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Pick Your Pleasure

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by Jayne Rylon

  Pick Your Pleasure

  Jayne Rylon

  Pick Your Pleasure

  Jayne Rylon

  Published by Jayne Rylon

  Copyright 2012 Jayne Rylon

  Edited by Chloe Vale

  ePub ISBN: 978-0-9888124-0-6

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  For my brother, Kolin, and his friends, who texted from a bar in NYC with a great (I hope) idea for my next book…

  Also to Lexi Blake for encouraging me to experiment. I appreciate all your help in getting me off the ground and the fact that you accept payment for your shared wisdom in the tender of sexy pictures of men.

  None of this would have been possible without Chloe Vale. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  To find out more about how Pick Your Pleasure works, please visit

  Table of Contents


  Play Downstairs

  Fuck Machines Rule

  Take Me To The Basement

  More The Merrier

  Linley Picked Chase

  A Pinch Of Spice

  Linley Picked Ryder

  Toy Chest With Chase

  Happiest At Home

  Stay Downstairs

  Romantic Interlude

  Ties That Bind With Chase

  Ryder Epilogue

  Ryder Loves The Toy Chest

  Chase Epilogue

  Ryder Loves Ties That Bind

  About The Author

  Other Books By Jayne Rylon

  Jayne Recommends A Dom Is Forever by Lexi Blake

  1A - Underground

  “It’s been a pleasure,” Linley Lane lied.

  She pasted on her diplomatic smile as she allowed her date to buss her cheek and politely shake her hand as they parted ways on the red carpet of the valet portico outside L’Etoile.

  Another miserable date.

  That was probably harsh. It had been blah.

  Make that at least sixty-two in a row. Or was it sixty-three?

  Sure, Paolo had given her eyes plenty to feast on during the dinner they’d shared. His intelligence, along with genuine Italian features, olive skin, and his sexy accent should have been enough to make any woman swoon. Plus, his family’s shipping empire ensured his interest had more to do with her personally than the fortune she’d amassed by building her application development business from the ground up.

  But there simply hadn’t been any chemistry between them.

  Not a single firework.

  Or even a spark.

  Not a glimmer of lust had fluttered her stomach when he’d dusted a kiss over her knuckles before dessert. It hadn’t taken her more than a moment’s hesitation to decline his offer of after-dinner drinks—at his place, or hers, or the ritzy hotel across the street.

  Hell, the fact that she’d entertained the notion even that long when he didn’t have the it factor she searched for could only mean she was getting desperate.

  Finding a guy was hell when the most attractive thing about you seemed to be the hundreds of millions you’d banked by being savvy, refusing to quit, and working your ass off. She’d waited so long to get in the game, focused on work instead of socializing, that she admitted she probably didn’t know how to date like most women her age.

  By thirty-three, she should have some skills, know how to take a man home for a night of fun, or play the seductress in a drawn-out affair. Instead, she probably conducted her rendezvous more like interviews for a mate.

  On paper, her recent dates looked like perfect matches. And not a single one of them had given her any sort of zing.

  Success hadn’t come without roadblocks. If nothing else, she’d learned to problem solve like a beast. She needed a new approach.

  Time for Plan B.

  Drawing her pre-release prototype phone—which had been issued by the testing team of a leading cell manufacturer—from her purse, she traced the symbol that would quick dial Henry as she approached her car.

  “Everything all right, Linley?” Her head of security answered before the damn thing had even buzzed once. “Your date…?”

  “It’s a bust. Nothing’s wrong other than my old-maid status.” She sighed. That certainly wouldn’t cause her personal injury unless she gouged her eyes out or died of sexual starvation. Her security detail got nervous when she insisted they stay at home, so what she was going to ask next would probably blow the top of his head off. She didn’t care. “Henry?”

  “Yeah.” His gruff response made it clear he understood he wasn’t going to like this call.

  “Tell me the name and address of the club you visit when you need something…adventurous.”

  “Linley?” He tried to pull his silent-but-strong-type bullshit on her. Fooling her would take more than that.

  “Do you really think I’d hire you without snooping into your private life at least half as much as you did into mine?” She laughed.

  “I wouldn’t respect you if you hadn’t.” He grunted. “But I thought you had more tact than to mention my playground after all these years. Why don’t I come over and we can discuss—?”

  “No.” She knew he didn’t intend it as a come on. They’d worked together for nearly a decade. They didn’t have the spark either, though her head bodyguard could make any number of women praise the male gender. “You’re not going to sway me. Just give me the damn information, and don’t butt in.”

  “You’re serious?” He paused, as if he was holding the phone away from his face so she wouldn’t catch his cursing.

  “Will I be safe there?” She doubted he’d visit a place where women weren’t respected.

