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Forgotten, Saved, Loved

Page 4

by Violet Samuels

  At the sound, Celina's wolf whips around to face me. She registers shock for a moment and I choose that moment to lock eyes with the blonde wolf and silently tell them to run. They nod in thanks and bolt back into the cover of the trees.

  Celina suddenly snaps back and turns to tag the wolf, only to realise that they're gone. She turns and growls at me while I growl right back. Luna or not, this is like a game of survival tag and I will not lose.

  She lunges for me, so I sidestep her and bolt off into the forest, still in human form. I hear her growl behind me and the heavy fall of paws. I pick up my pace as I go through twists and turns trying to lose her and small spaces that I know wolves can't get through or get passed.

  As I slide under another log, I hear a huff. I turn around to see Celina looking at me with a gleam in her eyes, to which I smile. She then bolts off in the other direction, searching for another victim.

  I jump up into the nearest tree and become frozen on a high branch. I stay still as I try to listen for movement again. I'm met with silence. I stay in my tree for the next three hours, not as well hidden, but still hidden enough. I wonder who's actually still out there. I'm sure Taylor and Ally will still be going strong because I've made them train every single day, two times a day. There's no way they'd be caught in the first 10.

  A rustling to the left draws my attention. My head snaps in that direction as I freeze and hold my breath. I wait patiently to see who emerges and I almost jump out of my skin when I realize it's Axel. Now remember, Axel is an alpha wolf that's midnight black with silver eyes. He can scare the living daylights out of anyone.

  I gulp slightly as he stalks through the trees, looking with his striking silver eyes to see who the next victim is. I stay perfectly still as I just watch him, hoping for him to just hurry it up and move on.

  Axel being an alpha though, knows when someone's watching him. He suddenly freezes on the spot, a paw hanging in the air ready to be put down. Oh. Crap.

  He looks in the direction of the tree I'm situated in, making my heart beat accelerate. Bad move.

  Axel instantly hears my racing heart beat and starts looking in and around the tree I'm in. I don't want him to find me, so I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. Calm down, I mutter in my head, calm down.

  My heart beat comes back down to a normal pace, which seems to throw Axel off guard because when I open my eyes, his eyes are darting around everywhere trying to spot me again.

  Just to confuse him even more, I grasp a loose branch in my hand. I look for a clearing in the tree's leaves, and when I find one, I launch the branch through and wait to hear it connect with the ground. A few seconds later, the distant sound of the branch hitting the ground fills my ears. I look at Axel to see his head snap in that direction. He quickly scans the area one last time before sprinting off to where the branch landed. He's gonna be annoyed when he realises that it was only a branch that got his attention...

  As soon as he's out of sight, I jump down from my tree and run in the opposite direction. So, I've been chased down by Celina and Axel, so that only leaves Callum. I wonder where’s he at?

  I don't have to wonder for very long, because as I'm about to race up another tree, I hear two growls not even 20 metres away.

  My eyes widen when a sandy coloured wolf and a light brown wolf come flashing passed me. I blink a couple times before getting over the shock and bolting off after them, easily catching up in my human form.

  I trail behind Callum as he continues to chase the wolf. I'm so gonna pin this on him the next time I see him. I’m trailing behind him for how long while he doesn't even notice. Ha! Classic...

  Callum suddenly crouches low and goes in for the tag. The light brown wolf notices and picks up their pace. Just by the looks of it, you can easily tell that the light brown wolf won't be able to get out of the tag.

  Just as Callum launches himself off the ground, I take a hold of his tail and give it a good pull. Callum stops in midair, as his large wolf body collapses to the floor, just missing the light brown wolf.

  I chuckle as I hear his growl, but before he can retaliate, I take off running. I laugh as I hear his heavy paws falling far behind me.

  For the rest of the 'task', I run around trying to avoid Axel, Celina, and Callum, help those who are about to be tagged and keep myself high in the trees. I've had a few run-ins with other wolves, but they just nodded at me and kept on running.

