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Knowledge Hurts

Page 23

by D. S. Williams

  “Charlotte,” he repeated with a grin. “Be assured, Charlotte. Me and my pack are committed to this fight. We won't let you down.”

  His earnest expression and the honesty in his eyes convinced me, along with the voices that joined the collective in my mind. “Thank you, Joe. I appreciate it.”

  Ben introduced the next man. He was a tall African-American, in his late twenties. His face was fascinating, chocolate brown eyes which slanted like Conal's and unusual markings across his cheeks. I couldn't figure out what they were, not a tattoo, more like tribal markings which had been cut into his skin. He wore a faded Bob Marley t-shirt with black cargo pants and his curly black hair reached his shoulders. "Charlotte, this is Ambrose Wilkes. He's pack leader of the Halifax shape shifters. They've come from Canada, heard about us through Nat Finton, who was friends with Ambrose's father.

  Ambrose lifted his hand toward me, with a broad grin. “Sure is nice to meet you, Ma'am.”

  I smiled up at him. He was taller than Conal and Lucas, maybe six feet seven inches. “Shape shifters - what animal do you shift into?” I asked, remembering what Nat had explained about the correct terminology.

  “Well, Ma'am, we transform into tigers,” he responded with a confident grin.

  I opened my mouth in surprise, shut it again hurriedly. “Wow,” was all I managed.

  “We are a force to be reckoned with, if I do say so myself,” Ambrose said proudly.

  Listening to the murmur of voices I located the strongest strand from my mind. “I'm sorry about your father's death. You must miss him a lot.”

  “Yes, Ma'am, I do,” Ambrose agreed and there was sadness in his voice. “He was a real good man.”

  “He's very proud of you, Ambrose. He's pleased you've come to Zaen and you're keeping the pack safe.”

  “I'll do anything I can to help, Ma'am,” Ambrose's sincerity was obvious.

  I smiled and shook my head. “You can start by calling me Charlotte - I'm not sure I can cope with the whole 'Ma'am' thing. Makes me feel like an army sergeant.”

  “Yes, Ma'… Charlotte,” he amended with a sheepish smile.

  Ben turned to Epi. “I believe that's the introductions complete. Might I suggest we take our places around the table and get down to business?”

  At Ben's suggestion, we'd decided on a quorum of representatives - each separate faction, whether vampire, werewolf or shape shifter would have one spokesperson on the quorum and all decisions required a majority vote. The spokesperson could ask others to attend meetings, however only the spokesperson received voting rights, making it equitable for every group regardless of their size.

  My pledge to Nememiah weighed heavily on my mind. I felt it was imperative for every group to be aware of their equality in the merger. My personal wish was to be seen as an equal by them all. I didn't want to be their leader, although Epi insisted that was how I would seen.

  Lucas and Ben had been magnificent and I relied constantly on their advice with regards to keeping the factions unified. A twenty one year old girl needed all the help she could get.

  “… so it seems there's a division emerging between the Draghici, Alberich Bran and Archangelo.” I'd spent the past twenty minutes detailing my last nightmare to the quorum. “From what Bran said, I'm convinced he's using the Drâghici to complete the cleansing and then he intends to take over.”

  There was a thoughtful silence around the table, then Nat spoke. “How accurate are these nightmares? I don't want to sound insulting or be unduly skeptical, but is there a possibility your information could be wrong?”

  Lucas answered, rubbing his thumb against my thigh. “Charlotte's nightmares have a one hundred percent accuracy level.”

  Ben inclined his head in agreement. “What Charlotte refers to aren't nightmares in the normal sense of the word. They are moments during her sleep cycle in which she's transported spiritually to Sfantu Drâghici. What she sees and hears is a live-time window into what is occurring.”

  “How does that work?” Ambrose asked.

  “The honest answer? We don't know,” Conal responded.

  “The biggest problem is only seeing brief moments during the nightmares,” I admitted. “I have no control over what I see and hear, sometimes I'm only receiving half the information.”

  “Charlotte doesn't always see the inner workings at Sfantu Drâghici,” Lucas continued. “Sometimes she's transported to the site of attacks they're perpetrating. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to where she'll be spiritually transported.”

