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SCORE (Boston Terriers Book 6)

Page 13

by Jacob Chance

  “How hard can it be?” He raises his beer to his lips and tips the contents back.

  “That’s what she said,” I jest. He sputters and coughs, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. Placing the empty bottle on the counter, he catches hold of my wrist.

  “Come on, Perri, my new friend. We’ve got some dancing to do.”

  Flynn agiley leads us through the patrons crowding around the bar like he’s on the football field. We swoop left for a few steps and juke right to avoid crashing into a drunken couple openly groping each other. If he dances as well as he’s maneuvering us around, then this should be even more fun than merely making Nolan jealous.

  He spins me full circle once and tugs me into his arms. I laugh when I bump into him. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “No worries.” His hands land on my hips and mine climb to rest on his broad shoulders. He moves his hips like he takes his clothes off for a living. Hmm, he’s hot and built. The writer in me can’t help but concoct a story. His family struggles to make ends meet. He got accepted to B.U. on a scholarship, but his family doesn’t have any extra money to send him. In order to get by he strips part time to make the money he needs and when he has a particularly good night he sends the excess home to his family.

  “Do you have a side job stripping?” Curiosity wins out and I ask.

  He lets loose a sharp laugh. “No. Why do you ask?” He leans forward. “Are you envisioning me taking off my clothes?”

  “Hardly, egomaniac. You happen to move like one.”

  “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “It certainly isn’t an insult. I’m a professional dancer. I know talent when I see it. If you ever need a job let me know. You won’t have to take off your clothes.”

  “That’s right. I forgot you were dancing at Score when we went in last week.”

  “Should I be honored that you recognized me?”

  “Maybe. I’ve done a lot more than talk with some girls and I can’t remember who they are.”

  “That’s pretty gross, dude. Don’t tell anyone else that. It’s not something to brag about.”

  “Would you rather I was a virgin like Nolan? Girls don’t always want that either. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.”

  “I don’t care if a guy has experience.” Well, that’s not exactly true. In the past I avoided the sweet, inexperienced guys. But Nolan is making me rethink my stance regarding that issue. “It’s not the fact that you’ve had sex that’s a turn off to me. It’s how many girls you’ve been with and your lack of caring enough to remember their names.”

  “How do you know how many girls I’ve been with? Did you read my diary?” He smirks.

  “You have a diary? You know how to write?” I deadpan.

  He spins me around until my back lands against the front of him. “You’re pretty funny. How’s your boy reacting to you dancing with me?”

  My eyes raise and scan the bar area for any sign of Nolan, but I can’t see him. “I don’t know if he’s still here. I can’t find him.”

  “Oh, he’s here. There’s no way he’s going to let me dance with you much longer.”

  As if he heard Flynn’s words, Nolan appears beside us. “My turn. Get lost, Flynn.” He jerks his head toward the bar.

  “You don’t have to be rude about it, man.” Flynn releases his hold on me. “Thanks for the dance, friend.” He winks before he strolls away.

  Nolan and I stand face to face. “I don’t recall you asking me if I want to dance with you.”

  “Perri, will you please dance with me?” If he smirked or laughed I’d have said no and stalked off. But his expression is earnest and his tone sounds slightly pleading.

  “Okay.” Placing my hands on his wide shoulders, I try to ignore the heightened awareness touching him causes. My body tingles from the slightest contact and when his large hands grip my hips, my knees wobble unsteadily. For someone naturally graceful, I’m afraid I’m going to trip over my own feet.

  Nolan moves fluidly, and I find myself relaxing the more we dance. Being in his arms feels natural. Our bodies come into contact with brief brushes and more drawn out strokes slowly stoking the flames of desire. There’s no fighting the attraction when we’re this close. And I can’t pretend it doesn’t exist; nor do I want to.

  When the music slows, he pulls me closer, gasping as our torsos connect. There’s no hiding my taut nipples from him. Surely, he can feel the peaks poking into his chest.

