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Knowledge Hurts

Page 31

by D. S. Williams


  “Charlotte, I'd walked out on your Mom and you, without a word. And I've never forgiven myself for it. But by the time I had my life together and thought about contacting you,” he shrugged, a minute rise of his shoulders, “it had gotten too hard. What could I say, after six years? How could I apologize for missing six years of your life? There was no excuse for it and no way of explaining it to you. And then, the time kept passing, and I kept thinking I'd do it soon, I'd do it next week, or when I was next back in the States. I'd decide to contact you for your next birthday, for the next Christmas. I put it off and put it off, waiting for the perfect moment. Until so much time had passed, there was no logical way of doing it, without looking like a complete bastard.”

  “But you did contact me - after Mom died,” I pressed gently.

  He squeezed his eyes shut. “When I heard what happened to your Mom, how she died…” His brown eyes filled with tears and it took a minute before he could compose himself. “By then I'd married Misaki, I met her when I was stationed in Japan for two years. She'd been pressing me to make contact.” He smiled softly. “She knew why I hadn't stayed in touch with you and she didn't let up, she was determined I needed to make amends. So I started the long process of trying to locate you. It was only then I found out what happened to Lorraine and your family.” He met my eyes, his own filled with raw anguish. “I swear, Charlotte. I was going to track you down then, no matter what it took. I had to try and make up for what I'd failed in. Being your dad.”

  I sat silently, considering things from his point of view when he stopped speaking. What he'd said was understandable, especially when I considered how I'd felt when we'd rescued the Tines from Sfantu Drâghici. I could appreciate his discomfort, how he'd wondered what to say. I'd been in the same situation, trying to find the right way to explain my long absence from my friends' lives. My absence had only been five months, his had been much longer. It was understandable that he'd struggled to find a way to reach out.

  “Charlotte?” His voice drew me from my self-assessment and I glanced up to find him watching me curiously. “What are you thinking?”

  “I wish I could spend more time with you.” The confession slipped from my lips before I'd had a chance to think, but I knew I really meant it. “I want to get to know you better.”

  “Come back with us to San Diego,” he responded and his eyes brightened. “We can get to know one another.”

  I shook my head. “I can't do that, Matt. And don't start telling me this isn't my war.”

  He smirked, shaking his head. “Stubborn like your Mom, too.” He reached for my hand, clasping it between his. “I want to spend time with you, Charlotte. I really do. Got any suggestions on how we can make this work?”

  “Well,” I began thoughtfully, “why don't you stay in Zaen, for a couple of days?” Seeing the look on his face, I continued hurriedly. “No pressure. Just see what it's like, spend time with me. We can portal you back home whenever you want to go.” I squeezed his fingers. “Please, Matt. Spend a couple of days here. First sign of trouble and I'll get you out of here, I promise.”

  He stared at me for a second, then a grin slowly spread across his lips. “First sign of trouble, huh? Are we expecting that soon?”

  I chuckled. “It depends on what day it is. I don't even know how long it is since I was attacked.”

  He glanced at his watch. “It's Wednesday.”

  “Oh good,” I announced brightly. “That gives us at least two or three days.”

  Dad pursed his lips and I saw a twinkle in his eye. “Great. Two or three days. Should be able to make up for nineteen years with no trouble at all in that sort of timeframe.”

  I laughed out loud and he grinned. “So it's a deal?” I asked, holding my breath.

  “Okay. It's a deal.”

  Chapter 36: Round Two

  “You sound happy.” Lucas strode through the doorway, a little boy perched high on his shoulders. Lucas took my breath away, absolutely perfect in blue jeans and a grey sweater which clung in exactly the right places. He ducked coming through the doorway, ensuring the little boy didn't hit his head on the jamb. Behind him, a woman wearing jeans and a black sweater followed, smiling shyly.

  Lucas lifted the boy from his shoulders and he squealed with delight. He was bright eyed and adorable, with shiny black hair that brushed his collar and huge chocolate brown eyes. He peered at me curiously from Lucas's arms.

