Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection Page 12

by Nikki Bolvair

  What can I say about Bas, Austin, and Finn?

  Their love makes me stronger. Their support provides me with security. Despite their quirks and flaws, I love them wholeheartedly. Our respect and friendship is mutual. We navigate this new life as true equals and partners. A decision never made without the input of all. Our foundation unbreakable – steady and strong. With them by my side, I know I can accomplish anything my heart desires.

  “What are you thinking about so hard over here?” Bas bumps my shoulder with his, gaining my attention, Mac in his arms.

  “I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have all these wonderful people in my life. How lucky I am to have you, Austin and Finn in my life.” I lay my head on his shoulder.

  Bas kisses my forehead. “We’re all lucky to have each other. This is an amazing group of people and we’re all lucky to have you, too. You’re something else, baby.”

  “I love you, Bas.”

  “I love you, too, baby. I’m going to head in and get Mac changed into dry clothes.”

  As the day transitions to night, the pool and sandbox get covered, we light the tiki torches, and s'mores are made and eaten. Lounging around the fire pit, we settle into relaxed conversation and a stress-free evening.

  All of a sudden, the group gets quiet as Mac walks over to me with a soggy, signature blue box in her hand and gives it to me.

  I take the wet box from Mac and find Bas, Austin, and Finn standing behind her with matching grins on their handsome faces.

  “What happened to the box? Did Mac drop it in the pool or something?” I ask the guys.

  “Uh, not exactly,” Finn replies sheepishly. “I though the washing machine would be a great place to hide until we were ready for it.”

  Laughter erupts from my throat. “That was until I decided to start the load of laundry, huh?”

  “About sums it up,” Finn answers through his own laughter. “Go ahead and open it, pretty girl. I know you’re dying to.”

  I remove the soppy, deteriorated lid from the top of the box and pull the wet, Tiffany blue, velvet box into my hand. When I open it, I find myself speechless. Inside I find the most beautiful ring ever. Three thin platinum bands encrusted with diamonds wind together to hold a large, princess cut diamond surrounded in a halo of light pink diamonds.

  “We wanted to get you something unique,” Bas says from in front of me. “The three winding bands represent Austin, Finn, and me. The center diamond represents you – the center of our worlds and the princess in our fairytale. Finally, the halo of pink diamonds represents Mac and how her love surrounds us all.”

  “Marry us,” Austin continues from Bas’s left. “Grow old with us. Make us the happiest men in the world and spend the rest of your life with us by your side as your husbands and partners. As your best friends and lovers.”

  Finn resumes the proposal from Bas’s right. “Marry us and continue to build a family with us. Fill this house with more beautiful little girls who look like their mama with us. Let us celebrate life’s joy with you. Let us comfort you and provide you strength in times of struggle. Choose us.”

  “Will you do us the honor of becoming our wife, sweet, sweet Savannah?” Bas asks with his voice full of emotion.

  “Yes,” I whisper through tears. “Yes. Yes. A million times yes.”

  Our friends and family erupt into cheers as Bas removes the box from my hand and gently places the ring on my finger – a perfect fit. He wraps me up in his strong arms and covers my lips with his in a kiss which characterizes everything he represents in my life – power and passion.

  Bas releases me and Finn sweeps me off my feet into his embrace. He kisses me with a gentleness I’ve come to expect from my quiet warrior. Full of emotion and tenderness, his sweet kiss consumes me and makes me weak in the knees. Lowering me to the ground, he shifts me into Austin’s waiting arms.

  Austin spins me in a circle and captures my lips. True to his personality, he’s playful and over the top. The teasing kiss stokes a fire deep within me in a way only he can accomplish. With a gentle nibble on my lip, he sets me down to accept the congratulations and well wishes of our guests.

  After the house empties, Mac is fast asleep in her bed and hours of privately celebrating our engagement, I find myself lying in bed wide awake. The guys’ steady breathing surrounds me as they sleep. I reflect on my life, the choices I made, the twists and turns along the way, and how things came full circle. Once again, I find myself sending a prayer up above.

