Loving Jack

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Loving Jack Page 4

by Cat Miller

  Grace didn’t think Jack had seen her and Luke, but he obviously had and he was seriously jealous. Grace wanted to smile and her heart wanted to rejoice, but her mind was conscious of the fact that Jack had a boyfriend of his own waiting out there. She could tell him Luke wasn’t her boyfriend, but why? Again, nothing had changed. It was none of her business if Jack was with a date, and vice versa.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She pushed hard against his chest and he released her. Grace made it only a few steps when he grabbed her hand and jerked her back to his chest. He cupped her head with one hand and clutched her hair with the other, like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to be tender or rough with her.

  “Yes, I actually would like to know. I thought you weren’t dating anyone. Did you lie to me, Grace? Did you fuckin’ lie to me? Because you looked awfully familiar with that prick.” His hand in her hair tightened.

  “Luke is not a prick. He’s a great guy and I enjoy his company. Why the hell do you care? I saw your girlfriend.” She struggled in his arms but he held tight.

  “I told you the fucking truth, Grace. I told you I was dating people. What have you been doing all week, huh? What other lies did you tell me?” His eyes blazed with possessive anger when he brought his mouth down on hers again. She pushed against him but he kissed the fight right out of her. Her arms relaxed and her palms rested on his chest.

  Grace had an unfair advantage here and she was okay with that. If she hadn’t overheard Jack’s friends in the restroom she would be confused by his reaction. But she did hear them, so she knew he’d been just as messed up as she’d been since they parted. He wasn’t willing to admit that the girl wasn’t a girlfriend. He also hadn’t seen fit to mention the guy he’d brought with him while he lambasted her about Luke. Maybe a little reminder of how good they’d been together would help her cause. She would tell him the truth. Then she would take what she’d been dreaming about all week. They were in a secluded alcove. There was a chance they’d be caught, but that just added to the excitement of being in Jack’s arms again. She turned her face away from his kiss.

  “Luke’s just a friend, okay. He’s a good buddy of Jessie’s actually. I’m not with him. We were only dancing. Nothing more,” she admitted and he looked half relieved and half disbelieving.

  “I saw the way he held you, Grace.”

  “Yeah, and I saw the way you held your blond.” Grace spread her fingers and ran her hand down Jack’s chest and continued lower to grip the stiff cock in his pants. He inhaled deeply. Grace took his mouth with the intention of branding her flavor into his memory forever. She cupped his girth and stroked him up and down.

  “Does she kiss you like this, Jack? Do you get hard at the sight of her?” She threw his questions back at him and Jack groaned.

  “Fuck, Grace, I want you so damn bad.” He kissed her again. “I’ve been dreaming of this hot little body all week.”

  “Yeah? Well let’s see what we can do about that.” Grace began to work on loosening his belt and freeing his cock as she pushed him farther back into the shadows until his back hit a door in near complete darkness. She could feel the suppressed energy vibrating through Jack’s body. They were in a fucking bar just around the corner from hundreds of people who were drinking and dancing the night away. And she was going to fuck him, again. He ate at her mouth and groped widely for any part of her he could reach. She stroked his cock from root to tip until a small amount of his hot pre-come ran over her hand.

  Grace lowered her body to a crouch before him and Jack started in surprise. “Grace, you don’t have to . . .”

  His words cut off abruptly when she ran her tongue around the plump head of his cock. She cupped his sack and breathed him in, enjoying the clean male soap scent of his skin. Grace suckled and licked his length, wishing she could see his face in the darkness. His groans of pleasure and the taste of him had her wet and aching to be filled. Jack grabbed her head and guided her movements, teaching her just how he liked to be pleasured.

  One of his hands left her head and she heard him curse and then a, “Yes!”

  Jack had tried the handle of the door she’d pressed him against and found a small office. He lifted Grace against his chest and back into the room. There was a beat up old desk, a couple of chairs, and a file cabinet in the corner that held a lamp. The lamp was on a dim setting, its light not reaching far past the file cabinet.

