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Forgotten, Saved, Loved

Page 12

by Violet Samuels

  When we make it to our room, Comrade silently shuts the door as I collapse onto the bed head first. I hear Comrade sigh before I feel his weight on my ass.

  "Comrade," I groan, turning my head to the side to glare at him. He leans his head down and lightly kisses me under my ear. I shudder at the feeling. I blame it on my upcoming heat.

  "What's wrong, Alex? You're tired and you're being respectful to Axel. What's wrong?" he asks as he starts to lightly massage my back. I groan at the feeling of my unknown tense muscles fully relaxing.

  "Well, first of all, I've been stuck in super glue for three hours. Second of all, I woke up with no mate in my bed to start my day off good. Third of all, the only thing I've eaten is some cereal. Lastly, I'm worried sick about you," I conclude, feeling Comrade's hands travel further down my back, just above my butt.

  "Why are you worried about me? You have nothing to be worried about,” he tells me as he somehow gets my shirt off so he has full access to my back. I gasp softly as his hands make contact with my skin, sending shocks to my very core.

  "You're just so caught up on Damon, it's seems like all you do is look for him," I say distractedly as his hands continue to work my back.

  "No worrying, Alex. Can you do that for me? No worrying," Comrade tells me, to which I can just groan and nod my head. How did he learn to massage like this?

  I lay there with Comrade straddling me from behind as he massages my tense back, letting all the muscles loose. It feels nice, both the massage and Comrade on top of me.

  We stay like that for who knows how long, before I finally say, "I should probably shower."

  Comrade chuckles at my suggestion, but doesn't stop. I sigh and somehow flip my body over so that he's now straddling my torso.

  "I really need to shower," I complain as I put my hands on his chest and give a light push. Sparks ignite from his chest and into his hands, traveling all the way down my arms and into my hands. I try to mask the feeling that erupts in me, but I think Comrade sees it anyway.

  Comrade's eyes shine with an unknown emotion as he grips my hands and brings them up to his mouth for a kiss. Something's different about him, he's sweeter. In this moment, I feel like I could ask him anything or do anything and he would be fine with it.

  "You're going into heat,” he states as my eyes widen and my cheeks become scarlet. Crap! How did he know? Way to ruin the moment...

  "How did you know?" I ask bewildered, voicing my thoughts. He can't have just known!

  "Mainly because you've been shuddering at my touch a lot lately and I don’t want to keep my hands off you,” he tells me in a low whisper right in my ear. I close my eyes as his hot breath fans over me, causing a shiver to travel down my spine.

  "What are you going to do now?" I whisper, not knowing if I dread the answer or not. Comrade plants a light kiss under my ear lobe then pushes back off me, but still straddling me.

  "I'm not gonna do anything unless you say it's ok. However, I'm still gonna do this..." he says as he places another kiss on my neck.

  "...and this..." Another kiss. "...and this..." Another kiss.

  "...and also this." His hands travel up my stomach, tracing the hem of my bra. A small moan slips through my lips as my eyes close on their own accord. My eyes suddenly snap open and connect with Comrade's lust-filled ones when I feel his fingers lightly trace my breasts.

  Never breaking eye contact, his lips connect with my lower abdomen, causing my stomach to knot and my core to tighten. This boy, I swear...

  He kisses his way up my stomach, stopping to dip his tongue into my navel. He eventually comes to my bra, but it doesn't stop him. He kisses along the bottom of my bra before planting a kiss in the valley of my breasts. I moan as he starts to suck lightly, soon giving me a love bite.

  Comrade doesn't make any move to take off my bra or go any further. He just continues to cover my exposed stomach and breasts in light kisses, giving me love bites here and there.

  He finally makes his way up to my neck and sucks hard just under my ear. The sudden action shocks me and I let out a loud gasp before a moan quickly follows. It just feels so flipping good!

  Comrade finally pulls back and gets off me, offering me a hand. I place my hand in his, letting him help me get up.

