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The Strike Out

Page 16

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Oh my God,” I say, as he pushes in and out, pinching and rolling. “Holt, I can’t—”

  “Tired, babe?”

  I nod. “My arms are shaking.”

  Releasing me, he slides out from beneath me, and I’m about to protest when he pushes my chest down but keeps my ass in the air. His hand smooths over my backside. I can feel the trail of my arousal against my skin as he sits up on his knees.

  “Anything goes?” he asks.

  “Wh-what do you have planned?” I ask.

  “You trust me?”

  “Yes,” I answer without even having to think about it.

  “Then don’t ask questions, just answer. Anything goes?”

  Going in blind, needing him to touch me again, I say, “Yes.”

  “Good. Spread a little more for me, baby.” As I spread, he reaches for my pillows and props them under my stomach, offering me support. “Comfortable?”


  As he smooths his hand over my rear end, down the back, until his thumb connects with my arousal, he says, “I want to hear you. I want to know I’m making you feel good or if you don’t like something. Do you understand?”

  Nerves bloom in my stomach as I nod.

  “I want to hear you say it.”



  He strokes me with his thumb, still sliding easily in and out, and then lifts away, so air is the only thing touching me.

  And it’s arousing.

  Waiting for him, feeling his warmth near me but not touching me.

  Knowing he wants to make me come, but not sure how he plans on doing it.

  I feel him shift behind me just before his hands fall to my ass.

  I’m exposed to him, spread wide for him, and not one ounce of shame floats through me, because I feel safe, I feel sexy, and I feel as though this is where I belong—with him. And he’s the one who has done that. He’s the one who has made me feel deserving.

  His thumb finds my clit again and he rubs me slowly, methodically, as if he knows exactly how to make me whimper for more, because that’s exactly what I do.

  “Yes, Holt. It’s so good.”

  “Keep talking to me, baby. How does this feel?”

  He drags his fingers down to my entrance and pushes in slowly.

  “So good. I want more.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” Still inside me, he glides his thumb up until it’s at my other entrance, and before I can say anything, he’s slipping his thumb inside, lubricated by my own arousal.

  “Oh . . . God,” I moan louder than I was expecting. “Oh my God, Holt.”

  “Breathe, baby. Relax.”

  My hands clench around the comforter beneath me as I take deep breaths, and with every exhale he pushes in a little farther until I’m so full I can’t focus on anything else but what he’s doing.

  “Holt . . . so . . . full.”

  “Does it feel good?”

  “So good.”

  “Want my tongue on your pussy?”

  “Y-yes.” I stutter from the thought.

  “Correct answer, because I fucking have to taste you,” he growls. God. So turned on.

  From the dip of the bed, I can tell he’s getting in position. I wait with bated breath, and then . . . the lightest flick of his tongue flies over my clit and I nearly combust. I don’t know how he’s doing it, how he’s keeping his hands where they are and eating me out at the same time, but he is and it’s bliss.

  His tongue peeks out again, this time with more pressure as he slides his fingers in and out, pumping me very, very slowly, but forming enough heat that I can’t feel anything but my core. My legs are numb, my arms don’t feel as though they’re attached, and as I lie here, I wonder if there’s anything better than this moment.

  Probably, and it would consist of Holt deep inside me.

  But this is second best, and I’ll take it.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he says before his tongue presses harder against my clit.

  A bolt of arousal spikes through me as I feel the early sensations of an orgasm climbing up my spine.

  “God, yes,” I say as his tongue vibrates against my clit. He flicks faster, pumps harder. I clench around him, my stomach bottoming out as a rush of euphoria hits me like a tsunami.

  A light sweat breaks out over my skin as I throb for him.

  “Holt, right there. God, right there.”

  My pelvis moves, seeking more, searching for the end as my body climbs, my eyes squeeze shut, and my entire body starts to shudder.

