Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 11

by Nikki Bolvair

It took two weeks for Mac and me to recover from the smoke inhalation. Thankfully, it appeared neither of us would suffer any long-term effects. My burns slowly healed and every day they became less painful.

  My appointment this morning brought me welcome news. With my burns completely healed, my doctor clears me to resume all normal activity. I can shower and take baths. I can resume my workouts and lose the bandages. The best news – the scarring will be minimal and they can’t find any muscle or nerve damage.

  The great news provides the inspiration for my plan to seduce my three stubborn, strong-willed men. After my appointment with Dr. Abbott, I visit the salon for a facial, body wrap, and full body waxing. With everything buffed and polished, I go to my favorite boutique to purchase some sexy lingerie to entice the guys into action. If the skimpy black lace demi bra and panties with matching lace garter and silk thigh highs can’t snap them out of it, I don’t know what else will.

  With the guys at work, I drop Mac off with Jenna for the night. She’s one hundred percent supportive of my plan for the evening. On the way home from Jenna’s, I swing by the grocery store to pick up a bottle of wine and supplies to make my famous chicken alfredo. I set the table for an intimate dinner for four and pull out all the stops – tablecloth, linen napkins, candles, and soft music playing in the background.

  With the stage set and dinner almost finished cooking, I still need to get myself ready. I decide to text Finn to get an accurate gauge on timing.

  Me: When will you guys be home?

  Finn: About forty-five minutes. Do you want us to stop for dinner on the way home?

  Me: No. I cooked.

  Finn: Great. We’ll be home shortly.

  I race upstairs to my room and slip into my lingerie. I then put on a figure flattering black wrap dress which will provide easy access. With a quick fluff of my hair and a swipe of tinted lip gloss, I grab my black patent leather pumps to complete the outfit.

  When I made the decision to go forward with our relationship, the guys insisted I maintain my own room. They wanted me to keep a space of my own in case I needed a break from the demands of three men. While they each still retain their own bedrooms, as well, on most nights any combination of the two can be found in my bed. It seems they developed a schedule on their own for who sleeps with me on any given night.

  It works and I don’t question it.

  Transitioning into our unconventional relationships proved easier than I expected. If jealousy or conflict exists between the guys, I wouldn’t know. I have yet to witness any.

  While rocky moments pop up from time to time, we choose to learn from those situations and move forward. We communicate about absolutely everything. No major decisions get made without the others, and we frequently discuss our relationship and how it’s working out for all of us.

  I head back downstairs to wrap up the dinner preparations. Lost in the task, I startle when strong arms wrap around me from behind. “What smells so good?” Bas asks with a kiss on my cheek.

  “Chicken alfredo,” I answer him while I turn off the heat on the stove. “Can you open the bottle of wine in the fridge please?”

  As I pour the pasta in a serving dish and top it with the grilled chicken on the cutting board, Finn asks, “Need any more help, pretty girl?”

  “Yes, please.” I place the serving dish on the dining room table. “Can you grab the bread from the oven and place it in the basket on the counter?”

  With the food on the table, we all sit down to eat.

  “What’s the special occasion?” Austin asks while pouring wine into my glass.

  “My doctor’s appointment went great this morning. I figured we could celebrate. I got the all clear to resume normal activities,” I casually say before I take a bite of chicken.

  “By the way, where’s Mac?” Bas asks when he realizes her seat remains empty.

  “Jenna was dying for a visit and took her for the night. I figured you guys wouldn’t mind or I would’ve cleared it with you first,” I answer without giving away any indication of my plans for the evening. What would be the point of seduction if I spilled the beans before we even get that far?

  The remainder of dinner passes with casual conversation regarding work and upcoming weekend plans. The guys bought a large play structure and sandbox for Mac. This weekend they plan to get it all put together since the wood chips were placed last weekend. With the nice weather, we all agree she needs more things to do outside in the yard and the playset will get years of use by her and hopefully more children.