  “And how much I see depends on how long it takes to wake from the nightmare.”

  “Whatever the case, it's a useful talent,” Nat said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  “Charlotte, Ben says you receive warnings from the spirits? How do they work?” Joe Reynolds questioned.

  “The spirits warn me of impending attacks, usually by screaming at me in unison.” I shared a wry smile with Lucas. “It's useful, but the window of forewarning is small.”

  “How small?” Nat asked.

  “Usually less than five minutes.”

  “Why such a small warning? Don't the spirits know what's happening all the time?” Ambrose asked.

  “Charlotte's spirit friends are a tool at her disposal, not a solution,” Epi clarified. “The spirits work with Charlotte to protect her as Nememiah's Child. What Charlotte has elected to do is a divergence from the natural role of Nememiah's Children. In past history, the spirits that Charlotte harnesses were designed to protect her from demon attacks. Charlotte has revolutionized the process, using the spirits to warn us as a group of imminent attack. The spirits warnings are acting like a perimeter barrier - if Charlotte is in immediate danger, the spirits tell her.”

  Joe Reynolds looked thoughtful. “Now I understand - the warnings are designed to protect Charlotte and she's using them to protect us.”

  “Exactly,” Conal agreed. “It works in the same way as the Government's Star Wars program. No warning until an attack is imminent.”

  “Unfortunately, it's a double-edged sword,” I explained, smirking at Conal's analogy. “You're receiving the warnings, but you're also in the line of fire by being with me. The Consiliului want my head on a platter.”

  Reynolds shook his head and he scowled. “Seems to me it's better than having no warning at all. We had no forewarning of the attack on my pack. At least here, we'll know it's coming.”

  “That's what we believe, also,” Ben agreed, giving me an encouraging smile. “Charlotte tends to worry that she's putting us in danger by being here, however, we believe we're more secure with her than anywhere else.” He steered the discussion smoothly back to my recent nightmare. “I think we should be concerned about this latest development with Alberich Bran. He and Archangelo are in control of the demons, ultimately they must be seen as the greater danger to us all,” Ben said thoughtfully. He was holding a pencil between his fingers, flipping it over and over again with rapid movement - an unusual state for a vampire who was usually so motionless.

  “I don't like the implications Archangelo is making,” Conal announced darkly. “It seems he might have developed an unhealthy obsession with Charlotte.”

  Chapter 27: Trust

  Startled by Conal's abrupt statement, I met his eyes and saw concern, knew he was worried about me. As much as I appreciated his anxiety, we needed to be looking at the bigger picture.

  “Conal, I don't think Archangelo's our biggest problem. I agree that he seems to be somewhat… obsessed, but for the moment I'm safe here in Zaen,” I said reassuringly, scratching my head thoughtfully. “I think the bigger crisis is the Consiliului and their ethnic cleansing. We have to find some way of getting other people into Zaen before they're attacked.”

  “Charlotte's right,” Lucas squeezed my thigh. “Without communication to the outside world, we have no way of contacting others. We're already seriously outnumbered and the Drâghici are continuing to amass their army of younglings.”

��Could we approach these vampires? Tell them the warlock's plan?” Bill Conroy asked. He was sitting opposite Lucas and I, his arms crossed on the table.

  “The Drâghici will not believe it,” Lucas explained gravely. “They believe they're the most powerful supernatural group on Earth.” He glanced down at me, his blue eyes bleak. “I doubt they would consider talking to us, nor give us an opportunity to explain without killing us immediately. They will be enraged that Charlotte and her friends rescued us.”

  “Not to mention Charlotte seriously busted up their stronghold,” Nick added with a malicious smirk.

  “Nick is correct,” Ben added heavily. “The Consiliului are amongst the oldest vampire on Earth. Their belief in their superiority is absolute.”

  “They won't be swayed?” Ambrose queried.

  Lucas shook his head. “They tortured us, raped our women while they forced us to watch. They won't be swayed.” His voice was filled with barely concealed rage, and I felt the wave of energy from him as he struggled to control his anger. It was my turn to squeeze his thigh gently, reminding him of where he was. He glanced down at me and I saw him swallow, visibly force himself into calm.

