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Knowledge Hurts

Page 25

by D. S. Williams

  I adjusted my position to keep all four threats in sight, instinctively protecting my back. Conal snarled and launched at the Valafar, lunging towards its enormous body he latched his fangs into its shiny black abdomen. The Valafar screeched, an unearthly sound comparable to the dragging of fingernails across a blackboard and lashed razor-like claws at Conal. Nick was sprinting towards the Astaroth, throwing himself at it and snapping at the numerous legs. When he lifted his muzzle, he had a couple of severed limbs dangling from his jaw, the legs still kicking erratically.

  The two vampires stalked toward me, attacking from different sides. I raised my hands, throwing orbs of spirit energy at them. The vampire on my right was hit in the chest, slamming backwards against the cage which elicited terrified screams from the observers outside. He hit the metal bars and slumped to the ground.

  The second spirit orb missed its target, as the vampire leapt in the same instant. He struck me at speed, throwing me to the ground and I was shunted backwards, gravel scraping skin from my back and bringing tears to my eyes. He gripped my shoulders, eyes filled with bloodlust and fangs fully extended. My right arm was caught awkwardly beneath my body, leaving me no choice but to throw a second orb with my left. The energy blasted him backward and I used the respite to get to my feet, ignoring the painful throbbing in my scraped back. A glance revealed both vampires were on the move - it was time to call for assistance. With a thought, some of the spirits materialized, seizing the vampires and forcing them against the bars.

  I turned my attention to Conal and Nick, who were battling valiantly against the demons. Nick had a nasty gash across his snout which poured blood and Conal was thrown by the Valafar as I sprinted towards them. Slipping a Philaris from the belt, I pitched it wildly at the Valafar. It struck wide, hitting the demon in the shoulder and succeeded only in centering its attention on me. I drew a second Philaris from the belt and aimed more carefully - this one hit the mark, slamming into the Valafar's rounded chest. It folded on itself and I turned to the Astaroth. Nick was still biting and growling at the demon and Conal had joined him, limping on one hind leg but fighting courageously. More than half the Astaroth's legs were missing, many of the amputated limbs twitching erratically in pools of black blood on the ground. Nick and Conal continued their unrelenting attack as I dived onto the Astaroth's undulating back. It was difficult to hold on to the long, narrow beast, its skin was slippery with blood and other fluids. It took three failed attempts before I managed to wrench its neck backwards and get to the soft underside of its body. Using one arm to grip it, I used the other hand to repeatedly plunge the Katchet into its body. Black blood sprayed across me until at last I hit the right spot and with one final unearthly shriek, it began to disintegrate. I rolled away, panting heavily and trying to catch my breath.

  Wiping a blood smeared hand across my forehead, I turned to the vampires, still being restrained by the spirits. Growling their anger, the vampires were snapping at the invisible force holding them, trying desperately to escape. Conal attacked one, ripping its arm clean out of its socket. Conal dropped the severed limb to the ground, the fingers scraping uselessly at the dirt. Nick was attacking the second vampire, reinforcing the work being done by the spirits.

  “Conal, Nick!” I lifted my hands and watched the werewolves break off their attack and run to join me. They watched as I launched two orbs towards the vampires. The spirits dissipated in a pallid mist as the orbs reached their targets. Both vampires slammed into the metal bars, a sickening crunch permeating the air as bones were crushed into dust. They slid to the ground, their eyes dulling as the life force motivating them was extinguished.

  I held my hands on my knees, sucking much-needed oxygen into my lungs. Sound penetrated my weary senses and I realized the crowds surrounding the cage were applauding, yelling their approval. It was surreal and I slumped to my knees, suddenly aware of the stinging pain across my shoulders and back.

  “That was a truly remarkable display of your abilities, Charlotte.” Bill Conroy reached my side first after Epi unlocked the cage.

  “Thanks.” My response was curt and I stood up, reaching for the Hjördis to create a healing sigil.

  Before I could start, Lucas caught me in his arms, crushing me against his chest. “I hate watching you do that,” he breathed.

  “I'm okay, Lucas. But my back, there's blood,” I warned him.