  "Now you can go shower,” he whispers in my ear before he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I stare after the door, longing him to walk back in with a cheeky grin and sweep me away to the shower with him joining me. As I wait for a few minutes in fantasy land though, the door doesn't open again. I sigh as I head to the bathroom and shut the door softly behind me. Tomorrow's going to be a long day...

  I wake up the next morning covered in sweat and with the sheets feeling like sand paper. The arm wrapped around my waist seems like the only thing that's bearable to me at the moment. I take a glance behind me, my eyes meeting the sleeping body of Comrade's. He looks so hot just lying there.

  Heat. Crap.

  I tear myself out of Comrade's hold, bolting to the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I instantly feel even hotter now that Comrade isn't touching me, but man do I hate heat! It doesn't only affect me, but it also affects Comrade's wolf because all he'll want to do is mark me as his. In more ways than one.

  I lean against the door and groan out in pain. Everything aches and burns and there's nothing I can do about it. I decide to take a cold shower, so I strip out of my nightgown and jump in the shower.

  The cold water doesn't help. It feels like I'm trapped in my own skin. My wolf is restless and all I want to do is go die in a hole. Why do girls have to go through heat? I mean, don't we go through enough? We have to go through pregnancy, the pain of losing our virginity, getting our hearts broken, the mood swings of periods and now we have to go through heat! It's so unfair! To add to that, we have heat once a month now! That means only two weeks out of four that we get to be normal! Ugh!

  I huff as I get out of the shower, now in a bad mood. I get a towel and try to ignore the pain it brings me as I dry off my body. By the time I'm done, I'm back into sweating and my hormones are sky rocketing. Can this get any worse?

  I open the bathroom door, still wrapped in my towel, and quietly sneak past the bed where Comrade is still fast asleep. Thank the Moon Goddess.

  I quickly change into some sweats and a thin sports bra. Even these don't feel comfortable, but it's all I have that's the most comfortable.

  I suddenly remember that I'm supposed to be helping Axel and Comrade try and find Damon today. I curse quietly as I take a sneak peak at the time, 5:56am. I didn't know it was that early.

  I walk back into the room and head to the door when I suddenly hear Comrade take a deep breath. He moves around a bit before his eyes snap open, instantly locking on my sweating and heated form.

  His eyes fill with heated lust as he slowly lifts himself off the bed, revealing him in his boxers. I push myself into the door as far as I possibly can, my breathing accelerates in an instant.

  Comrade continues to take slow steps towards me, his eyes never leaving my shaking form. He finally comes to stop in front of me and I think I'm gonna hyperventilate from how labored my breathing is.

  With Comrade's proximity, I can't help but drink every little detail of him in. The way his now black eyes shine with lust, the way his dark hair is a mess on top of his head, how his arm muscles are still evident even though he's not flexing them. This man is truly a price of work.

  "C-Comrade..." I warn as he takes another step closer to me. "You know I'm in h-heat. Don't do anything rash."

  "Rash?" he questions, his voice low and husky. I shudder at the sound of him, feeling like my knees are about to collapse. Comrade notices this and uses it to his advantage. Sneaky boy...

  He steps even closer to me so that he's less than an inch away, our breaths mingling. My breath catches in my throat as my heart stops.

  "Does that mean I can't do this?" he asks as he grips my waist and brings our lower halves together. Fire
works erupt all throughout my body and it's like the hotness I'm feeling is suddenly swept away and replaced by want. What is this boy doing to me?

  "I-I-" I try to say, but the words seem to catch in my throat as I stare into those gorgeous black eyes. They seem to captivate me as everything else around me melts away.

  Comrade starts to slowly lean down, his eyes flicking to my lips. Just as his lips are about to come in contact with mine, he turns his head and kisses the side of my lips. I whimper as he continues to kiss me, but across my cheek and down my neck. I want him to kiss my lips.

  "Comrade!" I whine, putting my hands over his that are still on my hips. He chuckles before finally granting my wish and crashing his lips to mine. I moan into his mouth, savoring his taste for as long as I can.

  He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly grant him. His hands leave my waist and travel to my lower back, then down to my butt. I squeal when he suddenly squeezes it. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. I feel his member poking my entrance and almost die. I want him inside me and I want him now.

