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The Three Kingdoms, Volume 3: Welcome the Tiger: An Epic Chinese Tale of Loyalty and War in a Dynamic New Translation

Page 63

by Luo Guanzhong

  As conqueror, Deng Ai arranged for the administration of the newly-gained territory. He made Shi Zuan Governor of Yizhou and appointed others to various posts. He also built a tower in Mianzhu to honor his conquest and gave a great banquet, to which he invited many former Shu officials.

  In the middle of the banquet Deng Ai said patronizingly, pointing at his guests: “You are lucky to have met me. If it were some other general you would all have been put to death.”

  The officials rose in a body to bow to him in gratitude. Just at that moment the envoy returned from the Sword Pass to say that Jiang Wei and his army had surrendered to Zhong Hui. The news stirred up a deep hatred in Deng Ai’s heart for Zhong Hui, so he wrote a letter to Sima Zhao in Luoyang.

  “Your servant Ai thinks that in war military threats should precede an actual attack. Now that we have overcome Shu it seems the best time to wipe out Wu. But after a major campaign, both officers and men are weary and unfit for immediate service. It is better to employ 20,000 men of the Longyou force and an equal number of the newly acquired Shu forces to produce salt,* smelt iron, and build ships to be ready for an expedition down the river. When these preparations are complete, send an envoy to Wu to explain the real situation to its ruler and that country can be subdued without a battle.

  “At present it is advisable to treat Liu Shan, the Second Ruler of Shu, well so as to placate Sun Xiu, Emperor of Wu. If Liu Shan were to be removed to the capital now, the men of Wu, apprehensive of what might happen to them, would not be persuaded to yield to our rule. Therefore I will keep him here temporarily and send him on to the capital by winter next year. Let him be created Prince of Fufeng at once and granted a sufficient revenue to support his attendants, while his sons be given noble ranks, thus demonstrating that favorable treatment follows submission. The men of Wu will yield to us out of their fear of our might and respect of our virtue.”

  Having read this, a deep suspicion rose in Sima Zhao’s heart that Deng Ai intended to establish his own authority, so he first wrote a private letter to the army inspector, Wei Guan, and then sent an edict to the successful general. The edict ran as follows:

  General Deng Ai has performed a glorious service, penetrating deeply into an enemy country and forcing a usurping potentate to submission. His army moved in good time and the battle was finished within the day. Swiftly the clouds of war rolled away and the regions of Ba and Shu were conquered. His merit surpasses that of Bai Qi, who subdued the mighty state of Chu, and of Han Xin, who overcame the powerful kingdom of Zhao. He is hereby created Tai-yu, and bestowed a fief of 20,000 households, and his two sons are to be ennobled, each with a fief of one thousand households.

  After Deng Ai received the edict Wei Guan produced the letter from Sima Zhao, in which he said that Deng Ai’s proposals were yet to be brought to the attention of the Emperor of Wei and forbade him to act on his own without permission.

  Deng Ai said, “A general in the field may disobey the order of his prince. I have the Emperor’s command to conquer the west—why should he hinder me from carrying out my proposals?”

  So he wrote a reply and sent it to the capital by the hand of the envoy. Meanwhile, in Luoyang courtiers all claimed that Deng Ai intended to rebel, and their words deepened Sima Zhao’s suspicion of his general. At this time the envoy returned with Deng Ai’s letter, which read:

  I, Ai, was commissioned to lead the expedition to the west. Now that the chief of our enemy has submitted it is appropriate to take expedient measures to pacify those who have recently joined our cause. To await government orders for every step means long delays. As the Spring and Autumn Annals instructs us, “When a minister is abroad, he has the authority to do whatever is of benefit to the security of the throne and the state.”

  Now Wu, still unconquered, is bound to align with Shu, and we must not lose a good opportunity by sticking to conventional rules. The Art of War says, “To advance without thinking of personal gain, and retreat without shirking the blame.” Though I do not possess the fortitude of the ancients, I will not undermine the benefit of the state because of fears for my own reputation.

  In his alarm Sima Zhao turned to Jia Chong for advice. “Deng Ai presumes upon his merits and has become very arrogant. He makes decisions on his own and ignores my orders. It is evident that he is going to revolt. What is to be done?”

