Book Read Free

Pick Your Pleasure

Page 13

by Jayne Rylon

  “I’m not going to regret this. Not in the morning. Or ever.” She leaned over to kiss him softly. “I’m only going to be unhappy if we don’t go ahead. There’s nothing to debate. It’s the easiest decision I’ve ever made. You make it a no-brainer.”

  With a growl, he rose over her. In a flash, he had her pinned beneath him. The tip of his cock was poised to tunnel inside her body.

  Instead of waiting for him to make the decision, she chose to lift, initiating penetration.

  The instant they were joined, even the barest bit, she swore her whole world tilted on its axis. Chase squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. When he opened them, she swore the hint of a sheen lingered on top of the bright blue that reminded her of a summer sky or the ocean in the tropics.

  “I promise this will be better next time,” he rasped.

  “I don’t see how it could be.” Linley moaned as he advanced, stretching her to accommodate his girth.

  “Well it might last more than twenty-seven fucking seconds.” He gritted his teeth.

  “Yes, they will be fucking seconds, won’t they?” She adored his grin and the way it mixed with smoky satisfaction.

  “Uh huh.” He glided inside her until he bottomed out. Then retreated until he nearly slipped from her grip. “One.”

  Never before had she laughed and had sex at the same time. Nothing had ever felt as good.

  Their ridiculousness faded when his mouth came down on hers in a scorching kiss punctuated by the grind of their pelvises and the plunging of his thick cock. The things he did to her, inside and out, transported her to another time and place where only they existed. The ecstasy they gifted each other was the only thing that mattered.

  And when cords began to stand out on Chase’s neck, her body responded. Clenching around him—tightening, quickening—she matched his escalation step by step, until they’d climbed to the pinnacle together.

  He stared into her eyes. The brilliance of the emotion there shoved her over the edge.

  Together, they jumped. Soared.

  “Linley!” He called her name as he held her tight, protected her from anything outside the sphere of light and heat they generated while he poured himself into her.

  And when they’d finished quaking beneath the force of their connection, they fell still, bonded together by the shared experience.

  To find out what happened next click here or search for 5A - Chase Epilogue.

  4D - Ties That Bind With Chase

  “Ties That Bind is open,” Linley whispered. A shiver ran through her.

  “Hell, yes.” The pressure of Chase’s fingers on her cheek tipped her face toward him. He stole a deep kiss. He ended the sweet yet dirty meeting of their mouths prematurely. “Come on, before someone beats us to it.”

  They practically hurdled the couch in their haste to abscond to the fantasy chamber. When they drew up short in front of the elaborately carved hardwood, Chase paused with his hand on the knob.

  “No second guessing here.” She answered before he could ask. “Let’s do this. Show me what’s behind that door.”

  “You got it.” He laughed at her eagerness. Not in a mean way, but with an indulgent partner-in-crime sort of flavor.

  They held hands as he pushed the panel open and drew her inside, closing them in darkness together. When he slid the dimmer up gradually, she gasped.

  The room was the stuff of erotic daydreams. Gold accents offset the forest green walls. Enormous gilded mirrors reflected her stunned expression and Chase’s undivided focus on her reaction.

  He smiled as she discovered the nuances of the space.

  Silk scarves in every hue draped along one of the walls. The waterfall of colors and softness took her breath away. Linley wandered to the display. A board with infinite hooks, like an extended horizontal coat rack, ran along the full length of the room above the height of her head. Extravagant material hung from each.

  A rainbow of dirty intentions shimmered beneath her fingers as she dragged them through the luxurious fabric. They rippled in the wake of the air she disturbed as she passed.

  “They’re beautiful. It’s like a painting. Or a tapestry, I guess.” Entranced, she allowed one to run through her fingers.

  “Stunning and functional.” Chase approached behind her. He rested his hands on her hips and snugged her back to his chest. The heat radiating from his body permeated her awe. “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Blue,” she replied.

