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Sergey: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance

Page 15

by Serena Simpson

  He worked his mouth and fingers, adding to her pleasure, until she slumped against the shower wall. Picking her up, he turned off the shower and dried her off.

  He took her into the bedroom and laid her prone body on the bed, covering her up. Lorali had passed out. He looked ruefully at his hard member and shook his head. He‘d have to wait.

  Chapter Thirty

  The small hand tracing the muscles that corded his chest brought him out of the trance like sleep he‘d put himself in.

  “Hi, little one.”

  “Should I respond by saying hello, big one?” Her hand had slid down to grasp his erection. Her fingers couldn’t close around it. She was one lucky female.

  He chuckled, giving her a smile that turned up just a little. He swung his hips up, letting his throbbing erection move back and forth in her hand. He moaned as her hand tightened and began to move of its own accord.

  “Imagine me doing this when it’s my turn to clean you.” Her finger came to the head of his erection to rub the white pearl of liquid seeping out.

  His hips jumped as she rubbed the sensitive head. “By the way, I‘ve come to the conclusion that you have a cleanliness fetish. I just wanted you to know I‘m so on board with that.”

  His laugh turned into a moan as she stroked his head with the tip of her tongue.

  “Like that baby?” She opened her mouth, taking as much of him in her mouth as possible.

  The desire to thrust rode him hard. He held back, letting her take it as slow or as fast as she wanted. Her hand gripped him, sliding up and down his length, while her mouth sucked on him.

  His groans of pleasure increased as she sucked harder. She allowed him to slip out with a small popping sound. He watched as it brought a smile to her face.

  “I think you like it.” She took that incredible tongue of hers and began to lick the underside of his cock while her fingers played with his swollen sacs.

  “You‘re playing with fire, little one.”

  “Burn me, baby.”

  He reached down and pulled her up to his chest. “I wasn’t done.”

  “Neither am I.”

  He caught her mouth in a deep kiss. Drawing a ragged moan from her as her body moved across his in a graceful slither.

  “I need to be deep in you.”

  “Who‘s stopping you, baby?”

  His hand found the apex of her thighs, allowing his fingers to sink inside of her. “You‘re so wet.”

  “Wet and ready, love. Why don’t you come to mama?”

  He groaned and turned her over. He raised his body and looked down at hers. Her pale creamy skin made him harder and hungrier for her. Her blue green eyes blazed with desire for him.

  He saw the truth in them. She needed him as much as he needed her. Easing to his knees, he took his erection and stroked it against the lips of her pussy. Her body arched, up getting closer. Cream seeped out of her. The head of his cock rocked back and forth in her juices as he stared into her eyes.

  “All mine, little one.” With a thrust of his hips, he penetrated her. Her eyes grew wide and short little pants of air exited her throat.

  He let out a deep groan as she held him tight. The deeper he sank, the tighter she felt. He knew she‘d been made to be his mate, to give him pleasure, to keep his heart light and his honor intact. She‘d been made to love him and he rejoiced.

  He withdrew and plunged in again, allowing his pace to pick up and his thrusts to become harder.

  “I want you just like you are.” She whispered those words in his ear as her legs tightened around him.

  Her words spurred him on, drove him harder. The thin veneer of humanity he wore was ripped away. The male he kept under wraps showed himself. He preened in front of her while he impaled her repeatedly with his thick sword.

  Her shouts of encouragement mixed with her moans of approval kept him going. Her small hand patting his back made him smile. She was his. Acceptance had him diving in desperately, needing to go as deep as possible in her.

  It was the stiffening of her body that signaled his next move. He watched as he pumped deep, making sure to touch that spot that made her howl. Her body slipped over the edge as she cried out. He leaned down and licked the side of her neck.

  She threw her head back and cried out her pleasure. He struck his fangs, sinking deeply into her neck. Her hands went to his head and held him closer.

  He rocked his hips while he withdrew his fangs and licked her wound. He drove into her one last time as his pleasure was shouted aloud for all the nighttime silence to hear. He shook as he spent himself in her.

  He rolled himself over taking her with him and closed his eyes, never withdrawing from her.


  She looked around, knowing she wasn’t in her mind now. She was in his.

  “Mate.” She smiled at him. “I’m in your mind.”

  “Yes, the barrier is down. Now we can speak freely.”

  She snuggled into Sergey‘s body as she wondered what she should ask. “Who are you? I think that the female side of the brothers DNA seems to rule their more humanoid side. That would mean the male side of their DNA has more rule over you.”

  “You are smart mate. The male side is more dominant in this side of the created.”

  “Sergey said they sliced the male sperm, that the created was impregnated with sperm that had added DNA from other species in it. Not all of them of a higher life form.”

  “The scientists aren‘t as smart as they thought. They took beings they thought were unintelligent because they couldn‘t communicate with them. These beings were several light years in front of them in intelligence. They then took wild animals from their world and added them to the mix. Stupid scientists.”