  Matt stood up, eyeing Lucas warily before turning to the woman and smiling affectionately at her. “Charlotte, this is my wife, Misaki and this here is your little brother, Kazuki.”

  “Hello, Charlotte. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to meet you, finally,” Misaki announced with a charming smile. She was about thirty years old, with a slender figure and wore her long hair pulled into silky black braids. Matt caught her around the waist and stood watching me cautiously for my reaction.

  I smiled shyly. “Hi.” I thought for a second. “I guess that makes you… my stepmom?”

  Misaki smiled. “I guess it does, but I think I'd feel really strange having you call me anything but Misaki. Is that okay with you?”

  “That sounds fine.” Already I liked her.

  “So you two had a better second meeting than the first one?” Misaki asked, her eyes bright as she watched Lucas tickling Kazuki. The little boy dissolved into a fit of uncontrolled giggles, wriggling in Lucas's arms and Misaki smiled warmly at them.

  Matt nodded tersely and I realized his body language had changed since Lucas's arrival. Where he'd been relaxed and happy a minute ago, now he was tense, edgy. “Charlotte's convinced me we should stay for a few days longer.”

  “Fabulous,” Misaki said approvingly. She bore only the slightest trace of accent despite her Japanese heritage, her voice lilting and happy. “It'll give you two a chance to get to know one another better. And Kazuki is having a marvelous time, he thinks Conal is awesome - he transforms into his wolf shape and takes Kazuki for rides.” She smiled up at Lucas. “And as for Lucas, he'll never rest - Kazuki thinks he's his own personal entertainer.”

  “You seem to be taking this… exceptionally well,” I pointed out, wondering how this woman could so easily accept my reality without qualms.

  “I told you Misaki was okay,” Dad said. “She's a believer in all this stuff.” He eyed Lucas suspiciously. “Maybe I should take Kazuki.”

  I rolled my eyes with impatience as Lucas handed the little boy to his father. “He won't hurt him, Matt.”

  “It's okay, Charlotte,” Lucas responded evenly. “It's understandable that you father is nervous.”

  “Do I have reason to be?” Matt retorted sharply.

  “Sir, I can assure you - I would never hurt a child. I like children, as a matter of fact,” Lucas's voice was composed, but he was clenching his fists, keeping a tight rein on his temper.

  “For breakfast?”

  “Matt!” My temper flared at the outrageous comment. Lucas's jaw tensed as he stared at my father, the silver in his eyes swirling wildly.

  “Matt, that was completely uncalled for,” Misaki said sharply. “You owe Lucas an apology.”

  Matt straightened his shoulders, taking a deep breath. “I apologize,” he said stiffly.

  “Apology accepted,” Luke responded tersely.

  “No, the apology is not accepted,” I said angrily. “You just got through telling me you were going to try and understand this, and straight away you go and blow it!”

  “Charlotte, please, don't argue with your father over this,” Lucas requested quietly.

  “I'm trying, Charlotte,” Matt said edgily. “But you bring me here, introduce me to these…” he rubbed his hand roughly across his jaw, “he's a vampire, for Christ's sake! And he's too damn old for you! He's what, like twenty four, twenty five?”

  “Yeah, Matt. He's like twenty four, and while we're on the subject, how old is Misaki? Not too much older than me, I imagine. This is so hypocriti
cal!” I fumed heatedly. “You've known me for five minutes and you're already trying to tell me what to do!”

  “I'm your father, Charlotte. I want what's best for you…” he began, but I interrupted before he could continue.

  “What's best for me is Lucas. He loves me.”

  “Maybe we should talk about this later,” Misaki suggested tentatively.

  “No, we need to talk about this now.” Matt handed Kazuki to his mother and turned to Lucas, his eyes cold. “I don't trust you with her. You're too old for her and you're a God-damn vampire! You'll kill her!”

  Lucas's eyes were equally cold and angry, but when he spoke his voice was calm. “Mr. Duncan, I appreciate how difficult this is for you to understand, but I would never intentionally harm Charlotte in any way…”

  “What about unintentionally?” Matt countered, his voice tight. “Charlotte tells me you don't drink the blood of humans, but what if you're hungry and there isn't some wild animal handy to suck on?”

