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Just Business (Aegis Group Dangerous Ladies Book 1)

Page 6

by Sidney Bristol

  It was a very good story.

  He glanced at Haley.

  Skepticism was written on her features, from the wrinkled forehead to the one arched brow and the twist of her lips.

  “Why the pictures?” Haley asked.

  Ivana glanced up at Haley as if surprised she was still there. “Those were her pictures. She just wanted to see them. To make copies. They were hers.”

  That was a lie.

  The pictures were his father’s and they pre-dated his marriage.

  But Ivana likely didn’t know that.

  His mother was still alive.

  That fact didn’t have much of an impact. He sat there waiting for some feeling of awe to strike him, and nothing.

  The truth was, Konstantin couldn’t find it in him to care about his mother. Especially considering that she’d gone after his daughter first. “How long have you been in contact with my mother?”

  “A few months,” Ivana answered.

  He breathed deep.

  She really wasn’t his anymore.

  “How’d she first contact you?” he asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Ivana frowned. “A man approached me at the park. She picked me up for lunch... Konstantin, she just wants to meet with you. Talk to you. See the man you’ve grown into.”

  “I need to speak to Haley,” Konstantin said. “Patio?”

  Haley jerked her head in a nod.

  Ivana blinked at him a few times.

  What had she expected? A happy family reunion?

  Konstantin opened the patio and stepped out. He fired off a text to his head of security to ensure both entrances were being watched.

  Haley closed the sliding glass door.

  “How much of that was true?” she asked in a soft voice.

  He shrugged and put his phone away. “I don’t know. I never knew my mother well.”

  Haley crossed to the railing and leaned on it, well out of the view of the condo interior and Ivana. “You didn’t know your mother?”

  “No.” He joined her at the railing, but focused on the city. “It wasn’t a happy family life. It wasn’t really a family. I don’t know why my parents married. They never seemed to like each other. I vaguely remember her, Mother, muttering about it being a consolidation of power. Then the KGB was disbanded and Dad became what he is today.”

  The fall of the USSR and disbanding of the KGB had created a whole ecosystem of highly trained spies with ties to the government and the dark underbelly. His father had gone deep into that world, creating his own empire.

  “You thought she was dead this whole time?”

  “It seemed the more logical answer.”

  “But she was really alive this whole time.” Haley shook her head.

  “If we believe that woman is my mother.” Konstantin didn’t want to admit it, but it would take a very good imposter to fool Ivana. If she believed, it had to be his mother.

  “Jesus,” Haley muttered. “Okay, what would she want? Why come to you after all this time? Could she really just want to see her family?”

  “That wouldn’t be like her. She only ever trotted me out for pictures or social engagements. I had more of a relationship with my father than her.”

  “By design? Or was that what she was allowed?” Haley asked.

  Konstantin scrubbed a hand over his face. Could his father have kept them separate? Was that a possible theory?

  “Maybe? My memories of her are all so disjointed. Sometimes she was nice. The mother you want. Then others? She didn’t want anything to do with me.” Which was why he found it so hard to believe she’d want to meet Zasha.

  Why now? Why not years ago?

  “What are you going to do?” Haley asked.

  “I don’t know.” He straightened. “I have to meet her, though. I need a better photograph for starters. I have to know who she is, why those pictures are important, what she wants from us. And I want to do it soon, before she’s found a new way to spin this.”

  “Do you think the feds will help you?”

  Konstantin snorted. “They owe me favors. Besides, they’ll be interested in her, too. How’d she get here? Who set her up? What has she been doing? Did you notice her shoes?”

  “No...” Haley pulled out her phone.

  “Red soles. Expensive shoes. Who is keeping her in shoes? What’s she doing to buy them herself?”

  Konstantin closed his eyes.

  With luck, he’d have answers soon. But he was worried about what they would mean for their future.

  What would his father do when he learned that his wife was still alive?

  “I missed that,” Haley said.

  “You found Zasha. That’s what counts.” Konstantin studied her, committing the way her hair shone in the afternoon light to memory. “So, you found my thief. I guess that means you’re leaving, too?”

  Haley’s gaze rose from her phone to his face. She stared at him with an unreadable expression for several moments.

  “Everything has changed. You don’t trust Ivana to care for her anymore. Security is going to have to be tight for a while. I can’t leave. I can’t do that to Zasha. Take away her whole support system other than you? No. I’m staying until this gets sorted out, then we’ll figure out what comes next. I never intended for me leaving to be a fast process. I expect it will take time.”

  “Thank you.” He turned and looked down at Haley.

  She was so integral to their lives.

  They could lose Ivana and keep it together. But losing Haley would be devastating.

  Haley tipped her chin up and met his gaze. “I’m doing this for Zasha.”

  “I know.”

  He gripped the railing to keep from reaching for her.

  The air seemed to crackle around them.

  This was why he avoided being alone with her. It was easier to ignore the draw of her when others were around because he wasn’t supposed to hit on his daughter’s security. But now, after today, he wanted her at his side. He wanted to hold her hand, embrace her, kiss her. And he couldn’t.