  “I don‘t understand. There is no way, even if I was the smartest person on earth, that I could make the created from such a haphazard process.”

  “You could, if some of the beings used were sentient down to their DNA.”

  “That‘s impossible.”

  “Is it? You lay on the body of the male and speak to the beast in his head. Is that possible?”

  “Let‘s say I believe that DNA could be sentient. How would it manage to create the created over and over again?”

  “Let‘s give the scientists some credit. When they had a formula that worked, they rarely varied from it.”

  “I think I owe your scientists a thank you. No matter how they did it, you’re here and that‘s all that matters to me.”

  He pulled her closer.


  “Yes, little mate.”

  “Are you glad to be here? Are you happy with Sergey‘s choice?”

  “Yes. Little mate. I‘d have dragged the male to the end of the earth to look for you, if he hadn‘t come to his senses and claimed you.”

  “I‘d have hunted you down mate, if you had tried to leave me.” Her mental laugh sparkled between them. “Will I be able to talk to Sergey like this?”

  “Yes, soon you‘ll talk to the others also. Aran won’t wait to bring you into the fold.”

  “Another question. Can you do things like see the future or know what’s going to happen?”

  “The older we become, the more abilities we develop. The created to ask is Dante. He‘s the oldest of us all.”

  She wondered why that statement didn‘t surprise her as her eyes closed for a brief minute.

  She woke from sleep with an overwhelming sense of foreboding. She stretched out to find the space beside her cold. She sat up, looking around the room to find that Sergey sat in a chair that he‘d moved close to the bed.


  “What would you do for peace, little one?” She frowned. Her immediate response had changed. She went with it anyway.


  “Even kill?”

  “Yes, if it was needed.” You didn‘t join the army without the thought that you might take some lives. She also didn‘t join the army to take lives, but she un
derstood that at times killing, though wrong, was necessary.

  He nodded his head at her. “I‘d prefer to kill if it came to that. I‘d save you the regret and the nightmares. If something were to happen and I couldn’t be there to eliminate the enemy, don‘t hesitate. Kill. Remember, I’ll not be far away from you.”


  A high pitched alarm went off that wasn’t loud. You‘d only hear it if you were in the house. Lights went off in the base board, never making their way up to the window to alert whoever might be lurking outside.

  They were under attack.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Lorali went to the closet, pulling out her favorite camo pants and a black long sleeved Tee. She dressed quickly, making sure her guns were in working order as she stuck one in the small of her back. Another went into her boot, while the other boot housed a dagger placed in a special sheath. She took out a leg holster, placing another gun in it and swung her rifle over her shoulder.

  She turned to find Sergey looking at her. “Is something wrong?”

  She frowned and asked again. “Is something wrong?”

  He nodded his head no. “You‘re so beautiful.”

  She felt the smile that started at her lips and spread to cover her whole face. They were being attacked and he couldn’t help looking at her. She wouldn’t trade him for anything.

  Sergey rose fully clothed. He grabbed a pair of boots while she put her own on.

  “Who are you expecting? The military or the created?”

  “You don‘t seem to be surprised, mate.”

  “Just call me bait. Besides, do you really think I bought the ‘If we‘re quiet we‘ll be able to sneak out of a house full of created ‘?”

  “It was worth a try.”

  “Did you know that Aran almost went ballistic when he couldn’t get a beat on you? Do you really think we could‘ve come here without him knowing?”

  “Older brothers do present a problem at times.”

  She followed Sergey to the door, across the hallway and down the stairs. They ended up in the security room. The cameras showed fifty or more military personnel, dressed in fatigues, slowly advancing on the house.

  “What do you think they want?”



  “Someone remembered. I’m sure we have the created to thank for that. When you received that injection, your blood began to mutate at a higher rate. You started to show signs of what advanced life would look like on this planet in another thousand years. Dante and his brothers stepped in, asking us to stay out of it. Aran capitulated and allowed Dante to do what needed done. Now I know that I‘d have seen you and recognized you as my mate. It wasn’t the time. All your records were destroyed. The memories of all involved wiped, but not permanently destroyed. No one wanted to be responsible for males turning into vegetables. They should’ve never remembered.”

  “They remembered?”

  Sergey turned to look at the view screen she was pointing at. “No, he remembered.”

  He pointed to the General, the one that had made her life a living hell.

  “Now he’s coming after me.” There was no denying that. He stood on the perimeter, calling out the orders, letting his men risk their lives.

  “They were on their way, but we needed to wave some bait before them first.”

  “I’m ever willing to be used.”

  “It will be ok. I promise. I feel like a nice breath of cool air. What about you?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  She followed him out of the door and down the long hallway until they reached the front door. Opening it, they stepped out, effectively halting the advancement of the soldiers out front.

  “You thought this out, right?”

  He looked at her, but stayed quiet.

  “Lorali.” The General called out, using a bullhorn to amplify his voice. “Your life is in danger. We have come to remove you from this deadly situation.”

