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Forgotten, Saved, Loved

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by Violet Samuels

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  Copyright © 2015 by VioletSamuels

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  Nightfall Series

  Forgotten, Saved, Loved

  By: Violet Samuels

  ISBN: 978-1-68030-409-1


  It would be my greatest honour to dedicate this book to my friends and family who pushed me to write this book when I thought I couldn't.


  Know more about Comrade and Alex by reading the FREE chapters when you sign up for the author’s mailing list!

  Remember the guardian who always made people laugh? Remember the guardian who always tried to help? Remember the guardian who had a backstory? Do you remember the guardian who ran into the forest and never returned? That guardian was forgotten, or so he thought.

  Did he escape?

  No one knew other than the ones he loved the most.

  Was he loved back? Everyone knew the answer to that.

  Do you?

  This is a story of the guardian who was forgotten, saved, and loved…


  In a world of war, hate, and love, I stand alone. In a world of sadness, happiness, anger, and forgiveness, I struggle alone. In a world of selfishness, honor, generosity, and empathy, I feel alone. I stand alone. I struggle alone. I feel alone.

  Alone, never again will I feel complete without knowing what's going to happen to me. Never again will I feel like my life has meaning.

  How do people cope with a situation like this? Three years. It's been three years since I was captured, without even a clue if they're coming for me. These three years have caused so much pain and many fallen tears. Three years have passed and my hope is slowly slipping away. Three years... and I'm still not found. I guess you can say I'm forgotten.

  Have you ever been forgotten? It's a horrible situation to be in. It makes you feel like you're not loved anymore, like no one cares. Being forgotten for so long can change a person. It can change a person so much... that he can't even remember himself. He can't remember the person he used to be. He can't remember the person who used to smile and joke around. He just can't remember.

  How will you feel counting the days that you've been forgotten? How will you feel counting the times you've been beaten? How will you feel counting the wishes you’ve made that never came true? How will that make you feel? Sad? Angry? Annoyed? For some, it may be happy. In all honesty, it makes me feel like a total and utter crap. It makes me feel like I'm not loved and that I never was.

  You know, for the past three years, all I've thought about was when they're going to come for me. When are they going to magically pop-up in front of me and say 'surprise’? When are they finally going to help me escape?

  Everyday though, I wake up to the same sight. Instead of their smiling faces, I'm met with my guards' stony faces. Instead of their twinkling eyes, I'm met with the dull light of the bummed light bulb. Instead of their warm embraces, I'm met with the cold feeling that always surrounds me. I'm always met with the total opposite of what I wish, want, and need. Again, I'm all alone.

  For the first year, I wished upon a star every night. I thought if all the fairytales were true, it would work and I'd magically beam back home. Believe it or not, I even tried The Wizard of Oz trick and clicked my heels together like Dorothy, while chanting: "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home." It never worked.

  During the second year, I stopped crying and tried to grasp a hold on things. I put up with the beatings and trained my brain to help protect me against it. I trained my wolf to stay away in the shadows of my mind. I just stopped being a baby and took hold of myself. That helped.

  Finally on the third year, after holding onto hope for so long... I let go of my last grip. My fingers uncurled from the thin strand and let it broke. I let my hope go. I became numb during the third year. I thought, "What the hell? No one cares anyway! What's hope gonna do, bring back my life?"

  So, I became a heartless piece of nothing that rotted away in a tiny cell. My sanity, love, and happiness decayed ever so slowly. I willed my life to come to an end quicker. I just wanted this nightmare to be over.

  As I sit on my poor excuse of a bed, a rag on the cold cement floor, I bury my face in my hands and think. I think about what my life would've been like if I didn't end up here. I could've met my mate. I could've gotten married and had pups with her. I could've made my way up the ladder to finally become a general in training. I could've had a life. I stand up and grip my hands on the metal bars that cover the small window of my cell. It's so high up that my eyes can only see through it ever so slightly.

  A beautiful sight greets me. Lush green grass is displayed on the ground, graceful butterflies are flapping their wings, wind is blowing lightly on my fingers, trees are swaying, and all I ever want is to rid myself of this confinement and get out into the world. This little window is the only way I’ll know how many days have gone and passed. How many days I've been alone. I let go of the bars with a sigh and plonk back down onto the floor. Why is my life miserable? Oh yeah! Because I decided to help the ones I loved without thinking it through. I just acted on what my bloody instinct told me to do. The sound of the heavy, soundproof, metal door opening draws my attention away from my depressing thoughts. It's about five o'clock in the morning, so no guards should start their shift until at least another hour or so.

  That only leaves one more person... Kate.

