Play Dirty

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Play Dirty Page 14

by Jessie K

  Lynn coughed lightly. Matthew cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing.

  “—doesn’t see me and report me for something dumb or taken out of context. As shitty as it is, this teaching gig is my life right now, Lynn. My savings are toast from this summer’s lack of work. Every penny I can save, I do. If I had a cat, he’d probably have pissed all over my bed and found a new home by now. That doesn’t exactly leave a lot of room for me to fuck anything up.”

  This was not the reassuring meeting Lynn hoped it would be. She knew Matthew hadn’t done anything terrible. Really, neither of them had done anything terrible. Lynn was now a legal, consenting adult. No one could press charges against Matthew except her, and she would absolutely never. His orgasms gave her life. She wanted to run away with him, not ship him off to prison. The only reason it mattered then, was because he was her “teacher” and she was his “student.” And that was just … invasive.

  “I don’t understand. We’ve been so careful!” Lynn chewed on a fingernail. “I mean, shit, we only barely got back to … you know. We’ve spent weeks barely looking at one another. How is it that someone happened across us the exact moment we started touching again?”

  “That’s a really good question that I have zero answer for. I did my damndest to stay straight.” Matthew let out a long, slow sigh. “Fuck.”

  “You can’t get arrested.” Lynn nudged him with a hopeful grin, trying to lift the mood. It was only after she said it that she realized how terrible it was. “Sorry.”

  He laughed, once. It was a little bitter. “I know. But I can get fired and chased out of town. You can get expelled or ruined forever. I can’t stand to have that happen to you.”

  “This is such bullshit.”

  They stood for a moment in silence. Lynn found herself scanning the park for someone with a camera or binoculars. Someone snooping around the trees. They were the only ones there, but the tingle between her shoulders didn’t quit.

  Matthew broke the quiet. “I hate to ask this.”

  Her stomach did that thing where it drops just before a big fall, like the body knows it’s about to endure something terrible and is trying to minimize the damage.

  “I need to know, for certain, that you didn’t do this. Or have a hand in it. Or tell anyone, for that matter, about us.” Matthew turned to look her straight in the eye.

  She hated that he even had to ask. She understood, but that didn’t make his knife any less pointy. Lynn shook her head vehemently. “I would never. You have to know that, right? This is just as much my life as it is yours.”

  “I know.” He was gentle, but firm. “I know. But I need to hear you say it. Maybe you accidentally said something. If you did, that’s okay. Shit happens. But I need to know who or what we are dealing with.”

  “I swear on my life, Matthew. Dana knows about this summer, but nothing since. This is all so new and I didn’t want you to ignore me again, so I haven’t told a soul.”

  “No angsty Instagram picture with eighty-seven hashtags about your love life?” The corner of his mouth tugged upward. “No ambiguous post on Facebook about the person you love forever and ever?”

  Her breath caught and the drop in her stomach left her feeling fuzzy. “The person I love, hmm?”

  It was his turn to look disheveled. “Well, I mean … I thought … um.” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Yes?”

  He’d actually meant it? She wanted to kick herself. This man, this wonderful, amazing, sexy man, had confessed his love. And she’d said it back as she shook on his cock? It was the most intense, perfect moment of her life, but it seemed to good to be true. And now this—he really, really loved her..

  Lynn threw herself at him and kissed him so hard it hurt. Her fingers grasped his beard, his hands pressed her to him so they were only separated by two layers of fabric and a dose of modesty. She kissed him until those feelings returned and left her dizzy, until her body remembered she didn’t give a shit about who saw them or what people thought.

  Lynn Viggiani was in love with this man. And, more astoundingly, he was in love with her. He didn’t view her as a child or a pretty plaything. He saw her as a woman. He viewed her as his equal. And he loved her.

  Matthew Flint fucking loved her.

  “Does the lure of prison turn you on, baby?” Matthew impersonated Austin Powers and it made her laugh.