  “I’m not surprised. It’s mine also.” He guided her to that part of the spectrum then selected several scarves in a variety of shades—ice, sky, sapphire, cornflower, and one that reminded her of the cerulean water that lapped the shoreline in the backyard of her Bonaire vacation home.

  “Um, Chase…” She hated to seem so ignorant.

  “Changing your mind?” The idea didn’t seem to upset him. He’d shape their night into a pleasurable experience no matter what, she was sure of it.

  “Not at all.” Linley spun in his arms, coming to face him so that he could read the honesty in her expression. “Just wondering why you need five. Last time I checked, I only had four limbs.”

  A glimpse of his smoldering smile made her embarrassment worthwhile. “One’s to cover your eyes.”

  “Oh.” She closed them and considered what it would be like to have him touch her when all she could focus on was the sound of him stalking her along with the feel of his seduction. Her eyes popped open. “I think I like the idea of that.”

  “I’m glad.” He leaned in and laid his lips on hers. They kissed long and slow before he broke away to allow them to draw in a much-needed breath. “I’m going to have so much fun with you. Just wait until you’re stretched out, every inch of you bared to me, and there’s nothing you can do but accept the pleasure I give you.”

  Linley whimpered. “I’m not so good at being passive.”

  “Maybe not usually. I can see that.” He tucked an errant wave of hair behind her ear. “But tonight is different. You came here because normal wasn’t working for you, didn’t you?”

  Of course he was right. She nodded.

  “Then trust me to know what you need.” Chase gestured around the room to the variety of ornate lacquered chests and wardrobes they hadn’t explored yet. “There are plenty of other options contained in these four walls. But something tells me this is exactly what you need.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Plus, it gives you a reason to come back with me some other time.” He bumped his fist on the top of one of the storage units they passed. “We’ll delve into more elaborate options in the future. For tonight, simple is best.”

  “You’ve given me plenty of excuses to seek you out again. If that’s an option.” She peeked at him as he led her to the enormous bed, the centerpiece of the rear wall.

  “Hey, don’t worry about anything other than the here and now.” He ran his thumb over her fingers. “We’ll figure out the rest later. Only pleasure is allowed within this room. Deal?”

  “Yeah.” Linley murmured against his lips an instant before he sealed them over hers once more.

  He had an amazing ability to steal her doubt and transform it into something wonderful. What would it be like to have that in her life all the time? Given the pressure of her career and the real need for relaxation, a partner like him would be invaluable.

  She sank into the play of his tongue over her gums and her own tensed muscle, which flicked at his in return. Eventually she found herself sucking lightly on his bottom lip. The rasp of her teeth across the damp flesh coaxed a moan from his sheltering chest. It was then she realized his fingers had slid up her spine and were deftly unhooking her bra.

  A brush of silk on her back promised he hadn’t abandoned the scarves in his hand to undress her.

  Linley insinuated a tiny gap between them. Just enough space to whisper, “Thank you for not tearing that. It’s one of my favorites, from my last trip to Paris.”

  “I’m more
of a savor-the-moment kind of guy. I unwrap all my presents nice and slow.” He grinned. “Besides, I love the way this looks on you. Sexy as hell, love. You’ll have to give me the name of the shop so I can browse there the next time I’m in the city.”

  She had to bite her cheek to keep from suggesting they visit together. After all, she had meetings with one of their international distribution partners there in two weeks.

  “Thank you.” A return trip to the boutique became a priority on her list of sightseeing activities.

  Chase nudged the straps from her shoulders and the garment fell away, exposing her breasts to his ravenous stare. “But as lovely as it was, you—naked—is a million times better. Gorgeous.”

  He cupped her breasts, plumping them until they spilled over the top of his palms. Pressure built as he bent to kiss the mounds and draw lightly on each nipple.