  "Comrade? Comrade, the bed!" I scream, desperately wanting this to hurry up. Why won't this hurry up!

  "A little eager, are we? Well then, I better make this as slow as possible," I hear Comrade's muffled voice from where his face is attacking my neck.

  "Comrade, please!" I cry, just wanting to get this over with. I hear Comrade chuckle again before he throws me roughly on the bed. I bounce a bit from the force as I see Comrade's eye lock onto my chest.

  "Geez, you’re beautiful,” he murmurs before climbing onto the bed and giving me a grin. I bite my lip in return.

  "I hope you're ready for this. I'm not gonna go easy,” he whispers in my ear before biting it roughly. I gasp and squirm a bit at the feeling.

  Comrade kisses down my body, his hand trailing behind him. I shiver every time his lips come in contact with my skin. I take back what I said about heat. I love it! I love everything about it!

  Without warning, my sweats are off my legs and Comrade's hands are massaging my thighs. I groan as he slowly starts to spread them. We haven't even started yet and I think I'm going to explode.

  Comrade's teeth suddenly graze my lower stomach and a sound between a scream and a moan escapes me. His teeth latch onto my underwear as his eyes lock with mine. The only thing that is held in their depth is an evil look that says, 'I warned you'.

  Comrade pulls my underwear all the way down with his teeth, never breaking eye contact. He bites, yes bites, his way back up my legs, stopping right before my core to nibble on my thigh.

  I scream out in frustration as I grip his hair and force his face to my core, his hot breath fanning over it. My legs lock around his shoulders to keep him in place as he takes a deep breath, taking in my smell. Let me tell you, it's the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The way his eyes become animalistic, the feral growl that leaves his mouth and the want that is burning in his eyes all make this moment one to remember.

  Without wasting another second, Comrade attacks my core with his mouth. A loud moan escapes me as he sucks, licks, bites, everything. I don't think I can hold on much longer.

  "C-Comrade?" I try, but I don't think he hears me.

  "Comrade?" I try again, but he just sucks harder, pulling me closer and closer to the edge.

  "Comrade!" I finally yell, getting his eyes to snap up to me, but his mouth never stops its onslaught.

  "I-I can't hold on much longer," I say, throwing my head backward and arching my back. Comrade's hands trail up my hips to my sports bra, ripping it to shreds. His hands cup my breasts as I release yet another moan.

  "Comrade, Comrade, please!" I beg, tightening my legs around him. Instead of answering my pleas, his mouth becomes agonisingly slower. I scream or cry, I don't really know which one.

  "Comrade!" I growl ferociously. His hot breath is suddenly blown straight to the centre of my core and I nearly lose it.

  He blows again as my core clenches, but Comrade spreads my thighs wider with his hands. He gives it one last, long blow and everything around me comes tumbling down.

  I spasm on the bed and release moan after moan after moan. Comrade's hands pin me down, but all I can do is shake until the wonderful feeling of my orgasm is gone.

  "I did warn you," Comrade's teasing voice suddenly fills through my ears. I growl at him as I suddenly flip us over. Not letting him have a second to think about it, I rip his boxers apart and lock my hands around his long, hard, and rough shaft.

  I get a groan as my encouragement and start to slowly pump him up and down. A smug smile slowly forms on my face as I watch Comrade's face contort into one between pain and pleasure. Oh, he's so gonna pay for what he just did.

  I switch my hands with my mouth, hearing Comrade's breath get caught in his throat. I take his head first then gradually swallow the whole thing and for the love of the Moon Goddess does he taste good.

  "Alex!" Comrade groans, gripping my hair with one hand. I intended to go slow, but Comrade has other ideas. Using the grip he has on my hair, he starts to rapidly pump my head up and down, over and over again.

  His other hand reaches down in between us to roughly squeeze one of my breasts, playing with the nipple. I moan around his member as his pace starts to slow down. I graze my teeth from top to bottom before my mouth is suddenly sprayed.

  I try to quickly pull my head away, but Comrade keeps it firmly planted there, forcing me to take all of him. I run my nails down his chest at the amazing taste of him. He tastes spicy and sweet at the same time, but it's oh so good.