  Lynn studied him for a moment, unable to stop smiling as she memorized all his features illuminated in the brilliant sun. “You love me.”

  He grew brighter and his voice was soft. “I do. Did you forget?”

  “No, I just … this had me so freaked out. But you told me you loved me.”

  “More than a man should love a woman.”

  Lynn touched his hair, his cheeks, ran her hands down his broad shoulders. His hair was getting long. “Tell me.”

  She watched his teasing nature blossom across his face. “Tell you what?”

  “That you love me.” She couldn’t break the smile, or raise her voice to anything above a whisper. It was like they were in their own private moment, something worthy of a grand score with lots of violin action. “I want to hear you say it again.”

  Matthew pressed her up against the rocks and ran two fingers down the side of her face. His gaze was so intense she could feel her soul alight. His lips trailed behind his fingers, leaving kisses soft as butterfly wings on her skin. Lynn’s heartbeat drowned out the hum of the park, the birds and the flies zipping around, and she swore she could hear his heart pounding through the graphic T-shirt that smothered his strong arms.

  He finally made it to her lips before she could combust. His kiss was light, barely there, and he touched her nose with his own, so they could only see each other, and her vision was filled with the depths of his gorgeous, dark eyes.

  And then he whispered, “I love you, Lynn.”

  And she melted under the autumn sun, a puddle of love and lust and desire and a million other happy, esoteric feelings that curled around her heart and her brain and threatened to drown her in chemicals of pure elation.

  His words made her toes curl and her lips spread into an idiotic grin. She was pretty certain she was bouncing or dancing or something ridiculous, because she heard him laugh lightly while she basked in the radiance of those three—well, four—beautiful and perfect words.

  “I love you hair. I love your smile. I love the way your eyes crinkle at the corners and your nose scrunches up when you’re happy. I love how you always smell of rosewater and never wear a bra.” Matthew gently squeezed her bare breasts through her shirt and she laughed. He embraced her tightly. “I love the sound of your voice and the way you laugh. I love that you know all about plants and flowers. You could be an incredible horticulturist, you know that? I love the way you give your whole body to the craft of acting.”

  Their hips were pressed together now, rocking slowly back and forth as he talked. Every item on his love list was punctuated by a kiss somewhere on her body, and Lynn felt like the sun. She was a burning ball of radiant energy, and Matthew fueled her. He was her core, her center.

  “I love the way you look at me. For weeks, I couldn’t look at you in class for fear of ripping your clothes off in front of everyone and fucking you senseless. I love how gorgeous you are when we fuck. Except it’s not fucking. I know you feel it deep within, too.” His hands grazed her clothed cunt. “We don’t fuck. We make love. And you are so fucking gorgeous when we do. I’ve wanted to bend you over my desk and fuck you so the whole class can see how sexy you are when I’m ramming my cock into this pristine pussy. I’ve wanted them to see what it’s like to watch your immaculate breasts bounce under my thrusts, and to watch this perfect mouth moan and gasp and cry out my name when you come. I want everyone to see how beautiful you are, because it feels like a crime to keep you hidden like that.”

  Matthew’s voice dropped into a deeply husky octave and Lynn couldn’t handle it. She fumbled for his jean buttons while thrusting against him, because
she needed all of him to touch her. His love burned through her, and her love for him responded in something explosive. This life of hers took an amazing turn to put such an incredible man in her life.

  And nothing, nothing, was going to interrupt that.

  “I love the way your body responds to mine.” He was whispering in her ear, his hips beginning a slow grind into her. Lynn loved it, the slow building feelings welling within her, knowing this hard object pleasing her clit was his magnificently large cock and it was magnificently hard because of her. She ran her fingers through his hair and matched her breath with his as they began a slow dance. “I love knowing you walk around aroused because you want me. I love catching glimpses of your nipples peeking through your shirts and dresses because your brain is filled with the desire to have your mouth filled with me.”

  “You’re so bad,” she whispered. Bad and incredible. Bad and she liked it. No, bad and she loved it. “Matthew?”

