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Taking Chances (Pleasant Grove Book 1)

Page 13

by Tara Lee

  He still won’t talk about his childhood, and why it made him the way he is, but we are making progress.

  The last time I had asked him about his childhood, he got mad at me, yelling at me to stop asking questions and to just let it go. That had been our first fight as a couple and since then I’d stopped asking for fear he’d hate me for prying into his life.

  He did try and make it up to me buying me a boutique of flowers that night, and telling me how sorry he was, and what an ass he is. Then we had made sweet, slow, tender love, and fell asleep wrapped around each other.

  The man is insatiable. I can't keep up with his sex drive. We have had so much sex, I thought he would slow down, but he hasn't yet. He always wants more. I am sore, but a good sore, most days from his hunger for me. He takes me whenever he has a chance. If we are alone, we are naked.

  Its date night so I'm going through my clothes to find something to wear. Eli like us to do a date night at least one day a week. He says he likes to take me out to show me off and let everyone know I am his. I think it's funny, and turns me on how possessive he is.

  Tonight’s date is a going to dinner followed by a walk along the beach, while watching the sunset.

  I am pulling all my dresses out, looking at which one I want to wear when I hear a phone's text alert, that's Eli's not mine. Eli must have left his phone here.

  Searching for his phone, I finally find it in the couch.

  It must have fallen out of Eli's pocket, that’s okay, I will just give it to him tonight.

  Eli’s phone goes off in my hand an image pops up on the screen. I gasp as I drop the phone to the ground.

  What did I just see?

  I slowly pick up the phone and check it. The photo isn’t the only thing, text after text show up on his screen.

  I read them one by one my stomach twisting with each word.

  Hey baby I’ve been tasting your cock I need you in my mouth. My pussy is aching for your touch. I need you.

  I want you to fuck me so hard I’m begging.

  I ache so badly for you, I want you to cum inside me while I

  scream your name, meet me at my place tonight and we can do whatever you want. I’ll even let you fuck my ass. Maybe this girl sent these to a wrong number? That must be it. That is the only explanation. Isn’t it? There was no way Eli was cheating on me. Is he?

  No I trust him, this must be a wrong number.

  Eli’s phone starts ringing in my hand.

  I shouldn't answer it, but before my brain processes that

  thought, I am already saying hello to the person on the other end of the phone. “Who's this?” the voice on the other end snaps, sounding angry that another girl has answered the phone.

  “Who's this?” I shoot back at her.

  “I asked first,” she says, annoyed.

  “I'm Charli, Eli's girlfriend.”

  The girl on the other end of the phone laughs at me.

  Why is she laughing?

  “You have got to be kidding, right?”

  “No,” I reply, getting angrier

  “Oh sweetie. If you think he's just got one chick, you have got to be pretty stupid. I’ve been banging him for over a month,” she replies.

  My stomach turns even more. I think I’m going to vomit. He has been cheating on me. I should have known, once a player always a player.

  “He’s such a good ride too. What that man can do with his tongue…” The stranger sounds like she gets delight out of telling me.

  My heart sinks. I can't listen anymore, and I hang up.

  I can feel tears coming, I feel sick to my stomach. I have never felt hurt so bad in my life.

  I feel numb.

  How could I have been so blind?

  I am supposed to be getting ready for our night out but now I can't move. My face is wet with my tears. I rush to my bathroom to throw up.

  I'm shaking uncontrollably as I sink to the floor, curling up in a ball, and sob.

  I stay there as I feel my world crashing down on me. I am suddenly snapped out of it when I hear my doorbell, I know I need to answer, but I also know it will be Eli.

  I'm not sure I can face him right now.

  Slowly getting myself up, I feel weak like, my will to live has left me. My body goes into autopilot as I make my way to the front door.

  “Charli, you in there, baby?” Eli yells as he is now knocking on my door.

  My stomach twists.

  I feel like I am going to throw up again.

  All this time, he's been touching me, and he has also been touching other women.

  I was never enough, all the lies and betrayal, he had been so sweet but I have been blind to it all.

  I must face him and remove him from my life. How can I ever be able to trust anyone again? I gave my whole heart Eli and he stomped on it.

  Getting to the door, it feels like a lifetime.

  His face falls when he sees mine. He steps towards me I can’t let him touch me,

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  My face is red from crying. Eli looks worried.

  “What the hell. Are you okay, sweetheart? What’s wrong baby, talk to me?” He says in a pained voice.

  He is worried about me? Why?

  He reaches forward to pull me into his arms but I don’t let him touch me.

  I had trusted him and given myself fully to him, but he hasn't been doing the same.

  I move away from his arms and back into my apartment. I can't look at him.

  “Baby, what's wrong? Why have you been crying? Whose ass do I need to kick? Has Jensen said something to upset you?”

  I shake my head.

  My voice has escaped me. I’m speechless, Eli tries to pull me into him again and I move from his attempts.

  “Charli, baby you're scaring me.”

  I pull his phone from my pocket and throw it at him, hitting him in the chest. He bends to pick it up from where it fell onto the floor.