  Comrade flips us back over as I try to get some air back into my lungs. His blazing black eyes stare at my chest as I take breath after breath. Comrade's own breathing is pretty erratic, but not as much as mine.

  "Do you want to keep going?" he suddenly asks, looking terrified that I might say no. Not having the strength to talk or even hum, I give him a nod.

  I close my eyes as I feel Comrade line up with my entrance. I take a deep breath and hold it, but nothing happens. I open my eyes to see Comrade looking at me dead serious before he asks, "Are you a virgin?"

  I feel like slapping him across the face right now. Of course I'm a bloody virgin! Why the hell wouldn't I be? Just to play with him though, I'm not gonna tell him. The question I wanna know is if this is his first time.

  "Why don't you find out?" I ask with a cheeky half smile, my voice coming out breathless.

  Comrade's feral growl bounces off the room's walls before he thrusts into me with one hard push. I cry out in pain as he breaks my barrier. Holy crap this hurts!

  "Shh, shh. I promise it won't last long. Come on, shh,” he whispers, peppering kisses all over my face. I take a deep breath, telling him I'm ok. He looks at me unsurely, but I nod.

  He starts to slowly pump in and out of me, being sure to be careful. Honestly though, I don't want careful.

  "Comrade, faster, please!" I beg in a whisper, trailing my nails down his back. He instantly complies, pounding into me harder and harder, faster and faster.

  "Oh my god..." I groan, never wanting this moment to end. After all the fun we've already had though, it's a bit hard for the end to come quickly.

  Not even five minutes after, Comrade has finally entered me, my core clenches and my heart rate picks up.

  "Come for me, my little mate," Comrade whispers in my ear. I quickly comply, releasing a loud scream from the amount of pleasure that has just engulfed me. Comrade soon follows after.

  I take ragged breaths as I close my eyes, just wanting to fall asleep. Before I have the chance though, I feel Comrade's lips graze just under my ear. My hips suddenly buck at the now intensified feeling.

  His teeth suddenly sink down into my flesh and all I can do is gasp like a fish out of water. During all that time, he forgot to mark me. The bloody idiot.

  Comrade retracts his canines, leaving a lingering kiss on the fresh mark.

  "That should keep your heat at bay for the
rest of the day,” he teases with a charming smile. I let out a breathy laugh before my eyelids droop and I'm engulfed in darkness.



  The first thing I see when I wake up is my beautiful mate sleeping and her steady breathing filling up the room. I smile as Alex snuggles closer beside me, burying her head in my shoulder. I lift my hand and gently brush away the strands of hair on her face. She's the definition of an angel --a very feisty angel.

  I don't believe it... I legitimately don't believe it. I don't believe I've fully mated with this beautiful girl lying here with me --this beautiful creation.

  Alex stirs a little in her sleep before a big yawn escapes her mouth. Her eyelids flutter open to reveal those amazing stormy eyes of hers. She instantly locks her eyes on me and smiles before asking, "Did last night really happen?"

  I smirk at her and peak under the sheet. Alex laughs and whacks me across my arm, her cheeks flushing red.

  "I do believe so," I reply, lightly kissing my mark that's below her ear. She shivers, her eyes fluttering close again. I chuckle at the reaction I have on her as she opens her eyes once again to set a glare at me.

  "What's the time?" she questions, changing the subject. I chuckle again as I sit up and let the sheets drop down to my waist. I see Alex's eyes go a shade darker as she looks at my chest. I love it when she looks at me like that. It also helps that she's in heat.

  "It's 8:30 at night. You slept the whole day; I must've worn you out," I whisper as I maneuver myself on top of her. Alex watches me with a smirk as she lifts her arms up and wraps them around my neck.

  "Comrade..." she suddenly says. I look at her as I feel my wolf coming closer to the surface.

  "Yes?" I ask, slowly leaning down so that my lips are centimeters away from hers.

  "I'm hungry,” she says with a grin, pushing me off her. I fall next to her with an 'oomph' and a shocked look.


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