  Staring up, his eyes look midnight blue as they reverently trace over the features on my face.

  Nolan’s palms roam over my lower back, slowly caressing up and down and urging me impossibly closer. His fingertips tease my skin through the thin cotton shirt and arousal pools between my legs, leaving my panties damp and me hungry for more of his touch. I don’t know how much longer I can contain this need and remain in his arms through this sweet torture. But the thought of placing distance between us is unbearable. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  Neither of us dares to speak. We’re both reluctant to douse the flames of desire growing stronger with each song that plays. Fast. Slow. The tempo of the music doesn’t matter. Everything’s a blur to me, except Nolan. He’s all I’m cognizant of.

  Something has changed between us without a single word being spoken. Our bodies are communicating more effectively than we ever have.

  Neither of us are brave enough to say the things we want to.

  And so, we’ll enjoy this bubble we’re existing in until it pops and we return back to his house. Return to being just friends and not blurring any lines. But I’ve never felt less friends only toward anyone than I do with Nolan.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My hands raise, cupping Perri’s cheeks, while my head lowers. Our lips are only a beat apart, her sweet breath fanning over my mouth. Whisper soft, I sweep my nose across the tip of hers, barely skimming the surface. I can’t resist the urge to see if her full lips are as soft as they look. Or if they taste as sweet as I’ve imagined.

  Moving closer, her eyelids lower as she surrenders to our impending kiss.

  “Hey,” Darren shouts from next to us. We jump apart as if a jolt of electricity has zapped us. I scowl and tighten my hands into fists. I want to kick his ass from here to my house and back again.

  “What the fuck, Darren?” I bark.

  His eyes squint as he smiles and I realize he’s not deliberately being an asshole. He’s just drunk. “We’re ready to go home. Plenty of booze there to drink for free.”

  I shake my head and don’t bother to mention that he’s had enough. “Where are Clancy and Flynn?”

  “Outside waiting for us.”

  My eyes slant to Perri for the first time since we were so rudely interrupted. “Are you ready to go?”

  She nods, wordlessly agreeing. We follow Darren through the crowd and out the front door. Clancy and Flynn stand off to the side waiting for us. They look like they’re in better shape than Darren is.

  The ride home is loud with the three of them shouting over each other to be heard. My eyes land on the rearview mirror countless times on the short ride to check on Perri. She stares straight ahead, her expression flat and unlike her. Does she regret that we almost kissed?

  Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried.

  Will things be weird between us now?

  My stomach knots as my regret laced thoughts spin out of control.

  Once we’re inside the house, Perri and I head upstairs to the main floor amidst protests from the guys.

  “Perri, do you want a bottle of water or anything? I’m about to head up to bed.”

  “No, thanks. I think I’m going to do the same. I’m pretty beat after all our sledding today.”

  I grin. “I told you that hill would be a great workout.”

  Walking side by side, we climb the wide staircase and pause outside her room.

  “I had a great time tonight,” I
confess wanting her to know how much I enjoyed myself.

  “I did too. It was fun dancing with you.”

  I massage the back of my neck gathering my thoughts. “I’m sorry for trying to kiss you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Her eyes widen and her arms wrap around her waist. “Oh… uh… don’t worry about it. I forgot that even happened.”

  Damn. She already forgot about our almost kiss? Talk about a blow to my ego.

  “Good. I’m glad I didn’t scare you off. I need all the friends I can get.”

  “Right. Friends. Me too,” she hastily agrees.

  “Sleep well. Remember, you can knock if you need anything.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine, but thanks.”

  I amble to my door, reluctant to end this night.

  “Goodnight, Nolan.”

  Twisting the door knob, I push open the door, calling out, “Night.”

  Sinking down on my bed, I replay the last few hours in my mind. Everything from the concern Perri showed after the guys dropped their virginity auction bomb on me to the awkward goodbye we just shared outside her room.

