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Pick Your Pleasure

Page 6

by Jayne Rylon

  The urgency of his play by play did Linley in. She stared up into Ryder’s eyes. He smiled and nodded. Soaring again, she wrung every last drop of Grant’s restraint from him along with his seed. He poured blast after blast of come into the condom he wore.

  True to his word, Todd observed her surrender and joined her. He painted her chest with searing streaks of pearlescent fluid. To see a man as big and strong as him reduced by the utter devastation of his inhibitions spiraled her climax higher. She continued to wring Grant’s embedded hard-on until he softened and pulled out.

  Still her body demanded more. Unsatisfied, she needed the one man she hadn’t yet pleased.

  Todd rolled to his back, puffing on the mattress beside her. He collected himself as Grant leaned forward and kissed her cheek beside Ryder’s twitching cock, which still spread her jaw almost uncomfortably wide. “You were magnificent.”

  Grant’s kisses trailed down her cheek and neck until he could massage the proof of Todd’s release into her skin. She gleamed with another man’s come, but it only seemed to make Ryder want her more. He retreated from her mouth and caught the condom Todd tossed him in midair.

  “Would you guys mind if we finished this alone?” He clapped Grant on the shoulder then bumped fists with Todd. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime,” they replied in unison.

  “Welcome to Underground, Linley.” Grant squeezed her hand then abandoned the bed. Todd followed suit. She didn’t know or care where they went after that because Ryder claimed his rightful spot between her legs.

  She wrapped him in her arms and welcomed him within her, against her body. He blanketed her, uncaring about the way his chest slid against hers in the remnants of Todd’s orgasm. He advanced inside her, using her copious arousal and the pre-stretched tissue to his best advantage.

  Instead of the fast and furious pounding she expected from the man who’d been on edge for a while, his tender glides within her brought tears to her eyes.

  “At the end of the day, this is all I need,” he whispered to her. “This connection between us guarantees the sex will be stellar even without all the bells and whistles.”

  He validated the truth of his statement by showing her over and over.

  When he pressed inside to the hilt then retreated, sometimes taking his cock all the way out so they could enjoy his reentry again and again, she shivered all over. The intensity of his stare, and the butterfly kisses he dusted over her lips, had her poised on the verge of another climax when she would have thought it impossible.

  Linley ran her hands up and down the flexing muscles of Ryder’s back. She grabbed his ass and held him deep within her. Staring into each other’s eyes, motionless except for the press and release of their pelvises grinding on each other, they unraveled.

  Ryder shouted her name. He bent down and bit her neck, sucking ferociously, the pressure at odds with his gentle rocks within her body. Contrasting sensations and the joy flooding her soul had her coming with him.

  Her body hugged him tight as they enjoyed each other.

  The ground-shaking orgasm went on—long and low—for what seemed like forever.

  When it faded to occasional aftershocks, they collapsed together.

  To find out what happened next click here or search for 5B - Ryder Epilogue

  2A - Linley Picked Chase

  “You won’t regret that decision, love.” The dazzling white smile Chase shared with her sent a thrill racing through her belly. He entwined their fingers and squeezed.

  “You might not, but if you do…you know where to find me.” Ryder kissed her cheek, impressing the faint scratch of his stubble on her lips before sliding from the table with the grace of a jungle cat.

  “Nice seeing you again.” The sportsmanlike clap he landed on Chase’s shoulder enhanced her regard for the men and this place that had culled would-be sleaze balls from their roster with extreme prejudice.

  “Better luck next time.”

  “Enjoy.” Ryder saluted them both before wandering over to a group of women who damn near swooned as he focused the intensity of his attention on them. The view of his jeans-clad ass was pretty damn spectacular.

  “Buyer’s remorse?” Chase flashed his dimples and the gorgeous crinkles around his eyes, which proclaimed his naturally happy disposition.

  “Not at all.” She chuckled. He put her at ease effortlessly.

  “Then here’s to the best night of our lives.” He lifted his flute and clinked it against hers.