  “Damn it, Linley.” He blew out a puff of air then reconsidered. “Yes. No one will hurt you at Underground. There are rules. I’ll call the owner—”

  “No. I want to go to a place where no one knows who I am. Somewhere I can be a random woman out to have fun and hook up.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Just for tonight. Let me have that.”

  “You won’t be able to get in if I don’t pull a few strings,” he insisted. “Usually a member has to apply for a trial then escort a new recruit.”

  “Fine. Do whatever it takes. Will my car be okay there? Or should I go home and take a taxi?” She triggered the ignition of her Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione with a new phone app they were working the bugs out of, loving the roar of the engine. If they could get it to work on something as finicky as her car, they could make it work for everyone. She tossed her cell to the bucket seat beside her as it automatically flipped to hands-free mode.

  “You can park in the subterranean garage. Your baby will have good company down there. The club takes all types, Linley.” Henry’s resigned report accompanied the tapping of keys. “I’m sending a navigation map to your car now. I’ve already texted the owner to let him know you’re on your way.”

“Thanks, Henry.” She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. No backing out now.

  “You know, you can change your mind. Or just go to have a couple of drinks. If it’s not for you, head out. Call me if you’d like me to come get you.” His offer muted when he must have covered the receiver with his hand for a bit. A murmured apology caught her attention.

  “You’ve got someone with you tonight,” she whispered. Jealousy turned her an unattractive shade of green. Not for his hot body, but for the ease with which he was able to find women to keep him company. The power of her position often intimidated men and kept them from approaching her. “Sorry, Henry. I shouldn’t have bothered you on your night off. You take so few.”

  “It’s fine.” His warm voice made his smile evident even over the phone. “You deserve to blow off some steam, too. Hope you realize how much fun you could be in for. Almost wish I could see your face...”

  “I’m not a prude, you know.” She snorted.

  “You’ve never been to a place like Underground before.” He seemed so smug, she doubled her determination to prove him wrong.

  “I can handle myself.” If she weren’t zipping along the highway ramp, she might have crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I know you can. That’s the only thing that convinced me to make this connection for you.” Henry probably rolled his eyes like he did when he thought she couldn’t see. “I only have a job if you’re around, kid.”

  She laughed. “Always the practical one. Thanks, Henry. Get back to your friend.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He paused before disconnecting. “You’re going to have the wild night you’re craving, boss. Just...pick your pleasures wisely.”

  Before she could ask what he meant by that, he’d severed the connection, probably to dive beneath the covers with his woman of the moment again. Too bad there hadn’t ever been any sparks between her and Henry. Loyal, handsome, and funny—he’d make someone a kickass husband someday.

  If he ever decided to settle down.

  Linley shook her head. It hadn’t been until the last year or so that the idea of meeting a man and maybe having a family had taken center stage in her mind. All through her twenties, she’d focused on building her empire. And now that she ruled her own world, she’d found it could be lonely at the top.

  She glanced at the glowing line in her customized dash. Only three more miles to the club. Shifting gears, she set her baby to cruise while she drew her diamond necklace over her head then shook off her matching bangle. The silk scarf she’d dressed up her black bandage dress with came next. She tucked the valuables in the special safe in the glove box then ruffled her hair, loosening the long waves from the updo she’d pinned them into.

  Smudging her makeup a bit added a smoky haze around her steel-gray eyes. “You’ll do,” she told herself.

  Heartbeat steady, breathing slow and deep, she turned into the discreet garage her car instructed her to occupy. A man in a suit met her at the booth. He waited patiently with his hands folded in front of his waist as she parked in the spot he indicated.

  When she slid from her car, he approached.

  “Ms. Lane.” He nodded.

  “Good evening.” She pretended she had clandestine interludes with strangers who knew her all the time. It was either that or kick start her encounter on an awkward footing.

  Losing this thrill, the anticipation of a reckless moment, didn’t interest her. Not when she’d fought so long to find it. Had running her own company turned her into an adrenaline junky? Maybe.

  Tonight she’d find a rush one way or another.

  “Henry spoke well of you.” The gentleman didn’t lead her into the building just yet. “We have high standards here at Underground. Please understand that there are rules you will need to follow if I take you farther.”

  “And they are?” She refused to fidget, meeting his assessing gaze head on.

  “If you had agreed straight off, without asking, I’d have sent you home. So, congratulations. You’re off on the right foot.” His mouth tipped up at one corner. “Inside there is a lot of…variety. Judgment has no place here. If what you’re shown is not the pleasure you seek, keep going. Pick something else. No one is to be demeaned for their selection.”

  “Of course.” She nodded. What kind of asshole did they think she was anyway?