  “I don't care,” Lucas said, his voice intense. “All I care about is that you're alive and safe. Nothing else matters.”

  I stretched on my toes to catch his lips against mine and he kissed me fiercely, oblivious to all around us.

  Conal howled dolefully, reproach in his black eyes. Even in wolf form, he was capable of making me feel guilty and I pulled away from Lucas.

  “As you see, Charlotte controls the spirits to both attack her enemies and provide defense from them,” Epi was explaining to Nat and Bill.

  “Epi - Conal and Nick need to transform,” I announced. I was still breathing heavily, my heart pounding. “And they don't want to do it with an audience.”

  “Of course, of course.” Epi waved his hand and a small tent appeared inside the cage. Conal and Nick padded towards it, disappearing through the flap.

  “What was happening - when the vampires were against the bars?” Joe Reynolds questioned. He seemed impressed by Epi's display and I hoped it was an encouraging sign.

  “I used the spirits to hold them, while I helped Nick and Conal with the demons.” Someone handed me a damp towel and I wiped it across my face, pleased to remove the stench of demon blood from my skin. I could feel my own blood trickling down my back and I twisted to mark a healing sigil against my shoulder.

  “Wait, Charlotte,” Ben cautioned, “You've got dirt and gravel in the wound.” Someone handed him a bottle of water and he stood behind me, trickling water across the grazes to dislodge the gravel. “That's better,” he announced approvingly. “You can go ahead and use the sigil now.”

  “Those… younglings - they're real?” Ambrose Wilkes asked Epi.

  “We are using a replica I've created,” Epi clarified. “The vampires you see are every bit as physically powerful as younglings. They are programmed to act realistically, as a vampire would do when attacking,” Epi explained. “However, they don't feed as true vampires would. It seemed prudent to remove that hazard during training.”

  “Those fangs still look damned realistic,” Ambrose remarked.

  Rowena and Acenith appeared, along with Ripley and Striker and they greeted me with relieved hugs. Rafe and Marco were guarding the gate, stopping any other spectators from coming inside the cage.

  “What sort of injuries can you treat with the Hjördis?” Ambrose asked, watching as the sigil burnt into my shoulder.

  “Blood, poison, broken bones.” I felt the skin knitting together on my back and the pain easing. “I can't fix internal injuries or bruising.”

  “Obviously,” Conal said, his eyes cold and hard. “Otherwise you would have hidden those bruises on your arms. What the hell did you do to her, leech?” He eyeballed Lucas angrily and Lucas stiffened, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest. Energy began to flow off them in waves and my skin prickled, the hairs on the back of my arms standing up.

  “Conal, don't,” I said anxiously. “It's none of your business.”

  “Like hell it isn't!” Conal yelled. “I warned you about him!”

  “I don't think this is the time or the place,” Lucas warned under his breath. He glanced at the people surrounding us, who were watching with no small amount of interest. “Conal, I'm happy to discuss this with you. But not here.”

  Conal glared at Lucas, the tension between the men palpable. It was like standing on a precipice, with Conal's hot power washing over me from one side, Lucas's cool energy swamping from the other. “This isn't over,” he spat furiously.

  “Yes, it is,” I stated firmly. The last thing I needed was Conal and Lucas battling one another. Conal was being ridiculously o
ver-protective -over something which had nothing to do with him. A day which had started out so perfectly was degenerating to the point where I wished it was over.

  Lucas caught my hand in his. “Let's get out of here.”

  “Charlotte cannot leave!” Epi interrupted loudly. “There is more to be done.”

  I glared at the diminutive old man. “What now?”

  “We need to expand your skills, child. I want you to fight a stronger demon.”

  “Can I have this fixed before we do that?” Nick requested. He was holding a towel to the gash on his cheek, stemming the blood flow.

  “Of course.” I placed the Hjördis against his cheek, creating the healing sigil close to the ugly gash torn by the demon.

  “Hope it's not gonna leave another scar,” Nick murmured, trying to defuse the tension surrounding us. “Don't need another one.”

  “I'm sure it won't,” I promised.