  “Matt!” I shrieked angrily.

  “Keep out of this, Charlotte. This is between me and the vampire.”

  For a split second, I couldn't believe I'd heard him correctly. “Keep out of this? Are you kidding me? You're telling me to keep out of something that is completely my business and absolutely none of yours!” I yelled.

  Little Kazuki reacted to the tension in the room and began to cry in his mother's arms, lifting his chubby hands to pull at her sweater. “Matt, that is enough,” Misaki said determinedly.

  “Like hell it's enough!” Matt stepped closer to Lucas, staring at him angrily. “You've got no right to date my daughter. You should be with someone of your own kind!”

  Lucas's eyes flared, the silver flashing dangerously and I pulled back the covers, intent on getting out of bed and standing between them before things got out of control. “Lucas…”

  “Charlotte, it's okay.” Lucas took a deep breath and stepped away from Matt, whose face was ruddy with anger. “I'll leave you to talk this through.”

  “No!” I jumped from the bed, stumbling as I discovered my knee was much more painful than I'd anticipated. Lucas rapidly covered the distance, catching me against him before I could fall. I clung to him, tears flowing down my face. “Don't leave, please!”

  Lucas pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Alright,” he murmured quietly. “Alright, my love. I won't leave.” He gripped my hand, intertwining his fingers through mine.

  The sound of voices drifted from the hallway and Ben stepped into my room, followed by Acenith and Clinton Davis.

  “Good morning, Charlotte. You're looking much better this morning,” Ben announced, his gaze taking in Lucas's protective stance before he turned his attention to my father and his family. “I'm not sure you should be out of bed yet.”

  “You most certainly should not be out of bed,” Jerome growled as he walked in behind Clinton. “What the hell are you doing, Lucas, letting her get up?”

  “It wasn't his idea,” I muttered.

  “I don't care whose idea it was, it was a bad one. Get back in that bed right now, young lady.”

  The tension could be sliced in the room. Misaki was gripping Matt's shirt sleeve, as though expecting him to take a swing at Lucas. The eye contact she was making with her husband left no doubt about her mood - she was utterly furious with him. Perhaps I liked her better than my own father.

  While Lucas and Jerome settled me back into bed, Acenith stepped forward, shooting me a worried frown. “Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, this is Clinton Davis. He only recently arrived in Zaen also. Clinton, this is Charlotte's father, Matt Duncan and her step-mother, Misaki. And this is Charlotte's little brother, Kazuki.”

  “Please, Acenith - call us Matt and Misaki. We don't need to stand on ceremony,” Misaki insisted, as Matt and Clinton shook hands and eyed one another warily.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Clinton said. “Guess you're finding all this as weird as I am.”

  Matt raised an eyebrow. “You - you're a normal guy?”

  Clinton smiled, the skin around his eyes creasing. “Yep, didn't know about any of this. First I knew about it was when young Charlotte here was attacking a couple of demons and I stumbled into the fight.” He shrugged. “Before I knew it, she was tattooing my damn shoulder and I was transported through that freaking whirlpool thing into the city.”

  “And you've stayed here? With them?”

  To give Clinton due respect, he kept his cool. On the other hand, I was ready to punch my father in the nose. “Yeah. I knew Lucas and his friends before I discovered what they were. They were good people then, they're still good people now.” Clinton shrugged amicably. “They're vampires, I guess that's a huge thing to get your head around, but I consider them friends. I guess it's a bit like the difference between us and some of the other people on the planet. We all have our own ways, our own lifestyles.” He glanced at Lucas and grinned. “While I certainly don't want to drink blood, what Lucas and his friends have to do to survive is their business. Not mine. They don't try to eat me, I mind my own business.” He glanced down at Acenith when she nudged him discreetly. “Anyway, I understand you're having your own difficulties getting your head around all this - seems you and I are in a similar situation. How about I take you and Misaki on a bit of a tour around the town? We can stop in at the Mess, grab a coffee and have a chat. I'll introduce you to some of the good folk who live here.”