  There was a deathly silence in the hall for a minute or two as the men struggled to come to terms with Lucas's disclosure. Finally, Epi broke the quiet. “We must allow the situation to continue unfolding, allow Charlotte to gather more information from her nightmares and the spirits. When we have additional details, we will formulate a plan in that regard. Until then, we can do nothing.”

  “Agreed,” Joe Reynolds spoke up, casting an anxious glance at Lucas. “We must find a way for others to join us here in Zaen.” He swept his gaze across the others around the table. “At best we have two hundred people who can fight. Charlotte says the Consiliului have over two thousand, without even considering the demons. We need more.”

  Nat Finton spoke up, clasping his hands together on the table. “We should do reconnaissance around Zaen. We know from the position of the moon overhead and the sun that we're somewhere on Earth, likely the northern hemisphere. If we send out some small groups to try and pinpoint where we are, it might assist us in finding a way to contact others, offer them the chance to join us before it's too late.”

  I was quickly warming to Nat Finton. He was quiet and unassuming, yet seemed to harbor a powerful resolve to assist us in any way he could.

  “I can send some of my men out, head out in compass point directions, get them to give us an idea of our location. The surrounds of Zaen can't be that enormous that we wouldn't have an answer within a day or two,” Ambrose Wilkes offered.

  Lucas scanned the other men sitting around the table, gauging their agreement. “Thank you, Ambrose. We'll accept your offer.”

  Ambrose stood up, stretching his muscular body in a cat-like motion. Tendons and muscles rippled beneath his t-shirt. “I'll inform my best runners, send them out straight away.” He strode away from the table, heading towards the exit.

  “Let's take a ten minute break,” Epi announced. He pushed his chair away from the table and strode to where Ben sat, bending his head to begin a conversation. Lucas lifted his hand from my thigh and smiled. “I'll be back in a minute, love. I'd like a word with Nick before we continue.”

  I leaned forward to kiss him, my lips brushing fleetingly against his and when we parted, Lucas's eyes smoldered as he gazed at me. “I'm going to make a coffee.”

  Nonny had thoughtfully provided coffee making facilities for our meeting. Since arriving in Zaen, the elderly lady had proven a force to be reckoned with, presiding over the newly established Mess Hall and providing meals for everyone, assisted by a team of women she'd commandeered. Nonny frequently astounded me with her enormous energy reserves, willingly participating in anything asked of her. Epi was using some magical means to procure food, I wasn't sure where it was all appearing from, but knew better than to ask.

  The memory of last night was still graphically fresh in my mind and pouring coffee, I allowed myself a little fantasy about Lucas holding me, making love to me. To my mind, every second had been perfect and I was comfortable in the fact that I hadn't disappointed him. A tiny smiled flickered across my lips - on the contrary, Lucas had given me the impression he'd been very, very satisfied with our first sexual encounter.

  “Charlotte.” Conal appeared, his dark eyes thunderous and his jaw tight with tension.

  “What's up?” I crossed my arms instinctively, attempting to cover the bruises.

  “Don't bother hiding them,” Conal hissed quietly. “What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing, they're from the Naberius,” I lied swiftly, hoping to avert disaster.

  “Bullshit. What did he do?”

  My lying still stank. “It's not what you think,” I began, my voice hushed. “He didn't intentionally hurt me.”

  Conal stared into my eyes for a minute, emotion flitting across his expression before he groaned aloud. “You let him screw you?” he accused angrily.

  I reached out to touch his arm, but he snatched it away, his body language confirming his rage. “Conal, you promised you were okay with this,” I whispered.

  For a minute he was silent, before he shook his head furiously. “I'm trying to be, Christ knows I'm trying, but you can't blame me for being angry. He hurt you, for Christ's sake!”

  “He didn't mean to, Conal.” I was dismayed, not only because I didn't want to hurt Conal's feelings, but because we were in so public a place to have this discussion. “It wasn't intentional.”

  “Charlotte, he's capable of killing you. You know that, don't you? You know vampires usually kill their prey during sex, they can't control their urges!”