  "Comrade?" I hear her faint whisper through the dim lighting. "Comrade, are you awake?"Yep, that's right. It's me, the little second choice for everything. The guardian that's forgotten, I'm Comrade Hollow.

  I hurriedly scatter to the bars of my cell and stick my hand out into the darkness. "I'm here, Kate, fo
llow my voice," I tell her in a hushed tone. The door may be soundproof, but it's still good to take precautions.

  Soon, I feel a small hand grasp my own. I slowly pull her to the bars and my eyes glimmer when I see her adorable face. Kate's a very pretty girl with waist-length dark blonde hair, and hazel eyes. She's short, about 5 ft. and 2 in. That's what you expect from a 13-year-old girl, though.

  "Why are you up so early? You might be caught!" I scold lightly. She giggles and rolls her eyes at my lame excuse. She's always up this early to talk to me, I should know better. "Comrade, you know I always come early on a Saturday ‘coz everyone's still asleep," she tells me back as she lightly smacks me through the bars. I roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah."

  Kate was only 10 when the war between the Nightfall and Moonlight packs happened. She was too young to fight but her parents weren't. Sadly, she lost both in the battle. She's still haunted by dreams of how they could've been killed. Since her parents died when she was at such a young age, even though it wasn't meant to be, she was put up for adoption. Here's a bit of a background story...

  Remember Damon? Yeah, I'm sure you all remember him.

  Well, the bastard got away and survived that bloody war. He survived the war so many other wolves didn't. He took what little pack members he had left with him and set himself up deep inside the woods of his territory. At least, that's where I think I am. As I chased and killed the runaway wolf, I was ambushed by his remaining pack members and got knocked out. I honestly wasn't in any condition to fight. I woke up in this cell and I haven't been out since.

  About two years ago, Damon met his mate, Phyre (pronounced fear-e). She's Spanish, if you didn't get that. From what I've gathered, she's weird, funny, shy and when she first met me, she was a bit awkward. Also, for some odd reason, she wears combat boots every day. Honestly, I think she's a good mate for Damon because she can keep him in check against his harsh, cruel, and angry ways. Phyre is much smarter and more controlled.

  On the other hand, that doesn't mean good news for me.

  Unfortunately, they found out they couldn't produce pups. Phyre, of course, was heartbroken. Then you had Damon. He went on a total rampage. And guess who got the wrath of his fists? Yep, it was little weak me. I got all the hits and kicks and just dealt with it. That's when my hope started to slip away slowly.

  Since there were many orphaned pups left from the war, Damon adopted one. That one is Kate. Kate was thrilled that she now had a family again, an alpha family at that. Phyre was also thrilled, but you could still see the sadness that lingered behind her eyes.

  Overall, Damon found his mate and they adopted Kate. Since then, she's been coming to see me every single chance she gets. The stupid girl... I've never asked her why though. I've never wondered why she's so intrigued with me.

  "So, my pretty little girl," I begin, earning a small giggle from Kate. "What's been happening up above? I haven't seen you for at least four days!" I exclaim with mock outrage. Kate breaks out into a full on laughter and a ghost of a smile graces my face. I love her laugh. It gives me peace and makes me believe that there are still good people in this horrid and cruel world. Kate's the only one that can make me smile like this. If it wasn't for her, I don't know if I'd be coping.

  "Well," she begins after her little laughing fit. "Mum has been trying to get Dad be happier and not angry all the time. You know, for certain reasons they can't help. Of course, he isn't angry around Mum and I. Um... Dad's been training all the newly shifted wolves. And apart from that, nothing much changed." For certain reasons, one of that is Damon still being angry about the baby situation.

  Yes, she addresses Damon and Phyre as dad and mum. Don't ask me why, ‘coz I will never do that. I think it gives her closure, knowing that she has replacement parents. I know her real parents can't be replaced though, never in a million years. No child should have to live through the pain of losing both parents in one day. I nod at her and rub my sore eyes. I sigh as I bury my face in my hands. "Has there been any word?" I whispered. Kate knows exactly what I'm talking about. I want to know if there's been any word from Celina, Axel, or even Callum. I want to know if they're coming for me.

  She puts on a sad smile as her eyes fill with sympathy. I instantly know the answer. No. "I'm sorry, Comrade, but nothing's been heard. If there is, then Dad's doing really well to keep it from everyone. I'm sorry," she repeats.

  I close my eyes and sigh heavily. Life just isn't fair. "You should go," I whisper, my face still in my hands. I don't want her getting caught down here, who knows what Damon will do to her.

  "Comrade..." she trails off with tears in her eyes. She hates it when I ask her to leave. It breaks her tiny little heart.