  “Thank you. Thank you for bringing Bas, Austin, and Finn into my life. Thank you for the miracle I found in Mac. Thank you for the friendships and family you have provided me. Some call it fate, some call it a higher power, and some call it divine intervention. Regardless of what you call it, thank you for giving me my happy ending, my fairytale, my happily ever after.”


  Bas’s POV

  If you asked me a year ago the direction I believed my life was heading, this would not be the answer I gave you. Today I stand with my two best friends in front of our families and friends to marry the beautiful girl who changed our lives forever in all the best ways possible. Today, Austin, Finn, and I will sign the paperwork to change our daughter’s last name to match her mama’s new married name. At the end of the day we will officially be a family – the four of us together for the rest of our lives.

  The best word I could use to describe our lives up until a year ago would be survival. We merely proceeded day-to-day trying to survive, dwelling over missed opportunities. Savannah doesn’t know the three of us thought about our weekend together as much as she did, if not more. We talked frequently about how different things would be if we didn’t deploy. When we reunited, Austin, Finn, and I knew the universe blessed us with a second chance we could not waste. We hashed out all the details sitting in the sand in the Middle East pondering what ifs – deciding we would share her if ever given the opportunity.

  Today our lives can be best described with three simple words – loved, blessed, complete. Austin, Finn, and I finally live. We live our lives to the fullest without hesitation or regret. It’s amazing how one gorgeous creature can cause such a monumental shift. While legally I will be Savannah’s husband, the ceremony today will bind the four of us together – completing our journey and blessing us with a lifetime of love.

  The music switches signaling the beginning of the ceremony. Austin, Finn, and I wait patiently as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the short aisle. A smile instantly graces my face as our two-and-a-half-year-old daughter walks toward us in her fluffy white dress sprinkling white petals along the way. Once her eyes meet mine, she runs toward me at full speed, her basket of petals thrown to the side and forgotten, much to the amusement of our guests.

  Mac also blessed our lives.

  I never imagined the joy of being a father but with one smile from this little girl, who’s a spitting image of her mama, I melt. It doesn’t matter to Austin, Finn, or me whose sperm created her. We all love her, nurture her, and provide for her. All three of us claim the title of her father and it will be the way with any other child we create together in love. There can be no room for mine and yours in this arrangement.

  When Mac reaches the end of the aisle, she spins in a circle. “Daddy Bas, see my pretty dress?”

  I laugh with the rest of the guests before I squat down to meet her sparkling eyes. “I do, angel. You’re beautiful. Come give daddy some sugar, baby.”

  After a hug and a kiss from me, Mac proceeds to ask her Daddy Austin and Daddy Finn the same question. Both tell her how pretty she is and get their own moment to shower her with hugs and kisses. When our angel sits down next to Jenna in the front row, I peek over at Austin and Finn. They both watch the end of the aisle, knowing who should be walking down next.

  When I catch their attention, I ask quietly, “Are you guys ready?”

  They both respond with smiles and nods. This moment is one we dreamt about for years.

; The change in music causes us to straighten up and give our full attention to the moment. After a few seconds, the guests stand and turn to watch Savannah come down the aisle. Her floor length dress fits tight against all her curves. The tattoos on her arms pop against the white of the dress as she carries a bouquet if teal gerbera daisies. Her dark hair with bright-blue highlights lays in flowing waves on her bare shoulders and I smirk when I remember her hair being the same color when we first met. When teal chucks peek out from under her formal gown, my smirk turns into a full-blown smile. My beautiful, crazy girl.

  When Savannah’s eyes catch mine, the brightest smile appears on her face and my breath gets caught in my throat while my eyes fill. She’s always breathtaking, but when she smiles, man when she smiles, she’s angelic. Authors write stories describing her type of beauty. Musicians sing songs about her ethereal presence. She possesses a magnificence many try to achieve but never reach, and I know I’m a lucky bastard because I can call her mine.