  “Those are high expectations.” Linley raised her brows. “You do realize I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, right?”

  “Used to taking charge and leading the way, huh?” His insightfulness attracted her as much as his gorgeous face.

  “You could say that. Yes.” She tried not to scoff at the understatement of the century.

  The sound of his laughter did funny things to her insides. “Sweetheart, you’re here. I’m here. And I’m already sure this is not an ordinary evening for either of us.”

  “But…you’ve done this before, right?” Was she violating the rules by asking?

  “I’ve been around.” He reassured her. “But never with a woman like you. There’s something between us, Linley. Don’t you feel it too?”

  “I picked you didn’t I?” She found herself edging closer to him, wondering how his solid chest would feel beneath her fingers. The urge to knead his pecs like a kitten built in her. Something about him made her want to lean on him as she hadn’t done with a man…probably ever.

  “Yes.” When he tilted his head, a lock of sun-bronzed hair fell over his forehead. Not knowing what he did for a living both intrigued and frustrated her. With that sleek yet defined build and the streaks in his hair, she might have pegged him for a construction worker.

  His Armani suit and fancy talk said otherwise.

  “Linley?” There went that smile again, lighting him up a fraction of an inch at a time.

  “Sorry, what?” She blinked from her daze.

  “I asked why you chose me.”

  “Oh.” Her pause allowed her to gather her thoughts. “I guess because you made me feel comfortable even though I’m not sure yet what I’m looking for, and I thought you offered a bigger range of options, instead of only the hardcore stuff. Including possibly choosing nothing at all.”

  “Does that mean you’re considering bailing?”

  “Well…” Would she piss him off if she admitted her uncertainty in the face of this place? She hadn’t expected it to be so complex. So enthralling. Or addictive. Diverse and vast. In her mind, Underground had resembled a seedy bar with loud music and quick, dirty fun in a shadowed backroom.

  This was…personal.

  “How about we take a look around? Who knows, you might see something you’d like to try. We could get another drink and dance a little before you decide.” The jiggle he gave the empty bottle of champagne surprised her. Where had it all gone?

  Her dry glass proved she’d gulped her share twice over.

  Maybe that accounted for her blissful lightheadedness. Doubtful. Chase affected her more than the alcohol. Hints of his scent—vanilla, sandalwood, and pure man—entranced her. Instant attraction coursed through her veins. She could only imagine what it would be like to have him in her arms while they swayed to music she could hear faintly as it drifted from somewhere out of sight. Or have him over her in a soft bed.

  Well, maybe she wouldn’t have to rely on fantasies for long.

  All she had to do was take his hand.

  She did.

  Linley blushed when he helped her stand, righting the dress Ryder had set askew. If his hands lingered over the curve of her ass, she didn’t object. He tucked her close and cupped her elbow as he led her away from the dark-haired man, who glanced at them over his shoulder despite the harem of willing ladies who lounged at his feet while he commanded a large armchair by the fire.

  “I suppose we don’t have to feel too bad for our friend,” Chase sn

  “And you wouldn’t prefer to be the center of all that attention tonight?” She didn’t attempt to rein in her curiosity.

  “Ever hear the saying quality versus quantity?” He trailed his fingers up her wrist then to her shoulder. Every sweep of his hand brushed exposed skin. “I relish the finer things in life. And you’re clearly one of those, Linley.”

  Both men had been willing to entertain her. Hell, they’d practically fought for the privilege. That alone went a long way toward boosting her confidence. Out of her comfort zone, she allowed Chase to have control.

  Was that what she’d been missing on all those almost-great dates? Ones where she’d dictated the time, the place…the everything? If nothing else, tonight promised her insights she’d blinded herself to for months.

  The hallway opened into a ballroom. She gasped as she took in the naughty fairy-tale surroundings. It seemed almost like a masquerade ball as people in a wide spectrum of dress, from jeans to leather to fancy gowns to nothing at all, circulated in the space.

