Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 10

by Nikki Bolvair

  While cramped, I will never complain being surrounded by those who love me.

  Brittany plows her way through the group and wraps me in a fierce hug and says, “You scared the shit out of me. I thought you would never wake up and we lost you. You can’t do that to me ever again. Do you understand me? Never again or I will kill you myself. Got it?”

  When she releases me, her cheeks glisten with tears under the harsh fluorescent hospital lighting. I open my mouth to respond but she shakes her head and thrusts a notebook in my hand. “You’re not allowed to talk. Write if you need to say something.”

  “I’m sorry, Brit. Never again.” I write with my own tears streaming down my cheeks. “I was so scared when I couldn’t get out of my apartment. Terrified.”

  With one last squeeze, she steps away to allow my other visitors access to me – Jackson, Cooper, Beck, and Chris. It’s an emotional reunion as everyone expresses similar feelings as Brittany. When I ask about Austin and Finn, Brittany tells me they will be down when the staff relocates Mac to my room. They didn’t want to leave her alone. My world won’t be complete until Mac’s here with all of us.

  When Jenna finally arrives from leaving work after receiving Bas’s text message that she could finally visit, I get more info on what happened.

  “The fire started in the garage. An electrical short at the front of the garage sparked and caught some shop rags on fire. When the fire reached the gas cans, they ignited and the fire spread quickly. With all the flammable material in the garage, it was a miracle there wasn’t an explosion,” she informs me as she recalls the information shared with her by the owners who happen to be close friends of hers. “I’m really sorry, Savannah, but everything’s lost. Nothing’s salvageable.”

  Before I can dwell on the recent news I lost everything I own, Austin walks in with Mac in his arms, followed by Finn. For the first time since I woke up, a genuine smile spreads across my face at the sight of my little angel.

  Mac catches sight of me in the hospital bed and gets excited. She claps and laughs in between squeals and yelling, “Mama.”

  Austin brings her right to me and as he bends down to place my little angel in my arms, he gives me a kiss on the cheek and whispers, “It’s good to have you back with us, Savannah. I love you and I hate the idea I almost lost the chance to tell you. I can’t imagine a life without you and Mac in it.”

  Austin walks away before I can attempt to respond and Finn takes his place. “Hey, pretty girl. It’s nice to see you awake. I sure missed you. Things change when you get out of this hospital. Be aware. I’m not wasting any more time.” He kisses my forehead and then walks away to join the rest of the group.

  With Mac safe and secure in my arms and surrounded by everyone important to me, I take a deep breath and vow to live life to its fullest with no regret and no fears. Thankful I didn’t die or lose Mac in the fire, I stand strong in the fact I will be grabbing the bull by the horns and claiming what’s mine. Finn’s right, everything changes when I leave.

  No more waiting. No more hesitating.

  One by one my visitors leave with Jackson and Cooper heading out first. Shortly after, Chris and Beck follow. With one more hug, Jenna heads home for the night as well. When Mac falls asleep, Brittany leaves with the promise to be back in the morning. Left with only Mac and my men, I let out a contented sigh. This will be my life once I claim it.

  Bas takes Mac from my arms and crawls into the other bed to get some sleep. He says he’s missed her these last five days and wants some princess snuggles. He got snuggles with me earlier when I napped and I know he needs this moment as greatly as I did. He almost lost her, too.

  Austin and Finn both climb into bed squishing me in between their two massive bodies, but I don’t mind. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep and dream of my amazing future.

  Chapter Eleven

  Two days. I stay in the hospital for another two miserable days before I can be released. Mac got to leave yesterday morning and while she needed to get back to some semblance of normal, jealousy reared its ugly head. I wanted out when she did but the chips fell a different way.

  Due to my burns, the healing process went slightly slower for me.

  My doctor refused to release me until I could talk and eat with minimal discomfort and wanted any abrasions in my throat healed to the point they wouldn’t reopen while eating. My burns would take a while to heal and still unknown as to whether I will need any physical therapy. As my legs heal, the extent of the nerve and muscle damage will become clearer. I’ll be released with prescriptions for antibiotics, special ointment and painkillers, as well as multiple scheduled follow-up appointments.

  Mac went to stay with Jenna after she left the hospital and all three guys insisted on staying with me, especially with my little angel’s health being stable. They couldn’t stand the idea of me sitting in this hospital room alone waiting and wondering. I assume I will be joining Mac at Jenna’s until I find a new place and rebuild my life.

  Shortly after lunch, Dr. Abbott comes into my room and smiles toward Austin and I snuggled in the bed. Finn and Bas left a couple hours ago to run a few errands and will return in time to take me, I assume, to Jenna’s house.

  The doctors and nurses don’t even bat an eye when they find myself or Mac snuggled with a different one of the guys. Actually, one of the nurses while helping me clean up mentioned how she wished three gorgeous men would dote over her as she fanned her face.

  “Are you ready to get out of here, Savannah?” Dr. Abbott reviews my chart notes. “The notes from the nurses indicate you can eat and talk with minimal issues and can move around pretty well. Do you have someone who can help you with bathing and dressing changes?”