  “Yes, Holt. Oh, yes,” I say louder and louder as his tongue continues to press against my clit, flicking with abandon.

  All my pleasure pulls to the center, my orgasm building, driving forward. My pussy starts to contract around his fingers, and a desperate need to yell, to scream, to jolt and convulse takes over my body as he flicks and flicks and—

  “Holy fuck,” I scream. My orgasm blasts through me so harshly that all I can do is ride it out and let my body take over.

  Wave after wave of pleasure pulses, igniting my veins, burning my soul, imprinting this moment in my brain, the absolute rapture beating inside of me.

  “Oh . . . Holt,” I say, my voice raspy as my pussy convulses around him. My hips are still rotating, absorbing every last thrust of his tongue until I’m completely spent.

  My fists unclench.

  My lungs start to fill with air again.

  And my body begins its descent from the clouds.

  He presses a few kisses against my arousal and then slowly pulls away, one hand at a time. When he releases me, I can’t help but feel completely and utterly fucked as I relax my body against the pillows he propped under me.

  The bed dips again and then I hear him in the bathroom cleaning up. Next thing I know, he’s pressing a warm washcloth against me, soothing my backside. When he’s finished and returns from dropping off the washcloth, he removes the pillows, adjusts my shirt, and then climbs under the covers with me.

  He pulls me close against his chest and rests his hand behind me as I lean into his hold, my cheek on his chest.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh while wrapping my arm around his waist. “I’m blissfully okay.”

  He chuckles. “Watching you come on my tongue was really fucking hot.”

  “What you did to me was hot. I’ve, uh, never done something like that before.”

  “You can say it. Never had a finger in your butt before.”

  I feel my face flame and I’m grateful for the dark of night masking my reaction. “Yes. That.”

  “Did you like it?”

  “Are we really talking about this?”

  “Absolutely,” he says with confidence. “Babe, you have to talk about it. Then you know what your partner likes and doesn’t like. Communication is key. So, did you like it?”

  Cheeks burning, I lick my lips and say, “Yeah, I did.”

  “Good, because there’s a lot more where that came from. I didn’t do too much because I didn’t have lube, but if you’re into it, we can get really creative.”

  “How, uh, creative?”

  He kisses the top of my head. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “M-kay,” I think I say before lethargy takes me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Good morning,” Harmony says as her hand strokes my cock.

  My eyes flutter open as my balls start to tighten. Holy fuck, what is happening?

  I catch sight of Harmony sitting by my side as I lie on my back. The sun is blaring through her windows. And I’m just about ready to come.

  “Hope you don’t mind. It was poking me, so figured I’d take care of it for you.”

  “Jesus,” I say as she strokes me harder, faster. “Fuck, baby.”

  Numbness spreads from the tips of my toes upward as everything tightens in my body, pulling and tugging toward my groin. My breathing becomes labored a
nd I can feel the strain in my muscles as my body prepares to come.

  “Ah, you’re close.”

  “Yeah,” I say through clenched teeth. Her hand stops. “Baby,” I protest, sitting up, feeling delirious, still trying to understand what’s going on. And then she’s straddling me so her pussy lines up with my face and her mouth lines up with my cock.

  Oh, fuck yes.

  I spread her and catch her dripping with arousal as her mouth takes me in. I’m not going to last more than a minute with her hot mouth on me, so I make quick work of pressing my tongue against her clit just how I know she likes it. Her mouth hums in approval on my cock, and together, we please each other. Egging one another on, I move faster and so does she until we’re both panting, our bodies tensing and—

  “Fuck,” I grunt against her clit as I come in her mouth. Spurt after spurt, she sucks me in, and I lose track of the fucking time of day and what I’m doing for a few seconds. But once I’m brought back to reality, I lift my tongue up to her tight hole, the one I played with last night, and lick around the ring. She moans against the head of my cock. I do it a few more times before returning to her clit. All it takes is one flick and she’s coming on my face.