  The task has been running for about six hours now, I don't even know who's left. I'm pretty sure that the first 10 were taken out in the first three hours, but I can't be sure. This being the reason, at this very moment, I'm heading for the grounds to check everything out.

  Somehow, I've managed to dodge the taggers the past hour and arrive at the grounds without being seen or tagged. They do have to cover a lot of ground though.

  As I approach the grounds, I jump into the nearest tree. To my utter and complete surprise, everyone from the group is there. Including a very pissed off Taylor and Ally who just looks a little shocked. I chuckle at their faces, priceless.

  A black wolf, white wolf, and sandy wolf suddenly burst through the tree cover. No mistake, it's Axel, Celina, and Callum. They all head behind a different tree and shift, emerging again with clothes on.

  They all make their way to the middle of the group while everyone stares at them expectantly.

  Callum clears his throat. "Well, it seems like we can't find Alex. We've searched the whole territory and she's nowhere to be found. So!" he suddenly exclaims. I sit up from my relaxed position in the tree and listen intently. "Whoever finds her gets to eat her infamous 'Alex's special desert'!"

  A round of cheers is heard as I raise an eyebrow. They expect me to cook? Please! They can cook for themselves! I ain't their bloody slave!

  I jump down from my tree and strut my way into the grounds. No one notices me since they're still all cheering, so I decided to change that.

  "You expect me to cook?" Everyone's head snaps towards me at the sound of my voice. I look at Taylor and Ally to see that they're sporting big grins. Probably because they know I so wouldn't cook for the person who found me. No way in hell!

  I look at Callum to his shocked and slightly surprised face. I raise an eyebrow at him while putting on a look that says, 'really?' He sends me a sheepish smile and I can't help but roll my eyes at him. He's so ridiculous.

  I then look to Axel and Celina. Axel's face shows one of approval and pride. My wolf howls in happiness knowing that her alpha is proud of her.

  Then I look to Celina to which I realise that she's not standing where I originally thought she was. The next moment, I'm engulfed in a hug by small and dainty arms. Celina.

  I stand there in shock for a moment as Celina, my Luna, my shy and kind Luna, hugs me. Why is she hugging me? Nonetheless, I hug her back with all my might. She hugs like a mother and I haven't had a motherly hug in a very, very long time. She may be only a year older than me, but she's certainly a lot wiser than her age.

  She pulls back to smile at me in relief. I stare at her confused. Relief? Why is relief showing on her face?

  "Alex," she breathes. "I'm so glad you're safe! We've been looking for you for hours! Don't ever do that again! You had us worried sick!" she scolds as she pulls me into another hug.

  Wha... I'm so confused...

  "Celina, I think she's gonna suffocate if you keep hugging her," Axel says softly as he pries Celina's arms off me.

  He pulls her into his arms as he nods his head at me. I nod back with a small smile. Axel takes Celina inside as he leaves Callum to deal with us.

  I give him an expectant look as he clears his throat. He is so not getting dessert tonight.

  "Right, uh... Since we have everyone here, it's time to announce who shall be assigned to the mission," he says as he looks directly at me the whole time.

  I smirk at him as I make my way to stand next to Taylor and Ally. Callum continues to go on and on about how dangerous the mission is an
d all that stuff. To be honest, I tune out.

  "Pst! Alex!" Taylor whisper yells. I tune back in and look at her. She motions to Callum with her eyes, so I turn my head to him and actually listen.

  "Now to announce those who are taking part in the mission," he says as everyone's eyes transfix on him. We all hold our breaths, even though all of us know our fates.

  "The following people step forward: Alex, Ally, Derek, Scott, Luke, Sam, Liam, Noah, Louie and Taylor." We all step forward and I can't help but grin at the people who are standing beside me. "You are the people who we have chosen!" Callum says proudly and just like that, I feel like I've finally accomplished something in my life.



  After we were all announced, Callum leads us all into the pack house and to the meeting room. The meeting room is pretty much a place for the pack to meet and talk about situations, problems, etc. It's pretty boring actually.