  Linley buried her fingers in his hair. At the contact of her massage on his scalp, he paused, shaking his head. “Ah, you make me forget my intentions. Why are those hands still free?”

  “Hmm… Not sure. You’re the one running this show.” She giggled when he scooped her up and tossed her onto the super-sized bed. The cushy strata of duvets absorbed the impact of her body and had her snuggling into their plush depths.

  Propped up on the bank of pillows, in assorted silk cases, she had a perfect view of Chase leaping onto the bed and crawling between her legs with the scarves clutched between his teeth. He stalked her, his muscles rippling in the diffuse light cast by the half-bright wall sconces.

  Instinctively, she spread her legs wider, granting him access to the only barrier left between them. He pounced, lunging forward until his fingers tucked into the waistband of the matching black panties of her lace set.

  “Definitely geniuses.” His praise took her a second to translate between his sexy mouthful and the haze of arousal fogging her mind. He must have noticed her confusion because he tipped his head to the side and dropped the scarves. They fluttered to the mattress in a swirl of blue shades.

  Free of distractions, Chase trained his attention on her panties.

  True to his word, he peeled the scrap from her a teeny bit at a time.

  Finally, the underwear slid from her hips, down her thighs. She lifted her feet so he could take them off. After he tossed them on the floor beside her bra, she lowered her heels on either side of him once more. A wash of warm air puffed over her waxed mound. He observed her up close and personal, as if he were an art connoisseur studying the brush strokes of a painting for a rave review. Surprisingly, his scrutiny didn’t embarrass her. Instead it made her feel beautiful, worthy of his attention.

  Chase placed a kiss on her mound, just above her clit. “Hold that thought, love. I’ll be back in a few seconds. As soon as I take care of some business.”

  She wondered what he meant until he rolled across the expansive bed toward a side table as if he were a commando invading enemy territory. He opened a drawer there and withdrew several condoms and a long, thin black box before returning to her side in an equal hurry.

  The smile she hadn’t lost all night remained firmly in place. He might act suave, but he needed her as fiercely as she craved him. Miraculous yet true. The connection between them had been instant and intense.

  Still, it allowed room for curiosity and expanding her horizons.

  Linley scrunched her pink-painted toes in the bedcovers when he stared at her like that.

  “Would you like to see one of my favorite parts of this room?” He smiled.

  “I think I’m looking at the best thing in here already,” she murmured huskily.

  Chase glanced down at his rock-hard cock. “You are having a profound effect on me.”

  She laughed. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. But now that you’ve mentioned it, he’s not too shabby either. So how much longer are you going to tease me before taking me for a ride?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t draw this out as long as I would like.” He frowned. “I usually have more self-control than this. But…you’re getting under my skin, love.”

  “Glad to know the feeling’s mutual.” She reached for him but he dodged.

  “Not just yet or I’ll lose my mind before I give you what you’ve asked for.” He shook his head, standing his ground. “I get the feeling you don’t make requests like this often. I’m going to deliver.”

  “Really, Chase, you’re enough. This thing between us, it’s more than I’d hoped for.” She held her arms up and open to him.

  He took the opportunity to snag her wrists and hold them high above her, as far as she could comfortably reach. “Shush. Just watch…while you can.”

  Trembling—not from cold or fear—she gaped when he activated a button on the black box he still held in his free hand. It was a remote of some sort. The subtle whir of motors followed. Thin wires descended from discrete panels in the elaborate canopy above the bed. No wonder it was so ornate.

  At the end of each dangled a ring. She didn’t have to wonder about their purpose for long. Chase snagged one of the silk scarves from the bed then threaded it through the circle. With deft movements of his long, skilled fingers, he tied the material to the fastener. It made sense when she thought it through.

  A bed this large wouldn’t have accommodated even the generous lengths of the scarves. The equipment probably also allowed for more adventurous play. Maybe even suspension. She’d seen pictures on the Internet that made her moan just at the thought. Next time…

  Once satisfied with the security of the silk, Chase slid his hand down the length then wrapped the other end around one of her wrists. He spread the fabric so that it became a wide cuff, which didn’t cut into her skin in the least. Careful, he didn’t fool around while he secured her then checked his handiwork.