  She rides out her orgasm and when she’s done, she rolls off me and takes a deep breath.

  “This isn’t good.”

  “What isn’t?” I ask, sitting up, my cock half hard and lying on my stomach, wet from her mouth.

  “This.” She motions between us. “I’m growing addicted to your tongue.”

  I smile. “Nah, babe, it’s not good, it’s fucking amazing.”

  I lift her up from the bed and take her to the bathroom, where we both clean up. I slip my jeans on, and then together we walk down to the kitchen, where I watch her tiptoe around in my shirt, making us coffee. Fucking best morning ever.

  Leaning against the counter, I grip it as I stare her down, my libido already gearing back up, ready to go, as I watch her shirt ride up high on her ass, giving me sneak peeks.

  She presses the start button and then turns towards me, catching me staring at her. Her cheeks brilliantly light up with a pink hue as her hands twist in front of her.

  “What?” she asks.

  “You’re cute,” I answer.

  She walks over to me, smiling, and loops her arms around me, pressing her cheek to my bare chest. I release one of my hands from the counter and run it down her back to her ass, where I slip it under her shirt and gently cup her bare cheek.

  “It’s Sunday,” I whisper.

  “It is.”

  “Which means we both have the day off.”

  “I have a study group this afternoon, but other than that, I have it off.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “I’ll be your study group. Stay here, in bed with me.”

  “I can’t. It’s for points in my class. There are a bunch of athletes in my group, though. You could come hang out in the library with me.”

  “Yeah? We could do that.”

  “Good morning.” Priya stands in the doorway of the kitchen, glasses perched on her nose, hair a disaster, sticking out on all ends, and wearing a pair of blue shorts and an Aerosmith T-shirt. “Have a fun night?”

  I release Harmony’s ass and smooth my hand up her back as she tries to pull away, but I hold her close.

  “We did,” I answer. “How could you tell?”

  “Oh, you know. Just lots of screaming coming from the room last night. At first, I thought maybe she was having an exorcist moment because I had no idea there was a male in our home. But when she started chanting your name, it all made sense. Congrats on the high praise. I’ve never heard her have that much fun in her room before.”

  “Have you had a lot of company in there?” I ask her, lifting her chin so I can see her horrified eyes.

  The coffee beeps and Priya helps herself to a cup. “Not many. Just a couple. But I didn’t even know she was a vocal lover until you.” Then she casually walks over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of creamer.

  “Thank you for your insight, Priya,” Harmony says while pushing off me and going to the coffeemaker, where she pours a cup of coffee. She adds a dash of creamer as well, then walks over to me and rests her back against my chest. I drape my arm over her shoulder and grip her breast, making Priya laugh while Harmony slaps my hand away.

  “Oh, don’t let me get in the way. Feel her up all you want.”

  “Thank you,” I say then tilt my head. I reach for Harmony’s boob again, but she sidesteps me and moves to the other side of the kitchen. “Hmm, that’s not what she did last night.” I tap my chin. “Then again, I didn’t squeeze her boob. I was rolling her nipples and sucking on them.”

  “Oh yeah? That’s why she was squealing. I get it.”

  “Hope you two have a fun time in hell together,” Harmony says, clearly irritated as she walks back to the stairs and up to her room.

  I chuckle along with Priya and say, “I’m probably going to pay for that one.”

  “I think we both are. But you do have a lot more to lose than me if last night was any indication.”

  “You’re telling me.” I lean over and give Priya a high five. “Thanks for being a solid wing-woman. I really like her.”

  “I know you do.” Priya smiles. “I could tell. It’s why I helped you.”

  I look over to the stairs and back at Priya. “Really like her.” I grip the back of my neck. “She’s amazing, Priya. I’m sure you know that, but I’ve never met another girl like her. Fucking sassy, smart, goal-oriented and determined, but there’s a softer side of her that she’s let me see, and it’s beautiful. Fuck, I like her.”

