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Fades The Light: The Prepper Reconstruction

Page 12

by Ron Foster

“Hot Damn! You got my interest and full attention. How do I go about filing a legal claim on a piece of property?” LowBuck said excitedly leaning towards Jack.

  “Well LowBuck hold on for a second, we haven’t finished the census yet so we can’t hold a local election. We will most likely finish that up around here in about a week or so. When you fill the census out you will be asked if you want to run for public office or have ever held one. So far we only got 5 people on the ballots running for any kind of offices here in this town.” Jack said describing the mandated political system they were going to be using.

  “Can anyone run for office or is there some sort of residency qualification ruling.” David asked thinking about his plan for Clyde’s as well as own political aspirations.

  “It’s pretty much the ruling that where ever you fill in the census at that makes you eligible for the rights and privileges that come with residence . I know you and censuses David don’t get along well but don’t you worry about this particular one. It doesn’t contain a bunch of snoopy Big Brother style personal in your face questions. Just the basics of your number of family members, citizenship and declared race you decide you belong to. You see we got to take stock of who is left alive in America and get this country back up and modernized. The other countries in the world all had major power shifting population reductions but some were more or less affected than others when it came to loss of energy. There are hundreds if not thousands of border wars going on right now for resources covering everything from water, fuel to food stuffs. The world remains a mad place and the injustices go on as despot leaders try to take advantage of the situation created by a world wide infrastructure break down. Keep in mind that everyone’s nuclear arsenals still exist and many places will be for all intensive purposes are uninhabitable for centuries because of the number of nuclear reactor and chemical plant meltdowns. “Jack said describing the turmoil that existed in the world.

  “Damn! The radio never said anything about nuclear reactor meltdowns.” Dump said pointedly and looking like he was swelling up like a toad frog.

  “Oh hell, now I stepped on my ying yang. I forgot for a second, call it a brain fart that I am not supposed to any way possible talk about that touchy subject and you all please, please forget and agree with me that what I am going to tell you further remains our strict confidence. I need your solemn promises that not one word goes further than this circle of friends and be on your best honor” Jack said looking at everyone meaningfully as well as somewhat menacingly.

  “This ain`t going to be one of those watch your back conversations where you say “If I told you I would have to kill you” type conversations is it?” LowBuck said trying to make a joke.

  “There is much more truth in those words than you will ever know LowBuck.” Jack said candidly and cut to the chase of the dangers involved in the subject he was broaching.

  “You see my less than informed friends there were 96 confirmed nuclear reactor core meltdowns or radioactive incidents happening at various times and in various parts of the world after that catastrophic geomagnetic storm hit. The world’s radiation levels are crazy and in some places seriously unreal now. You remember that book David you told me to read called ”ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP” well we are now deeply involved as a nation in a world wide weather war that is ongoing out here. You see we a former super power try to make storms that send the radioactive particles we got blow off shore to dissipate some from them reactors that blew on our own continent and also at the same time try to keep other folks radiation blowing in from other continents away from us. Russia, China etc. as well as India and Pakistan have been doing weather manipulation for years and are having the same problems we are now from each others attempts at tweaking on the weather. New York and Tokyo are toast by the way as nuclear desolate areas and they are totally uninhabitable. A battle in the skies is being waged daily amongst the countries possessing this technology to try to chase the poisons away from themselves and their countrymen. That’s why the weather has been screwed up for so many years if you haven’t put 1 and 1 together for yourselves. This type of factual weather modification is called "Scalar Wars". Well we knew the Japanese mafia the “Yakuza” for those not in the know, had this technology they leased from the Russian KGB awhile back but we didn’t know they had proliferated its technology availability or capabilities to several rogue countries. The U.S signed a treaty back in 1976 that said we wouldn’t use environmental manipulation such as us ourselves causing volcanoes to go off or creating earthquakes as weapon of war or mass destruction device with the Soviet Union. Since there is no longer a country called the Soviet Union anymore it seems that all bets are off and that treaty is null and void and Tesla technology is on the rampage now and not just in the hands of the former super powers.” Jack said with a raise of his eyebrows to let his points sink in deeper as to what the implications of that statement meant under international law or humanities common sense..

  “You mean instead of shooting missiles at each other some irate or mentally challenged strongman somewhere is sending radioactive fog our way with no restraints or something?” Dump asked incredulously.

  “Well, that about sums it up the known nations that possessed this type of technology Dump Truck but folks like the Japanese mafia is also doing it or using it as an extortion technique for world dominance or power. They are basically saying send food and grain supplies to us or we pollute your soils or coastal fishing waters. California got small doses of radiation from the Fukushima reactor disaster back in 2010 if you remember that fiasco of tainted crops and fishing stateside. Well multiply that by a hundred retrogens of radiation and you get a general idea on what’s actually going on now.” Jack said explicitly.