  “Grace, what the fuck are you doing to me?” Jack asked, but didn’t give her a chance to speak. He was on her, kissing her deeply and lifting her dress over her head. He froze then and just looked at her. His frenzy stalled for a moment while he took her in. Heat spread over her skin as Jack devoured her with his eyes. Grace stood before him in her tiny red thong and red stilettos. Her backless dress had prevented her from wearing a bra.

  When he finally opened his mouth it quickly doused the flames of her desire.

  “Was this for him?” Jack asked. “Was this pretty package meant for that 'great guy', Luke to open?” He stepped forward and ran a finger from her collarbone down her breast to her nipple. She slapped him.

  “Fuck off, Jack!” She grabbed her dress from the desk and glared at him. He was still stunned by the slap, standing there with a hand on his cheek and his still hard cock was standing out of his open pants.

  “Were you going to fuck Victor? Or was he going to fuck you tonight, Jack?” Grace snarled. He was such a hypocritical asshole!

  “Maybe I was,” he replied in a whisper.

  Jack seemed more shocked by her knowledge of his date then the fact that she’d hit him. God damn it! She’d never hit anyone! Ever! Why was she letting him torment her into such barbaric behavior? Grace slid her dress back over her head and went to the door. She was exhausted now. Her body ached, her hand throbbed, and heart felt heavy and empty all at once.

  “Stay the hell away from me, Jack. I don’t need this shit. You don’t want me and that's fine. I’ll get over it. But you don’t get to judge me for moving on.” She told him in a much calmer voice and opened the door, but Jack stepped forward in the small room and pushed it shut again. He pressed his chest into her back and pinned her there against the door.

  “You think I don’t want you, Grace.” He tilted his hips so she felt his still solid length against the cleft of her ass. “Does that feel like I don’t want you?” he asked.

  “You want to fuck me, Jack. That’s not the same thing as wanting me.”

  Jack nuzzled her neck and kissed the spot behind her ear sending gooseflesh over her skin. “If you recall, I already fucked you. It was you who turned me away, Grace.”

  She shook her head. He knew damn well that she hadn’t wanted him go. Was he implying that he wanted her now? What if he did? He was certainly jealous over her dancing with Luke. Did she dare believe the week they’d spent apart could have changed his mind? Grace turned in his arms and looked up into a face that was just as confused and tired as her own. She touched his cheek where she’d struck him.

  “I’m sorry.” Jack took her hand and placed a kiss on her stinging palm.

  “I’m sorry, too. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I really don’t.” He placed a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth, then the other corner. Sincerity shone in his eyes. He really was just as fucked up as she was. He wanted her but refused to lie about his needs and where he was in his life right now. He was a good guy. Grace wanted him to be her guy.

  “I’m going to make love to you now, Jack, okay?” His mouth dropped open and his eyes rounded.

  “I . . . that’s not . . .” He was back peddling.

  “You don’t like that word, huh?” she asked.

  “I’ve never, you know.” He gestured wildly with one arm.

  “You’ve never made love? Or you’ve never been in love?” she smiled. “Neither have I, but this is more than just a fuck, Jack.”

  Jack nodded, agreeing that what was happening between them was deeper than just another meaningless experience. Gr
ace advanced on him and slid his pants further down his hips. She put one finger on his chest and pushed until he dropped back into the chair in front of the desk. She lifted her dress back over her head and dropped it on the desk. Jack slowly stroked his rigid cock up and down while he watched her disrobe. She stepped between his legs and began unbuttoning his shirt. Jack ran his hands up her thighs and hooked his fingers in the sides of her panties.

  “I want these off this time,” he said, and slid them down her legs. “Keep the shoes on.” She grinned and complied, stepping out of her panties. Jack watched her every move as if entranced.

  The atmosphere in the room had shifted from frantic lust, to tense frustration, and now it had settled into a calm acceptance of their mutual need for each other. She’d taken a risk using the L word. Did she love him? She thought she could love him very easily. For now, what Grace wanted, what she needed was to show him the difference between a wild fuck on the hood of his car with a stranger, and a real connection . . . in a bar . . . on a chair. Grace could admit she was off to a very poor start in the romance department, but she was working with what she had. All she had right now was a short time in the back of a bar. She would take it.