  “You left that here last night.”

  “You’re upset because I left my phone here?”

  I sniff as my tears start to fall again.

  “You got some texts and a phone call today. I didn't catch her name but she seemed to know you, and said she has been sleeping with you for THE LAST MONTH!”

  “What are you talking about, baby? You are the only girl I've been with the last four months, only you baby, you’re my one.”

  “Take a look. You want me to believe you haven't slept with anyone else but me? She laughed at me when I said I was your girlfriend, Eli. She told me she's been banging you for the last month.”

  I’m sobbing so hard that my knees feel week, and my stomach might turn again.

  He tries to reach for me again and I shove his arms away.


  “Baby, she is lying to you. I haven't been with anyone but you, why would I need anyone else? When I have you to come home to every night?”

  I can see the tears filling his eyes, he is getting upset.

  Is it because I found him out and that he is no longer getting away with it or is it because he is telling me the truth and he didn't want to lose me?

  He grabs my arms. I try to pull away but he is too fast this time. He pulls me into him.

  “Baby, I swear to you whoever this is, I don't know her and I don't know the number. Maybe it's just random, maybe she wants to mess with you, or maybe it's a chick I’ve slept with before you and she knows my number.” He takes in a sharp, pained breath and starts to kiss my hair, like he’s frantic. I try to shove him away, but he only holds me harder. “But, I swear to you, baby, you are the only girl I've been with the last four months. You have to believe me, I would never hurt you like this.”

  He is begging me now, getting down on his knees. I try to get out of his embrace, but he is too strong for me. He pulls me down to face him and pulls my face into his kissing me.

  I can’t kiss him back. Just the thought of him with this chick has me feelin
g sick. I pull back and stand up rubbing my face.

  “You need to leave,” I tell him.

  “No, Charli, we have to talk about this. I need to make sure you don't think I've been cheating on you. I would NEVER, baby. I haven't, only you, only you baby.” He is pleading with me, his hands are grabbing at my legs, trying to pull me to him. I move from his grip.

  I need space from him right now and I need time to think. I move away and point to the door.

  “Leave, please just leave. I need time to think and decide what I want to do.”

  “Baby please don't do this, I swear it's the truth please believe me,” he begs trying to grab me again.

  I push him away.

  “No. I need space from you and I need you to leave, don't make me call Jensen,” I warn him.

  He looks heartbroken, but so am I. I need to protect my heart. I have loved him for so long. I never thought he would see someone behind my back.

  I thought we had something special, guess I have been a fool. Eli stands to leave and sits something on my side table.

  “If I was cheating on you Charli, I wouldn’t have this, and I wouldn't have been planning this for the last month so it was perfect or be planning my forever with you.”

  He walks out and closes the door.

  Locking the door behind him, I want to slide down and just cry but I reached for the box he left. It is small, I open it, and inside is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

  Is this what I think it is?

  Eli was going to propose to me?

  This is an engagement ring...

  I sit on the floor, clutching the ring and sobbing, I have cried so hard. I am lost, everything I have loved about Eli is a lie. He was sneaking behind my back seeing someone else my heart is

  broken…. No it is shattered. E

  FOR THE NEXT WEEK I sit and cry every day.

  Eli has called me every day and night and has filled up my


  I can't bring myself to answer whenever he calls. He has texted me, begging me to answer him, but I just can't. I have cried myself to sleep every night.

  I’ve hardly been outside my room in days, but I have to go

  out. Returning home, I find a note on my door when I get home. It must be from Eli.

  I open it.


  This isn’t from Eli.

  I look around making sure I am alone.

  I head inside and stare at the note, trying to figure out what

  it means.

  Who left this? Has the person that left this been the one who

  has texted and called Eli? I can’t get my mind around it. I head to

  bed and cry myself to sleep again.

  Chapter 18


  1 week later…

  IHAVEN’T HEARD FROM CHARLI in a week, I have called and texted her every day and night, only to get her unanswered texts and her voicemail. She is ignoring me. I haven’t touched another woman, I haven’t even thought of

  another woman since being with Charli. I’ve tried—I really have. It doesn’t matter what I try to say to her, or how many times I ask her to let me explain, she doesn’t believe me, and I’m not sure if she ever will.

  I don’t even know if we are still together anymore. I’m surprised Jensen hasn't been over yet to try and beat my ass. I have been waiting for him, but I’m guessing Charli hasn't told him anything. He texted me the day before yesterday and asked me if I wanted to grab a beer this weekend. I want to stay cooped up in my apartment alone, but knowing Jensen, if I don’t show he will come over. I don’t need that.

  What I need is Charli to believe me.

  When the guys found out I was planning to propose to Charli, they had told me I was crazy. That marriage is a big deal. I simply told them when you know, you know and one day they would understand how I felt. They had laughed at me and told me they would never be tied down by one woman. I had chuckled, they would figure it out—one day.

  I can't be around the guys now, not drinking anyway, I am more than likely to break down in front of them and I don’t need them asking why.