  “He won't,” I muttered, the flush of embarrassment rising over my skin. Lucas and Ben were close by, their hearing so incredibly acute and this wasn't a conversation I wanted overheard. “Please, Conal. Be happy for me. At least, try and be happy for me. I love him.”

  Conal's eyes softened. “Shit.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I'll try. But I can't say I like it. Regardless of my feelings - Charlotte, he's incredibly powerful. All of them are. He could kill you, without even meaning to. He could crush you beneath his hands without realizing he's doing it.” He ran his fingers through his hair again, drawing it back from his face. “I wouldn't do that,” he added huskily.

  He didn't flinch when I touched his arm. “Conal. Please. You have to let this go, you have to move on. I'm with Lucas. You said so yourself - I belong with Lucas.”

  “Charlotte? What's wrong?” Lucas materialized behind us, his midnight blue eyes studying Conal's tensed features and my flustered ones.

  “She's fine. Everything a-okay here.” Without another word, Conal stalked back to the table and slumped down into his seat.

  “What happened?” Lucas demanded in a low growl against my ear.

  “It's nothing,” I muttered, stirring my coffee morosely.

  Lucas watched me for a minute, his eyes hardening. “I assume he figured out what happened last night?”

  I nodded miserably.

  Lucas glanced back towards Conal and sighed heavily. “This is why I wanted you to cover those bruises, my love.”

  “He's frightened you'll hurt me,” I admitted.

  Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, as though he suffered some intense pain. “He's right. It is absolutely possible.”

  Troubled, I glanced away from the coffee I'd been stirring, hitting the cup so coffee slopped onto the table. “I don't believe that, Lucas.”

  Lucas captured my hand in his and stared down at me, his eyes fierce. “You should believe it, Charlotte. I'm capable of killing you, without even thinking about it.” The ferocity in his tone was alarming. “Last night, whilst exquisite in every possible way, was dangerous for you. I controlled my desire to feed from your blood, but it was… difficult. Orgasm and feeding are intertwined.” He rubbed his fingers across my arm, his cool touch soothing. “Last night, it was only bruises. I'm afraid however,
that it could be much worse.” He gazed into my eyes, his own filled with anguish. “If I lose concentration, if I forget for only a split second your humanity, I could crush you beneath my hands. Or even worse.” Despite the natural pallor of his skin, he became even paler and the muscle in his jaw ticked. “You must never, ever, forget what I am, Charlotte.”

  My eyes widened as I stared into his handsome features, instinctively reaching up to brush my fingertips across his strong jaw. “I love you, Lucas. I know you won't hurt me.”

  He laughed harshly, a sharp noise which echoed through the large hall and caused several people to glance in our direction. Lucas gazed into my eyes, his own hard and bleak. “I know you love me,” he murmured softly, “but Conal knows the reality. I will always be dangerous for you.”

  I frowned, trying to understand the underlying message in his words. “So… what? What are you saying? You've decided now you won't sleep with me again?” I demanded heatedly, barely remembering to keep my own voice low.

  His features softened and he looked bemused. “What? No, Charlotte, of course that's not what I'm saying,” he whispered huskily, a small smile playing on his lips. “I'm merely trying to impress upon you that it's dangerous… for you to become too comfortable in my presence.” He leaned forward, pressing his cool forehead against mine. “Don't. Trust. Me.”

  “How can I not trust you?” I whispered. “You've done everything in your power to keep me safe since we met.”

  He smiled weakly. “Until you thought I attacked you in Puckhaber.” Seeing me poised to argue, he held his finger to my lips, silencing me. “Charlotte, I'm only telling you the truth. I am vampire, you are human. Alright, angel,” he amended when I opened my mouth to protest. “Either way, a relationship between us will always be dangerous for you. As much as I love you, I have the capacity to kill you. You're blood, it's incredibly potent to me and I've tasted it. I crave it, more than anything I've experienced before. You lied to me about your blood being in my system and I love you for doing that - for attempting to ease my concerns. And I adored making love to you. I don't ever want to stop. All I'm asking is that you always, always keep in mind exactly what I'm capable of.”


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