  Grace slowly straddled Jack’s thighs. He cupped her ass and pulled her closer. “Can you make love in a chair?” he asked.

  “We’re about to find out.” She leaned back far enough to reach his pants, which were now around his ankles. Jack cursed. She knew her position had bared her naked pussy to his view. He ran a hand from the space between her full breasts down her belly and rested it over her mound. Grace was panting and fumbling for Jack’s wallet. Jack was gazing at her sex hungrily and rubbing tight circles around her clit.

  Finally she wrestled his wallet out of its pocket. Jack took it from her and quickly fished out a condom before tossing it on the desk with her dress. Sitting forward now Grace watched Jack cover his straining cock. Her mouth watered and her belly tightened in anticipation of the pleasure she knew Jack could give her. She wanted him ferociously but she refused to rush this experience. She kissed him long and deep. Their tongues mingled searching and needy for more.

  Grace rubbed her swollen clit against the hard length she couldn’t wait to take into her body, getting him nice and wet. Jack moaned into her mouth as he lifted her into position. He was as eager as she, but Grace was going to run this show. He’d have to take his pleasure as it was given, or not at all. Grace put her feet on the ground, taking her weight and the control from Jack.

  “Grace, please baby. I’m starving for you.” Jack looked up at her and the pained expression on his handsome face made her second guess the decision to go slowly.

  “I’m here, Jack. Just let me have this, okay?” she asked. He nodded and took several deep breaths.

  “You’re killing me. I want to spread you out on that desk and fuck you for hours. Maybe days,” he growled against her breast.

  She slid just the head of his cock into her body and kissed him. Working her hips in a small circle Grace slowly took him deeper into her body with each twist. Jack was so hard she would swear he was larger than he’d been the first time they’d done this. Once she’d fully impaled herself, Grace rested there for just a moment. She looked into Jack’s heated eyes and tried to memorize the feeling of being one with him. Her body was filled by his sex, her arms held him as close to her as possible, and her heart thudded with an eager readiness to be filled with his presence as well.

  When Grace began to move it was in slow increments at first. She held Jack’s gaze as she worked his cock up and down, flexing her inner muscles and rotating her body. Jack held her hips in a tight grip and sweat broke out on his brow. She was testing his limits and her own. It felt so good to be in control and to take her pleasure and give it back to him at her own pace. She didn’t give a shit where they were or who might walk in, Grace wanted to show Jack that she wanted him this desperately, this intensely, and with everything she had.

  “Grace, fuck,” Jack drawled. He needed more and so did she, but she was going to make him ask for it.

  “What do you need, baby?” she slowed even further to wait for his response.

  “I need you now, harder, faster, please,” he pleaded earnestly. Grace complied with his request. She hooked her feet around the legs of the chair for leverage and began to ride Jack faster. She remembered the time she and Jessie had gone to a country bar that had a mechanical bull. The bull operator had set it to a nice slow pace at first. She closed her eyes and leaned back a bit throwing back her head. Grace found a steady rolling rhythm that had her ready to come in no time. Every time she took him deep her clit was stimulated by the press of their bodies. Every time she withdrew the head of his impressive cock slid over that perfect spot inside of her. Jack began speaking to her as she moved ever faster over his length. He told her she was beautiful and sexy, she drove him to distraction with the need to be inside her hot little body. He would come soon. Jack said he’d keep her close if she would just give him a chance. He repeated how badly he’d missed and wanted her since they’d parted. His pleading, reverent whisper rang true with sincerity and longing.

