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Karl Marx

Page 71

by Jonathan Sperber

  Moltke, Helmut von, 376

  Monaco, 543

  Monet, Claude, 545

  monotheism, 69

  Monte Carlo, 544

  Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, 111

  Montigny, Eduard, 25

  Moore, Samuel, 439–40

  Morley (Liberal Party leader), 513

  Most, Johann, 458, 528, 531, 539

  Mottershead, Thomas, 513

  Movement of Production (Schulz), 144

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 495

  Müller, Michael Franz, 7

  Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 9, 14, 34, 43, 88, 303

  infamous decree of, 11–12, 20

  Napoleon III, Emperor of France, xvii, 287–89, 291, 304, 322, 330, 333, 335–37, 346, 352, 359, 361, 362, 365–66, 405, 543

  coup d’etat of, 286

  Franco-Prussian War and, 376–77

  Northern Italian War and, 327–29, 331, 339

  Napoleonic Code, 16, 27, 56–57, 72, 109–10, 232

  National Assembly, Frankfurt, 225

  National Assembly, French, 209, 378

  National Assembly, German, 220, 223–25, 229, 234–35, 239, 249, 331

  National Assembly, Prussian, 249

  National Association, 337, 366

  nationalism, xv, 357, 362, 376

  Bismarck and, 352–53

  in Communist Manifesto, 207–8, 230

  German, 208, 328, 340, 352–53, 493, 557

  Irish, 447, 557

  natural selection, theory of, 397, 399

  Naut, Stephan, 254

  Nazis, 127, 528, 553

  Nechayev, Sergei, 374, 509, 516

  Netherlands, 21, 155, 343, 512, 535–36

  New Free Press, 296

  New Oder News, 296, 339

  New Prussian News, 337

  New Rhineland News, 107, 195, 217, 232–36, 240, 241, 242, 245–46, 271, 278, 287, 299, 332, 338, 341–42, 558

  London revival of, 251–54

  Revolution of 1848 and, 222–27, 230, 231

  New Rhineland News: Review of Political Economy, 245, 248–49, 274, 279

  New Testament, 62

  Newton, Isaac, 19, 416

  New York Tribune, 26, 295, 298–99, 305–6, 312–14, 320, 343, 347, 401, 404, 413, 419, 434, 436, 447, 472, 481, 483, 484–85, 487, 520

  New York World, 503, 536

  Nicolaievsky, Boris, xii

  Nieuwenhius, Ferdinand Domela, 379

  Nightingale, Florence, 303

  Noah, Prophet, 313

  Northern Italian War of 1859, 327–29, 331, 334–35, 339, 362, 364

  North German Confederation, 366

  Nothjung, Peter, 279, 282, 284

  Obermann, Heiko, xvii

  “Observation of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession” (Marx), 31–33

  Observer, The, 397

  O’Cleary, Keyes, 520

  O’Connell, Daniel, 122

  Odd Fellows, 494–95

  Old Testament, 61–62, 313

  On the Critique of Political Economy (Marx), 388, 399–400, 403, 421, 439, 457, 494, 532

  “On the Jewish Question” (Marx), 123, 127–32, 213, 527

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 342, 389

  Marx’s reading of, 393–94

  Oppenheim, Dagobert, 81, 105

  Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, The (Engels), 474–75

  Origin and Transformation of Man and Other Beings (Trémaux), 396

  Ottoman Empire, 157, 303–4, 308, 313, 524

  in Russo-Turkish War of 1878, 519–22

  Owen, Robert, 212

  Paine, Thomas, 19

  Palatinate, 237, 239–41

  Pall Mall Gazette, 380

  Palmerston, Henry Temple, Lord, xvii, 305–12, 319, 329, 406–7, 447, 492

  Pan-Slavism, 412–13

  Papal States, 237

  Consultative Assembly of, 194

  Paris, France, 116–20

  and development of Marx’s worldview, 119–20, 122–23

  Marx’s residence in, 119–20

  Marx’s writings in, see Paris Manuscripts

  radicals in, 118–19

  Revolution of 1848 in, 193, 214, 226–27, 241

  Revolution of 1870–71 in, see Paris Commune of 1871

  secret societies of, 131, 148–49

  Paris Commune of 1871, 134, 289, 357, 372, 383, 402, 465–66, 496, 502, 504, 511, 516, 529, 531, 533, 540, 557, 558