  I have gone to work and just come home beat every day, I shower, then I call Charli and then I go to bed, it’s like I’m living on repeat without her.

  Getting her voicemail again last night had broken me down. The thought of losing is too much. I can't lose her.

  I need to find out who this girl is that is determined to destroy our relationship, and find out why she had turned Charli against me.

  Maybe it is someone from my past. I try and think back on girls I’ve have wronged over the years and it is a long list.

  There was Lucy. I snuck out after we had sex before she woke up, but I don’t think she is the type that would do this.

  Maybe it is Kirsty, she had wanted a relationship with me, but I had stopped that from happening. Nah, it isn’t. The last thing I heard from her was that she married some rich guy.

  It could be Hope…No way. It can’t be Hope. She has hooked up with Carter and Jensen since we last got together, I think chuckling to myself.

  Hannah! That bitch is fucking crazy. Insane wasn’t even a good word for her. We slept together once and I wasn't interested in her, but she wouldn't take a damn hint. I have run into Hannah a few times in the last few months, and I swear a few times I had seen her behind me or I would catch a glimpse of her before she would take off.

  I need to tell Charli about Hannah. I try to call Charli I get her voice mail again...

  “Hey its Charli leave me a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." BEEP...

  “Baby please answer my calls or my texts I need to explain, it isn't what you think only you baby just you. Please call—”

  Again, it cuts me out.


  I am going to have to go see her, and beg for forgiveness, fuck. I head to her place, I’m not leaving until she lets me explain.

  I pull up and see Charli’s car. I also see Jensen’s car in the driveway, shit, what’s he doing here? Maybe I shouldn’t do this now… No, I’ve got to speak to Charli. I’m not leaving.

  I knock on Charli's door, waiting for her to answer. “Baby open the door, please we need to talk. Please baby open up,” I beg as I bang on the door.

  The door swings open.

  “Hey,” Jensen says as he waves me in.

  Okay, he seems calm he must not know anything… Yet! Charli comes around the corner she stops once she sees me. “What are you doing here?” she says.

  The look on her face has my heart ripping in two. “Seriously sis? That's how you welcome your boyfriend—or

  wait, your fiancé?” Jensen says with a laugh.

  He looks at me, I look at Charli, and she looks back at Jensen. “Okay, am I missing something, guys? Did you guys have a

  fight?” he asks.

  “It's nothing, Jensen. Just stay out of it, okay?” Charli snaps

  back at him.

  “Dude, did you piss her off?” he chuckles at me.

  “Something like that,” I say, not taking my eyes off my


  “We need to talk, could you give us a moment?” I ask Jensen Jensen turns, leaving us alone in the room.

  She turns, leaving me standing there.

  “I don't want to talk to you,” Charli says.

  “Baby please," I beg.

  “Baby?” she says, turning to face me with a look of disgust. “I

  think you lost the right to call me that when you cheated on me.”

  She takes a step back from me.

  I blow out a deep breath, she isn't going to believe me no

  matter what I say. It really is over. I can see it on her face. “Someone is doing this to mess with us, to ruin what we

  have?” I say softly.

  Charli rolls her eyes at me.

  “Really Eli, it was all some joke is that what you are saying?”

she replies.

  “No, I never said that. I'm saying I want you to believe me

  when I say I've been faithful to you. Why would I want to marry

  you if I was hooking up with some other chick behind your back?” She thinks about it for a moment and then turns opening her

  draw. Charli hands me the ring box.

  I won’t take it from her

  “You were a player before me Eli, I’m sure you will be long

  after me,” she says as she holds the ring box out to me keeping her

  eyes focused on the ground. She won’t even look at me. “So, it's really over, then?” I ask, looking at her, begging her

  to look at me, needing her to look at me.

  I know I have just lost the love of my life.

  “Yes,” she whispers. She pushes the ring box towards me. She looks at me then, the tears falling down her face tells me

  all I need to know.

  We are over and I need to move on.

  I’m a broken man as I slowly take the box from her hand. “I can't believe you, I'm sorry Eli,” she says.

  I look away and wipe tears from eyes. I look down at the floor

  as I put the ring box in my pocket.

  If this is what she wanted I would accept it, I can't push her

  to believe me or love me.

  She had my heart but I don’t have hers, not anymore. My breath is becoming ragged with every moment. What do

  you do? When the person you love the most has given up. “I guess,” I blow out a breath. Trying to stop myself from

  grabbing her and begging for her to believe me. “This is it then,

  I'll leave you alone. I won't bother you anymore, I know I didn't

  cheat on you, but I can't make you believe me.”

  Our eyes lock. I feel the intensity between us, the connection.

  It is still there, I just hope she can feel it too.

  “Just so you know, I do love you more than anything, and I'll

  love you until the day I die,” I say, as I walk out of Charli's

  apartment and out of her life.

  I will never be able to love anyone like I love her. She was it

  for me but I guess I wasn't for her.

  I need to find out who is trying to destroy my life. I have told Charli I'd leave her alone but I can't leave it like


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