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Just Business (Aegis Group Dangerous Ladies Book 1)

Page 16

by Sidney Bristol

  “What time is it?” Haley asked.

  Ivana shrugged. “Eleven?”

  Haley gasped as the current key twisted. “Got it.”

  She carefully unwound the chain from the bars and made a tight coil of the links. He didn’t want to know what she intended to use that for.

  “I have to get Zasha,” he said.

  Haley grabbed a fistful of his shirt. “We will. But we will do this my way.”

  Konstantin swallowed down his instinctual protest. When it came to his daughter, he wasn’t entirely rational in this situation. Haley stood a better chance of getting them out of here.

  “You said you saw four, so let’s tell ourselves there’s eight men upstairs who will stop us with guns if they see us.” Haley glanced from Ivana to him. “Zasha is upstairs. Ivana, I’m going to need you to tell me exactly which room and how to get there.”


  Haley cut Ivana off with a wave of her hand. “Here’s what we’re going to do, and I need for both of you to do exactly as I say. Konstantin, I want you and Ivana to find us an exit. A door. A window. A hole in the wall. I do not care, but we need an exit strategy that doesn’t attract attention. Zasha cannot keep up with us and we can’t afford to defend ourselves and carry her, understood? I am going to get us a gun and hopefully a phone.”

  “But, Zasha...” The words died on his tongue from Haley’s wilting glare.

  “Once we know our route of escape and we have a weapon, I will go get Zasha while the two of you hide. As soon as I come downstairs with Zasha, we will need to move with all haste. There’s a good chance they will be shooting at us and chasing us. Understand?”

  Konstantin nodded and once more said a thankful prayer that Haley was in their corner.

  “I can’t run,” Ivana said, wringing her hands.

  “I’m going to need you to move as fast as you can.” Haley’s gaze was unyielding. “I know it’ll be hard, but you have to move as fast as you can, okay? If we can get a car that would be great.”

  “What then?” Konstantin needed to know what he was taking Zasha into.

  “I’ll call my people with the stolen phone, then discard it. Chances are we’ll have a plan by the time I’m off the phone. The full power of Aegis Group will be behind us.”

  Konstantin didn’t know what that meant, but Haley said it with so much conviction he had to hope that meant they’d make it through this.

  “Okay, stay close to me. Konstantin, help Ivana up the stairs, please?” Haley moved past them to the stairs.

  Ivana reached out and grabbed his arm.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  “It’s okay.” He wrapped an arm around Ivana and guided her to the stairs.

  In many ways, this was just as devastating to him as it was to Ivana. He had no love for his mother, so discovering her true nature wasn’t a shock to him. But Ivana had raised Natasha. She loved his mother.

  The three of them made their way up the stairs. Haley crouched on the top landing with her ear to the door and one hand up.

  If he had to take a bullet or stay behind to let the women and Zasha get free, he’d do it. In a heartbeat.

  Haley opened the door so slowly that the creak was barely audible. She leaned out, then waved at them to follow.

  Konstantin and Ivana joined Haley in the hall while she closed the door with just as much care as she’d used opening it.

  They collectively held their breath as the door shut.

  So far, so good. Now the risks began.

  Konstantin didn’t think he could take Ivana with him through the house. She needed somewhere she could hole up, wait for them.

  “Meet back here,” Haley whispered.

  Konstantin peered into the kitchen. He didn’t see anyone, but the door to the pantry was open. The large and barely used pantry.

  He took Ivana’s hand and led her across the kitchen. The voice of a man drifted closer.

  Konstantin hunched and pushed Ivana into the pantry.

  “Stay here,” he whispered and shut the door.

  He went to a knee and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Now, keys and a way out.

  It wasn’t good enough to just escape their make-shift cell. They had to get away from his mother, then call his contact again. If Konstantin had to go to the guy’s house and wake him up, he’d do that.

  The garage was easy to find. It was the door on the other side of the kitchen, but to reach it there was a sizeable gap. Getting there meant nothing if he didn’t find some keys.

  Was it too much to hope that people left their keys lying around?

  He backtracked to the hall. Beyond the basement door was a utility room with a backyard access door. Konstantin unlocked it and peered out on the cool night.

  If they couldn’t get keys or a vehicle, they could always go out through the backyard. On foot if they had to. But they wouldn’t get far. Not with Ivana and Zasha, no matter what Haley thought. They needed a car.

  Konstantin turned his attention to the house.

  Ivana had said there were at least four people that she’d seen. Haley told him to pretend as though there were eight. That meant he should assume there was someone around every corner.

  And he knew there was someone in the hall ahead.

  “Anyone around?” someone called out.

  Konstantin hit the floor, crouching behind a decorative table sitting in the hall.

  Another voice answered, but the words were muted and impossible to make out.

  Then the unmistakable sound of keys jingling.

  Konstantin held his breath and strained to listen for more.

  The footsteps drifted into the other side of the house. When Konstantin thought the person must be gone suddenly there were footsteps.

  Coming his way.

  Konstantin tried to make himself smaller, but the table was only so big.

  The footsteps vibrated on the wood underfoot.