  effect of, 506, 517

  IWMA and, 378–80, 382

  Marx’s statement on, 380, 503

  suppression of, 380–81

  Parisienne (song), 28

  Paris manuscripts, 141–45, 162, 167, 172, 424, 558

  Capital and, 420

  Party of Progress, 337–38, 352–54, 363, 366

  Peel, Robert, 310

  People, The (Das Volk), 330–32, 337

  People’s Party, German, 367–69, 527

  Perceval, Spencer, 310

  Pereire brothers, 322

  Persia, 313, 318

  Pesch, Sybille, 177

  Petty, William, 155

  Pfänder, Karl, 246

  Pfuel, General von, 343

  Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel), 49, 394, 424

  Philips, August, 348

  Philips, Lion, 21, 259, 487, 497

  Philips, Sophie Presburg, 21

  Phillips, Wendell, 536

  Philosophy of Law (Hegel), 111–13, 209–10

  Physiocrats, 445, 447

  Piedmont-Savoy, Kingdom of, 327, 331

  Pieper, Wilhelm, 246, 265–66, 270, 295, 475

  Pietism (Awakening), 19–20, 30, 44, 61, 64, 74, 137

  Pitt, William, 310

  Pius IX, Pope, 237

  Plato, 30

  Plug Riots, 139

  Po and Rhine (Engels), 328

  Poland, 117, 198, 303, 305, 355, 357, 360, 411–13

  1863 anti-Russian uprising in, 352, 411–12

  Portugal, 506

  positivism, 388–93, 404, 425, 419, 550, 555–56

  atheism and, 398

  biological sciences and, 399, 408, 458

  concept of race and, 399

  Feuerbach and, 393

  Hegel and, 409

  Marx’s ambivalence to, 392–93, 397–98, 414, 415

  rise of, 389–90

  as social theory, 398–99

  Young Hegelians and, 390

  Possessed, The (Dostoevsky), 374

  Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx and Engels), 161, 173–76, 182, 187, 196

  press, freedom of, 83–88, 103–4, 125, 205, 217

  Press, The, 296, 339, 347

  Principles of Political Economy (Mill), 428

  private property, 98, 100–101, 145, 147–48, 314, 452, 533

  production modes, concept of, 400–401, 413


  communism and, 415

  doctrine of, 397–98

  science and, 416–17

  proletariat, 161, 390, 558

  Protestant Church, 20

  Protestantism, 15

  Enlightenment ideas and, 19

  Heinrich Marx’s conversion to, 16–19, 20

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 97, 158, 181–82, 210, 355, 429, 498

  Marx’s criticism of, 163–64, 173–76, 202

  Prussia, 14–17, 20, 23, 34, 53, 63, 71, 108–10, 159, 177, 206–7, 212, 237, 294, 296, 330, 331, 352, 353, 493, 522–23, 525, 556, 558

  Austria’s 1866 war with, 365–66

  Bauer vs., 73–75

  Conflict Era of, 337–38

  conversion of Jews in, 16–20

  Enlightenment ideas and, 74–75

  London exiles and, 275–78

  Marx expelled from, 150–52, 236

  Marx’s citizenship and, 185–86

  Revolution of 1848 in, 194, 223–29, 237

  United Diet of, 194

  university education in, 36–37

  see also Franco-Prussian War

sp; Prussian News, 343–44

  Prussian State News, 84

  Purported Schisms in the International, The (Marx), 509

  Pushkin, Alexander, 489

  Puttkamer, Elisabeth von, 488–89

  Quételet, Adolphe, 408

  race, race theory, 399, 499

  Bauer and, 392–93, 409–10, 500

  in Capital, 410

  Darwinism and, 399

  first major formulation of, 409–10

  Jews and, 410–11

  Marx and, 410–11

  positivism and, 399

  Russia and, 411–14

  science and, 399, 409, 413–14

  Trémaux and, 412–13

  working class and, 411

  Rae, John, 504

  Realpolitik, 118, 308–9

  recession of 1857, 302, 320–24, 419, 433, 523

  Reformation, xvii, 4

  Reform League, 359

  Regnault, Elias, 412

  Reichstag, North German, 367

  Reign of Terror, 214, 225

  religion, xv, 123

  in Hegelian philosophy, 61–62

  Rembrandt van Rijn, 86

  Rempel, Rudolph, 160, 184

  Renard, Engelbert, 81, 91, 95


  absolute, 452–54

  in Capital, 419–20

  differential, 451–54

  ground, 437, 451–52, 453, 533

  Republican Party, U.S., 214, 258

  revolution, 124–27

  economic crisis and, 273–74, 320–25, 523

  French Revolution of 1789 as model of, 163–64, 176, 195–96, 209, 210–11, 213, 225, 228, 229, 527, 535, 539, 558–59

