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Feral Dust Bunnies (Offbeat Crimes Book 4)

Page 9

by Angel Martinez


  Wolf snuffled against Jason’s T-shirt and a muffled howl escaped. Before he could really break down, something tugged on the leg of his jeans and he glanced over to find Audacity climbing him like a tiny mountaineer, mewing with all her might.

  He wiped at his eyes and gave her a hand up. “It’s okay, little girl. I’m all right.”

  She turned in his palm to growl at Jason.

  “No, no. Jason’s not hurting me.” Wolf stroked Jason’s arm and lifted her to sniff him. “See? You remember him. I know he’s not wearing his uniform but same guy. Okay?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like this.” Jason stroked her head with one finger. “The way she reacts to you. Are you thinking of keeping her?”

  “I…” He hadn’t thought about giving her back. That was certain. “I guess I should check with Mom. But yeah?”

  Jason nodded, quite serious again. “Check with her. Think about it. We’d have to do some paperwork and make sure she gets her shots. But you’re welcome to adopt her if that’s what you decide.”

  Mom would have to say yes. How could he give up his cub now? Audacity latched on to Wolf’s finger, chewing, which usually meant she was hungry. “I’d better feed her. Could you put the rest of the chili away for me?”

  “Of course.” Jason was quiet for a few moments while he loaded the dishwasher and put leftovers in the fridge. “Do you think she’ll get mad if we’re making out?”

  “I think I want to try to get her to sleep,” Wolf offered as a sort of answer.

  Jason snickered. “Got it.”

  Audacity did fall asleep after her kitten food, her stuffed tummy overriding her desire to stay awake and see everything that was going on. Wolf limped around the kitchen cleaning up the things Jason had missed and started the dishwasher while Jason took out the trash. The wash cycle would probably cover any noise they made. Maybe.

  “Upstairs?” Jason asked when he came back in.

  Wolf hesitated. His room wasn’t exactly as adult as it could have been. The alternative, though, of Mom coming home early and finding them on the couch? That wasn’t happening. “Yeah. Up. Second door on the right.”

  “You need help?”

  “No.” Wolf waved at the stairs. “Go on up. I’ll get there.”

  As Wolf struggled up the stairs, a couple of thumps came from his room, probably of Jason taking off his shoes, followed by a sentence that made him cringe.

  “Dude, you have a Hamtaro!”

  “Yeah,” Wolf muttered as he reached the top of the steps.

  Jason leaned around the bedroom doorway with the exaggeratedly round, orange and white stuffed hamster clutched to his chest. “I loved that show.”

  “I, um, still kinda do.”

  Jason reached out a hand, waiting until Wolf took it. “Fine with me if you like anime. Some of it’s stupid, sure. But there’s a lot of good stuff.”

  “But it’s for kids.”

  Jason’s thumb stroked his knuckles. “No one should make you ashamed of stuff you like. Unless it’s racist, misogynistic old musicals like South Pacific or Carousel. If you like those, we can’t be friends.”

  Wolf sagged in relief. Jason hadn’t even mentioned the plastic dinosaurs or the bookshelf full of romance novels. “I’ve never listened to those.”

  “Good. There are better musicals to listen to.” Jason tugged him into the room and gently put Hamtaro back on his shelf. “Not right now, though.”

  “Definitely not now.” Wolf nuzzled at Jason’s throat, breathing him in, filling his lungs. The scent immediately calmed his social nerves and ramped his excitement up to puppy-chasing-tail levels.

  Jason ran his hands down Wolf’s back to tug his T-shirt out of his jeans. Fingers splayed, he slid his hands underneath the cotton and oh, those hands were warm and strong, stroking just right and sending shivers through Wolf.

  “Your back,” Jason whispered against Wolf’s hair. “Your back is amazing. Practically big enough to use as a raft.”

  “Mmm. Don’t think I’d like that. Since I’d be face down in the water.” Wolf licked all the skin he could reach, squirming closer as the musky salt hit his tongue, pressing them together from thigh to chest.

  “Okay, not a great comparison.” Jason hissed when Wolf scraped sharp teeth against his throat. “But you’re shorting my brain out.”