  “Why not confer high ranks on Zhong Hui to control him?” replied Jia Chong.

  Sima Zhao accepted the suggestion and issued an edict raising Zhong Hui to the rank of Si-tu. At the same time he ordered Wei Guan to inspect the troops of both Deng Ai and Zhong Hui. He also wrote privately to Wei Guan, asking him to collaborate with Zhong Hui and keep a watch upon Deng Ai, to guard against his attempt to revolt.

  The edict sent to Zhong Hui read as follows:

  General Zhong Hui, Defender of the West, is invincible against any enemy, whose strength, mightier than all, conquers every city, and from whose wide net no one escapes. Even the arrogant commander of the Shu army humbly submitted to him. His plans never fail and his undertakings always succeed. Therefore he is hereby promoted to the rank of Si-tu and marquis of a fief of 10,000 households. His two sons are to be ennobled with a fief of one thousand households each.

  After receiving the edict Zhong Hui called in Jiang Wei and said to him, “Deng Ai has rendered a greater service than me and has been created a Tai-yu, but now Sima Zhao suspects him of rebellion and has ordered Wei Guan to superintend his army and send an edict to me to keep him in check. Have you any superior advice for me, Bo-yue?”

  Jiang Wei replied, “They say Deng Ai came from a family of humble origins and in his youth he tended cattle. Now due to some good luck he managed to win this great merit by climbing cliffs to cut across Yingping. This is not the result of his able plans but the good fortune of the state. How could he have succeeded if you, General, had not been compelled to hold me in check at the Sword Pass? He now wants the Second Ruler of Shu to be created Prince of Fufeng so as to win the hearts of the people of the west. Isn’t it obvious that he intends to rebel, even though he does not openly declare it? The Duke of Jin has every reason to suspect him.”

  Zhong Hui was much pleased to hear these words. Jiang Wei continued, “Please send away your attendants. I have something to say to you in private.”

  When they were alone, Jiang Wei drew a map from his sleeve and spread it before Zhong Hui, saying: “At the time when he had left his cottage, the late Marquis of Wu (Zhuge Liang) gave this to the First Ruler of Shu and told him that Yizhou was well-fitted to be an independent state, with its thousand li of fertile land and its prosperous population. Following his advice the First Ruler set up the Kingdom of Shu in Chengdu. Now that Deng Ai is there it is small wonder that he has lost his balance.”

  Zhong Hui, exhilarated, asked many questions about the features of the hills and rivers, and Jiang Wei explained in full.

  “How can we get rid of Deng Ai?” asked Zhong Hui in the end.

  “The Duke of Jin is now having serious doubts about him,” replied Jiang Wei. “You can take this opportunity and send a memorial at once to report Deng Ai’s rebellious behavior. The duke will order you to suppress the rebel and you can easily destroy him.”

  Zhong Hui took the advice and immediately sent a messenger to Luoyang to deliver a memorial, which said that the revolt of Deng Ai was but a matter of time and accused him of monopolizing power, acting arbitrarily, and befriending the men of Shu. At this news the court was much disturbed. Then to support his charges, Zhong Hui had his men intercept Deng Ai’s memorial to court and rewrite it in his handwriting with arrogant and rebellious language. This forged memorial greatly angered Sima Zhao, who at once sent someone to Zhong Hui, commanding him to go and arrest Deng Ai. Next he sent Jia Chong to lead 30,000 men to Ye Valley, with he himself and the Emperor of Wei personally taking part in the expedition.

  Shao Ti said, “Zhong Hui’s army outnumbers that of Deng Ai by six to one and is quite sufficie
nt to arrest Deng Ai. Why is it necessary for Your Lordship to go, too?”

  “Have you forgotten what you said before?” said Sima Zhao, smiling. “You said Zhong Hui would be a danger one day. My purpose in going is not because of Deng Ai, but for Zhong Hui.”

  “I feared lest you had forgotten,” said Shao Ti, also smiling, “so I ventured to remind you. But the matter must be kept secret.”

  The expedition set out. Jia Chong by this time also grew suspicions of Zhong Hui, and he spoke of his fears in secret to Sima Zhao, who replied, “If I sent you to deal with Deng Ai, should I doubt you then? All will be clear when I get to Chang’an.”