  “I’m not staying for you,” Haley said in a softer voice.

  “Not even a little bit?” His gaze lowered to her mouth.


  “What?” He smiled ruefully.

  It was harder to adhere to the lines when he knew she would be leaving regardless of what he did.

  “You can’t do that,” she said.

  He turned to face her. He didn’t think they’d ever addressed the pull between them before. Not directly, at least. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Her gaze narrowed, then she shook her head. “Whatever.”

  He kept a grip on the bars as she turned and walked away from him.


  Thursday. Home, Arlington, VA.

  Haley was ready to drop. Her face hurt so much from the continued smiling, but Zasha had needed the unending cheer to keep her own spirits up. Haley hoped that after everything, the kiddo was able to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

  She paused outside Ivana’s darkened room and stared into the shadows.

  Security had come to get some of her things and move her into one of the rentals. Konstantin owned several condos in the building and rented them out. They were lucky the tenants of one had moved out two weeks prior and the place was staged to show to potential renters. Ivana would be staying there tonight along with two guards.

  The security team also gone through every inch of her room looking for the missing picture from last night, but hadn’t found it.

  Haley reached into the room, grasped the doorknob and closed the door.

  Zasha already wanted to know where Nanny Ivana was. Haley had distracted her, but how long would that last? Zasha was a bright little girl. She was bound to pick up on the tense mood and know something was wrong.

  Haley looked across the condo at the door to Konstantin’s side.

  They needed to have an in-depth conversation about security changes and
what he’d learned, but she wasn’t certain that should happen now. Earlier she’d seen the old him. The one who didn’t care she was staff. He hadn’t shuttered his desire when he’d looked at her either.

  She pressed a hand to her stomach.

  He’d been so patient with Zasha tonight. The image of him down on the floor coloring with her was stuck in her mind.

  There was something about watching Konstantin with his daughter that got to Haley. He didn’t look like the kind of guy who’d hunker down in a blanket fort with fairy lights and pink frilly cushions, but he’d do it if Zasha wanted him to. And that, more than the sinful look today, had her rethinking things.

  If she was leaving eventually, did the boundaries really matter?

  This was ridiculous.

  The man might be good looking, but he was still human and Haley was more than capable of being professional even if he was not. She wasn’t going to act a fool.

  Haley pulled out her phone and glanced at her group chat with the girls.

  Jennifer was venting about her heiress client again.

  Lumen had surfaced after two weeks of silence to say that she’d been dragged on a detox trip.

  Ivy was still being coy about what exactly she was doing.

  And Merida was sharing ideas for bridesmaids outfits. Horrible, comically bad ideas, but it added some levity to the conversation.

  Haley scanned it, typed out a few comments, but otherwise kept today’s drama to herself.

  Her father had also texted to check in on her after a rushed chat earlier where she hadn’t confided much, just that there was a situation at work. She’d have to call him tomorrow and figure out what to say.

  There was nothing else for her to do now.

  She either talked to Konstantin or went to bed.

  Haley pushed her shoulders back, then walked across to the adjoining door and knocked.

  Zasha and Ivana might go in after a tap, but Haley had never felt that free.

  The door swung open to reveal Konstantin.

  He wore those gray sweatpants again with a threadbare black shirt that looked so very soft. It was a contrast to the man. His features were somehow sharper tonight. Especially that laser like gaze of his.

  Konstantin lifted a glass to his lips and tossed back the alcohol.

  “Want a drink?” he asked.

  “No, thanks,” she replied automatically.

  He stepped back, allowing her to enter.

  Haley inclined her head and walked past him. He turned to watch her, his eyes trained on her every move.

  He was still on edge.

  She didn’t want to sit and make herself at home, so she leaned an arm against the bar and faced him.

  “Zasha’s asleep,” she announced.

  Konstantin didn’t reply.

  “Did you have time to consult your feds?” Haley asked, launching into her reason for being here.

  “I did.” He pulled out the stool next to her and slid onto the leather.

  She inhaled, catching the scent of the alcohol mixed with something that smelled like that awful cotton-candy body glitter Zasha loved. And under it was the masculine, woodsy scent that was all Konstantin.

  He turned the chair a bit to face her. He was far too close, but she wouldn’t back up. The man was intentional. She didn’t know what he was up to, but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of backing away now.

  “And are you going to share what they told you?” she asked slowly.

  “They didn’t have anything for me yet. They didn’t know who she was.”


  That was a little alarming in Haley’s book.

  Konstantin worked with the feds specifically on Russian movement in and around the country. He advised and consulted on international matters. The people he talked with should know every major player.

  Then again, if Konstantin’s mother had come to the US and lived a quiet life, there would be no reason for her to be on anyone’s radar.

  “What’s going to happen then?” Haley asked, truly befuddled by this.

  “Ivana says my mother wants to see me. I told her to set up a meeting for tomorrow.”