  Since I cooked, the guys shoo me away from the kitchen to clean up and take care of the dishes. This perfectly lends itself to my plans of seduction and while they occupy themselves in the kitchen, I run upstairs to remove the wrap dress. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and give myself a quick once over in the floor length mirror behind the door. After a quick lift of the girls and a straightening of my garter and stockings, I move on to phase two of my evil plan.

  I slowly descend the stairs, and as I reach the landing, Austin mumbles under his breath, “Oh, shit.”

  All three guys stand and stare at me with mouths and eyes open wide.

  Bas reaches up and rub the back of his neck – a sure sign he’s affected. “Baby, did you lose your dress upstairs?”

  I can’t help it. I break out into laughter. The expression on his face indicates he truly believes I forgot my dress. “Damn it, Bas. I’m trying to be sexy and seduce you. I took my dress off to show off my sexy new lingerie.”

  “You’re definitely sexy, pretty girl. You asked us to go slow. We don’t want you to have any regrets. Are you sure?” Finn says in a calm voice but his body betrays him, his erection noticeable and his eyes hooded with lust.

  “Finn, please,” I beg in pure desperation. “I’m done with slow. I’m horny and doing it myself doesn’t cut it anymore. I can only take the edge off – barely.”

  “Well, we don’t want you frustrated. How about you and I head upstairs and tweedle dee and tweedle dum over there can join us when they pull their heads out of their asses?” At my nod of agreement, he continues with a diabolical smirk. “Okay, pretty girl, I will give you a three second head start. You better run.”

  Damn. Playful Finn is fun. I quickly kick off my shoes and spin around to flee up the stairs. Once I reach the top, Finn laughs. With his long legs it won’t take a lot of time before he catches up to me. I run as fast as my short legs and laughter will allow. Finn grabs me from behind as I reach the bedroom door, and he launches both of us onto the bed with a bounce.

  Catching my breath, I lean in and whisper in his ear, “You caught me. Now what are you going to do with me?”

  “I’m going to take you on a wild ride, Ms. Preston. Buckle up and hang on tight. This will be one ride you will never forget.”

  As Finn brings his lips to mine, what sounds like a herd of elephants echoes in the hall. With our lips still fused together, both of us chuckle, and I say against Finn’s plush lips, “It took a lot longer than I thought it would for them to get with the program.”

  When we resume kissing, Finn shifts his weight to allow him to lay on his side next to me on the bed. His hands explore my stomach, slowly inching upward. He takes my ample breast in his large hand and the exquisite sensation makes my toes curl. With the cup of my bra barely covering my nipple, it only takes a quick tug to release me from the confines.

  Finn slowly kisses down my neck and collarbone, taking his time to savor every inch of exposed skin with his lips, tongue, and teeth. As he pulls my hardened bud into his mouth, the bed shifts on my other side. Fingers release my other breast from my bra and the rough texture of a short beard rubs my sensitive nipple, letting me know Austin joined the fun. He thoroughly worships my breast as Finn does the same to the other. Unable to contain the pleasure, a soft, breathy moan escapes my mouth.

  Not to be left out, Bas slowly runs his hands up my calves and unhooks my stockings from the garter. Taking his sweet time,
he rolls the thin material off my right leg as he kisses each new inch of skin revealed. When he reaches my ankle, he removes the garment completely and raises his body to continue the same delicious torture on the other leg.

  With both stockings removed, Bas lifts my hips and slides my panties and garter off together in one smooth pull. He takes one finger and lightly strokes the outer lips of my pussy. The barely existent touch causes me to dampen even further, and I instinctively raise my hips seeking out more pressure. My wanton efforts leave me disappointed when Bas’s touch leaves my body entirely.

  Austin and Finn cease their attention on my nipples leaving me riding high on the verge of explosion and completely exposed. Bas grabs my hips, quickly flips my body over, and pulls me onto my hands and knees. He then roughly tugs me backward, bringing my ass flush with the edge of the bed. The crinkle of plastic is followed by Bas’s long, thick length slowing pressing into me. Once he fully sheaths himself, he pauses to give me time to adjust to the intrusion.