  Sima Zhao’s arrival at Chang’an was reported to Zhong Hui, who at once called in Jiang Wei to consult him about how to capture Deng Ai.

  Here in Shu he was victorious, an Emperor had to yield;

  There from Chang’an came a mighty army, he the victim would be.

  Jiang Wei’s plan to arrest Deng Ai will be related in the next chapter.


  * Written by Li Shang-yin (A.D. ?813–?858), a well-known poet from the late Tang Dynasty. In the poem, Guan and Zhang refer to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

  * Shu, or modern Sichuan in southwestern China, is a major producer of well salt.


  A False Desertion Ends in a Vain Attempt

  A Second Abdication Imitates the First

  When asked about a plan to arrest Deng Ai, Jiang Wei said, “First send the army inspector Wei Guan to arrest Deng Ai. If Deng kills Wei, it will show his revolt. Then you, General, can lead your army to suppress him.”

  Hence Wei Guan was ordered to leave for Chengdu with several dozen followers to arrest Deng Ai and his son. Wei Guan’s own men saw through what was behind this order and urged him not to go, but he assured them that he knew what to do.

  Wei Guan prepared a written command to Deng Ai’s officers, which said, “I have an edict to arrest Deng Ai, but not the other officers. If you come over to my side quickly you will be rewarded. Those of you who dare to stay behind will be exterminated with their entire clans.”

  A score or so copies of this command were sent to Deng Ai’s subordinates. Then Wei Guan prepared two cage carts and at once started toward Chengdu.

  The written command proved very effective. By cockcrow, all those who had read it went to bow before Wei Guan. Deng Ai was still asleep when Wei Guan rushed into his residence, crying, “I have orders to arrest Deng Ai and his son!”

  Deng Ai was so startled that he tumbled off his bed. In a minute he was seized, securely bound, and pushed into one of the prison carts. Deng Ai’s son came out to inquire, but was also made prisoner and thrust into another cart. This sudden action shocked the officers and officials at the house, who were on the point of snatching their commander from his captors when they saw swirls of dust outside and scouts reported that Zhong Hui’s army was close at hand. They scattered to flee.

  Zhong Hui and Jiang Wei dismounted at the gates and entered the house, where they saw both the Dengs bound. Zhong Hui whipped Deng Ai on the head and face and abused him: “You cowherd! How dare you?”

  Jiang Wei also cursed: “See what your adventure has brought you today, you fool!”

  Deng Ai also cursed them in return. Zhong Hui sent both the prisoners to Luoyang and then entered Chengdu. He absorbed all Deng Ai’s men into his own army, and became all the more powerful.

  “Today at last I have attained the dream of my life,” said Zhong Hui to Jiang Wei.

  Jiang Wei replied, “Han Xin did not heed Kuai Tong’s advice and so lost his life at the Weiyang Palace;* Wen Zhong would not follow Fan Li’s advice to retire on the five lakes and ended in dying under his own sword.† Both of them had attained very high positions, but they did not scent danger early enough and hence failed to take timely actions. Now you have won the most glorious accomplishment and your prestige overshadows that of your master. Why not sail off in a boat and disappear? Why not go to Mount Ermei and wander freely with the immortal Chi Song-zi?”‡

  “No, I don’t think so,” replied Zhong Hui with a smile. “I’m not yet forty, and I should be thinking of moving ahead. How could I follow the leisurely life of a hermit?”

  “If so, then you must quickly plan your course well. You’re wise enough to do that and don’t need an old fool like myself to tell you.”

  Clapping his hands and laughing, Zhong Hui said, “How well you read my thoughts, my friend!”

  From then on, the two became daily absorbed in planning their grand scheme. Jiang Wei secretly wrote a letter to his former lord, asking the Second Ruler of Shu to put up with humiliation for a few more days, and assuring him that he would turn danger to the throne into safety and let the sun and moon emerge out of dark clouds and shine again. “I will never allow the House of Han to be wiped out!” he declared at the end of the letter.

  While Zhong Hui and Jiang Wei were planning a revolt against Wei there suddenly arrived a letter from Sima Zhao. Zhong Hui took the letter, which said: “I am afraid you may not be able to subdue Deng Ai so I have camped my army at Chang’an. This is just to inform you that we will meet soon.”