  She took a step towards the end of the porch before stopping. She looked back at Sergey and stepped back. She opened her mouth to reply to the claim. It was the touch of Sergey‘s hands on her shoulders that stilled her reply.

  He slid his hands up and placed something in each ear. “It is easy to mesmerize with words. This will change the sounds, enough for you to be alright.”

  “Why the sudden interest in my life?” She asked the General.

  “We don‘t have time for that. You need to step off the porch and come to me.”

  “Who are you?”

  “General Caine. Come to me Lorali.”

  Lorali‘s feet took her off the porch and through the military that parted like the red sea. She screamed in her head, not being able to open her mouth, to stop. She kept walking.

  “Get her in the car. Take care of him.”

  The General got into the vehicle, while the soldiers continued to advance on Sergey.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “Your blood.”

  “That’s easy enough. I’ll send you a tube in the mail.”

  “It’s not that simple. Your blood seems to need you or it dies promptly.”

  “You want to study my blood while it is still in my veins? You’re sick.”

  “Be happy. It’s the only thing keeping you alive.”

  “What will keep you alive, once Sergey catches up to me?”

  “I take it you mean the alien we left back there to die at the hands of my men?”

  “You should worry about yourself.” The man in the front passenger seat turned around to speak.

  “We may not be able to kill you, but that doesn’t grant you immunity. I have many tests planned for you. You‘re such a pretty little alien whore. I’m sure my men will find something about you to keep them busy.”

  Lorali leaned close, making sure she got a good look at the speaker.

  “What are you doing?” The General shoved her back against the seat.

  “I wanted to get a good look at the man Sergey will be killing first.”

  The man in the front seat swallowed hard before taunting. “Your alien is dead. If I were you, I‘d play nice. My name is Ed. I just wanted you to know the first name you’ll be moaning tonight.”

  Her eyes never left him. He turned around under the weight of her gaze.

  “What made you remember me?”

  The General turned to look at her. “I received a package in the mail. It had no return address, I almost tossed it, but my curiosity got the best of me. I opened it to see a picture of you. It wasn’t until I picked it up to examine it that everything came flooding back. I knew then that I had to find you.”

  “General, you‘re being manipulated by a created. I don’t know why he picked you or even me, but I do know he sent you down this course.”

  “The only thing that matters now is deciphering what you‘re turning into and finding a way to destroy the aliens infiltrating my planet.”

  “General, the created mean you no harm. They have done nothing to harm this planet or our people.”

  “No harm? I remember your test results. You‘re turning into something different. Although you still test as human you are obviously more advanced. You exceled in areas that in the past you were below average. You test as human but I have my doubts. To my way of thinking, you‘re getting off easy. You should’ve been terminated on sight.”

  “General, you fear me for no reason.” Lorali looked into the Generals eyes and saw fear. He would never let her live.

  They came to a screeching halt as the passengers in the car were thrown around. The tires screamed, stopping the car sideways on the road.

  “Company.” Lorali smiled and stayed seated.

  “Ed, get out and look around. Find out what’s blocking the road.”

  “That’s not a good idea, General. When Ed leaves this car, he won’t be coming back, alive.”

  “Stop your yakking. Ed, do what I told you.”

  “I warned yo

  Ed opened the door with his gun out. He stepped into the darkness of the road before disappearing from sight.

  Lorali sat in the car waiting. It was the thump on the windshield that caught all of their attention. Ed lay on it. Dead.

  “What now General?” Lorali asked with a mocking tone.

  The General waved a gun at the driver to get out and investigate. The driver looked back at Lorali.

  “I suggest you don‘t make them mad. It’s your only chance.”

  “I said investigate.” The General‘s roar sent the driver falling out of the car.

  “And then there were two,” Lorali said.

  “One well-placed bullet to the head will leave one.”

  She smiled at him. “No General. That would leave none. I’m your only chance at survival. If I were you, I’d remember that.”

  Lorali gazed out of the window, looking for signs of the driver. He came into view with his hands up.

  “General.” The driver said, staying away from the car. They say that if you come out with your hands up, they won’t hurt you.”

  The driver faded away into the darkness without waiting for the General‘s reply. The General stuck the gun in Lorali‘s back.

  “Get out.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Sergey stepped out of the darkness. He stood in front of Lorali and the General.

  “I see you made it off that porch. What a shame.”

  “Careful General, or I may say the same about you.” Sergey replied.

  The General smiled. Confidence radiated from him.

  “Let me tell you how this is going to work. I’m going to get in that vehicle with Lorali as my insurance policy. When I’m safe, I’ll consider returning her to you.” General Caine said.

  Sergey said nothing. The minutes ticked by.

  “Lorali, now would be a good time to inform you alien friend I mean business.”

  “He isn’t my friend, General. He‘s my mate. I assure you that I’ll not be leaving with you, ever.” Lorali responded.

  “General, would you kill to protect your planet?” Sergey asked.


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