  “You will not be participating,” Epi announced. “Charlotte must battle this demon alone.”

  “Epi, I think Charlotte's done enough…” Nat Finton began.

  “We've seen all we need to see,” Joe Reynolds agreed.

  “What the hell?” Conal rounded on Epi, his black eyes incredulous. “What do you mean, she's going to fight by herself?”

  “Charlotte must learn to improve her attacks with the assistance of the spirits. The best way to do that is alone, without others for support,” Epi responded, his tone calm and matter-of-fact, but his eyes bright with excitement.

  Rowena gripped Ben's arm. “I think Charlotte's had enough for today.”

  “Epi, she isn't ready for this,” Ben announced, eyeing me with worry. “It was only five days ago that she was attacked by a demon.”

  “And we could be under attack at any time,” Epi retorted. “It's essential she do this.”

  Lucas cursed loudly. “This is insane.” He pulled me against him and it felt as if he was shielding me from the old wizard. “I won't allow it.”

  Epi rounded on Lucas, eyeing him with disgust. “You won't allow it? You have no say in this matter! It is Charlotte's decision and she knows she must do it!”

  “Given how you're looking after her at the moment, bloodsucker,” Conal announced, “you're hardly the one to say what Charlotte can and can't do.”

  “Keep out of it, dog,” Lucas retorted coldly, tightening his grip on me. “I will not tolerate Charlotte being put in danger like this.”

  Conal's anger exploded. “You put her in danger when you had sex with her last night! Why is today any different?”

  It was impossible to miss the startled look Rowena and Ben exchanged and my own temper flared. Both men were trying to protect me, but I didn't need this outrageous possessiveness from either one of them -not when I was already under intense pressure. “Shut up! Both of you!”

  Lucas and Conal glowered at each other, lapsing into a tense silence. Bill Conroy was watching me, gaze steady and eyes cool. I looked away, wishing the ground would swallow me whole and let me escaped this entire debacle.

  Ripley touched a hand to my shoulder and smiled, though he was clearly troubled. “Epi, I don't believe this is a good idea. Charlotte is already under immense pressure and I don't think she's emotionally prepared for this.”

  “Emotionally prepared, physically prepared - none of this matters. The fact remains - Charlotte is our only weapon against demons, now and for the foreseeable future. She must carry on.” Epi's skin was ruddy with anger.

  “I'd rather do it without all these people around.”

  “You are being ridiculous, child! Do you honestly expect that you will fight in battle on your own? Others will always be surrounding you! Sometimes, child, you try my patience immensely,” Epi snapped.

  Conal and Lucas both growled simultaneously and I raised my hand. “Enough!” I was terrified at the thought of attempting a demon by myself but frustration was building at the situation I found myself in. Rage unexpectedly overwhelmed the terror and for a full minute I glowered at Epi, choosing to blame him for everything which had gone wrong today. I hated him for forcing me into this situation. “Fine. I'll do it. One demon and I'm out of here.”

  “Well I'm sure as hell not hanging around to watch this! Charlotte, you are out of your goddamn mind! And Vander's no better!” Conal shouted furiously and stalked away. I watched him depart, bereft at being abandoned. The bruises he was blaming on Lucas had made him angry - this was the final straw. He shoved through the cage entrance and headed towards the gates, his shoulders stiff with tension. I caught Marianne's eye and pleaded silently, relieved when she nodded and ran in the direction Conal had disappeared.

  “Charlotte, I don't want you to do this.” Lucas grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face him. His face was etched with worry. “You aren't ready for this! Christ, it was only a few days ago that you were nearly killed by a demon!”

  “Lucas, I know you love me and you're trying to protect me.” I squared my shoulders and knew my green eyes flashed with anger. I'd been pushed past the point of no return. “But don't ever tell me what I can or can't do.”

  Epi began to herd people towards the opening and Lucas glared at me, his eyes darkening as he battled to control his temper. “I want to keep you safe.”

  “Lucas, I'm a big girl and I'm Nememiah's Child. I have no choice.”