  Grace wanted to say something in response, but everything that came to mind would have sounded too desperate. She couldn’t tell him she’d thought of nothing but him, or that knowing he was there with someone else was a new kind of pain she’d never known before. She couldn’t tell him he already had her heart. She held him tight in her body and told him those things the only way she could. Grace let go of her control. She gave Jack what he needed. She rode him hard and fast. Jack was thrusting up into her body with her every downward stroke. In perfect harmony they reached for something neither of them had ever found. Grace felt the first ripples of her orgasm and Jack cursed.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Grace, come for me now. I can’t …” Jack was holding her hips still and thrusting wildly into her wet heat. The building climax broke over Grace like a tidal wave. It overtook her all at once and kept rolling over and over as Jack shuddered and came. She watched him lose himself in her body while stared into her eyes. It was more than just a sexual act in that moment. It was Jack and Grace together in a place that was brand new for both of them. It was a connection deeper than just flesh. The intensity of it was overwhelming and frightening.

  Jack pulled her to his chest and held her tight, rubbing her back and running soft kisses down her neck and across her shoulder as they caught their breath. For a while the rest of the world had ceased to exist. Now in the aftermath of their loving the thumping sounds of the bar began to penetrate Grace’s consciousness. She sat back and looked down at Jack while she played with one of his diamond earrings. She knew his mind had also come back to the world waiting outside of their hiding place. He cupped her cheek and kissed her sweetly.

  “That was incredible, Grace. I didn’t deserve it after the way I spoke to you.” Grace lifted herself from Jack’s lap.

  She was at a loss for what to say or do now. She’d wanted this chance to be with him. It was over now and she hadn’t a clue what she’d achieved if anything at all.

  “Are you bunking alone?” he asked as he dressed himself and retrieved his wallet from the desk.

  Grace watched him move about the dimly lit room. He wouldn’t look at her, so she knew he was still a little suspicious of her relationship with Luke.

  “I’m alone. Jessie is staying with Dave.” Did this mean he wanted to return to her room with her? Grace imagined an entire night in bed with Jack, snuggling and making love until morning. Her chest filled with a hopeful light that had to be clear on her face when he came to her with her dress in his hand. He helped her dress and knelt to let her step into her panties.

  Jack took Grace’s hand and turned out the light. He opened the door and music poured in as well as light that hadn’t been on when they entered the office. Jack stepped into the hall.

  “Why don’t we head back to your room and . . .” Jack was saying when he was cut off.

  “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere,” a man said from down the hall. Jack released her hand and took a step forward, essentially blocking the office door.

  “I, ah, got lost looking for the men’s room.” Jack lied. It was obvious he didn’t intend to let whoever this newcomer was see her. She stepped back into the shadows. It stung. He’d just been asking to go back to her room with her. Now she was hiding.

  “I’m not feeling up to the party crowd tonight, Victor. I think I’ll go back to the room.” Jack was still speaking when Victor reached him. Grace’s heart lodged itself in her throat. This was Jack’s boyfriend, or one of them.

  “Of course, babe, we should have stayed in tonight. I can tell you aren’t feeling like yourself. Let’s go to our room and I’ll help you relax,” Victor said.

  Victor was slightly shorter than Jack and built more leanly. His dark hair and tan complexion was a contrast to Jack’s fair good looks, but Victor was equally as attractive in his own way. The difference became even more blatant when Victor wrapped his deeply tanned hand around Jack’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Jack stiffened but didn’t fight the embrace.

  Grace was frozen to the ground watching in horror as the lips that had just made love to her and spoken so sweetly were being devoured by someone else. Victor pushed Jack back into the door jam and moved in for deeper contact. They were just feet away from Grace and she was struggling not to release the sob building in her chest. The melding of the couple’s lips and Victor's passionate caress filled her vision. Victor was toying with Jack’s earring while he sucked on Jack’s lower lip just as she had done only moments ago in the chair. Victor ran his hands down Jack’s chest to his crotch and groped him. Jack finally found his voice and pushed Victor back.

  “I just told you I’m not feeling up to this shit,” Jack barked at Victor, who stepped back looking wounded.

  “You really are feeling bad, aren’t you?” Victor asked. He looked down at Jack’s crotch in disappointment before taking Jack’s hand. Jack looked into the darkness of the room to find Grace before he was tugged down the hall.


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