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The Strike Out

Page 20

by Quinn, Meghan

  And just like that, our freak flag is waving in front of Harmony. Took all of five minutes.

  Harmony chuckles next to me, and I pull her in close. “Don’t let them fool you. They’re both perverts.”

  My parents stare each other down, smirks on their faces, and even after all these years of marriage, they still look at each other with so much love and affection. I hope that’s how it’ll be with Harmony. I hope we can have a long-lasting relationship like my parents’, because I can’t imagine being with anyone else. Sharing this life with anyone else.

  She’s it.

  Like my dad said—when you know, you know.

  And I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.

  * * *

  “What are you doing?” Harmony asks as I stand inside her bedroom doorframe, staring at my girl. She kicked off her heels and is removing the necklace I learned her parents gave her before she left for college. A tiny silver heart to remind her that they’re always with her.

  Gripping the frame, I say, “I told you I love you today.”

  Her smile lights up the room. “Yes, you did.”

  “And you told me you loved me.”

  “That’s correct.” She chuckles. “Thanks for laying out the events of the evening. Want to talk about the pizza we ate too?”

  “I said I love you, Harmony. If I walk into this room, I’m going to want you. Want all of you.”

  Realization crosses her face, and then the smallest of smiles graces her lips. Eyes trained on me, her hands go to her jeans, which she unbuckles and pushes off her legs. Next, she removes her top, leaving her in a strapless bra and thong. Like the fucking sexy piece of ass that she is, she struts toward me and grips me by the shirt, pulling me into her room and shutting the door behind me.

  I reach over my head and pull off my shirt, excited and nervous about where this is going. Up until now, we’ve fucked around with each other, trying every which way to make each other come, but right now, the mood is different. The electricity between us is sparking, but it has a more intimate tone.

  We’re about to make love.

  We aren’t going to fuck.

  This is going to be slow and deliberate.

  Her hands fall to my jeans, and I watch her unbuckle and then push them off my body. I step out of them, along with my shoes and socks.

  She closes the distance between us, and her hand falls to my hip where my scar is. Her finger traces the stitched tattoo and then her soulful eyes connect with mine. “I don’t know what I would have done if this happened when we were together.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I care so much about you, Holt.” Her finger continues to trace my scar. “I would have been a mess seeing you at the hospital, not knowing if you were going to be okay.”

  “I’m pretty indestructible. It would have taken a lot more to bring me to my knees.”

  “You were really sick.”

  “And now I’m better.” I grip her chin. “No need to worry about me, baby.”

  “I am worried.” She smooths her hands up my chest. “Besides my parents, I’ve never cared about someone like I care about you. And it happened fast, which is even scarier.”

  I move my hands to her back to unhook her bra. While undoing the clasp, I say, “Sometimes the best things happen to us when we’re least expecting them.” I let her bra drop to the ground and bring my hands to her breasts. I cup both of them, letting my thumbs pass over her hardened nipples.

  Her head rolls to the side as her breathing picks up. “I want you, Holt.” Her eyes connect with mine. “I want nothing between us.”

  “Nothing is between us.”

  She shakes her head and lowers her thong to the ground, and then she pulls down on my boxer briefs, freeing my cock from its confines. She curls her hand around my length and starts to stroke. “I want you bare, inside of me.”



  Fuck. I swear I grow ten times bigger just from the knowledge that I could be inside her with nothing between us.

  “I’m on birth control, and I’m clean.” She continues to stroke me, pretty much giving me the green light. A green light I’ve never had. Not that I’d want it with anyone else. When I don’t answer right away, she stops her hand and says in a nervous voice. “I’m really on birth control. I’m not trying to trap you or anything.”

  My brows pull together. “Harmony, I’d never think that of you.”

  “I’m sure you get offers like this, but it’s because I love you and I—”

  I press my finger to her lips, silencing her. “You don’t need to explain yourself. I was just stunned. Stunned that you’d want me bare. That you’d give me that kind of gift.”