  Lying back, I slip my arms behind my head and stare up at the cathedral ceiling. My thoughts wander to how incredible it felt like to hold Perri in my arms. She fit like she was made for them and I never wanted the night to end. As soon as we left the bar, it seemed as though everything had changed. Like a switch had been flipped and we were back in the friend zone. Me, once again, relegated to a stuttering fool around her. What is it that makes me more comfortable with Perri than any other girl and then at other times I can barely form a coherent thought?

  Is it because of the blood flowing to my dick instead of my brain? At least that would be a logical explanation. I don’t know how to shake things up between us and take it to the next level. Perri’s the first girl I’m sure I want to pursue more than friendship with. We met a month ago and this attraction isn’t going away. In fact, it’s only growing stronger with each minute we spend together. Surely, she must feel it too?

  I want to knock Perri over the carefully drawn out friend zone line and into my field of play. But she’s difficult to read. I think my best option at this point is to keep spending time with her and having fun. Maybe by doing that we’ll naturally progress into a relationship.

  I rap my knuckles against the wood in a series of knocks and wait for Perri to answer.

  “Come in.”

  Opening the door, I find her buried under the down plaid comforter. Her dark strands splayed across the pillow are all that I can see of her until I stand beside the bed.

  She cracks an eyelid open and mumbles, “What’s up?”

  “It’s getting late. We have mountains to conquer and a sunny day to enjoy.”

  “I’m on vacation. There’s no such thing as late.” She rolls over onto her back, folding the covers down under her arms. “What’s that delicious smell?”

  I smile. “I have a surprise for you. One pumpkin spice latte and a maple, apple, and cheese crepe.”

  She groans, “That sounds amazing and well worth getting up for.” She sits up against the headboard and the covers fall to her lap revealing the tight white t-shirt she slept in. Her nipples show through the worn material and I swallow over the lump in my throat. She busily props two pillows behind her, cushioning her back from the wooden headboard unaware of my thorough perusall.

  When she’s situated satisfactorily she rubs her hands together. “Gimme, gimme.”

  I chuckle at her excitement and hand her the coffee first. She opens the tab on the cover and inhales the scent. “God that smells good. If they sold pumpkin spice perfume I’d buy it.”

  I have to agree that it smells nice, but I prefer her own floral scent to this.

  She raises the cup to her lips and takes a sip. Her eyes close and she sighs, “Hmm, that’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I think this is how you ordered it yesterday.”

  “It tastes even better today.” She places it on the nightstand.

  “Here.” Reaching into the white paper bag, I remove a small styrofoam container and a plastic fork and hand them off to her. “I think you’re going to enjoy this.”

  She flips the lid up and smacks her lips together. “I can’t wait to see how this baby tastes. I haven’t had crepes in years.” Placing the container in her lap, she uses the side of the fork to cut a piece of crepe before forking it into her mouth. Chewing slowly, she savors the taste. Her eyes roll back in her head and she moans after she’s swallowed it down. “So. Fucking. Good.”

  I move to the other side of the bed and sink down next to her. Using the other two pillows behind my back, I get comfortable. “I hope you don’t mind me hanging out with you. The guys are still asleep and watching you enjoy that is more fun than going back to my room.”

  “So, I’m just someone to hang out with until the guys are ready to play?” She casts a side-eye glance at me.

  “What? No. Not at all. I’m sorry if that’s the impression I gave you.”

  “Nolan, I’m kidding. Lighten up,” she teases, jabbing my side with the point of her elbow. “I know all about bros before hos.”

  “I guess you know nothing, because I’d choose your company over theirs even if they were awake right now.”

  “Pfft. You just want to be able to say you were in bed with a girl.”

  I stare down at my sock covered feet. “Technically, I’m on a bed with a girl. I’m not under the covers.”

  “Get below them if you want. I have sleep shorts on.” Is she serious?

  My head snaps toward her and I watch as she continues to eat her crepe. Sensing my stare, she glances at me. “What? Am I chewing too loudly or something?”

  “No. I just want to make sure you’re serious about me climbing under these covers because I’ve been freezing since I came in here.”