  in future, 522–23, 535–36

  Marx’s aspirations for, 558–59

  pro-terror sympathies and, 536–37

  secrets and, 404

  Revolution of 1848–49, xvi, xviii, 28, 44, 64, 97, 106, 120, 134, 154, 161, 181, 187, 190, 237–38, 291, 326, 331, 338, 341, 365, 373, 475, 519–20, 549, 558

  in Austria, 194–95, 237

  Bismarck’s changing views on, 352–53

  in Cologne, 195, 217–22, 229

  exiles’ flight to London from, 245–47

  French Revolution of 1789 as model for, 195–96, 287–88

  June Days of, 226–27

  Marx’s arrest and trial in, 231–32

  May 1849 crisis in, 232–36, 252

  November 1848 crisis in, 231–32

  portents of, 193–95

  in Prussia, 194, 223–29, 237

  September 1848 crisis in, 229

  show trial in, 240

  in Trier, 15–16

  True Socialists and, 213

  United Diet and, 194

  Rhenish Observer, 211

  Rhenish Provincial Diet, 84–87, 94, 96, 100, 125

  Rhenish Yearbooks of Social Reform, 159

  Rhineland, 16–18, 38, 84, 138–40, 223, 243, 493

  Rhineland General News, 80

  Rhineland News, 117, 120–22, 160, 175, 184, 202, 205–7, 221–22, 288

  atheism essay in, 88–89

  censors and, 94–95

  communist ideas and, 96–100

  demise of, 104–6

  essay style of, 83

  founding of, 79–81, 92

  Free Men controversy and, 93–94

  free press issue and, 83–88

  free trade issue and, 92–93, 96

  Marx’s affiliation with, 78–79

  politics of, 81–82

  property rights issue and, 100–101

  Rutenberg as editor of, 89–91

  winegrowers and, 102–3

  wood thefts issue and, 100–102, 105

  Young Hegelians and, 79, 82, 83, 91–93, 95

  Ricardo, David, xvii, 142–43, 323, 456–57, 459, 461

  Capital and, 388, 408–9, 419–20, 424, 428, 430, 438, 441–42, 445, 447, 449–52, 454

  Marx influenced by, 173–74, 176, 201, 388–89, 447, 456–57, 460, 462

  Riesser, Gabriel, 18, 128

  Rights of Man, The (Paine), 19

  Rjazanov, David, xiii–xiv, 262

  Robespierre, Maximilien de, xix, 156, 378

  Robin, Paul, 505–6

  Rochau, August Ludwig von, 118, 309

  Roeser, Peter, 219, 247, 282, 284

  Roesler, Hermann, 459–60

  Roman Empire, 3

  Romania, 118, 365

  Roman Republic, 241–42

  Romanticism, 49, 73

  Marx’s denunciation of, 85

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 91, 111, 115

  Royal Prussian Military Academy, 90

  Royer, Clémence, 395

  Ruge, Arnold, 63–64, 74–75, 78, 83, 87, 93, 109, 133, 144, 150, 221, 223, 271, 390, 397, 465, 476, 488, 498, 499, 556

  Marx’s conflict with, 134–35, 140

  Marx’s correspondence with, 72, 88, 108, 129–30

  Paris sojourn of, 116–17, 119–20

  Russell, John, 311

  Russia, Imperial, 94, 117, 171, 226, 287, 318, 320, 366, 524, 552

  agriculture in, 533–34

  Bund of, 554

  in Crimean War, 303–5, 308

  development of revolutionary movements in, 532–35

  Eastern Question and, 303, 308, 520

  emancipation of serfs in, 448–49

  Marx’s hostility to, 307–8, 329, 336–37, 556, 558

  Poland and, 352, 355, 357, 360, 411–12

  race and, 411–14

  in Russo-Turkey War of 1878, 519–22

  Russian Revolution of 1905, 554–55

  Russian Revolution of 1917, xix, 522, 552

  Russo-Japanese War of 1905, 522

  Russo-Turkish War of 1878, 519–22, 532

  Rutenberg, Adolf, 66, 82–83, 89–91, 94, 105–6

  Saare Department, France, 9–12

  Saint-Simon, Henri de, 80, 96, 169

  Saint-Simonians, 59–60

  Sanhedrin, 11

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, xiii

  Saxony, Kingdom of, 78, 109, 364, 366, 525

  Say, Jean-Baptiste, 142, 419

  Schaper, Justus von, 104

  Schapper, Karl, 156–57, 165, 184, 196, 205, 215, 217, 228, 246, 265–67, 269, 271, 278, 280, 281, 335, 464–65, 515