  In the middle of the meeting room is a long table, which could hold at least 20 people, with black, leather chairs surrounding it. I've never actually been in the meeting room since it's only for the high rankers and for guests who are high rankers.

  "Take a seat," Callum calmly states as we all take a seat on one of the black, leather chairs. Callum then walks out of the room, leaving us to discuss about what happened.

  "Holy shit! I don't believe I'm in the selected 10!" Sam exclaims with a wide grin. We all grin along with him and nod our heads. We're all young adults here and most of us know each other, so it shouldn't be hard to get on.

  "I know! I wouldn't be here though if Alex didn’t come to my rescue. Would've been the first one out of the game," Louie suddenly states as he looks at me with a grateful look.

  I stare back at him confused. "What?" I ask bluntly. Most of the guys all look at me with the same look of gratefulness while I continue to stare at them all, confused.

  Derek rolls his eyes at me. "Alex, you pretty much saved all our asses by stopping the taggers from getting us."

  My mouth forms an 'O' as I realise what they're talking about. Louie must've been the blonde wolf...

  I shrug and lean back in my chair. "No biggie, just doing what I would've done in a real situation." The room falls silent at my words. Not an awkward silence or anything, more of a meaningful one.

  At this point, Callum walks back in, but he's not alone. Accompanying him are Axel and Celina, who is also not alone. Holding Axel's hand, his eldest three-year-old boy, Jett, grips it tightly with a big grin on his face. He takes after his mother with pitch black hair. He has his father's frame though and, even at three, his infamous smirk.

  Holding Celina's hand, her second born, Dylan, happily walks along with his mother with a charming smile on his slightly chubby face. He also has his mother's hair, but his father's frame.

  The third little angel that is happily resting in Celina's arms, is Clarissa. She has her father's snow white hair that falls gracefully down her back. She has her mother's petite and dainty figure, as well as her beautiful smile.

  One thing's for sure, Jett and Dylan are going to be scaring a lot of horny werewolves away from their little sister. I chuckle at that thought.

  The similarity between them all though, is their eyes. All three triplets have silver eyes with golden swirls, making them look mysterious and magical.

  Seeing Celina struggling a little with holding her excited boy's hand and holding Clarissa, I quickly jump and make my way over to her.

  "Here, let me help,” I offer as I get up from my chair, all eyes on me, and head towards a struggling Celina.

  Celina smiles gratefully at me as I take Clarissa from her arms, so that she can pick up Dylan. She lets out a big breath as she cuddles her baby boy to her chest.

  "I swear, they wake up from a nap and bam! They're jumping around and almost impossible to control," Celina tells me exasperated as she takes her seat next to Axel, at the head of the long table.

  I chuckle and take my seat, which happens to be next to Celina's near the head. I sigh as I look at the three highest rankers in the pack. They all look stressed and... relieved in a way.

  The little girl in my arms giggles. I look down to Clarissa's beautiful little face, that reminds me so much of her mother, and raise an eyebrow.

  "What are you giggling about?" I whisper in her ear. She giggles again and I smile. Clarissa's a shy child and not very social, taking after her mother I suppose. She adores me though, because I'm always offering to help out with them when Celina and Axel have pack business to worry about.

  "Nothing," Clarissa says innocently as she giggles again. I roll my eyes at her as I look to Callum who looks like he's about to start a very important speech. I motion for Clarissa to be silent; she obediently follows.

  "You were selected as the top 10 to carry out this mission because we believe you are the strongest and most capable of accomplishing it. A lot of thought has been put into this mission and we can't afford to have a slip up," Callum states in a serious voice. I actually blink in shock because I've never really heard Callum be this serious before.

  Axel takes it over from here, saying in his naturally loud and powerful voice, "This mission is a rescue mission. You all remember the war a few years ago?" Angry growls and sad nods answer his answer, I stay quiet. "Well, one of Celina's guardians was captured that day and we intend to get him back."

  Silence. That's what follows Axel's announcement. I look around the table to see the shocked faces of my friends and shocked faces of those I still have to get to know.