  Austin climbs onto the bed in front of me and sits back on his knees. His perfect cock bobs in front of my face and without a second thought, I take his length into my mouth. I gently swirl my tongue around the head, paying extra attention to the sensitive under side. When Bas slowly thrusts his length into my pussy, it pushes Austin’s cock further into my mouth. When Bas withdraws, my mouth slides back to the tip. My mouth moves up and down Austin’s cock in perfect sync to Bas’s thrusts.

  Lost in a symphony of sensations and emotions, surprise courses through me when Finn’s tongue gently massages my clit. Opening my eyes, I find Finn laying on the bed with his head under me and his erection within reach. I drop myself onto my elbow for more leverage while not missing a beat in sucking Austin’s cock. With my free hand, I wrap it around Finn’s erection and stroke it in rhythm to Bas’s increased pace.

  With Bas’s length in my pussy, Austin’s cock in my mouth, and Finn’s erection in my hand it takes no time whatsoever until I fall over the edge into a mind-blowing orgasm. As I continue to ride the high of my release, all three guys find theirs as well. Bas pulls out of my pussy and the release of his hold causes my sated, exhausted body to fall forward.

  “Whoa, baby. Hold on. I got you.” Bas grabs back onto my hips to steady me. He waits until Austin and Finn both move from under my body before he releases me to fall into a boneless heap on the bed.

  “That was….” Austin stumbles over finding the right words to complete his thought.

  “Amazing, epic, and life altering,” I say finding the words he could not.

  “Yeah. All those things and more,” Finn agrees with my assessment.

  “I need a quick nap and then we are so repeating that tonight. Multiple times,” I mutter into the pillow my face finds itself buried in.

  With a chuckle, Bas pulls me until my back rests flush against his front. “Anything you want, baby.”

  For the first time since I moved in, all four of us find ourselves squished into my bed to sleep. Bas kept his promise, and I really did get anything I wanted. I learned two things – sex would never be boring with these three in my life, and I need a bigger bed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Today marks the official end of summer. With both Brittany and I returning to school on Wednesday, we decide we need one last celebration before life moves into hectic territory again. My relationship with the guys remains strong after the past few months of officially being together, though we reunited almost six months ago. Despite my initial hesitation, I find myself pleasantly surprised by the support our friends and family provide us.

  Brittany and Jenna didn’t blink when I told them I decided to be in a relationship with all three guys. They both claimed they saw it coming from a mile away. It was only a matter of time when I came to terms with what stood in front of me, in their opinions. Jackson, Cooper, Beck, and Chris also welcomed the new relationship with open arms. They taunt me from time to time about how it takes three men to rein me in and for me to be satisfied, but it’s always said in fun.

  My parents did not take the news well, as I expected. After telling my parents about the relationship, my mom spewed her normal, judgmental bullshit my direction. Considering they couldn’t be bothered to visit or offer support after their daughter and granddaughter almost died in the fire, and only called briefly to check on us weeks after, I chose to cut my losses and fully end my relationship with my parents.

  They know where to find me if they choose to reach out.

  With unseasonably warm weather, everyone selected our house as the location for the end of summer celebration due to the in-ground pool in the backyard. The newly built play structure and sandbox will keep Mac entertained, and the huge patio with outdoor kitchen makes for a perfect spot to cook and socialize.

  Brittany arrived earlier this morning to help with the preparation of potato and macaroni salads, cutting fruit and vegetables to munch on, and getting the meat marinated and seasoned for grilling. Bas, Austin, and Finn took off with Mac a couple hours ago to pick up beverages and ice to load into the coolers. For dessert, we’ll make s'mores, which quickly became a tradition for our crew at every barbecue.

  A glance at the clock lets me know the crew should be arriving in less than an hour. I take a final peek at the to do list and find everything crossed off. I head outside to find Brittany and to check if she needs help but she’s nowhere to be found. I find the tiki torches placed around the patio, the pool uncovered, and the chairs set up. It appears she finished her list, but where did she take off to without a word? Weird.