  With Savannah now standing with us, the officiant launches right into the ceremony. “We welcome you to the commitment ceremony of Savannah, Sebastian, Austin, and Finn. These three men stand before you today to commit their lives to Savannah and she will do the same.”

  The pastor continues to speak but to be honest, it sounds like the adults talking in a Charlie Brown episode – wah, wah, wah. Will I remember the words the pastor recites? No. Will I remember every single person in attendance today or every gift we will receive? Nope. Will I remember exactly what she wore and what music played? Not likely. But I will remember her radiance. I will remember the love shining in her eyes. I will remember how amazing I felt in this moment. Photos and our wedding video will remind me of the rest.

  I catch the pastor mention something regarding the exchange of vows and I snap out of my daze. We decided to write our own vows to share and while Austin and Finn stressed for the last few weeks over this task, I knew exactly what I planned to say. For me this task came as easy and effortless as our relationship. Loving Savannah comes naturally – like my soul is drawn to her and her heart calls to mine.

  “Finlay August Porter,” the pastor says to Finn. “Please share the words you prepared for Savannah as you commit to be her husband on this day in front of your friends and family.”

  Finn pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and recites his promises to Savannah. “Savannah, on this day, I vow to love you with all my heart and soul. I vow to cherish you and treat you with respect. I promise to honor you, protect you, and support you. I will pick you up when you fall, carry you when you’re wary, and provide you strength in moments of weakness. I promise to accept you as you are – quirks and flaws included. Most of all, I will always be your partner as we navigate life.”

  My beautiful Savannah takes a tissue and blots the tears from her eyes, trying to keep her make-up intact, and the pastor directs his next words to Austin. “Austin Michael Black, please share your vows with Savannah as you commit yourself as her husband today with your friends and family as witnesses.”

  Austin steps forward and gives her an exaggerated wink and her beautiful smile reappears. Leave it to Austin to brighten her mood and make her laugh. “Savannah, what can I say that Finn already didn’t? First I will say ditto on everything Finn promised, and I know Bas’s will be good as well. So ditto to his vows, too.” Savannah tries hard to control her laughter but fails as Austin continues with his vows. “But seriously, I vow to always make you smile in times of sadness and to always make you laugh when times become too serious. I promise to care for you in times of sickness and to hold you in times of sorrow. I promise to tell you every day how beautiful you are and to never take for granted that you chose me. I will love you with everything in me and will walk this journey with you as your equal.”

  “Last but certainly not least,” the pastor says, “Sebastian James Turner, will you please express your promises on this day, with your friends and family present, to Savannah as you commit yourself to her as her husband.”

  “Savannah,” I begin as I grab her hand in mine and stare deeply into her eyes. “You saved me in more ways than you can imagine. I wandered aimlessly for years never living for myself or for the future. When we first met all those years ago, you saved me by showing me how great life can be when you seize the opportunity and fully live in the moment. You saved me during my time of deployment by giving me hope one day we may meet again and by giving me hope a future full of possibilities existed within my reach. Finally, you saved me again when we were reunited. You showed me what unconditional love means and gave me yourself and Mac to love above all others. On this day, I promise to grow alongside you. I promise to be your rock, your protector, your lover, and your best friend. I vow to love you wholeheartedly without question or hesitation. Whatever comes our way, I vow we can make it through – together.”

  “Savannah Rae Preston, what are your vows on this day in front of your family and friends as you commit yourself to these three men?” the pastor asks our beautiful bride.