  Zhong Hui became quite alarmed after reading this brief letter. “My army outnumbers that of Deng Ai greatly and if he only wants me to seize Deng Ai, he knows well enough that I could handle it easily. Now his appearing with an army means he suspects me.”

  He again consulted Jiang Wei, who said, “When the master suspects his official, that official must die. Have you forgotten about Deng Ai?”

  “My mind is made up,” replied Zhong Hui. “Success, and the empire is mine; failure, and I will retreat into Shu and I can be another Liu Bei.”

  Jiang Wei said, “Empress Dowager Guo has died only recently. You can pretend she left you a command to destroy Sima Zhao, to punish him for the murder of the late Emperor. With your talents you will sweep clean the northern land.”

  “Then you must be the van leader,” said Zhong Hui. “When success is ours we will share the glory and wealth.”

  “I’m willing to render what little service I can offer,” said Jiang Wei. “But I’m afraid your officers may not agree.”

  “Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. We can have lanterns put up all over the former Shu palace for celebration and invite all the officers to a banquet. We will kill all those who refuse to follow us.”

  His words filled Jiang Wei’s heart with a secret joy.

  On the following day the officers were invited to the feast. After several rounds of wine, Zhong Hui suddenly lifted his cup and wept. All were surprised and asked him the reason for his grief.

  Zhong Hui replied, “I have here an edict from the late Empress Dowager before her death, commanding me to punish Sima Zhao for his treasonous crimes of slaying the late Emperor at the south gate and plotting to usurp the throne. I want you all to put down your names and join me in this task.”

  Astounded, the officers stared at each other, not knowing how to respond. Zhong Hui drew his sword and cried, “Whoever disobeys must die!”

  All of them were intimidated and, one by one, they signed their names to pledge allegiance. As further security, they were all kept prisoners in the palace under careful guard.

  “They are not really with us,” said Jiang Wei. “Please bury them.”

  “I have ordered my men to dig a great pit in the palace,” replied Zhong Hui. “And I have thousands of clubs ready. Those who disobey will be clubbed to death and buried in the pit.”

  Qiu Jian, one of his trusted officers, was present when he said this. He had once served under Hu Lie, who was among the imprisoned officers, and he secretly informed his former chief of Zhong Hui’s words.

  Hu Lie wept and said, “My son is in command of a force outside the city. He will never suspect Zhong Hui capable of such a crime. I beg you to consider our old friendship and break the news to him. Then I will have no regrets, even if I die.”

  “Have n
o anxiety, sir,” replied Qiu Jian. “Let me find a means to do that.”

  He went to Zhong Hui and said, “My lord, you are holding the officers in captivity, and it is inconvenient for them to get food and water. Will you not appoint someone to supply their needs?”

  Zhong Hui always listened to Qiu Jian, so he made no difficulty about this request. He told Qiu Jian to see to it himself, saying, “I am placing a great responsibility in you, and you must never let the secret out.”

  “Rest assured, my lord. I know how to keep a strict watch.”

  But he secretly confided in a close follower of Hu Lie’s. The man was given a letter, which he swiftly delivered to his master’s son, Hu Yuan, in his camp outside the city.

  Much alarmed, Hu Yuan showed the letter to his colleagues in other camps and they were all enraged. They went to Hu Yuan’s tent to discuss the matter.

  “We would rather die than obey a rebel,” they said.

  Hu Yuan said, “We can make a surprise attack on the eighteenth day of the month.”

  Then he explained in detail his plan, which won the support of the army inspector Wei Guan, who got his men ready and ordered Qiu Jian to inform Hu Lie what was afoot. Hu Lie told his fellow captives.

  Now Zhong Hui had dreamed of being bitten by many serpents, and he asked Jiang Wei to explain this vision. Jiang Wei replied that dreams of dragons and snakes were exceedingly auspicious. Zhong Hui was only too ready to accept this interpretation.

  “The clubs are all ready,” said Zhong Hui. “What about letting the officers out and question them?”

  “They are opposed to us and will surely stir up trouble later. It’s better to slay them all quickly.”


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