  “At Underground, all that matters is the moment. Don’t ask questions. Who? What? Why? Irrelevant. People come here to escape. We can guarantee you that no one is married, or at least not present without the consent of their spouse. Our screening ensures this as well as the health of our members. Henry forwarded me your files. You’re clear.”

  “Wow.” She had no idea how he’d done that, but it shouldn’t have surprised her. As for the rest, it was better than she could have hoped. Lies wouldn’t be necessary to evade questions about her job.

  Damn, Henry had been holding out on her all this time.

  Underground could be everything she needed.

  “Finally, what happens here stays here.”

  “Like Vegas.” She grinned.

  “Exactly.” Her welcoming committee joined her. His stunning smile had her realizing just how handsome he was beneath his cool, collected exterior. “But better. So much better.”

  “So, what’re we waiting for?” Linley strode toward him and he pivoted, extending his arm. She threaded her hand through the space between it and his solid torso, her fingers landing on the crook of his elbow. The support was appreciated. Between her high heels and the shivers of excitement now racking her, she leaned on him.

  The moment they entered the short hallway and headed into the heart of Underground, Linley realized she hadn’t set her expectations high enough. Beautiful people surrounded her, peering at the fresh meat being escorted into their midst.

  Lavish furnishings in maroon damask, plus black chandeliers, could have made the place reek of bordello. Somehow it didn’t. The sophisticated taste of the pieces ensured they enhanced the sensuality of the environment without tipping into gaudy.

  Candelabras illuminated the space with a warm glow that turned marble and velvet into hospitable finishes. If she hadn’t been so focused on what awaited ahead, she would have paused to admire the erotic art adorning the walls.

  Henry had some explaining to do.

  “Ms. Lane.” Her guide ushered her into a gathering room. A large one. Fireplaces cast sultry shadows across expansive area rugs. Plush and inviting, she could easily lounge here for a decade or two. Busy observing the mingling couples—or more—she didn’t realize the greeter had led her to a secluded corner booth with an ornate silver table in the center.

  A bottle of champagne chilled on ice. She recognized the label as a premier vintage. The three glasses surrounding it gave her pause.

  Linley looked up to find two men occupying the table.

  One blond and well kept. The other dark and scruffy.

  Manners, or maybe some innate formality on his part, dictated the light-haired gentleman rise. He offered her his hand and helped her get situated in the intimate space. His grip was warm and strong. Who was he? Why was she drinking with him and his friend?

  As if her greeter could sense the uncertainty swirling around her brain, he explained. “You’ll require a guide for your adventure tonight. New members are always paired with a veteran on their first go around to ensure their enjoyment.”

  “I thought that was your job?” She tipped her head as she examined his expression.

  “I wish I were so lucky.” He gave her a tiny bow. “Chase and Ryder have both offered their company this evening. We’ll leave the choice to you. Play nice, boys.”

  The greeter winked at her before retreating, perhaps to collect another very willing guest from the garage.

  “So long as I don’t have to fight fair.” The bump on scruffy guy’s nose attested to his experience with brawling. She felt bad for prince charming across the table if things came to blows.

t expect you to, Ryder.” The burnished blond shook his head though he smiled as he said it.

  Dashing, dangerous, and devilish, Ryder scooted closer and laid his palm high on her thigh. Entirely too close to the hem of her dress for someone she hadn’t even officially been introduced to yet.

  Denying the electricity his skin conducted would have been pure insanity. Hot and firm, his touch did things to her she’d never imagined possible with a single contact. He didn’t wait for her approval or shrink from her—Linley Lane, CEO.

  Was it like this for other women? Or was this man something special?

  A tiny connection and he did more for her than the parade of perfect men who’d come before him. She blew out a sigh that ruffled her bangs, washing her cheeks with a cool breeze.

  “Hands off my lady, please.” Chase didn’t seem disturbed by the zero-to-a-million-and-sixty approach Ryder adopted with her. His quiet confidence made her do a double take at his model good looks. Hell, he had most of Hollywood beat in her book.

  Piercing blue eyes met her curious stare. He didn’t flinch from her inspection. Patient yet persistent, he waited for her to look her fill. With thick lashes and a couple of laugh lines that hinted at a good nature, she hoped she wasn’t drooling.

  What were the odds? Two men. Both of whom she had compelling—if completely opposite—chemistry with.

  Hot damn.

  Linley licked her lips.

  “Would you care for a drink?” Chase’s smooth baritone made her blink twice before she deciphered his offer.

  “Yes, please.” She studied his expert handling of the bottle, impressed with how he poured the crisp liquid without spilling a single bubbly drop. When she reached for the stemware he proffered, he surprised her by clasping her fingers in a gentle yet sure hold then dusting the back of her hand with his lips.

  A tantalizing appetizer.

  Before she could dig in, he slipped the glass into her hand and wrapped her fingers around the delicate crystal.


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