  Savannah takes a deep breath and slowly exhales before speaking. “Bas, Austin, and Finn what can I say I haven’t already told you time and time again? When I dreamed of getting married and creating a family, reality came nowhere close to the visions in my dreams. It’s more. So much more. Some days I’m still amazed this is my reality. You guys complete me. Finn, I always know you will talk me off the ledge and be my voice of reason. Austin, I know I can count on you to bring me levity and perspective when I get lost in the seriousness of a situation. And Bas, you will always be my guardian, my champion and my defender. With the three of you by my side, I know there will be no mountain too high, no river too wide, or valley too deep. I can conquer anything with your support. I promise to be the best wife, mother, lover, and friend I can be. I promise to be patient and forgiving. I vow to open my heart and soul fully to yours. I promise to love you unconditionally with my entire being for as long as we’re blessed to be on this journey of life together.”

  The rest of the ceremony goes by in a flash – our “I dos,” our exchanging of rings, and our first kisses as husbands and wife, a distant memory.

  After over an hour of pictures, we finally make it to the reception tent to celebrate with the rest of our guests. I assume we can party with our friends and enjoy the evening, but no, not the case. At dinner, I’m barely able to touch my food since everyone takes this as their opportunity to come chat. Then even more formalities interrupt our night.

  By the time first dances, toasts, and cake cutting come and go, I’m ready for this shit show to be over.

  I tried to convince Savannah to fly to Vegas to get married but she wouldn’t budge. She wanted all the bells and whistles and since I find it impossible to say no to her, she got everything she wanted – she always does. She will never know how miserable this makes me because I recognize this is her day. I can tolerate anything if I know she will be standing next to me at the end of it.

  “Hey, handsome.” Savannah wraps her arms around my shoulder from behind. “Can I get one last dance with my handsome groom?”

  I turn my head to kiss her perfect lips. “Always. Lead the way.”

  When I push my chair back and stand, she leads me to the dance floor. I pull her body close to mine and wrap my arms tightly around her as we dance to Crazy Love by Van Morrison.

  As we dance this final dance of the night, she tells me, “Thank you, Bas, for giving me today. I know you’re miserable no matter how hard you try to hide it. You hate every moment of this and I love you even more for it.”

  Busted. I shrug my shoulders and lean down to give my gorgeous bride another kiss. “Anything for you. It’s not my cup of tea, but it’s important to you.” I notice her tired red eyes as she yawns. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m feeling great. A little tired but it’s been a long day.”

  As she answers, something else dawns on me. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright? You didn’t drink any champa
gne, barely ate dinner, and only took a couple bites of your cake. We can call it a night if you aren’t feeling well.”

  “I guess now I’m busted.” A mischievous smirk spreads across her face. “If I tell you, you must promise to keep it a secret.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to start our marriage with secrets, Savannah,” I scold her. “If Austin and Finn need to know, I will tell them.”

  At my reprimand, she rolls her eyes. “I planned on telling you all this evening. I mean you can’t tell Brittany, Jenna, or anyone else. Deal?”

  “Deal,” I respond with narrowed eyes.

  Tears well in her chocolate-brown eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” I ask, certain I heard her incorrectly.

  “I’m pregnant,” she repeats her announcement. “We’re having another baby.”

  I lean down and seal her lips with mine in a heated kiss, allowing myself to get swept up in the moment. This will be another thing I will remember clearly from today – the moment I found out another blessing would be entering our lives and the pure, unadulterated joy I experienced. Another life created in love. Another miracle to save me.

  After I break the kiss, I lift her off her feet and spin her in a circle – both of us experiencing a moment of delight. When I place her back on her feet, I take her hands in mine and bring them to my chest, whispering through tears of my own, “Thank you for giving me a life most men can only dream of. Thank you for choosing me. I love you, my sweet, sweet Savannah.”

  About the Author

  I am a work from home mom with two boys. With a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, I perform contract accounting for various clients in my hometown of Gig Harbor, Washington. Between a busy schedule of volunteer activities and my accounting work, I use reading as my way to unwind. I am an avid reader of anything romance with my favorites being in the new adult, contemporary and reverse harem genres. I took the leap into writing after years of debate and the support of my friends and family.


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