  Hand to my chest, she guides me to her bed, where I sit down. She leans forward and presses a kiss to my mouth before kneeling between my legs and bringing my cock to her mouth.

  “Babe.” I cup her cheek. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I love your cock in my mouth, and I want every last piece of you tonight.” Then she opens her mouth and takes me deep to the back of her throat. I nearly choke on my own saliva as my head falls back and my hands fall behind me to support my torso.

  Fuck, her mouth is amazing. Soft, warm. It lights me up inside with the way she sucks me in hard, swirls her tongue, then slowly releases me. Hell . . .

  “That feels so damn good.”

  She releases me and then slowly drags her tongue up my shaft, right below the head, where she flicks the underside, hitting just the right spot to send my cock jolting upward. A shot of lust shoots up my spine, and the early stirrings of an orgasm hit me harder and faster than expected.

  No way. Not fucking yet.

  I grip her chin and slowly guide her to her feet. Questions lace her eyes, so I say, “You’re going to make me come too fast. Can’t have that. Not when I want to come inside of you.”

  She smirks, and I lay her down on the bed and spread her legs, exposing her beautiful pussy. I position myself between her legs and bring my thumb to her clit. Carefully, I rub against it, loving how goddamn wet she is. At this point, I know exactly what works for her, and I know how long it’ll take for her to come. This position—a few seconds.

  I rub her clit in short circles and watch as her body starts to tense, her legs spread even wider, her torso rises and falls, and her eyes squeeze shut.

  “Yes, Holt. Yes, right there,” she starts to chant as her hands fly up to each side of her head, gripping the comforter beneath her, twisting the fabric as I work her. “God, keep going. Oh my God, Holt.”

  Her teeth roll over her bottom lip right before her mouth drops open, her orgasm right at the precipice. I pull away and smooth my fingers to her entrance, where I insert two.

  “Fu-uck,” she says, her eyes popping open in surprise. I reach over to the nightstand, where I know she keeps her lube now, and I put some on my fingers before I go back to her entrance. I slip one finger inside her and then I move my other finger to her back hole, curling up. “Oh shit.” Her pelvis moves toward my hand. “I love it when you do this,” she moans. “I love it so fucking much.”

  “One day, I will claim this ass,” I say, growing harder just thinking about it. “Not tonight, though. That’s for another night. But for now, this works.” I lower my mouth to her pussy and I flick my tongue across her clit.

  “Holt, I won’t last.” Her head moves to the side. I flick again. “I’m serious. I’m about to come, just from your fingers.” I flick once more. “Holt . . . oh fuck. Fuck. I’m going to come. Please, I want you inside me.”

  “Come, baby. Come on my tongue and fingers.” I vibrate my tongue against her clit, and in seconds, she’s calling out my name as her body convulses against me, her orgasm ripping through her.

  It’s sexy.

  It’s intoxicating watching her lose control like that, shamelessly moaning and letting me know how much I can please her. It makes me feel all kinds of things, mostly like I�
��m the man she deserves.

  As her orgasm slows, I slow down my tongue. Removing my fingers first, I continue to slowly lap at her clit until she’s not moving at all, but instead lying still, catching her breath.

  Satisfied, I pull away and quickly grip my aching cock. I give it a few strokes, allowing some of the tension in my body to ease. I stare down at my girl, her beautiful body spread over her bed, nipples hard, skin flushed and dewy. I’ve never seen anything more perfect in my life.

  “Press your tits together.”

  Her eyes open, and she lazily smiles as she does what I say. I slide up her body, my legs straddling her, and I bring my cock to her cleavage. “Hold them there,” I say while I bring my cock between them, and I slowly, very slowly, pump my length through her soft cleavage. “Hell,” I mutter while I lean forward, grabbing the headboard for support.

  “This is hot,” she says, pushing her boobs together every time I thrust forward.

  “It feels fucking amazing,” I say, starting to move faster, realizing that if I keep at it, I’m going to come.