  “I love the way you say my name. I love the way you look at me like this. You have a perfectly expressive face and you don’t have to say a word, Lynn Viggiani, for me to know what you’re thinking. Right now, you are thinking about how badly you want me.”

  “Stop.” She pressed her hands against his hips to still them, but couldn’t pull her cheek away from his, where his whispers caressed her ears and his beard tickled her neck. “Look at me.”

  “I can’t ever stop.”

  “I’m serious. I ... oh ... I need to say something. And I want you to look at me.”

  “You don’t have to say it.” His lips marked their territory across her neck and down to her collar bone. Matthew grabbed her hips and lifted her up against the rocks, braced between them and his rock hard body. Lynn was certain this was what heaven felt like. “I already know it.”

  Lynn closed her eyes and bathed in his touch. It was so hard to let go of that, to peel back his hands and leave her skin burning from the cold absence, but she needed him to. “Matthew.”

  “Lynn.” His voice was so deep and husky and she just wanted to sit on his face and let that mouth destroy her. She swallowed down the images and pressed their foreheads together, so they were again entranced in their own private world. “My love.”

  She took a deep breath and counted to five. Why was this so difficult? She said it a million times while they desecrated every set piece from their school show. It was while she was coming with orgasms the size of tsunamis, but she meant it.

  Lynn studied him again. He was all hers, there was no denying it. No asshole student (asshole Aria) could take that away. There was nothing left to fear. In her world, now and forever, there was her and there was Matthew. No one else. He loved her with such a bright intensity, she didn’t need anyone else.

  “Matthew Flint, I am in love with you,” she whispered, hands locked around his neck. She felt his grip on her sides tighten and his hips press against her until they were almost buckled over. “I love everything about you. I love you hair and this silly, sexy man bun you’re attempting—“


  “—I love this scruffy beard and the way it tickles my skin. I love how intensely you believe in me and how you always tell me. No one tells me that. I know we haven’t gotten into the real dirt of our lives, but trust me when I say I don’t come from stock who readily believes in love. It’s indescribably impossible that I love you as much as I do, but here I am. Here you are. Which is crazy.”

  “Not crazy.”

  “Yes crazy. Matthew, you are the sexiest, sweetest, kindest man I’ve ever met. You have a passion and a drive, and a tongue gifted from the gods themselves to turn my body against me. I love you more than I love brownies. I love how your forehead wrinkles when you laugh and the way you run your hands through your hair when you’re stressed or flirting. I love how you touched yourself in your office, thinking of me. I love that your cock is always steel when we are together.”

  They were back to swaying, lips only inches apart. Lynn could stay in that moment forever, in those seconds of almosts and build-ups, where the passion was laid raw but they couldn’t yet quench their thirsts. She didn’t care if they were in the open air, didn’t care if someone driving along could see their bodies entwined, didn’t care if some asshole with a camera was camped out across the street.

  Lynn needed him. And nothing was going to stop her.


  chapter two


  His gorgeous sex kitten was arching her back and purring at his touch. Matthew’s cock strained against his jeans and stole all rational thought. Here, in the middle of this park, in front of God and the birds and who the fuck else, he was going to fuck her senseless.

  Lynn was practically begging to have her clothes ripped off, and he couldn’t let her down. Because, goddamn, somehow she loved him. It was enough to have him gritting his teeth while she delivered her breathy confession. Watching her tits heave and her eyes flutter and her lips, fuck, her lips purse and the way she nibbled on them while she shyly admitted she was in love with him. In love! With him!

  He couldn’t wait to have her on the ground so he could make love to that sweet, dirty little mouth. She was going to be his undoing forever. At this point, he didn’t give a single shit about that note anymore. Matthew’s entire vision was full of perfect tits and a tight body wound up like a violin string. His cock was the bow, and dammit, she was going to sing.