  Wolf yanked Jason’s T-shirt off over his head and stepped back to let his eyes do the devouring. His barrel chest was smooth all the way down to his navel where a treasure trail began, an inviting black path on golden skin. He was reaching for Jason’s belt when Jason seized his hands.

  “Nope. You’re not keeping up with the stripping equity here.”

  “Sorry.” Wolf stepped back and whipped his shirt off, not caring where it landed.

  Jason combed his fingers through the forest of salt-and-pepper hair on Wolf’s chest. “You’re really furry.”

  Fighting a self-conscious desire to cover up again, Wolf lifted his chin. “Is it okay? Some people don’t think it’s okay.”

  “It’s sexy as hell because it suits you.” Jason waved a hand at his body. “If you don’t object to my belly, I won’t say anything but good things about your pelt.”

  Wolf took Jason’s hips and pulled him in close again. “I like the belly. It’s part of you being Jason-shaped.”

  “Thank you, I think? But I’ll take it.”

  With slow deliberation, Jason kissed along Wolf’s stubbled jaw until he reached the corner of Wolf’s mouth where he licked and sucked. Shaking with need, Wolf pulled him into a hard embrace and seized Jason’s lips in a bruising kiss. He couldn’t have said later when the kissing turned into a wrestling match, but he liked it. Strong arms wrapped tight around him, Jason answering shove for shove as Wolf tried to wrangle them toward the bed.

  He would never have let himself go like this with previous lovers. They’d always been smaller. Male, female, genderqueer, he’d always been afraid of breaking them. Jason was too solid to break and in their tussling, revealed that his own strength had to be leashed with gentle deliberation.

  Except now. Now they knocked over a chair, gave an inch and gained one as they each tried to be the one to shove the other onto the mattress. Papers fell off the desk. The bureau slipped toward the door when they hit it. Wolf’s greater size would have been an advantage, but he wasn’t supposed to put weight on his injured leg and couldn’t get the leverage he needed.

  Jason finally hooked a foot behind Wolf’s good ankle and yanked him off-balance. He’d timed it perfectly so Wolf’s back was to the bed and he fell onto the covers with a muffled whoomp.

  “Hi.” Jason grinned above him, panting. “You all right?”

  Wolf moaned and ground his hips against Jason. His solid weight pressing down all over, especially where their groins rubbed together, was exciting nearly to the point of desperation.

  “I’m taking that as a yes.” Jason twirled his finger in Wolf’s chest hair. “Tell me what you like.”

  “I’m not picky?” Wolf cleared his throat, trying to get past the growl. “Whatever you want.”

  “You shouldn’t say that to people.” Jason leaned in for a long, lingering kiss, joining him in the hip grinding dance. “You never know where other people’s boundaries are.”

  “I’m okay with most things. I mean, role-play is kinda awkward. And one guy wanted puppy play. That was just no for me.” Wolf stroked his hands over broad back muscles. “I would like less clothes and less talking.”

  Jason lifted off him and Wolf was afraid he’d caused offense until Jason started unbuckling. “I can’t promise on the talking part. But the clothes part is easy.”

  The momentary reprieve from being pinned down let Wolf scoot up more comfortably onto the pillows and undo his jeans as he squirmed up the bed. It was all he could do not to drool when Jason slid off his jeans and briefs and kicked them away. Heavily muscled thighs led to a curly thatch of hair and, to Wolf�
��s relief, a thick uncut cock. He’d had a circumcised lover once. While he understood that humans did it for many reasons, the thought had made him so uncomfortable that sex had been an embarrassing failure.

  For Jason, he would’ve tried to overcome his squeamishness. For Jason, he would’ve eaten lima beans. The thought stopped him with his jeans around his knees.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Wolf shook his head. “You’re perfect.”

  “I should hire you for PR.” Jason gave him a wink and climbed back on the bed beside him. “Hardly perfect. You’re gorgeous, though. And even more ripped than I imagined. You play football? Rugby?”

  “I’m, um, not really good with ball games.” Wolf cleared his throat and forged on before Jason’s stroking of his stomach could distract him too much. It didn’t help that his hard cock strained toward Jason’s hand, practically sitting up and begging. “Dad tried a couple when I was younger. It’s hard not to chew them. I ruined a lot of baseballs and footballs and stuff.”