  Before I can respond, Austin nods. “No worries, Doc. We got her covered. We were all shown how to change her dressings and informed of her restrictions.”

  “I assumed but I’m still required to ask,” Dr. Abbott says with a chuckle. “I will go get your discharge papers started and you should be able to break out of the joint in about an hour.”

  As the doctor leaves, I turn toward Austin. “Geez. Let a woman speak for herself.”

  He kisses my forehead and pulls me closer. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Austin, I no longer have a home, clothes or anything. We lost everything. Don’t get me wrong. I know things could be worse and I’m thankful to head out of here.” I try to hold back my emotions. “I try not to dwell on it but it’s scary to start over.”

  “Don’t stress, Savannah. Everything will work out how it’s meant to.” Austin holds me tighter. “You’ll be okay. Mac will be okay.”


  The next hour flies by in a blur of forms, prescriptions and discharge instructions. When the nurse shows up in my room with a wheelchair, I release a giddy squeal, more than ready to get out of here. She wheels me to the elevator and then down the hall, through the lobby and out the front door. I take a moment to relish in the sun and the breeze, thankful I get to experience this another day.

  When I catch the sight of Bas and Finn standing by the car, a huge smile overtakes my face and tears come to my eyes. I love them and I’m ready to tell them.

  They return my smile and with a Vanna White worthy display, Finn motions to the car and says, “Your chariot awaits, pretty girl.”

  An uncharacteristic, super girly giggle escapes my lips. “Let’s blow this joint, boys.”

  Bas lifts me from the wheelchair with ease, despite the protest I can walk. He places me in the front passenger seat and reaches over to buckle my seatbelt. As his face passes mine, he takes the opportunity to steal a quick kiss before he shuts my door.

  Austin and Finn climb into the back while Bas pulls himself into the driver’s seat. He turns the key in the ignition and then reaches to hold my hand resting on the center console.

  “We’re going to make a quick stop at our house, if that’s okay with you,” Bas tells me as he pulls onto the main road in front of
the hospital from the patient loading area.

  “Sounds good to me.” I smile, still riding the high from my release. “I don’t care where we go, as long as I don’t have to go back to the hospital any time soon.”

  I don’t tell Bas this, but I want to check out their place. This will be my first time visiting their home. I know they live in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle. While I’ve never asked for more details, I know the houses in this neighborhood happen to be quite nice. The houses sit on lots larger than you would expect for an urban neighborhood, but still maintain the traditional city neighborhood ambiance, unlike Jenna’s house in the Magnolia neighborhood, which sits on a little over an acre and retains privacy despite being in the city.

  When we finally pull up to their house, I find myself speechless. I stare at the two story, colonial style home on a corner lot. The property provides the illusion of privacy with tall box hedges and trees blocking the view of the neighboring homes. Being at the top of the hill, the home provides beautiful views of the bay, city, mountains, and the Puget Sound. The blue-gray shingle siding contrasts nicely with the white trim and cedar shake roof.

  As I step out of the parked car, Finn holds my hand and asks eagerly, “Would you like a tour of the place? I hope you like it as much as we do.”

  “Yes, please,” I answer excitedly. “This place is gorgeous from the outside. I can’t wait to see the inside.”

  Still holding my hand, Finn walks in me the front door into a large great room. The interior of the house possesses a warm, rustic feel with hardwood flooring throughout and wooden beamed ceilings. The living room holds plush, oversized chocolate-brown leather couches and chairs, a large flat screen television mounted over a gas fireplace, and tables made from reclaimed wood. The dining room displays a large, rustic dining table and chairs and the kitchen, with the plethora of cabinets, stainless appliances, and granite countertops, would be any cook’s dream.

  “Wow! This is amazing.” In awe, I continue to take in my surroundings.

  “What we really want you to see is upstairs,” Bas states as he walks up the staircase to the left of the main entry.

  I follow Bas while Austin and Finn trail in the rear. Bas continues to lead me to the end of the hall to a set of double doors. As he opens them, he reveals a gorgeous master suite decorated similarly to my old apartment. On closer inspection, I find framed pictures on the bedside tables and dresser of Mac, myself and the guys.

  “What is this? How did you get these pictures?” I ask no one in particular, confused.

  “Welcome home, Savannah,” Austin answers enthusiastically. “Brittany and Jenna helped put this together for you over the last week while you were in the hospital.”

  “How?” Bemused, I still fail to grasp the situation.

  “They went shopping for new clothes, toiletries, and what not. The dresser and closet are full of everything you could ever need and then some. The two of them took care of everything in this room for you,” Finn hesitantly replies like he anticipates an objection.

  “You’re going to be staying here. We all told you things would change when you left the hospital. We aren’t waiting for you to make up your mind anymore. We’re making the decision for you.” Bas leaves no room for argument, daring me to put up a fight.

  “Okay,” I whisper. In the hospital, I made the decision to take the leap, but they don’t know that yet. I’m done fighting it any longer. “Okay,” I say again, a little louder this time.

  “Really? No discussion or argument?” Bas asks skeptically.