  I bite the inside of my cheek, holding off the immediate bolt of lust that goes straight to my cock when her fingers graze the tip.

  I lower myself down her body, then place my hands on either side of her shoulders and press my torso to hers. My mouth descends, and I slowly work my lips over hers. With zero urgency, I allow myself to get lost in her kiss, in the feel of her warm body pressing against mine. Her fingers drag up my back to my neck, and then weave through my hair, tugging occasionally, scraping, signaling her need, her want for me.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  I feel her lips tilt up as she says, “I love you, too.”

  With my knee, I spread her legs more and allow my cock to rest near her pussy, the head gradually rubbing against her. She sighs against my lips and reaches down between us. Gripping my length, she purposefully moves the tip over her slit, sliding me up and down. Her arousal makes the movement easy, her kisses ignite my veins, and her moans cause a sweat to break out over my back as my body starts to build closer and closer.

  “In you,” I mutter, feeling dazed. “I want in you.”

  She positions me at her entrance and says, “Take me, Holt.”

  “Fuck,” I grunt. I’ve been waiting for this moment for what seems like forever. And since we’ve waited until we knew we loved each other, it makes it that much more special as I slowly push inside her tight, greedy hole.

  She gasps and clings to my shoulders tightly.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Oh . . . yeah,” she says, relaxing and allowing me to slide in more. “Oh my God, yes. So full, Holt.”

  I keep pushing in until I can’t go any farther, and then I pause, feeling how she contracts around me, how she breathes heavily, how she adjusts.

  “I want all of you, Harmony,” I say, looking her in the eyes.

  “You have me, Holt.”

  I lean my elbows and forearms on the bed and bring my hands to her face, where I gently rub her cheeks before connecting our mouths and getting lost. Her tongue swipes against mine and I open wider for her, letting her take charge of our mouths, but keeping control over the pace of our connection, occasionally thrusting in, then slowly pulling out. It’s passionate lovemaking, the kind of sex I’ve never had before, the kind of sex I’ve craved.

  “You’re all I want,” I say when I drag my mouth across her jaw and down her neck.

  Her legs wrap around my waist, pulling me in closer. “I need you to move faster,” she says, desperate. “I want you to make me come.”

  “You there, baby?”

  She nods as tears well in her eyes.

  Concerned, I ask, “Are you okay?”

  She nods. “Happy tears.”

  Smiling, I press a kiss to each of her eyes and then angle up for a better position, better leverage. “I want to take you from behind so fucking badly, but I need to see your face when you come.”

  “You’ve seen me come many times. I want to feel you from behind. I want you deeper.”

  I press a quick kiss against her lips, and then I slip out of her and turn her over so she’s on all fours. Gripping her ass, I slowly slide into her again, this time going deeper, and fuck, it’s sweet.

  “Hell, baby.” I lean over her so my chest is at her back, and with one arm, I grip the headboard, while the other snakes around her stomach, holding her in place as I start to pump into her.

  Her head falls forward as she breathes out a heavy sigh. “Yes, Holt. Just like that.”

  My hand that’s wrapped around her inches up to her breasts and I cautiously roll her nipples with my fingers, loving how quickly they turn into hard pebbles. Her pelvis pushes against mine as I rock into her, sending me deeper, farther.

  “Shit . . . God, you feel phenomenal,” I grunt out, pinching her nipple now, pulling a pleasured scream past her lips. Her pace picks up and so does mine. Together, we create enough friction to build on the base of pleasure we already created, and before I can catch my next breath, my vision starts to tunnel as all feeling pulls to our connection.

  “So good, Holt.” Her voice sounds borderline in tears. “More, more.”

  I release her breasts and the headboard. I quickly grab some lube and spread it over her backside. I slip my thumb in as I continue to pump inside her, and she moans so loudly, the sound echoes off the wall as I drive into her farther and farther.