  “I can see how that wouldn’t work so well.” Jason ran his fingers alongside Wolf’s erection and grasped the base. “How’s that?”

  Wolf yelped and bucked his hips up into Jason’s fist. Those strong fingers wrapped around his cock were amazing but he wanted so much more. He struggled out of his jeans, ignoring the bit of pain as the denim scraped over his bad leg, and pounced on Jason to pin him on his back. Growling and snuffling, he licked and nipped at Jason’s throat while he shoved a knee between Jason’s thighs. More skin to skin, he wanted more, stretching Jason’s arms out with his on top, grinding their cocks together.

  “Easy, big guy,” Jason said softly. “I’m not a gazelle. Though I guess that’s lions, not wolves. You have lube in here?”

  Some of the lust fog pulled back and Wolf raised his head to kiss Jason’s nose. “You’re okay with bottom?”

  “I’m flexible.”

  Wolf forced himself to lie still as he ran that through his understanding of consent. No, no, not good enough. “That’s not really a yes.”

  “Yes, I like to bottom. Yes, I want you to fuck me. You’re killing me. Find some lube and get to it.” Jason’s eyes crinkled when he said it though, so at least his exasperation was amused.

  Wolf shook his hair out of his eyes and reached into the nightstand drawer for his bottle of Liquid Silk and the condoms. Mom and Dad had actually bought him his first supplies when his human body had matured enough and though Dad had been a little embarrassed, they had explained to him all the ins and outs, so to speak, of human coupling. Over the years, he’d done a lot of research and picked his own favorite items, but his parents had given him all the important information.

  He’d found out later that this was a little unusual.

  “Nice.” Jason grinned as he picked up the bottle. “You have good taste.”

  Wolf caught himself before he said something dumb about Jason tasting good, settling for nosing at one brown nipple instead. Jason hissed and arched into the touch, so he took the hint and sucked the nipple into his mouth, letting his sharp teeth scrape gently over the nub.

  A moan rumbled through Jason’s chest. He stroked his foot up Wolf’s thigh, teasing behind Wolf’s balls with his heel. Too overexcited, Wolf squirmed away and moved downward, licking and kissing his way down the expanse of Jason’s belly. He nosed around his wonderful thick cock, the earthy, musky scent of Jason’s arousal sending him into an ecstatic scent-gasm.

  “You all right down there?” Jason’s chuckle was soft and strained as he stroked Wolf’s hair. “Is the whimpering a good thing?”

  “Yeah.” Wolf managed the single word, little more than a growl as he rolled the foreskin back and took the head of Jason’s cock into his mouth.

  Jason thumped a fist on the mattress, hips bucking up to beg for more. Wolf gave it to him, plunging down his shaft, careful to keep his lips curled over his sharp teeth. When he had sucked nearly the whole thing down, he pumped the lube out onto his fingers and reached beneath them to press at Jason’s hole.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s—” Jason broke off on a pleased moan as two of Wolf’s fingers pushed inside. Mouth and fingers synched in rhythmic strokes until Jason’s hold on Wolf’s hair became tugging. “God. That’s amazing. You’re amazing. But I’m greedy. I want all of you.”

  Wolf rose up on his knees long enough to roll a condom on and jack himself while lubing up. He chewed on his lower lip, his gaze held fast by the volcanic heat in Jason’s eyes. Then he urged Jason’s knees up toward his chest, lined himself up and pushed in slowly, never taking his eyes off Jason’s face. A little bit at a time, he pushed in and pulled back an inch, knowing his size was sometimes a challenge. Though Jason held his jaw tight, nothing in the way he moved or clutched at Wolf to urge him on signaled stop.

  Panting, tremors running up his arms, Wolf sank all the way in and held himself still again, waiting for Jason.

  “C’mere, you,” Jason murmured.

  He tangled one hand back in Wolf’s hair and pulled him down for a ferocious kiss while he clutched Wolf’s ass with the other hand, urging him to move. Jason’s tight heat around him, those strong limbs wrapping him close, the hard and soft of Jason’s body created a cyclone whirl of pleasure in which he thought he might drown. But it wasn’t dark lust. The maelstrom was made of light and wonder, of amazement at how well their bodies danced together. He laughed in delight, something he’d never done during sex, and Jason’s warm, pleased chuckle joined his. His heart soared as if he’d been howling across the hills and a beloved voice had answered.