  With little time left before the crew arrives, I run upstairs to change for the party. I place my hair in braided pig tails and touch up my make-up. After changing into my halter style black and white polka dot bikini, I throw on a pair of denim shorts and find my white crochet bathing suit cover up. Grabbing my sunglasses, I place them atop my head and slip into my flip-flops. Ready, I make a quick run into Mac’s room to grab her bathing suit and dress for the party, as well as a brush and set of hair ties.

  On my way back downstairs, the sound of the front door closing grabs my attention. I holler as I descend, “Hey guys, did Mac behave for you?”

  “She was a little angel, as always,” Finn says when I reach the bottom of the stairs. “Bas and Austin took the drinks and ice to out back and are filling the coolers as we speak.”

  “Perfect. Come here, mama’s little angel. It’s time to get dressed.” I grab Mac’s hand and turn to head toward the living room with my other hand full of the items I grabbed from upstairs.

  Without warning, Finn tugs me back toward him with the belt loop on my shorts and presses a brief kiss to my lips. “I love you, pretty girl.”

  “I love you, too,” I respond in a daze.

  I get Mac changed in to her swimsuit and dress. I decide to put her hair in braided pig tails to match mine. As I fix her hair, the guys’ odd behavior the last week enters my mind. Their super affectionate behavior, walking in on conversations only for them to stop abruptly, and the disappearing at strange hours, provide the most glaring examples. I know something fishy is going on but they refuse to answer my questions or confide in me.

  Could it be work related?

  They refused every government contract job since the accident, telling me they don’t want to leave me and Mac alone. Did they decide to take an overseas contract? I will never be excited for them to accept one. They usually involve a significant amount of danger and could keep them overseas for several months. Are they trying to figure out how to tell me they will be leaving?

  A knock on the door catches my attention and stops my pondering. Getting Mac’s attention, I ask her, “Do you want to answer the door, baby girl? Go answer the door for mama.”

  When Mac answers the door, her uncles enter the house to her delight.

  “Where’s your mama and your daddies, pretty princess?” Chris picks her up and gives her loves. “Princesses shouldn’t be answering the door without mama
or daddy,” Chris firmly tells her, and her bottom lip begins to quiver.

  “I’m over here, Chris,” I respond as I stand from the couch and gather up Mac’s discarded clothing. “We were getting her all pretty for the party.”

  “You’re such a good girl.” Chris gives Mac enthusiastic, sloppy kisses. Laughter replaces the quivering lip. Crisis diverted.

  The group heads into the backyard while I make a quick stop into the laundry room to throw the clothes in my hand in the washing machine. Noticing the full load, I add some detergent and turn on the machine. Walking through the kitchen, I grab the fruit and vegetable platters from the refrigerator and join the others on the patio as more guests arrive. Brittany comes out the back door of the garage with a garbage can, answering my question of where she disappeared to earlier.

  The afternoon provides tons of fun and proves to be exactly what Brittany and I needed before going back to school. My yard bursts at the seams with all my friends and family present. In addition to the regular crew, Jenna joined us, as well as a couple co-workers from the bar I grew close to over the last several months. Surrounded by friends and family, I smile. Life doesn’t get better than this.

  Every day I thank God he brought these wonderful people into my life. Things would be significantly different if it wasn’t for Brittany and Jenna’s support from day one. Brittany, my sister and best friend, and Jenna, my surrogate mom, stood by my side and offered me their hands to hold, their shoulders to cry on, and their unwavering love. I couldn’t ask for two better people.

  Jackson, Cooper, Beck, and Chris stepped into the roles of brothers and friends without question. Their love for me and my daughter astonishes me daily. Always taking care of us and stepping up whenever needed, I’m grateful. Grateful for the friendship. Grateful they fill the role of Mac’s protective uncles. Grateful she will grow up with these four warriors in her corner. Those men hold special places in my heart.

  My wonderful co-workers at the Still Water Pub fill me with happiness. I couldn’t imagine working with a better group of people - stepping into cover shifts for me when Mac was sick, when I reunited with the loves of my life, and after the fire. The friendships created at the pub mean a tremendous amount to me, and one day, I hope to repay their kindness when they find themselves in need.


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