  I sighed deeply, glaring at my father. “Clinton, thanks for the offer - but Matt and Misaki are leaving.”

  Misaki's eyes widened and she pinched Matt's arm, her eyes fierce. “Matt?”

  Matt's brown eyes still simmered with unresolved anger. “Misaki, she's right. We can't make this work.”

  Clinton put a hand out towards Matt and he glanced from my father to me. “Look, Matt. I know this is tough to comprehend. I've been here for a couple of weeks, you've only had a couple of days. Why don't we go and have that coffee, have a talk? Won't do any harm to take another hour or two to think it through.” Clinton put all his self-assurance as a former Police Chief into his voice and manner and I hid a smile. He'd been a wonderful addition to Zaen, his quiet authority and sheer size made him a force to be reckoned with and he'd quickly gained the respect of the city's inhabitants.

  Matt stood uncertainly for nearly a full minute, finally taking a deep breath and shrugging. “Sure. Why not?” There was pain in his eyes when he looked at me, but he managed a faint smile. “I'll see you before we leave. Misaki, are you coming?”

  “I'll be there in just a minute,” Misaki agreed.

  Clinton led Matt towards the door and Misaki watched them leave before turning back to me with Kazuki snuggled in her arms. “Charlotte, I am so sorry about this.”

  “It's not your fault.”

  “He really is a great guy when you get to know him,” Misaki continued, offering me a warm smile. She reached down to pat my hand. “He doesn't mean to be so… over-protective. I guess that's the word I'd use. I don't want to make excuses for him, but he really doesn't have a clue how to deal with a twenty one year old daughter. Not when he hasn't seen you since you were two.”

  I frowned despondently, feeling fragile and emotional. “I think it will be better for you to go back to San Diego. He can't deal with,” I waved my hand around the room, “all this.”

  Misaki smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. “That's because he doesn't believe in 'all this'.” Her expression changed, growing serious again. “I'll talk to him some more, try and get him to see sense.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. “He really does love you, Charlotte. When I met him, one of the first things he did was show me a photo of you. He's been carrying it around in his wallet ever since he left your Mom, all those years ago. I know he's really sorry about not being there for you. I know it isn't any consolation, but he really does regret the decisions he made.”

  There was nothing I could think of to say, nothing which would be suitable in the circumstances. What was there
to say? It seemed there was no way of getting Matt to accept the world I lived in and worse still, no way to get him to accept Lucas. As far as I was concerned, the only option was for him go back to San Diego.

  “Either way, we'll come and see you once he's made up his mind,” Misaki continued. With an apologetic smile, she turned and slipped from the room.

  Chapter 37: Requests for Exile

  Acenith slumped onto the edge of the bed, rolling her eyes. “Well, that was awkward.”

  Ben settled on the other side of the bed, watching me with unconcealed compassion. He placed his hand on my arm. “Are you alright?”

  I groaned, slumping back against the pillows. “Out of all the people in the world, my father turns out to be a vampire redneck.”

  Lucas was standing by the window, his back rigid and hands still clenched into fists. He'd strode to the window after Matt left, body language oozing hostility.

  “Charlotte, it was always going to be risky bringing your father here,” Ben suggested in a low voice. “Don't blame him for being unable to accept what we are.”

  “While I get that he's freaked out by it all, it seems like he isn't even trying. He's determined to take me back to San Diego. Even when he agreed to stay for a few days, ultimately his plan is to take me back to San Diego.”

  Jerome jerked his thumb at Acenith and she slipped out of his way. “We've tried explaining to him that it wouldn't work - that Archangelo could find you there,” Jerome said curtly as he checked my cheek. “The trouble is that he doesn't have any parameters to relate this to.”

  “Maybe I was always going to be different,” I mused. “Ben, I accepted you and what you are straight away.”

  “This is true,” Ben agreed. “However, perhaps that's because you too are different, Charlotte. Perhaps your acceptance came rapidly because you are Nememiah's Child.”


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