  Jason lifted his legs higher, wrapping them tight around Wolf’s ribs. His voice rasped as he whispered, “Come on, then. Don’t hold back on my account.”

  The words unleashed him. Wolf buried his face against Jason’s shoulder, thrusting faster, snarling as his balls drew up tight. Jason’s words of encouragement in his ear drove him on, the escalating sounds of pleasure shoving any civilized thoughts out of his head.

  “Holy…Alex!” Jason cried out, his fingers digging in with bruising force as he came, painting hot white streaks across both their chests.

  Wolf’s vision blurred and barking cries forced their way from his throat as he came deep inside Jason, tangled up in him so hard that he wondered if they’d be able to separate. Or that he even wanted to.

  He collapsed on Jason’s solid bulk, breathing hard, trying to make the world fit back together again. It was all right, though. He knew with Jason’s hands stroking him, soothing him, that it was safe to take his time.

  “You with me?” Jason asked softly.

  Wolf cracked an eye open. “Yeah. Crushing you?”

  “You’re fine for a couple minutes more. But wow. I have to tell you. Just…wow.”

  “Rrrmph.” Wolf clenched his teeth and he pulled out, then flopped on his side. “Wow is a good word. You’re really, um, flexible.”

  “For someone who’s not ripped, you mean?” Jason’s eyebrows threatened toward their angry stance.

  “No.” Wolf poked him in the ribs. “Didn’t mean that.”

  “Hey!” Swatting at Wolf’s hand, Jason laughed. “I’m not a gym person but I do manage some yoga. Certain not-human people who live with me think it’s fun.”

  Wolf had an interesting vision of all of Jason’s cats and dogs lined up on little mats. “They do yoga with you?”

  “More like they interfere when I try to. But maybe working around them makes the workout better.” Jason settled his head on Wolf’s chest with a contented sigh, close enough that Wolf could hear his heartbeat.

  He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to interrupt the warm, floating feeling despite being sweaty and semen-decorated. Dozing with Jason in his arms, he could even postpone getting rid of the condom for a few minutes—

  A sound yanked him up, though, and he sat with his head cocked, listening for it to repeat.

  “What’s wrong?”

  There it is. “She’s crying.” Wolf swung his leg
s out of bed and reached for his sweatpants hung over the back of a chair. “She probably doesn’t know where I am.”

  “Such a good dad. Has she been sleeping with you?” Jason was already moving, gathering his clothes together.


  Jason snickered. “Don’t look so guilty. It’s okay if you do. Just remember once you start that, you’ll have a hard time ever stopping it.”

  Wolf nodded, listening with half an ear as the pitiful cries downstairs increased. He tossed the condom, retrieved his T-shirt from where it had landed on his lamp, tucked the hated crutch under his arm then stopped in the doorway. “Bathroom’s right next door. If you want to, um, clean up.”

  “You need me to go?”

  “What?” Wolf whipped back around, clothes held in front of him. “No. I mean, you don’t have to. I just need to check on her. And you’re…spackled.”

  The snicker became a guffaw and Jason shook his head as he followed Wolf to the bathroom, muttering, “Spackled. Heh.”

  By the time Wolf had cleaned up and yanked clothes on, Audacity had climbed out of her box and somehow found her way to the bottom of the stairs. She was too small to scale the hardwood mountain successfully but had managed to clamber onto the first step, crying her heart out as she tried and tried to get up the second.

  “I’m here. Shh.” Wolf limped down the stairs and scooped Audacity up to hold her in front of his face. “Did you think I ran out on you?”


  “Never. See how fast I came?”


  “Oh, not fast enough? Well, we do have company.”


  “You don’t care? Tsk. Rude.”

  She batted at his nose and that seemed her final word on the subject. Jason’s smile was firmly in place when he came down the stairs.

  “You two. I’m going to die of cute.” He leaned in to kiss Wolf’s cheek and stroke one of Audacity’s ears. “Maybe I should get out of your way.”

  “You don’t have to. I mean…if you need to. But we could watch a movie or something?”

  Jason gave him an odd look that melted into a soft smile. “Okay. No screwing and running. Got it.”


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