  Black and white marble checked the floor. Mirrors reflected revelry from every angle. Bold splashes of jewel-toned furniture littered the area. She sort of expected to see the Queen of Hearts stride by, except this time she’d be decked head to toe in a red and white harlequin latex cat suit.

  “Thirsty?” Chase paused at an opulent bar.

  Linley swallowed twice but couldn’t force out a response, so she nodded instead.

  “Will a Château Margaux Bordeaux do?” He beamed when she narrowed her eyes.

  Just how much had Henry blabbed to Underground about her in the fifteen minutes he’d had to arrange this escapade? Enough that Chase and Ryder had been equipped with her name as well as her favorite wine.

  What else did her date know?

  Chase raised his hand when he caught the bartender’s eye. He flashed some sort of hand signal then motioned to a settee along one wall. His heat returned to her arm and they continued the short journey, sinking together into the deceptively comfortable couch.

  Perfecting her poker face had been important early on when she was young. Competitors or associates had believed they could take advantage of her. Tonight, she wasn’t sure she managed to employ the tool to its full advantage.

  It might have helped if she hadn’t stared at the menagerie before her.

  “It’s nice to see this place through your eyes, Linley.” Chase draped an arm around her shoulder, drawing her to his chest. She gladly snuggled up to the shelter he provided while she continued to scan the crowd of liberated pleasure seekers.

  This is what she’d been missing. Here she could cut straight to the heart of the matter without bogging herself down in the politics of a boyfriend or the image she had to uphold.

  “How so?” She finally found her voice. Could she give something back to the man promising to erase her failures and replace them with something steamy? Something life-altering. A no-strings release.

  “Maybe I’ve become jaded.” He sighed, accepting her caress on his shoulder and onto the plane of his chest. Touching him was a decadent indulgence. Granting him some solace was a bonus. “I sometimes forget about these simple pleasures in my haste to enjoy…the rest.”

  “What else is there?” She didn’t realize she nibbled on her bottom lip until he pried it from between her teeth with the pad of his thumb, soothing the sting.

  “Ah.” From a gorgeous server in skin-tight lace, Chase accepted his drink. Expensive whiskey, if the rich amber tone and hint of oak was any indication. She did the same with her glass of wine, grateful to have something to wet her throat with. “Well, you’ve seen most of the ground floor. The dining area and the fireside lounge plus the ballroom. There’s also a library with a piano I’d love to play for you sometime. And a game room, the vanilla variety—pool, darts, cards. All ways for people to meet someone they might like to sink down a level or two with.”

  She nodded, laying her head on his shoulder between sips of her wine. He didn’t discourage her affection, so she went one step farther, resting her hand on his thigh. Damn he was hard all over. And hot. Her fingers explored the seam of his tailored slacks.

  After letting her roam, he began to reciprocate. First by stroking her hair, running his fingers through the mussed tresses. Then he drew swirls along her spine, humming as he reached the swell of her ass.

  “What happens once there’s a connection?” The huskiness of her murmur surprised her.

  “Then it’s time to go farther underground. The entrance to Downstairs is at the other end of this room. See the gold railing over there?” He gestured with his tumbler.

  When she followed the line, she noticed an ornate balustrade at the top of a wide marble staircase. Every once in a while, a couple—or more—would drift down it and disappear. Less frequently, probably since the night was young, someone would emerge. Their sleepy, satisfied smiles told her all she needed to know.

  “Most people refer to it as stooping to your level.” He chuckled.

  “That’s terrible.” She buried her face in the crook of his neck for an instant. Long enough to breathe deep, getting drunk on him.

  “Much more of that and we’ll be breaking the no-sex-on-the-Underground-floor rule.” Chase swiped her empty glass from her hand. He set it, along with his, on a side table then asked her to dance.

  The music seemed to change from song to song, the mix as eclectic as the gathering gyrating to its beat. She knew this one. The Wanted’s “Glad You Came” seemed appropriate.

