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Soldier, Priest, and God

Page 48

by F S Naiden


  1. Not followed by one, as at Curt. 4.7.28.

  2. Plu. Alex. 76.

  3. An annual sacrifice, but modified on this occasion.

  4. Probably sphagia as at Casabona (1966), 184; exx. include X. An. 4.3.18–19.

  5. A bull, but probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  6 Which some vegetal or animal offering would accompany.

  7. Theopompos FGrH 115 F 253.

  8. Probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  9. Probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  10. Later that day.

  11. Probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  12. Probably diabatēria.

  13. Suppositious because reportedly occurring at the seaside. A funeral for Demaretus at some other time and place remains possible.

  14. Probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  15. Probably sphagia as at n. 4 above.

  16. At two locations, with a distinct set of gods for each.

  17. A bull.

  * Parmenio

  ** Clitus

  *** Aristander

  **** Nearchus

  18. The shrine being closed, Alexander supposedly trespassed, and the Pythia quipped, “You are invincible.”

  19. See Ch. 2, n. 45.

  20. Supposedly dating from sometime in Alexander’s youth, and inserted here, according to the date at which it was supposedly brought to Alexander’s attention.

  21. The suppliant’s words and gestures being incompatible with his acting as a supplex.

  22. She later reverses herself.

  23. But the supplicandus is lying, and betrays the suppliant. This is perhaps too tidily wicked, if not altogether suppositious.

  24. Possibly betrayed, but the author will not commit himself.

  25. A fabrication by Callisthenes, FGrH 124 F 4a, as shown by Tarn (1948), 2.274–75; cf. Parke (1985), 64, followed by Bosworth (1988a), 108 with refs. Of the several versions of this event, including Plu. De ser. num vind. 557b and DS 17 table of contents Κ, only Curtius includes supplication. The act of supplication implies that the Branchidae were in good standing in the eyes of both Apollo and the supplicandus, Alexander.

  26. I.e., τῇ βουλῇ καὶ αὐτῷ.

  27. Unclear when this meeting ends; the cure is administered sometime later.

  28. I.e., a rege et a ducibus.

  29. Day before battle.

  30. Later the same day.

  31. Evening before battle.

  32. Evening before battle.

  33. Dawn of the day of the battle.

  34. Dawn of the day of the battle.

  35. Dawn of the day of the battle.

  36. Immediately before battle.

  37. After the trial, whereas previous meeting occurs before the trial.

  38. At Curt. 7.8.6, after some delay.

  39. I.e., a consilio.

  40. Next day.

  41. Three days later.

  42. Bosworth (1988a), 171.

  43. Two days later than no. 36.

  44. Perhaps not the same date as in Arrian, but the same subject, and mention of the same councilor, Nearchus. The scene is Alexander’s bath.

  45. Three days later than no. 36.

  46. Four days later than no. 36.

  47. Perhaps not the same date, and a different subject, military appointments as opposed to the Arabian expedition discussed according to Arrian.

  48. Five days later than no. 36.

  49. Commander not identified.


  In this bibliography, the names of classics journals are abbreviated as in L’Année Philologique, but journals in the field of the Tanakh and the New Testament are abbreviated as in the Handbook of Style of the Society of Biblical Literature, 8.4.2. Journals in the field of Egyptology are abbreviated as at the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95 (2009): 4–13, and journals in the field of Assyriology are abbreviated as at Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, Except for Demosthenes, rendered as “Dem.,” Greek and Roman authors and titles of works and collections are abbreviated as in A Greek-English Lexicon, ed. H. Liddell and R. Scott, rev. H. Stuart Jones (Oxford, 1968) and as in the Oxford Latin Dictionary, ed. P. G. W. Glare (Oxford, 1982). Titles of books of the Tanakh and the New Testament are abbreviated as for the Septuagint in LSJ, and titles of Plutarch’s essays are abbreviated in Latin. Epigraphical works and collections are mostly abbreviated as at Searchable Greek inscriptions: A Scholarly Tool in Progress, by the Packard Humanities Institute (Los Altos, CA, 2006– ). Achaemenid royal inscriptions are cited as in P. Lecoq, Inscriptions de la Perse achéménide (Paris, 1997).