  “So... let me understand something here. You scaring the shit out of me by the way. How does the government know who sent what storm which way and it’s not just an act of nature or god but one of military or criminal intention?” David asked scared by any of the implications or retaliations that might be involved.

  “Well there in lies the crux David. Some say its natural events and others say, and blame this statement on David for introducing me to conspiracy theories years ago. The first-ever recorded hurricane in the South Atlantic--formed and came ashore in Brazil on March 28 with 90 mph winds, doing substantial damage. So while the conventional wisdom is that hurricanes cannot form (naturally) in the South Atlantic; this one did and “broke all the records”. It appears to have been a “deliberate probe” by the Yakuza: Produce and drive ashore a hurricane where the textbooks state one is impossible, to test whether Western governments and scientists recognize the artificial weather engineering that might have been involved. The answer, of course, is that -- as expected -- the West did not recognize its importance, or that it was a deliberate “stimulus.” Western meteorologists and governments simply shrugged off Hurricane Catarina as an interesting little phenomenon but of no great concern. The threat was real ladies and gents and it seems everyone is monkeying around with the weather for one reason or another and it’s not any comic book mastermind threat.” Jack concluded and bought everyone a round of drinks that got gulped down quickly.

  “I can see Jack a bit more into this if you want to go down my conspiracy theory rabbit holes. The Illuminati plan is to create maximum chaos to instill maximum fear to create a sense of maximum dependency on authority conditions to ameliorate global impending death to humanity. Why call a election now if government has been existing and functioning at the level you say it has for years? I mean why now? Seems they been planning some shit of this magnitude for years. It seems to me that by making a census you are also getting a pool of people together that they can institute some kind of military draft from the existing survivors from the last catastrophe to create a fighting force and we do it old style with conventional weapons for dominance if we want to destroy somebody’s weather work.” David began explaining.

  “Yea I got some objections too. The US military has a
habit of accusing others of doing the same things that it is doing.” Lowbuck stated following the conversation closely.

  “Yea I have been noticing a jet here and there which is crazy to me seeing that my lake front prepper community is mostly living in the dark ages. Are you telling me that those jets chemtrails aerosol operations are going to be announced as some kind of necessary response to scalar weather wars being waged by others? “David asked totally suspicious now of any intents or meanings he had heard so far.

  “I ain`t never understood what a chemtrail was to begin with so your so your observations are probably correct. The paradigm shift for all weathermen is now trying to forecast some organization’s intent, and not the prediction of natural meteorological processes of earth’s atmosphere. This adds yet another element of unknown to an already challenging field. Every state still has weatherman but I doubt you ever hear a forecast on the radio that uses the stupid Doppler radar to show the uniformed they know what’s going on.” Jack said and rubbed his hands in a nervous action together like he wanted to say more but wouldn’t at this time.

  “I see this for myself and my friends that this bit of information you have given us Jack should be interpreted as the alarm bells are ringing, it is time to wake-up.” LowBuck said stirring his drink slowly with a cocktail straw and trying to grasp its intent.

  “Evidence that could have been gleaned from satellite imagery in the past broadcast too your hose has been over for sometime. Weather service doppler radars which frequently could have given up some scalar secrets a brainiac person could of identified and made the populace at large aware of are whacked as far as I know now. I have no way knowing with a statistic or indicator what or who is causing which weather and why, nor do I have any accountability on how it might be affecting us physically. I do know David since you like to fish we are, that is to say the Federal government ids paying a 5 cents bounty on a fresh caught fish for medical samples from the rivers and lakes surrounding us. That is if they arrive fresh enough for processing and evaluation.” Jack offered

  “We got fish! We pretty much always got fish.” Dump cried out exuberantly mentally calculating some possible profits or ventures he might participate in. “And they as fresh as David’s icemaker can make them!” he added thumping David on the back s hid genie in charge of cooling or heating a food product.

  “You got an icemaker? How in the hell did you accomplish that in these days and times? Never mind that statement; you are David that thinks of that crap before it’s needed and disseminates the “how to” in your fictional books before its actually needed.. So David you old fish monger you can supply some iced samples of what is caught around here so the scientists can examine them? I already have told you that you would want a job with me, now you going to have to do it for habitat and humanity.” Jack said reaching out and giving Dave’s shoulder a friendly shake.

  “We got a few solar panels and some crude applications to refrigeration; nothing spectacular mind you but useful if that’s what you need.” David said not wanting to show all his cards yet.

  “Hey Darlin! We need some fish for the restaurant if they are safe to eat and not irradiated like Jack is talking about.” Suzie said calculating her own profitability for the establishment that they were all having a good time and drinking in.

  “I am just using a table top model icemaker but I got some ideas on running a bigger one like is in most bars and marinas. Main thing is getting back and forth from here. I don’t trust that ancient tractor of mine and boat sailing from where we are at most likely would be a couple day affair.” David said contemplating what kind of operation he needed to create.