  Axel makes eye contact with every single one us. Stopping on me with his little girl in my arms, his eyes soften at the sight of his little angel. They instantly snap back up to me though, hard and cold.

  "Why don't you seem as shocked as the rest, Alex? Are you not feeling remorse for your lost pack mate?" he questions in an over powering voice.

  I bow my head in respect as I answer. "I'm sorry if I offend you in anyway when I say this, Alpha, but I figured out a long time ago that this group and mission had something to do with Celina's missing guardian." I answer with honesty, which seems to shock him for a moment.

  He nods his head in approval, nonetheless, and sits back down in his seat. He puts on a thinking face as Callum and Celina look at him expectantly. He ignores them though and continues on to say what he initially intended to.

  "The plan is simple, we will split into three groups. The first group will be Sam, Louie, Luke and Taylor. Your job will be to distract those who are surrounding where Comrade is being held. We need you to lead them away, so that the second group can come in." The four people who are mentioned all nod their heads and listen intently to what happens next.

  "The job of the second group…" Axel continues to say, “is to infiltrate the location. You need to take out anyone who gets in the way of our mission. Don't let anything stop you or else it could change the outcome for all of us. In simple terms, the whole group is depending on you."

  Everyone gulps at the warning.

  "Who's in that group?" I ask when everyone's eyes fill with anticipation.

  Axel clears his throat before looking at us. "Derek, Scott, Liam, Noah and Ally will be a part of this group. You five were in the top six and required the most minimal help from Alex." He spares me a look to which I look innocently back at. He rolls his eyes at me.

  That's when it hits me: what group am I in?

  "Uh, Alpha? If I'm not in group one or two, what group am I in?" I question confused. To my surprise, Axel grins. After seeing his face, both Callum and Celina grin as well, as relief fill their eyes.

  "You Alex, will be in a group with Celina, Callum, and I. We will be the ones who’ll actually find Comrade and make sure he gets out safe and sound."

  I stare in shock at Axel, as does everyone else.

  I'm gonna be in a group with the three most high ranking wolves in the pack? Well then... Hallelujah!

  A big grin takes over my face as I quickly get up, making su
re Clarissa is holding on tight, and take Axel's hand in mine, shaking it vigorously.

  "Thank you, Alpha, thank you so much," I say grateful with a big grin on my face. I don't believe it! As girlish as that sounds, I honestly can't!

  "You're very welcome. Now, everyone else, go rest up. You've all had a long day and we want you well rested and ready for when training starts in two days. You're dismissed," Axel announces, so everyone makes their way out of the room, me included. I've already given Clarissa back to Celina.

  "Oh! One more thing!" Everyone freezes with Taylor's hand on the door knob. We all look to him expectantly. "The group leaders will be Taylor and Ally. They were the in the top three, so you answer to them."

  Curses and groans are heard as Taylor and Ally smirk at the boys. They saunter out of the meeting room with their heads held high and all the boys trailing behind them as they complain and groan.

  I chuckle and go to follow them before Axel calls me back. I obediently obey as I come back inside to see what Axel wishes to tell me. Clarissa comes running back up to me and I smile as I gather her in my arms. She giggles her adorable giggle while my smile grows bigger. She's so cute!

  "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask formally as I look to Callum. Callum looks to Celina, who looks to Axel, who then looks to me. Okay then...

  "Alex, you are aware that some of the group may not come out of this alive." I nod my head in answer to Axel's stern voice. "Well, knowing your nature, you will want to help them. That is not your job. Your job is to get Comrade out of the building safely, not help those in need."

  I stare at Axel in disbelief. Is he asking me to let my friends die when I can help them? Yes, yes he is.

  "Alpha, I-" I start, but I'm cut off by Callum.

  "Alex, the alpha's right. You need to focus on your part of the mission and not anyone else's. It could jeopardise all of us," Callum advises. I grind my teeth together to keep in a growl. They are my alpha and beta after all.

  "You're okay with this?" I ask as I look to Celina. Her eyes widen at my question.


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