  Where translations are cited, the English text is that of the translator. Otherwise, the English text is that of the author.

  Additional abbreviations appear below. These are chiefly abbreviations for ancient sources and for modern reference works, but one secondary work is included, Ernst Badian’s Collected Papers on Alexander the Great. After these items appears a list of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century travel writers and geographers who are not quoted in this book but contributed to the description of certain places and climates.

  ABC Ancient Babylonian Chronicles. Ed. A. H. Grayson (Toronto, 1975).

  AD Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylon. Ed. A. Sachs and H. Hunger (Vienna, 1988–1996).

  Al-Tabari The History of al-Ṭabarī, Taʾrīkh al-rusul wa’l mulūk. Ed. E. Yarshater (Albany, NY, 1985–2007).

  ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Ed. J. B. Pritchard (Princeton, 1969).

  Ar. Ps.-Call. The Romance of Alexander the Great by Pseudo-Callisthenes: Translated from the Armenian Version. A. M. Wolohojian (New York, 1969).

  Arr. fr. ΤΑ ΜΕΤΑ ΑΛΕΧΑΝΔΡΟΝ, in Flavii Arriani quae exstant omnia, v. 2. Ed. A. Roos, rev. G. Wirth (Leipzig, 1967).

  BaM Baghdader Mitteilungen. Beiheft (Berlin, 1968–1987).

  BCP Ernst Badian, Collected Papers on Alexander the Great. Ed. R. Stoneman (London, 2008).

  CAH Cambridge Ancient History. Ed. J. Boardman, D. M. Lewis, S. Hornblower, and M. Ostwald. 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1971–2006).

  Cyrus Cylinder H. Schaudig, Die Inschriften Nabonids von Babylon und Kyros' des Grossen (Münster, 2001).

  Edfou Die Inschriften des Tempels von Edfu. Ed. D. Kurth (Wiesbaden, 1998– ).

  EI Encyclopedia Iranica. Ed. E. Yarshater et al. (New York, 1982– ).

  Epit. Mett. Incerti auctoris Epitoma rerum gestarum Alexandri Magni cum libro de morte testamentoque Alexandri. Ed. P. Thomas (Leipzig, 1960).

  Eus. Chron. Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca, vol. 19. Ed. J.-P. Migne (Paris, 1857–1866).

  FGrH Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. Ed. F. Jacoby (Berlin, 1923–1958).

  Firdausi The Shahnama of Firdausi. Tr. A. and E. Warner (London, 1905–1925). Chapters and sections as at The Epic of the Kings. Tr. R. Levy (Chicago, 1967).

  Fort. Elamite Presepolis Fortification Archive, ed. M. Stolper and W. Henkelman, as at

  Gardīzī Zain al-ʼaḫbār: az rū-i du nusḫa-i ḫaṭṭī-i makšūf-i dunyā dar Kambriǧ̄ wa Āksfurd-i Inglistān. Ed. Abd-al-Hai Habībī (Tehran, 1968).

  GHI Greek Historical Inscriptions. Ed. M. Todd (Oxford, 1948).

  Hist. Frid. Historia de expeditione Friderici imperatoris. Ed. J. Debrowsky (Prague, 1827).

  HR An Old Hebrew Romance of Alexander. Tr. M. Gaster, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1887): 485–509.

  Jer. Chron. Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina, vol. 27. Ed. J.-P. Migne (Paris, 1841–1855).

  Justin Epitoma historiarum Philippicarum Pompei Trogi; accedunt prologi in Pompeium Trogum. Ed. O. Seel (Stuttgart, 1985).

  K-A Poetae comici Graeci. Ed. R. Kassel and C. Austin (Berlin, 1983– ).

  Leo Afric. Léon, l’Africain. A. Maalouf (Pari
s, 1986).

  Nizami The Sikander Nāma, or Book of Alexander, written A.D. 1200. Tr. H. W. Clarke (London, 1881).

  OCD Oxford Classical Dictionary. Ed. S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth, and E. Eidinow. 4th ed. (Oxford, 2012).