  She waves her fork reassuringly. “What are you waiting for?”

  Maneuvering around, I slip my lower body under the covers and yawn.

  “Are you tired? I might be ready to go back to sleep now.” She pops the last bite of crepe in her mouth before washing it down with her coffee.

  “I am. I woke up at seven and ended up reading for a couple of hours before running out to grab your breakfast. When I got back here I threw some pajama pants on in case I wanted to go back to bed.”

  “Did you eat anything?”

  “I got an egg sandwich and inhaled it on the way back here.”

  Scooting forward, she flattens the two pillows out on the mattress and lies down on her left side, facing me. “What are your views on friends napping together?” Her question takes me by surprise.

  “I’m a big supporter of this concept.” I yawn once more. “Especially with how tired I am. Napping is one of the best things in life, why not share that experience with a friend?”

  She tugs on my shirt sleeve. “Then get down here so we can catch some more z’s.”

  My heart does a series of jumping jacks behind my ribcage, or at least that’s what it seems like. I slide down in the bed and rearrange the pillows until I’m lying comfortably on my side, facing Perri.

  Her lips shape into a content closed mouth smile before her eyes close. I watch her for another minute or two, until her breaths even out and I know she’s asleep. My gaze traces over her delicate facial features, the narrow bridge of her pert nose, the thick, black, crescent shape of her eyelashes and the plump bow of her dark berry lips. An aching weakness assails my chest, squeezing and fluttering madly.

  Is this a normal reaction if you care for someone?

  I’ve never experienced anything like it before and I’m not sure I could grow to like this response. I’m falling harder for Perri with each moment we spend together. In a sense my heart is precariously perched in her hands and what happens to me is up to her. I feel vulnerable and hopeful at the same time. Scared and brave. Maybe love is a dichotomy of emotions and always will be. It’s a delicate balancing
act that needs to be carefully nurtured or you crash, hard.

  Relax. Close your eyes and when you wake up you’ll be in Perri’s bed. Enjoy this new experience and don’t get ahead of yourself. Stay present and make the most of each minute with her.

  I allow my eyelids to shutter and block the exquisite view before me. Breathing in her feminine scent with each inhale, I promise myself that I’m going to remember every single detail of this moment. From the crisp sheets underneath me to the downy comforter draped over us, I want it all imprinted on my brain forever.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Stirring from sleep, I shift my weight and burrow into the lushness of my pillow. My nose pressed into the soft pillowcase, I breathe in the masculine woodsy scent. Mm, everything in Vermont is better. The air is cleaner, this bed is more sumptuous, and my room is cozier. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so comfortable before. Is this mattress heated? I’m being warmed from all sides.

  And the best part of being in Vermont is that Nolan’s here. Between the accommodations and the company I might never want to leave.

  The pillow shifts underneath my head and releases a rumbling exhale. What the hell?

  My eyes slowly creep open to find a blurry wall in front of my face. In fact, I have to tip my head back and repeatedly blink the sleep from my eyes before I can see clearly.

  I bite back a gasp when I realize Nolan and I are pressed fully against each other. Lying chest to chest, the inside of his bicep is my pillow. I attempt to move away, but our legs are tangled up. He repositions without waking and hooks his leg over both of mine, pressing our hips together. Nolan’s arms, wrapped around me, tighten and hold me to his broad chest as if he’s unwilling to let me go.

  I realize I’m letting my imagination run wild. He’s asleep and has no idea what he’s doing, but just the same it’s nice to feel wanted by him. Even if he’s not acting intentionally.

  Oh. My. God. This new position has me intimately acquainted with his impressive equipment and there’s no mistaking the solid length for anything else. Hard and hot, it’s burning through his thin pants and my sleep shorts like a brand being pressed into my skin. Oh fuck me. This is so unfair, not to mention sexually frustrating. Why, God? Why? I’m trying to be on my best behavior and this is the ultimate test of my will for sure.


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