  “So are you?” Chase stared into her eyes as he tucked her to his chest and began to rock. During the faster sections, the graceful swing of his hips advertised just how much rhythm he had, and that he knew how to put his body to good use.

  “Hmm?” She blinked, starting to lose herself in the place, the moment, and the man.

  “Happy to be here?” Before permitting her to respond, he stacked the deck way in his favor by leaning closer and pressing his mouth to hers. His kiss was like him—intense yet subtle. Sophisticated. Delicious.


  For the first time since she’d bought Lane Technology’s largest competitor almost a year ago, she felt truly alive. Adrenaline rushed through her system as he seduced her lips with his. And still they swayed to the more sedate section of the hit. The brush of his tongue had her sighing. He took advantage of the opportunity to insinuate himself more completely.

  If the smell of him had been nice, the taste of him…

  Linley rose onto her tiptoes. It was rare for her to meet a man tall enough to require the gesture. He made her feel feminine as she sealed them together more completely. She devoured him as if she hadn’t had an amazing meal less than two hours ago. The flavor of desire satisfied her far more than the decadent chocolate dessert she’d enjoyed at L’Etoile.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispered against her lips when he ended the exchange. “Me too, by the way.”

  Lost in their renewed dance, she didn’t notice he’d edged her toward the rear of the ballroom until the path Downstairs appeared near her feet. The crowd sang the refrain. While they did, Chase stepped onto the first wide tread. He crooked his fingers and waited for her to join him.

  “I…” She hesitated. “I’m not sure.”

  “Come take a peek. We won’t go in just yet. There’s a lounge of sorts at the bottom. Sometimes people wait for a prearranged partner or take a break there. Plus, it’s where the restrooms are. Refreshments are available for those who are playing especially hard, to get their energy back. We can talk more, away from the music.” He didn’t grab for her. Instead, he waited. Patient. Understanding.

  Linley swallowed hard.

  “Give it a few minutes. If you’re uncomfortable, we’ll leave.” His soft smile encouraged her. “No pressure, love.”

  “If you’re not a salesman, you’re missing out on a big opportunity.” She shook her head although she grinned. The heel of her shoe clicked on the sto
ne when she joined him.

  “I’ve been told I can be…persuasive.” His fingers curled around her arm, keeping her balanced as they descended together. “Go slow. Look at the murals.”

  She sighed, doing as he suggested. The beautiful artwork reminded her of a sordid version of a historic opera house. Cherubs hovered over couples, blessing them with all sorts of naughty inspiration. Exotic, beautiful people—too proportional to have been painted from imagination—entangled themselves in amorous embraces of all sorts.

  “See how those two are watching the couple by the stream?” Chase pointed out a particular section of the painting.

  “Yes.” She followed the direction of his long finger.

  “It’s not just a pretty thing, Linley.” He paused, tipping her face toward his and stealing another brief kiss. “Think of it sort of like a menu.”

  “Oh!” She leaned forward, her head swiveling at the variety of delights.

  “So many things to choose from?” She didn’t mean to gasp out loud.

  “Only limited by your imagination really.” He spread his hands out. “A little farther and you can see one of my favorites.”

  “Show me.” Curious about his desires, she followed him to a landing in the middle of the run of stairs.

  “This part.” He angled his chin toward a vignette highlighted by a halogen spotlight. The artist had paid a lot of attention to detail in this section of the lascivious landscape. Clearly it had been a passion of his or hers as well.

  A pale woman stretched out on a bed of wildflowers, her hair cascading behind her like a waterfall of silk. Vines wrapped around her wrists and ankles. They held her snug to the lush meadow, open for her lover, who crawled between her legs. An impressive erection made it clear he’d enjoy the feast laid out before him.

  “Does it look good to you, Linley?” When had he come so close behind her?

  Chase’s breath washed over the curve of her neck. His hands wrapped around her waist. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but squirm in his hold.

  “I wouldn’t turn it down.” The catch in her sassy retort highlighted her false ennui.


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