  If Konstantin couldn’t stay out of sight he had to take the guy out quick and quiet like, otherwise they’d all be captured again. He didn’t think they’d get away a second time.

  The footsteps came closer.

  Konstantin peered at the very edge.

  A head of pale hair came into view, then the face of a man caught between adolescence and adulthood. Konstantin didn’t think the guy even had to shave. He was maybe five eight, probably not a hundred fifty soaking wet.

  The man’s eyes jumped to Konstantin’s and for half a second they froze.

  Konstantin moved first, fueled by need.

  The young man’s face twisted into one of panic, but Konstantin was already on him.

  He shoved the man against the wall and covered his mouth. The guy thrashed a bit, but Konstantin was easily able to pin his arms and legs.

  “I won’t hurt you if you stop struggling,” Konstantin said low and rough like.

  What was a kid like this doing working for his mother?

  The guy had made the wrong damn choice.

  “Nick, boss wants you,” someone called from the front of the house.

  “Nick?” Konstantin got a little closer to the guy. “We going to have a problem?”

  Nick shook his head.


  Konstantin decided to risk it. He eased back, but kept his hand over the kid’s mouth and his other hand on the guy’s arm. He turned to Nick and hustled him into the laundry room.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” Nick said as soon as the door shut.

  “Keys?” Konstantin demanded.


  “Keys. Do you have keys?”

  “Y-yes.” Nick slowly reached into the pocket of his blazer and handed them to Konstantin.

  “Good. Now face away from me and put your hands behind your back.”

  Nick did as he was told.

  “What’s a guy like you working for my mom for?” Konstantin grabbed what looked like the satin tie of a robe and used
that to bind Nick’s hands behind him.

  “My, uh, parents owed her a favor. I thought that if I worked for her she’d go easy on them.”

  “Did she?” Konstantin asked.

  Nick didn’t respond.

  “Look, I’m biased, but that woman does not have a heart. Get out of this. Now.”

  Konstantin turned Nick in place and grabbed a sock from the pile of hopefully clean laundry.

  Nick eyed the sock. “What are you—”

  Konstantin shoved the sock in his mouth and held his hand over Nick’s face so the kid couldn’t spit it out. A blouse was the best Konstantin could do to tie the gag in place.

  “There. Now, sit and tell them I knocked you out.” Konstantin shoved Nick to the ground. “And really think about what would help your parents. You alive. Or you dead. Because following my mother’s only going to get you one thing.”

  Nick glanced away.

  He had to know this.

  The ball was in his court.

  Konstantin patted the kid’s pockets and pulled out a phone plus a wallet. He took the cash and left everything else.

  Now it was all up to Haley.


  Sunday. Unknown.

  Haley wished like hell she knew where Konstantin and Ivana had gone. The house was big, but not that big. Still, if they were able to evade her, they must have hid pretty damn well. After procuring a cell phone she’d returned to where she left them, only they weren’t there.

  There was nothing to do but move forward.

  She crept up the narrow stairs. They’d been exactly where Ivana said they were. As had the man in the hall.

  How long until someone realized he was missing?

  She’d managed to knock the guy out before he put up a fight and stash him in the empty coat closet. But a guy of that size would come to fast enough and the wire wasn’t pliable enough to restrain him in such a fashion that he’d be out of their hair for a while.

  A stair creaked underfoot.

  She cringed and paused to listen.

  What was that?

  She tilted her head to the side and rose a few more stairs.

  “Shut up, kid,” someone yelled.


  That was the sound of Zasha crying.

  She’d woken up alone, in a strange room without Ivana.


  Haley climbed faster. The last thing they needed was someone going to investigate.

  The cool metal of the gun she’d taken off the guy in the hall pressed against her back. She’d use it if she had to, but only if she had to. One shot and she’d need a small arsenal to get them out of here. Of course, too many shots and maybe the cops would come.

  Haley reached the top of the stairs and went to a knee. She held her breath and looked around the corner.

  “Jesus,” a man spat.

  He stared at a closed door.

  Behind that door was a very scared child.

  “Shut her up,” he said and turned away from Haley.

  She held her breath, torn between rushing to Zasha and waiting for the hall to clear.

  The man plodded to an open door halfway down the hall. He waved his hand, his muttered curses lost in the sound of Zasha’s crying.

  Haley gathered herself and listened.

  The door swung shut.

  She shot forward, keeping on the balls of her feet. She grabbed the door to Zasha’s room and opened it just enough to slide inside.

  The full force of Zasha’s very healthy lungs hit her.

  Haley winced and reached for the lights, flipping them on.

  “Hey, kiddo, it’s me.” She even managed a breeze smile.

  Zasha sat up in bed and stared at Haley as if she were a ghost. “H-Haley?”

  “Yeah, it’s me.” She held her arms out.

  Zasha dove off the bed and into Haley’s arms.

  “Hey there, big girl. Ivana said you were fast asleep.”

  “Ivana? Where is she?” Zasha peered up at Haley with red eyes and a blotchy face.

  “She went downstairs to let me and your dad in.” Haley used the hem of her shirt to wipe the tears away. “Want to go see him?”