  “You do have a choice!” he stated furiously. “Nobody can force you to take on this demon! I can stop them from making you do anything! You are mine and I won't allow anything to hurt you!” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  I looked up into his incensed eyes, my own incredulous. “I most certainly am not yours,” I hissed. “I'm not anybody's! You may have slept with me, Lucas Tine, but that doesn't make me one of your possessions! I make my own decisions, not you!”

  His eyes swirled with lightning bolts of angry silver and I knew he was livid, but frankly, I no longer cared. My own temper had detonated and I would willingly fight this demon just to prove to everyone I could do it. Including myself.

  Without another word, Lucas turned and slipped out through the cage door, clanging it shut behind him.

  Chapter 29: Facing Demons

  It took a few minutes to centre myself, trying to calm the swirling storm of emotions which flooded my psyche. I needed to concentrate on the task ahead and I didn't dare look to see if Lucas stood outside, or whether he had abandoned me, too. Either way, I didn't want to see him or the Tines - if I caught sight of them I might lose the courage to do this. And for the moment, I was as equally infuriated with Lucas and Conal as I was with Epi. Standing alone in the centre of the cage was nerve-wracking, the knowledge that Epi was about to unleash a demon against me terrifying. Memories of the attack in Puckhaber Falls were foremost in my mind, the excruciating pain still agonizingly fresh.

  Epi called from outside the bars. “Charlotte, you must concentrate on using your abilities, not the weapons.”

  “That's easy for you to say!” I yelled back through gritted teeth. “You're outside the freaking cage!”

  A ripple of amusement wafted through the crowd, before they settled back into a suspenseful silence. Epi knelt to create the pentagram and I speculated anxiously over what he would produce. As the ground erupted near my feet, dread pumped through my veins. Epi had summoned a Naberius, the exact same demon which almost killed me in Puckhaber.

  The crowd shrieked when the demon coalesced, clawing its way awkwardly out of the portal. I edged backwards, focused on its movements. Inevitably, it spied me and dashed forward, a thunderous howl emanating from its fanged jaws.

  “Use the spirits, Charlotte!” Epi urged. I dove awkwardly to one side then jumped into the air when the Naberius snapped its crab-like limbs at my midriff.

  The enormous black demon scurried towards me and I cursed, throwing two orbs at its chest simultaneously. The orbs hardly slowed its forward momentum. This Naberius was fifteen feet long, bigger than the one I'd battled previous
ly and completed focused on killing me. Notwithstanding the huge dimensions of the cage, the Naberius took up a full third of the space, leaving me little room to maneuver.

  The crowd were silent now, only the occasional gasp or stifled scream breaching the quiet as the Naberius continued its full-on assault and repeatedly missed me by the narrowest of margins. It moved so swiftly, there was scarcely time to escape its approaches - trying to counter-attack seemed impossible without relying on the weapons.

  “Charlotte, CONCENTRATE!” Epi roared when I stumbled, the Naberius changing its path at the last second to corner me against the cage. Leaping upwards, I bounced over the demon's head, narrowly avoiding the ferocious fangs which snapped at my boots.

  Hitting the ground hard, I rolled, hurling a third orb towards the Naberius. “EPI, SHUT THE HELL UP!” The Naberius stumbled backwards when the orb hit it mid-body, then began its deadly approach again, running with phenomenal speed. I resisted the overwhelming urge to pull a Katchet from the belt, instead eyeing the cage bars overhead. Springing upwards, I caught hold of a bar with one hand, swinging my body side to side until I could clutch a second bar with my other hand. The crowd screamed as the Naberius stopped directly underneath where I hung, its incredible size meaning those vicious fangs were mere inches below my feet. It snapped relentlessly, as it attempted to catch my feet in its monstrous jaws.

  Gripping the bars firmly, I swung back and forth until I'd gained some momentum. With one final swing, I released the bars, using the velocity I'd achieved to boot the Naberius hard in the head, throwing it off balance. I landed awkwardly and twirled in the same instant, intending to summon the spirits but the Naberius was over me before I could react. In a terrifying repeat performance of what happened in Puckhaber, I resorted to holding its neck, trying to keep it away from my face.


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