  The thrill of sex in public was in pretending to keep up appearances. Matthew had never fucked in the open like this before, the few times in his car didn’t count, but this was something that grabbed him by the balls and promised to change his life. He let her pull apart his jean buttons while he made love to her mouth, thrusting against her tight cunt, already so hot and wet he could feel her through his jeans.

  Her hands went straight for his cock. It had him smiling against her lips as he helped her withdraw it from his pant leg.

  “It’s just so big,” she moaned.

  She couldn’t be any sexier. Not if she tried. Matthew turned her around and braced her against the rocks. With one hand, he fingered her wetness, and with the other, he pulled her bare tits out from her top and rolled her perky nipples between his fingers. Her skin was cool, despite the sun, and soft. Every alternating flick of his finger had her panting and squirming against him.

  It almost pained him to tease her, because her carnal virginity was so delicious. Eventually, after they made love and fucked enough, she wouldn’t likely be this tight, this responsive to him. But right now she was a drug and he was a goddamn addict. He’d lick her dry to satiate his fix. He would finger her in the tube and on the subway and under the table at dinner and in the movie theater. He would find a way to suck on her sweet nipples backstage during every play, his hand clamped over her mouth so no one could hear her screams.

  Matthew gently bit her shoulder and took a deep breath. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to lose it before his gorgeous girl got hers. And there was no way he was leaving her wanting. He slipped a finger inside her and used his thumb against her clit.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. Because he meant it, with his whole being. It was absurd and incredible. And also because he saw how her whole body quivered at his words. “God, Lynn. I love you.”

  She moaned a chain of half-words and gasps. Satisfied, he sucked on her neck, withdrew his fingers from inside her and spread her legs. He fumbled to get the condom on and thrust himself once, hard, inside her. Her screams of delight were intoxicating. He continued fondling her breasts and teasing her clit, while she joined him, their fingers entwined, rubbing her to ecstasy.

  It was so fucking hot, so intoxicating, he had to send his mind out of his body, pictured more baseball stats and ran through the Yankee’s roster for the post-season, until the sweet sounds of her coming overtook him. She was trying to be quiet, his good, beautiful girl, but she was fighting a losing battle against her screams.

  She reached behin
d his head, dug her nails into his neck, and whispered, with a quivering voice, “Fuck me.”

  Fuck him. Three more thrusts and he was biting her shoulder and banging into her so hard there would probably be bruises. She didn’t complain, just moaned in his ear, her head lying against his shoulder, and speaking the dirtiest things he’d ever heard come from her perfect mouth.

  It was too much. It was exactly right. He let his mind slip and the orgasm take over deep inside of him, shuddering and lightheaded. He collapsed against her and the rock, leaning on his arms, and panted as he came to.

  “Lynn Viggiani, you are going to be the death of me.”

  She spun around to face him and grabbed his cock. Matthew winced. “Sorry! Sorry! I just wanted to feel it again.”

  “The best thing I ever did in my life was you. Is you. Always will be you.” He groaned once more before stuffing his cock back down a pant leg. “That was the hottest thing I have ever done.”

  “Fuck yes it was.” She murmured against his lips. She ran her fingers along his beard, which he loved. It felt so good. “May I have some more?”

  If his cock wasn’t recovering, he would have thrown her onto the ground right then and there. Instead, his fingers grazed her swollen pussy. She thrust towards him slightly.

  “Maybe we can take this party to your place?”

  Lynn shook her head. “Not on your life. There are grounds cameras and they routinely check in. If they see you there, I’m dead.”

  He rested his forehead against hers, fingers still stroking her. “And my place is out of the question. Damn it all.”

  “We can’t … oh.” Lynn’s voice was as disappointed as he felt. She pulled away from him. “Because of the roommate.”

  “Because of the roommate.” He pulled back from her and ran a hand through his hair, both because it was a reliable tick, and also because he loved watching her squirm at the sight of him. “We can’t meet at my place again. Not until we figure out who did this and why. I can’t risk ruining you. I can’t risk ruining me. If I’m ruined, I lose you.”


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