  She nodded. In his shoes she’d want to go, too. But so soon? There wasn’t time to get answers to their other questions. Where had she been all those years? Why hadn’t she taken Konstantin with her? Why now? When it came to the seedy Russian underworld, Konstantin knew the ins and outs. She didn’t. This was his area of expertise.

  This had to be incredibly hard on him.

  “Okay, well, if there are any more developments let me know,” she said.

  “What would you do?” he asked softly.

  She drew in a breath. “That’s hard to say. In your shoes, I’d want answers.”

  “I’m pretty sure I already know the answers.”

  Haley let that sink in.

  He wasn’t looking forward to this reunion.

  “Then you’re going to size up your enemy,” she said.

  “She wouldn’t be surfacing now, after all these years, if she didn’t want something. So what is it? What does she want from me? Why now? What’s in the pictures?”

  Konstantin nodded.

  Haley’s heart broke a little for him. She couldn’t truly understand an upbringing that made him like this. She had brothers and sisters. Family who cared too much sometimes.

  She was no doubt a product of her upbringing, but Konstantin? He’d chosen his path. He’d become the man he wanted to be, not the one he’d been born to be.

  “We’ll talk security plans in the morning. I’d like all of Zasha’s out of the home classes canceled for this week and next week. I’m considering canceling school altogether until I can have her tutors checked again.”

  “I’ll get on that. Take something off you.”

  “Thank you.” Konstantin’s gaze bored into her head.

  Her mouth went dry and her hands a bit clammy. How was it that he could make her feel this way with a glance?

  She smiled. “It’s my job.”

  “Is it though?” His gaze strayed from her eyes, down to her mouth.

  “No. I care about Zasha.” And him.

  One corner of his mouth hitched up. “Not me?”

  Her insides wobbled. “Yes.”

  He leaned forward. She pressed her back against the other chair. His face was inches from her own.

  Konstantin lifted a hand and wound a wisp of her hair around his finger. He tugged once, then let it go. It felt as though that one tug sounded a gong inside of her. Alternating waves of warmth and coolness swept through her. Her nipples hardened into points. She pressed her bare toes down against the floor to ground herself, but it was hard when her head was spinning.

  And he hadn’t even touched her.

  Her gaze went from his hand to his face.

  The moment their eyes locked, she shivered.

  “You should go,” he said in a voice gone raspy.

  “Yeah. You’re right,” she whispered, and yet her feet wouldn’t move.

  She felt the slight brush of his sweatpants against her jeans as he shifted one foot to the floor.

  Haley swallowed finally, though it did her little good.

  He reached up, cupping her cheek. His hands were warm and strong.

  Konstantin leaned in, filling her vision. His hair was messy from running his fingers through it and suddenly that was all she wanted to do. To find out if it was as thick and luxurious as it looked.

  He lifted her chin, just a bit, but that was all that was needed.

  Her lips met his and the world felt as though it stood still. She’d been waiting for this kiss her whole life. One touch and she felt it to her toes. In every fiber of her being. And then Konstantin’s fingers slid back into her hair and his lips moved.

  She groaned and leaned into it. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in to stand between his thighs.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen. Haley had been very carefu
l about this precise thing. Yet here it was, and she didn’t want it to stop. She tilted her head and ran her fingers through his hair, just like she’d dreamt.

  Konstantin tightened his hold on her, as if he wouldn’t let her go. Not now or ever. His tongue teased her lips and she opened for him. His hand slid up and down her backside.

  Haley’s insides were on fire. She’d doused every desire for this man, or at least she’d thought she had.

  Konstantin lifted his head.

  She blinked up at him, her legs unsteady.

  They’d crossed the line. There was no going back.

  “You should... Good night.” Konstantin let go of her.

  Haley swayed on her feet.

  Had she just heard him right?

  What the hell was going on?

  As she watched, Konstantin shuttered his gaze, the heat dying out.

  Stunned, she pulled back, but words escaped her.

  What did she say to him? What could she say?

  Haley nodded, sidestepped and calmly strode through the open door. He shut it behind her and she felt her knees go weak again.

  What the hell?

  She turned left, opened the patio doors and stepped outside. She barely made it to the patio sofa before her legs buckled and she sat down hard.

  What had she just done?

  She pressed her fingers to her lips. It was all too easy to feel the phantom touch of his mouth on hers.

  Haley pulled out her phone and tapped on the girl chat.

  Haley: I just kissed my boss

  Haley: And my charge got kidnapped today

  Merida: ?!?!?

  Lumen: Holy hell, girlfriend

  Ivy: Video call!!! Stat!

  She put the phone down and cradled her face in her hands.

  This was too much. The strain of it was getting to her and Konstantin. That was it.

  So why had it felt so good? And why did she want to do it again? Right now? And maybe not stop until the sun came up?

  Yeah, she had it bad and there was no putting that cat back in the bag.


  Konstantin was up earlier than normal. He hadn’t been able to make himself sleep. Every time he closed his eyes it was a gamble what he would see.


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