  “If you are working for me and the Agriculture department I think I can get you some more dependable transport.” Jack proposed.

  “Damn that’s a big mule sized carrot you are considering dangling in front of my nose. What do you have in mind for me to be doing besides providing some lake and river fish samples?” David said trying not to show his overwhelming do a snoopy dance excitement in getting a company car or truck with impossible to find gas to tour the country.

  “Well you used to do the pay grade GS 13 level business and farm disaster loans but if you do not want to sit at a desk anymore I heard of an opening you might like. We got sort of a lend lease program going on which involves starting up production farms. That works a bit like the old Heifer Foundation. A farmer will receive a few cows, rabbits or chickens and pass on the gift by giving some of the babies to a neighbor to start their flock or herd so propagation, shared knowledge and feed requirements is the key. There is of course a larger alternate program for those farmers that are actually already established and been producing regular to feed the folks in their own locations. You would for the most part be a official liaison between FEMA efforts and state and government Ag department programs. You get to travel around the countryside about 30% of the time but let me warn you the roads are still not safe and you will be pretty much on your own. Also you are going to have to go for some pay level training in Tennessee for 3 weeks eventually. You would have to leave here and take the FEMA bus to Savannah and then railroad train over to southern Tennessee.” Jack said with a twinkle in his eye that 10-1 David was going to get on board.

  “How fast is that Chattanooga choo-choo? I think you got me on board. I wanted to go visit Dsarti1 of YouTube fame anyway” David said grinning and wondering how that old coonskin hat wearing country boy was making out.

  “Good deal! You ready to go all in now? We will get you signed up and do the dance in the morning.” Jack said shaking his hand confident he had a reliable tool pusher ready to go to work.

  “Does he get a vehicle tomorrow?” LowBuck inquired still not lightening up on whatever news it was he was so overjoyed about.

  “I think that might be arranged. Why you asking LowBuck? Do you need a ride somewhere or got to get someplace?” Jack said trying to be overly accommodating to what appeared to be David’s best prepper friend.

  “Well, not really, but sort of I guess. I just got me some ideas I thought of that of that I want to see to culmination. You know me bro, If ii would be ok by you with the rules and regs the government is trying to put in place would it be alright if I got a property in mind not far outside of town I was thinking of doing? That homestead claim thing you were talking about with David is what I wanted to look into and check out what kind of condition it was in before I try to claim it for my family.” LowBuck said speculatively.

  “David can take you out tomorrow afternoon if he wants to or still has time. He will be tied up until after lunch though. Tell him where it’s at and he can check its availability on the official homestead maps.” Jack said before LowBuck started to stand up from a free pour bar and ask David for a private conversation which shocked both of them.

  “Sorry, Jack I will be back in a minute.” David said while rising to follow LowBuck back to a secluded corner of the bar.

  “You awful antsy about getting a homestead claim LowBuck. What property is it you are dying to stake your name and reputation on?” David asked once they got settled.

  “Look at this brochure I found awhile back up at the lake in one of those old wooden tourist brochure racks.” LowBuck said smiling in a hushed voice.

  David took the well worn brochure and read its title and opening blurb with more than common interest.


  Spend the day in Alabama's wine country, taste traditional wines plus our southern favorites. Break the day with a great meal along the way, or bring a picnic and finish the day at a Bed and Breakfast or area hotel.

  Just passing through!

  Print out our Trail Map and find a winery minutes away from the Interstates and Highways. Perfect travel breaks!

  “Holy shit! Great find LowBuck! Amazing brother! Which one of these is close by?” David said in a hushed excited tone.

  “This one right here. Check it out man, and tell me I ain`t the brightest and the best on
this idea,” LowBuck said pointing at the list of wineries in front of them.

  Blue Creek Vineyards Blueberry and Muscadine Specialty Wines

  “Way cool! Blueberry and Muscadine yum, big time YUM.” David said and continued to read the brochure LowBuck had provided.

  “Wow this place has everything LowBuck, Wine cellar huh?” David said looking up at a nodding and snidely smiling LowBuck that was beside himself with enthusiasm.

  “I wonder if it’s vacant buddy?. Hell after 10yrs that vineyard probably looks like pine woodland by now, it will take a lot of work. Muscadines grow in woods though. Wonder how many acres it is. a big question David said looking over some other locations on the wine trail for additional possibilities.

  “Well we could find out tomorrow I guess. I want that or the Marina which I am sure somebody has already thought of.” LowBuck said anxiously scared somebody might have previous rights to his “happy place.”

  “Hey there is a cattle auction building in the directions to get to your place. They always have some big pastures and hay fields to feed the stock waiting to go to auction, if it’s not all overgrown by now. LowBuck keep in mind Jack ain’t going to be in the mood to show me the homestead maps tonight and we got to keep this a secret close to the chest but this is exciting. I know you don’t like wine much; you thinking about distilling some brandy?” David said with a smile.


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