  "Please, Kate. Just leave," I whisper again as I bring down my face from my hands. The truth is, I don't want her to see me like this, like the broken man I know I am. She takes one look at my eyes and her bottom lip quivers, her head nodding. "I'll be back soon," she promises, then darts out of the room. She locks the door behind her, letting me wallow in my self-pity once again.

  No word from Celina. The one person who I thought I could trust. She's had three years to look for me and still, she hasn't found me. Yet, it was me who found her. I wonder how the triplets are doing. I've missed their first step, first word, first everything. I wanted to be there, to be uncle Comrade. I guess my fantasies will never become a reality. Axel is the man who has power, strength, and courage. In all honesty, I wanted to be like him. Key word: WANTED.

  Now, all I want is to know why he hasn't found me yet. As I’ve said, he has power no one else in this world has. He's the Moon Goddess' son for Christ sake! He could've done something! He can do something. Then you have Callum, the first choice guardian, the first choice beta, the first choice friend, the first choice in everything. He even made Celina laugh first. He's seen the triplets' first step and heard their first word. He's the first uncle. Uncle Callum is always there to make someone laugh, always there to make Celina happy.

  What did I do? I made her feel pain. I made her worry. I made her cry and cry and cry. There's one thing I did though that's good. That one little thing... was making her feel loved when nobody else did.

  Axel abandoned her when they first met. Callum just tagged along for the ride and wanted to see where it ended. Me? I cared for her. I loved her. I made her feel safe. I helped make who she is today, the confident and kind Celina Heart.

  Again, I hear the doors unlocking and opening. This time though, it's not Kate. A buff man over six feet tall with graying brown hair, cold black eyes and clothes to match his whole demeanor. Everyone, I like to introduce you to Mr. Crusher. That's all I know of his name, the nickname that was given to him for a very good reason. I learned that the first day I met him. Never again, never again...

  I bolt into a standing position and clench my fists. Mr. Crusher catches onto this and chuckles darkly at me. "You know what today is, boy? Workout time," he booms in his almighty voice while unlocking my cell and grabbing me around the neck.

  Four times a week, I'm forced to do workouts by fighting against the most, well-trained wolves and push my limits to the max. As torturous as that sounds, I find it as a way to vent my pent-up anger, to let everything out when I feel the need to. For me, it's a way of mentally fixing myself.

  It's also made me a lot buffer than I was before. I have biceps, an eight pack, calf muscles, and most importantly, I have the strength to carry on. Something I needed for a very long time. Mr. Crusher drags me to the workout station that's only a few meters away from my cell. He throws me straight into the wall that's adjacent to the weights. I look at them with an emotionless expression. Here comes the pain.

  "Get to work, boy!" Mr. Crusher snarls. The vein in his head starts to make an appearance and his muscles flex with annoyance. Hey, I would be annoyed too if I had to wake up at six o'clock on a Saturday to supervise a prisoner. It'll probably be better if I just do what he says and get this over with, but where's the fun in that?

  I take my sweet time while getting up just to aggravate him more and make my way over to the weights. I lower myself onto the bench press and physically prepare myself for the 250 kilograms I know I have to lift.

  "Don't test my temper, boy. I have power over you,” Mr. Crusher threatens. To add to his threat, he of course, adds another 50 kilograms to the weights, forcing me to bench press 300 kilograms. That bloody bastard.

  On top of having werewolf strength, I also have my guardian strength added to that, making me extra strong and mighty helpful in these circumstances.

  "One!" Mr. Crusher booms and I lift the weights with determination, just to prove the bastard wrong. He will not overpower me! "Two!" he continues and I lift it again. The muscles in my arms work with all their might as I strain and push them to the limit. "Three!" he booms again. I lift the weights again and all that's going through my mind is: 'I hate that bloody son-of-a-bitch.' He continues until I've done 100 bench presses with a 300 kilogram weight. Yet, this is just the beginning. Mr. Crusher smirks at me. "Tired?" he asks curiously, his smirk still evident on his face and his eyes twinkling with hate towards me. I'm sure mine are burning with the hate I feel towards him too.

  I smirk right back with a challenge in my eyes. "Not even the slightest." The smug smirk drops from his face and a deathly glare replaces it. Bring it on, Mr. Crusher.

  Hours and hours of gruesome workout and I'm just about ready to collapse. I won't though, because that will mean giving in and I don't do that. I won't even mention the stuff Mr. Crusher got me to do. It's too painful to think about. "Had enough now, boy? Huh? All tired out and ready to give in?" Mr. Crusher mocks me. I shakily rise from the floor where I just had a defense and offence game with the one and only Mr. Crusher. Guess who won? Not me.


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