  “You’re to tell me if you feel any numbness. Right away. Understand?” His serious tone brooked no argument.

  “Agreed.” She nodded.

  “Damn it turns me on when you go all prim and proper.” He stroked his erection a few times before reaching for another tie. “I can’t wait to make you crack and turn dirty girl instead.”

  “Somehow I don’t think that’ll take long.” She turned her head and nipped his ankle, which rested beside her as he treated her other wrist to similar treatment as the first.

  And when he’d finished, he crouched beside her. Impressive balance kept him from squashing her on the flexible surface of the bed. “Let’s see how good I did, shall we?”

  The arrogant smirk on his face might have taunted a smartass remark from her except that he chose that instant to slide his fingers over her belly to tickle her ribs. Linley thrashed. Her bindings held.

  When she laughed so hard she could barely breathe, he relented. “Had to be sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself if we get carried away.”

  He stood again to slide a finger beneath the improvised cuffs she wore like a fantastic accessory. Satisfied, he knelt down and kissed her.

  Although she hadn’t once considered retreating, having no choice in the matter made the gentle assault of his mouth that much more enjoyable. Her pussy quivered, and she arched toward him, her body begging for more.

  “Almost,” he whispered before departing again.

  Chase poked a different button on the remote. Panels in the bar spanning the foot of the bed popped open. From them he withdrew two identical lines with twin metal hoops. He made quick work of mimicking her wrist fastenings on her ankles.

  Spread wide—though not uncomfortably so—Linley groaned at the light pressure of the tensioned cables on her legs. Chase’s quality control testing was distinctly more pleasurable.

  He dropped into the V made by her thighs and snuggled up to the trunk of her body. She had to admit, his shoulders fit nicely there. Air stuck in her lungs when he extended his tongue and licked one long line from the bottom of her slit to her clit, pausing to circle the entrance of her pussy along the way.

  Pure ecstasy rolled through her. W
hen he pulled away, reaching for the last tie, she attempted to wrap her legs around his waist to prevent his retreat. No could do.

  “Ah, perfect.” He bent to lay a kiss on her nose. “Now, you’ll have some idea of what it looks like so your imagination can fill in the blanks when you’re blind and I do this.”

  Linley regretted she wouldn’t witness his complete dismantling of her inhibitions. At least until the slippery material settled over her eyes and her personal dusk descended. The loss of her vision forced her to rely on her other senses, which magnified their input.

  “You’re doing great, love.” Chase petted her, dissolving the last of her unease.

  Unable to see him approach, the wet warmth of his mouth brushing hers came as a delightful surprise. She moaned and arched into the contact as best she could. Pleasant tugs on her wrists and ankles reminded her that she’d surrendered control. The pleasure storming her system renewed her faith in others.

  Chase especially.

  He would take care of her. When was the last time someone could say that?

  A string of sighs left her mouth, each one in response to a kiss he placed on her body. The direction of their occurrence convinced her of his destination. She wished he’d hurry. But he didn’t. And when he dallied at her hipbone, she nearly screamed.

  Until he finally, finally settled his lips over her pussy.

  Then she did shout. His name, some demands, God knew what else. But it didn’t matter. There wasn’t a single thing she could do to speed up the relentless cycle of licks and kisses he treated her to. If she hadn’t been at his mercy, she might have given in to the guilt of their one-sided exchange, reaching for him to return the favor. But like this…she couldn’t deny the treatment was his decision.

  When he slipped a finger—then two—inside her, she knew there was one thing he couldn’t regulate. Or didn’t seem to want to. The inevitable pulses of her approaching orgasm began deep inside her belly. Before she could warn him of the effect he had on her, Chase groaned.


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