  Zasha nodded.

  “Okay, well, there are a few rules. You have to be very quiet. Silent, okay? People are sleeping. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” Zasha whispered.

  “And you have to hold my hand.”

  Zasha didn’t question this rule one bit. In fact, she seemed inclined to cling to Haley no matter what.

  She said a quick prayer that Konstantin and Ivana were ready, then cracked the door open again.

  The man from before stood on the other side. His eyes widened at the sight of her.

  Haley reacted.

  She let go of Zasha’s hand and threw the door open the rest of the way. She grabbed the man by the front of the shirt and yanked. He pitched forward. She shoved him sideways, so he staggered into the room and out of the way of the door.

  “Haley!” Zasha yelped.

  “In the closet,” Haley ordered.

  Zasha’s little feet pounded on the floor.

  Thank God they’d practiced what to do in case of an emergency.

  Haley went down, knees first, on the man’s back. All the air left his lungs in a whoosh of air. She got her arm around his neck and squeezed for all she was worth. He rocked side to side, his hands hitting the ground. She knew when the first wave of panic passed because he shoved up. She barely managed to get a foot braced before he attempted to roll.

  The man had at least a hundred pounds on her.

  This was not going to go well.


  She had to think about Zasha.

  Haley reached for her gun, but it meant releasing some of the pressure on his neck. She grabbed her arm with both hands at the same time she brought the gun to his temple.

  “Stop,” she said in a cold voice.

  He froze.

  “Before you do anything else, consider this. That kid? She’s like my own daughter. If you think for a second, I won’t kill you to protect her, you’re very wrong. All I want to do is get her out of here.”

  “She won’t let you go,” he said in a wheezing voice.

  “Maybe not, but will she kill you? Because I will if I think that means she’s safe.” Haley glanced at the closet door.

  Zasha might hear the gunshot if it came to that, but she wouldn’t see the body.

  “I’m too old for this shit,” he said and relaxed, all the fight gone out of him.

  “Good choice.”

  Haley got up and backed away.

  It took the older man a few moments to reach his feet. She watched him glance around, looking for a weapon or a way out. He must have come to the conclusion that she’d shoot him before any of his ideas worked.

  He pulled the wooden ladder-back chair out from the desk and sat, then put his hands behind him.

  Haley quickly used the ribbons of Zasha’s toy wand to secure the man’s wrists. That done, she shut the door.

  “Some advice?” The man looked at her with a dark expression. “If you love that kid you’ll take her and disappear.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She used a pair of Zasha’s leggings as a gag, making do with what there was lying around her.

  That done, she turned toward the closet.

  This was not going to be fun.

  Haley tucked her borrowed gun back into her jeans and blew out a breath.

  Here went nothing.

  She opened the closet door a crack and peered in. Zasha sat in the corner, legs pulled up to her chest, eyes wide.


  Zasha just stared at her.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Are you okay?” Zasha whispered.

  “I’m fine. See?” Haley slipped into the closet and held her hands out.

  Zasha pushed up and threw herself at Haley, hugging her even tighter than before.

; “You did very good.” Haley gave in and kissed the top of Zasha’s head. “I know you have questions, but I need you to come with me now, okay?”

  Zasha nodded.

  “And I want you to close your eyes. Can you do that?”

  “Yes.” Zasha shut her eyes.

  Part of Haley hated this. Their collective goal had always been to protect Zasha from this sort of thing, and now here she was, fully in it.

  “Come on. Hold my hand and close your eyes.”

  Zasha took Haley’s hand then tipped her chin up, eyes shut.

  “Very good. Follow me.”

  Haley held her breath and opened the closet door.

  The older man just watched. He didn’t make a sound or shift.

  It was the best she could ask for.

  The hall was clear. The commotion hadn’t alerted anyone.

  Zasha clung to Haley with both hands. She didn’t open her eyes until they were on the stairs, creeping toward the first floor.

  Haley peered out into the hall.

  Please let Konstantin be ready...

  The hall was empty. The kitchen was clear as far as she could see. A TV was on at the front of the house, but otherwise she had no idea where he might be.

  A door to her left opened.

  Haley ducked into the shadows and clutched Zasha to her.

  Fabric rustled.


  There was nowhere to hide.

  Did she draw her gun in front of Zasha? Were they at that point?

  A man edged into sight.

  “Oh sweet Jesus.” Haley sighed.

  “Daddy,” Zasha whispered excitedly.

  “Princess, hey.” Konstantin went to a knee, his hands everywhere as he checked Zasha for harm.

  “Where’s Ivana?” Haley asked.

  “Pantry. We’re going out the utility room, but, uh...” Konstantin glanced at Zasha, panic crossing his face.

  What was in the laundry room?

  Haley knelt next to the little girl. “Zasha? You’re going to have to close your eyes again, okay, sweetie?”

  “Okay,” Zasha said solemnly.

  Haley glanced at Konstantin. “Get Ivana. We need to go.”

  He nodded and stepped lightly into the kitchen, staying close to the right side out of view of the rest of the room. He opened the Pantry and there was Ivana sitting on a couple cases of water.


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