  “Shit, babe.” My toes start to go numb. A wave of tingling pleasure roars up the backs of my legs and pools in my stomach, my body on the verge of exploring. “Fuck, I’m there—”

  Her pussy contracts around my cock as she screams out my name. She comes in a fury of heat, her pussy tugging on me, milking me, spasming to the point that my balls tighten, my cock swells, and I come. Hard.

  White-hot pleasure sears through me as I moan. My cock pumps over and over again, taking over every last feeling I have inside of me. Pleasure wraps around me, heating up my bones, my muscles, pulling and tugging my nerves. Euphoria swirls around me, pulling me into a deep cocoon I don’t want to leave.

  Together, we ride out our orgasms, slowly floating back down to life together until we’re both spent and there’s nothing left but to collapse on the mattress. I roll off her and pull her back against my chest, where I cling to her and bury my head in her hair.

  “Fuck, baby,” I breathe heavily. “That was— There are no fucking words.”

  She catches her breath as well and she starts to chuckle. She turns in my arms to face me and smiles. “What the hell were we waiting for?”

  I smile at her. “I don’t know, but I love that we waited. Made it hotter. More intense.” I press a soft kiss to her nose.

  I’m a guy. I’ve wanted inside her for months, and if I’m honest, waiting was fucking hard. But that only came from the desire to find out how good we were going to be together. Knowing I’d found the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with made that yearning harder. But yet . . . I’m glad this was our first night. In love. After winning. After meeting my parents —who loved her. I just hope my enthusiasm wasn’t too much for her. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?” “

  “You were perfect.” She slides a leg over mine, drawing in closer, my half-hard cock resting against her pussy. “There’s no way you’re leaving this bed without more of that.”

  I chuckle. “I knew you were going to become addicted to my dick. It was only a matter of time.”

  She rolls her eyes and starts giggling as I attack her neck and start kissing her all over again.

  “I love you, Harmony.”

  She cups the back of my head as I work my mouth down to her breasts. On a beautiful sigh, she says, “I love you, Holt.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Do you see that guy over there?” Priya asks. “Booth twelve.”

  I glance over the divider wall and spot a man who seems to be in his mid-thirties lounging in
his booth, staring down at his phone.

  “Yeah. Do you know him?”

  Priya nods casually. “He’s the guy I fucked last night.”

  “What?” I ask, surprised. “Where did you meet him?”

  “Here, at the diner. He’s pretty chill. He has an amazing loft apartment. He ate cake off my body last night. It was hot.”

  “Uh . . .” I blink a few times. “Were you safe?”

  “Of course.” She waves her hand at me. “Listen, you two horndogs have been going at it all week, and frankly, I’m getting jealous and turned on. I met Harry last night and he showed me a good time.”

  “Is he here for another good time?”

  She nods. “Yup. He’s waiting for me to get off work.”

  “That’s in an hour. He’s going to wait that long?”

  “Looks like it.” She leans against the wall and holds a tray to her chest. “Thought it would be nice to give you and Holt some privacy too. I always feel weird, like I’m bothering you two.”

  “What?” I shake my head. “No way. We love hanging out with you.”

  “So, you’re saying the other night wasn’t awkward, when we were all sitting on the couch, watching a Hallmark movie, sharing a bowl of popcorn?”

  I laugh. “No. That was fun.” I nudge her. “Holt thinks you’re awesome.”

  “I know.” She smirks. “I mean, I am the reason you two are together. I just feel like the third wheel most of the time, and since you two said the big I love yous, I figured you’d want some time to enjoy that.”

  “You don’t need to have sex with a random stranger to give us space.”

  She shrugs. “It’s nice. Plus, he’s helping me with my English paper.”

  “Seriously?” I laugh.

  “Oh yeah. The guy loves papers. Kind of a hot-nerd type. I’m all for it.”

  “Well, as long as you’re being careful. Make sure he’s not a murderer or anything.”

  She pulls her phone from her apron and scrolls through it until she finds what she wants and flashes it to me. “My brother ran a background check. Harry gets the thumbs-up as an upstanding citizen.”


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