  Pallad. De gentibus Indiae et Bragmanibus. Ed. W. Berghoff (Meisenheim-am-Glan, 1967).

  PG Patrologiae cursus completus, series Graeca. Ed. J. Migne (Paris, 1857–1866).

  Ps.-Call. A Historia Alexandri Magni. Ed. W. Kroll (Berlin, 1926).

  Ps.-Call. B Der griechische Alexanderroman, Rezension Beta. Ed. L. Bergson (Stockholm, 1965).

  Ps.-Call. Γ Der griechische Alexanderroman: Rezension Gamma. Ed. A. Hain (Meisenheim-am-Glan, 1962–1969).

  RAcc Rituels Accadiens. F. Thureau-Dangin (Paris, 1921).

  RE Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Ed. A. Pauly and G. Wissowa (Stuttgart, 1894–1980).

  Roscher Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie. Ed. W. Roscher (Leipzig, 1884–1927).

  Sargon & Sennacherib The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib. State Archives of Assyria 17. Ed. M. Dietrich (Helsinki, 2003).

  SB Gilgamesh The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. Ed. S. Parpola. State Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 1 (Helsinki, 1997).

  Sennacherib The Annals of Sennacherib. Ed. D. Luckenbill (Chicago, 1924).

  Syncellus Georgii Syncelli Ecloga Chronographica. Ed. A. Mosshammer (Leipzig, 1984).

  ZDMG Zeitschrift des deutschen morganländisches Gesellschaft (Leipzig, 1843–1988).

  Travel Writers and Geographers

  Bellew, H. W. 1874. From the Indus to the Tigris: A Narrative of a Journey Through the Countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan, and Iran, in 1872. London.

  Burckhardt, J. 1830. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabis, Collected During His Travels in the East. London.

  Burns, A. 1934. A Voyage on the Indus. London.

  Byron, R. 1937. The Road to Oxiana. London = 1982. Oxford.

  Cunningham, A. 1871. The Ancient Geography of India. London = 1963. Ramapura.

  Fellows, C. 1852. Travels and Researches in Asia Minor, More Particularly in the Province of Lycia. London.

  Ferrier, J. P. 1857. Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan, with Historical Notices of the Countries Lying Between Russia and India. Tr. W. Jesse. London. 2nd ed.

  Fisher, W. B. 1950. The Middle East: A Physical, Social, and Regional Geography. London.

  Hamilton, W. 1842. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. London.

  Layard, H. 1894. Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia. London.

  Leake, W. 1824. Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor. London = 2010. Cambridge.

  Masson, P. 1842. Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, and the Panjab. London = 1974. Oxford.

  Ramsay, W. 1890. Historical Geography of Asia Minor. London.

  Steindorff, G. 1904. Through the Libyan Desert to the Oasis at Ammon. Tr. T. Ziolkowski. Bielefeld = 1977. New Haven, CT.

  Von Moltke, H. 1841. Briefe über Zustande und Begebenheiten in der Türkei aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1839. Berlin = 1979. Unter dem Halbmond. Erlebnisse in den alten Türkei. Ed. H. Arndt. Tübingen.

  General Bibliography

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  Adams, W., and E. Borza, eds. 1982. Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Macedonian Heritage. Washington, DC.

  Adcock, F. E. 1957. The Greek and Macedonian Art of War. Berkeley.

  Al-Rawi, F. N. H. 1985. “Nabopolassar’s Restoration Work on the Wall Imgur-Enlil at Babylon,” Iraq 47: 1–13.

  Allen, S. 2015. The Splintered Divine: A Study of Ištar, Baal, and Yahweh. Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East. Berlin.

  Altheim, F. 1953. Alexander und Asien: Geschichte eines geistigen Erbes. Tübingen.

  Amiet, P. 1979. “Archaeological Discontinuity and Ethnic Duality in Elam,” Antiquity 53: 195–204.

  Amitay, O. 2010. From Alexander to Jesus. Hellenistic Culture and Society 52. Berkeley.

  Andronikos, M. 1970. “Sarissa,” BCH 94: 91–107.

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  Badian, E. 1960. “The Death of Parmenio,” TAPA 91: 324–38 = BCP, 36–48.

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