”

  “You’d better hurry. When she gets hungry she gets demanding.”

  “Like her Daddy. I’ll be right there.” He laughed.

  “Yo, Craig, you got something good for me?” She could hear a woman laughing in the background.

  “Who is that?” Kayla demanded. He had been swearing to her that he was no longer with Avis and she never questioned him about other women. Maybe she should.

  “Nobody. Give me fifteen minutes, Kay, and I’ll be there.” He hung up.

  Kayla changed Day into her pajamas and set her in the swing, hoping she would be content until Craig got there. She had just begun to get feisty when the doorbell rang.

  “You’re right on time,” Kayla said as she opened the door. Craig’s arms were full of wrapped boxes and gift bags. “What did you do, rob the mall?”

  “It’s my baby’s first Christmas. What do you expect?” He followed Kayla into the living room and placed the gifts under the tree. He walked over to the swing and picked Day up. “Hi, Day. Merry Christmas.”

  “I have no room for all of this stuff. I can’t believe this.” Kayla looked at the mass of gifts under the tree.

  “Open them for her while I feed her and put her to bed, Kay,” Craig said, reaching for the bottle sitting on the table. He sat down and began to feed Day, looking like a natural. Kayla knelt down beside the tree and began opening gifts. Craig bought Day any and everything for an infant age six months and up. He had musical activity sets and games, toys that attached to her stroller and car seat, he even bought her a piano that she could kick and play with her feet. Kayla laughed every time she opened a gift. She was delighted when she opened a small box that contained Day’s first pair of earrings.

  “Diamonds, of course,” Craig informed her.

  “Just like her father,” Kayla commented, noticing the studs he wore in his ears. He stood and took the sleeping baby into her room and placed her in the crib.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said and opened the door.

  “Where are you going?” She jumped up to go behind him.

  “Chill. I gotta get your gifts out of the trunk,” he told her. She sat back down and waited for him to return. He came back with another armload of packages.

  “I know all this isn’t for me.” She raised her eyebrows at him.

  “Merry Christmas, Kayla. These are from Day.” He passed her three large boxes. She was too shocked to even thank him. She just began to open them one by one. The first one contained a beautiful, ivory cashmere sweater and matching leather pants.

  “Oh, my God. Craig.”

  “Keep opening.” He laughed. She opened the second box and found an ivory Coach bag and wallet. Kayla could not believe it. She had never bought herself a Coach bag because her mother had told her that there was no point in spending more money on a purse than you had in your wallet.

  “One more from Day,” he said, sliding a longer box toward her. She opened it to find a pair of ivory leather boots. She sat back on the sofa, stunned by what he had just given her. No man, not even Geno, had ever given her such elaborate gifts. Stuff like that only happened to Roni. “What’s wrong? I got the right sizes, right? You don’t like it?”

  “I love it. I’m just surprised. I never expected this,” she said.

  “Well, you still have your gift from me to open.” He pushed a long box into her hand. She carefully opened it and lifted a thick, gold chain out, holding a heart-shaped charm with a diamond. “Open the heart.”

  Inside there was a small picture of Kayla holding Day in the hospital. She had given him a copy of it after he started being a good father. She felt the tears swell in her eyes and tried to brush them before they fell.

  “Look at the back,” he whispered in her ear as he stroked her hair. She knew she could not take anymore, but she looked anyway. There were three small words engraved on the back of the charm: Kay & Day. She fell into Craig’s arms and cried. All of the emotions she had gone through that day came pouring out at that very moment. Craig just held her and let her cry.

  “Thank you, Craig,” she finally said after she had gotten herself together.

  “Kayla, you are my daughter’s mother and more importantly, you are my friend. I give you mad props because you deserve and earn your respect. You don’t hassle me, you let me know in a proper way if I ain’t handling my business and you are a damn good person. Hell, I been feeling you from the moment I met you and you know this. But I have my issues; you know that. I just want you to know that I care about you and appreciate you, even though I ain’t that nigga Geno,” he added.

  “You don’t have to be Geno. I appreciate you too, Craig. You have really surprised me. I thought you were gonna be one of these M. I. A. dads. You know, missing in action, but you proved me wrong.” Kayla wiped the remainder of her tears and smiled at him. Craig’s cell began to vibrate and he took it out and looked at it.

  “Look, Kay. I gotta dip. But check this out, I would like to take you out tomorrow night if it’s cool. If I get my moms to watch Day, you wanna go grab a bite at Dolce’s?”

  Kayla did not have to think twice. Dolce’s was the premiere spot for dinner. She knew reservations had to be made at least two weeks in advance, so she figured Craig had either been planning this for a while or had some connections because he was a cook.

  “That would be nice. I would love to go.” She stood and walked him to the door. He bent down and caressed her neck as he hugged her. She tilted her head so that her lips met his. She closed her eyes and felt her mouth open as he began to suck on her bottom lip. She didn’t want to stop and knew he didn’t either, but the vibration from the phone stopped him.

  “Mmmmm, see you tomorrow night, Beautiful. I’ll pick you up at seven,” he whispered and kissed Kayla once more on her forehead. Too bad he don’t act right, or else he just might be the one for me, Kayla thought as she went to try on her new outfit and boots.


  “I need to talk to you,” Geno said when Kayla answered the phone. She had been avoiding him for weeks now and he still hadn’t let up.

  “For what, Geno? I ai
n’t your fiancée, you don’t need to talk to me about shit.” Kayla grabbed her purse and the diaper bag. She and Craig had an appointment with a childcare provider and she knew she couldn’t be late.

  “Kayla, I swear. I thought we were much cooler than this. You don’t return my calls, and on the off chance that you do answer the phone, you still won’t talk to me. I’m getting real pissed.” Kayla could hear that Geno was frustrated, but she did not care. He wasn’t her man; let Janice deal with him.

  “Look, Geno. I am on my way out the door, I have an appointment and I can’t be late.” She picked up the carrier, where she had already placed Day, and opened the door.

  “Look, Kayla. I gotta go outta town for a few weeks, but I need to see you when I get back. Face to face. This is an entire month’s notice, so you have plenty of time to clear your schedule. You owe me that much, Kayla. And I wanna see Day, too.”

  Kayla sighed. Geno was right. She did owe him the opportunity to apologize to her face to face. “Fine, Geno. Just let me know when.”

  “The last Saturday in March.”

  “Fine. I gotta go.” She hung the phone up and rushed out to meet Craig. Kayla was scheduled to return to work the first week of February. As much as she hated to leave her baby, she knew she had to go back to work in order to survive. She had diminished her savings down to almost nothing and although Craig was a good provider for Day, she still needed her own income to live comfortably. Tia had told them about a woman named Ms. Cookie who had an awesome childcare center, but she was always full. Craig had told Kayla to let him worry about getting Day in. She had no idea what he did, but he had called Kayla that morning and told her to meet him at Ms. Cookie’s for their tour and interview. The neatness and cleanliness of the center impressed Kayla. There were four different rooms; three of them set up with cribs and tables. The other was a multi-purpose room, holding a large screen television and shelves of toys and books. The unique thing about Ms. Cookie’s center was she exclusively kept infants up to age two.

  “Well, we will see you all next week then.” Ms. Cookie smiled as she walked them out.


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