  With a huge grin on my face, I approach him and give him a brief kiss on the lips. “Yep. I already decided life’s too short to waste any moments. Avoiding death and almost losing my daughter served as good wake up call.”

  Austin eagerly scoops me up in a tight hug and spins me around. I whimper when my shin connects with his knee, sending excruciating pain from the burns through my body.

  “Shit, Savannah. I’m sorry.” Austin hurriedly places me back on my feet. “I’m really sorry. I got excited and forgot about your legs.”

  “It was an accident, Austin. No worries.” I gently kiss his perfect lips. “Does Mac have her own room? I don’t see a crib or bed in here for her.”

  With a roll of his eyes and a deep sigh, Bas replies, “Yes. Before we show you, you should know we put the four idiots in charge of her room.”

  Oh no. How bad can it be?

  He grabs my hand and leads me out of my room before I can respond.

  When he opens the door to Mac’s new bedroom, I stand there in complete amazement. The phrase over the top would be an understatement.

  A four post bed dressed in zebra print bedding, covered in stuffed animals and draped with a pink, gauzy canopy stands in the center of the room. The two large windows are covered in the same pink, gauzy material as the canopy. A princess vanity sits to the right of the bed and contains drawer after drawer of headbands and hairbows in every shape, size and color. A pink and purple table with matching chairs stand to the left with a child size tea set arranged on top.

  Everywhere I look I find toys, more stuffed animals and dress up clothing. FAO Schwarz and Pottery Barn Kids threw up in this room – multiple times, it appears.

  I turn around with tears in my eyes and my heart bursting at the seams due to the love everyone holds for my little angel. “It’s a little over the top, but she’ll love it. Thank you.”

  “If you think this is over the top, wait until you see the playroom in the basement.” Finn shakes his head.

  I burst out laughing imagining the spectacle the playroom must be. Jackson, Cooper, Beck, and Chris definitely know how to spoil their little princess. My little girl will grow up wanting for nothing.

  The ringing of the doorbell draws us all back downstairs.

  When Finn opens the door, Jenna and Brittany stand in the entry with my little angel. Neither of them stay, stating we need some alone time together but they will be by tomorrow to check on us. I thank them for the beautiful room they put together for me. After hugs and goodbyes, they leave as quickly as they arrived and I catch the time on the clock by the front door.

  “Hey guys, is the kitchen stocked? I noticed the time and wanted to make dinner. I want to try to get Mac back on schedule tonight,” I yell on my walk to the kitchen to check out the food situation.

  “There’s plenty in there,” Bas yells back from the living room. “Finn will come help you make dinner while Austin and I keep Mac entertained.”

  We fall into sync for the remainder of the evening. Dinner made. Dishes done. Mac bathed and put to bed. We find our rhythm easily and effortlessly like this is our normal day to day life.

  I shouldn’t be surprised, but constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop contributed to my hesitation up until this point. When we snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie and wind down for the night, I decide to take the opportunity for a much-needed confession on my part.

  “Before we push play, there’s something I need to say.” At their encouragement, I continue and take a moment to make eye contact with each of them. “First, I want to tell each of you how greatly I love you. I love you from the depths of my soul. I love you so fiercely and completely it scares me. The fact I could have been taken away from this world without telling you breaks my heart. As we continue this journey together, I want you to never doubt my feelings and love for you. From the first day I met you until today, my feelings have only grown. I knew I loved you when you boarded that ferry two years ago, even though I wouldn’t admit it to myself. What we have is special. Epic. Once in a life time. True.”

  When the guys open their mouths to speak, I raise my hand to stop them. “Let me get this all out please before I forget everything I want to say. Second, I need to tell you I’m sorry I waited so long to commit. Everything about this situation scares me, and to be honest, it still does. What happens if one of you change your minds? What happens if you all change your mind? I don’t know if
I could handle the loss. The heartbreak. Regardless of the lingering questions and my fears, I’m all in. One hundred percent committed to making us work.”

  When Bas gets up, I get nervous. Was this too much? Does he no longer feel the same?

  As he returns with tissues and gently wipes the tears without saying a word, I know there is nothing to fear. After composing myself, I resume bearing my heart and soul to these three amazing, wonderful, perfect men.

  “Finally, I want to thank you. Thank you for opening your heart to Mac and accepting her without hesitation or question. Thank you for loving me through it all and not giving up on me when I doubted your love and feelings. I ask you to please be patient and take this one day at a time. Be partners in life with me. Let me love you and share your burdens. Let me stand by your sides as equals. Accept me for my quirks and imperfections as I do you. If you can do all this, I promise I will love you and give you everything I have in me.”

  Emotionally raw but relieved I got it all out, I let the guys know I don’t need the words from them because they’ve been open in sharing their feelings since day one – not only through their own words but through their actions, as well. I fall asleep in Austin’s arms on the couch before the movie previews finish playing.

  Chapter Twelve

  Abiding my wishes, Bas, Austin, and Finn continue to proceed slowly with me – matching my pace. I bared my heart and soul to them six weeks ago. While they remained patient with me, the sexual tension between us quickly reached levels of epic proportion. Despite my efforts to get them to cave and give me what I want, they remained steadfast in their decision to wait.


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