  Schily, Viktor, 336, 359

  Schleswig, Duchy of, 229, 339–40, 353, 362, 500

  Schlink, Johann Heinrich, 57

  Schmidt, Johann see Stirner, Max

  Schneider, Karl, II, 283–85

  Schramm, Conrad, 264, 269–70, 321

  Schuberth, Georg, 248–49

  Schulz, Wilhelm, 144–45, 184

  Schwefelbande (Brimstone Gang), 332, 335–36

  Schweitzer, Johann Baptist von, 363–64, 368–69, 458, 478, 486

  science, 391–93, 398

  cell doctrine and, 416

  concept of race and, 399, 409, 413–14

  Marx and, 392–93

  positivism and, 399, 408, 458

  progress and, 416–17

  Science of Logic (Hegel), 424, 500

  Scott, Walter, 489

  “scramble for Africa,” 524

  Second Law of Thermodynamics, 417

  Second Opium War, 302, 318–19

  Second Reform Act of 1867, British, 359, 365, 371

  Second (Socialist) International of 1889, 357, 551–52

  secrecy, 404–8

  Cologne Communist Trial and, 405–6

  revolution and, 404

  social class and, 405

  Secret Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century, The (Marx), xvi, 306, 334

  alternate titles of, 406

  Sedan, Battle of, 377

  self-consciousness, 50–51, 62, 67–68, 126, 128, 163, 209

  Sevastopol, siege of, 302, 304

  Shakespeare, William, 44, 142, 297, 489

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 352

  Sièyes, Emmanuel Joseph, 164

  Simon, Ludwig, 28, 100, 223

  Smith, Adam, xvii, 142
–43, 173, 388, 419–20, 424, 426, 428, 438, 443, 445, 450, 456–57, 459, 460, 461, 462, 504

  Smithsonian Institution, 259

  social class, 125–26, 167, 399

  in Eighteenth Brumaire, 286–87, 399

  landowners and, 448

  secrets and, 405

  see also middle class; working class

  Social Contract (Rousseau), 115

  social Darwinism, 553

  Social Democrat, 355, 363, 368, 458

  Social Democratic Labor Party, German, 369, 375–76, 377, 525, 527–28, 542, 550

  Social Democratic Party, German, 261, 262, 474

  Social Democratic Refugees Committee, 246

  socialism, 163, 183–84, 443, 455, 551–52

  in Communist Manifesto, 211–12

  “Socialism: Utopian and Scientific” (Engels), 550

  Socialist Party, German, 551

  social question, 96–97, 326

  Society of Free Men, 93, 123, 138, 178

  society of orders, 4–5

  sociology, discipline of, 399

  Solferino, Battle of, 327, 340

  Sombart, Werner, xvii, 459

  Sonnemann, Leopold, 497–98

  Sorge, Friedrich Adolph, 511, 514, 516, 522, 539

  South Africa, 294

  Soviet Union, xiii–xiv, 276, 555, 559

  Spain, 12, 302, 365, 374, 506, 510

  Revolution of 1854–56 in, 405

  Spencer, Herbert, 315, 399, 401–2

  Sraffa, Piero, 444

  Stages Theory of History, 437

  Stahl, Friedrich Julius, 17, 48

  Stalin, Joseph, xiii–xiv, xix, 262, 559

  State-Advertiser, 366

  Steuart, James, 450

  Stieber, Wilhelm, 280–85, 376, 499

  Stirner, Max (Johann Schmidt), 165–66, 170, 178

  Strauss, David Friedrich, 62, 65, 88, 112, 137

  Sue, Eugène, 116

  Suez Canal, 524

  superstructure, base and, 403–4, 407, 409

  supply and demand, 425–26, 444, 460

  surplus value, 423, 425, 427–28, 430–32, 435–36, 437, 439–46, 452, 454, 456, 526

  relative, 431–32

  Swiss Civil War of 1847, 194–95

  Switzerland, 156, 179, 230, 241, 243, 245, 253, 267, 285, 505, 529, 533, 543, 545

  Revolution of 1848 in, 194–95

  Synoptic Gospels, 74

  System of Economic Contradictions, The, Or: The Philosophy of Poverty (Proudhon), 173, 182

  taxation, 317–18, 357

  Techow, Gustav Adolf, 273

  Ten Commandments, 69

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 303

  terrorism, 536–37

  Theories of Surplus Value (Marx), 388, 421

  “Theses on Feuerbach” (Marx), 64–65

  Thiers, Adolphe, 380

  Third (Communist) International of 1919, 357, 552

  Times (London), xiii, 244, 310

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 59, 130

  Tories, 310, 404, 520, 521–22

  Toward a Critique of Political Economy (Marx), 339

  trade unions, 431, 522

  German labor movement and, 358–59


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