  Priya smiles widely. “You’re something else, Holt Green.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s just say Harmony is lucky she found you. She deserves a man like you. Normally, as the best friend, I would say don’t hurt her, but I know you won’t. I just know it.”

  “I won’t.” I push my hand through my hair and whisper, “She’s it for me. I can feel it deep in my bones. She was brought into my life for a reason, and I’m here to prove to her why.” I wink and then take off toward the stairs. “Talk to you later, Priya.”

  From over her coffee mug, she says, “Bye, Holt.”

  I take the stairs two at a time and jog to her door, expecting it to be locked, so when the handle turns, I’m surprised to find her sitting in the chair, one leg crossed over the other, drinking her coffee.

  There’s my girl.

  I shut the door behind me and walk over to the chair, where I pull her up, sit down on the chair, and have her sit on my lap.

  She offers me the cup and I take a sip while my hand finds its way under her shirt.

  “I like you,” I say, quietly.

  “I heard,” she says softly, lifting my chin. “I heard everything you said.” Leaning in, she presses her lips softly across mine, making me fall even harder for this girl. “I like you, too, Holt.”

  * * *

  “I’m going to be over there.” Harmony points to a table where there are a few athletes I know, gathering. “Are you going to handle being by yourself?”

  “I might wither away. You better just use me as a chair. I’ll be subtle. No one will notice.”

  We’re tucked into a corner near the entrance of the library. She’s pinned against a wall right next to a bulletin board that seems as though it never gets looked at. None of the tear-off numbers on the flyers are missing, and neither are the notices and advertisements windblown from the opening and closing of the main doors.

  She reaches out and tugs on the hem of my shirt as I lean one hand against the wall behind her and hold her hip. “Think you can let me sit on your lap for two hours and not get a boner?”

  “Pfft, piece of cake.”

  “Liar.” She chuckles. “I know this because my hand accidentally brushed your crotch earlier and it stood at attention in seconds.”

  “The referees reviewed the tapes and that wa
s no accident, babe. Ruling on the field was intentional cock swiping.”

  “You’re obnoxious.”

  “You love it.” I lean forward and press a kiss to her lips that she reciprocates, and then she pushes at my chest.

  “Okay, I have to get some studying done. Don’t bother me.” She points her finger. “Got it?”

  “Got it. But after studying, you’re all mine, right?”

  “Only if you’re good.”

  “For what I have planned after this, I’m going to be a motherfucking saint.”

  She chuckles, pats my chest, and then takes off toward the table. She’s dressed in purple leggings and a black sweater that shows her bare, flat stomach if she moves a certain way, and I watch the sway of her ass as she greets her fellow studiers.

  And then I fucking sigh.


  I have it bad.

  Really fucking bad.

  Because all I want to do is go up to her, take her hand, and announce to the group that she’s mine. I’m desperate to make it known to every man in the library—hell, every man on campus—that they need not bother, because she’s taken.

  But I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t take too kindly to that, so instead, I hitch my backpack onto my shoulder and head toward the individual study section of the library. Being the planner that I am, I packed a bag for myself just in case Harmony was willing to have me spend the night last night. Luckily, she was more than willing.

  When I drove to her place last night, I wasn’t expecting much. Maybe a make-out session on her couch if I was lucky. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision coming multiple times in her mouth.


  The woman has a sinister mouth. Her tongue is fucking magic, her skills unlike anything I’ve ever experienced, and her willingness to strip me out of my briefs is fucking phenomenal. In the past twenty-four hours I’ve come four times, and I’m pretty sure I blacked out twice.

  Poor Priya.

  Right before we left for the library, I groaned so loud, I felt the echo in Harmony’s room. Priya texted Harmony and said she wouldn’t be able to get my groan out of her head for the rest of the night. Harmony was mortified. I told her to be proud of her skills. It’s not every day you hear a grown man create the pornographic sounds she pulls from me when she has her mouth on my cock.


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